Safedisc / Safedisc General
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Posts: 303

PostPosted: Mon, 18th Apr 2005 23:02    Post subject: Safedisc / Safedisc General
Why I think Safedisc current and future versions of this protection would be hard to crack. Have you ever noticed when you play a game with safedisc protection and when theres an update for the game, it wont update if the original exe is there? well even if you get past that part you have to think about what your gonna do to play after its updated, because the original cracked exe is no good, and if it would probabally just implement the previous game version. Anyone else have ideas on this?
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Posts: 379
Location: swedenenenenenenene
PostPosted: Sun, 24th Apr 2005 21:32    Post subject:
u get the cracked updates for the game in question =]
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PostPosted: Sun, 24th Apr 2005 22:16    Post subject:
Seron wrote:
u get the cracked updates for the game in question =]

WOW !!! I'm stunt by the quality of this advice xD

"Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life." ~Berthold Auerbach
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Posts: 198

PostPosted: Mon, 25th Apr 2005 00:24    Post subject: Re: Safedisc / Safedisc General
SolidWing wrote:
Why I think Safedisc current and future versions of this protection would be hard to crack. Have you ever noticed when you play a game with safedisc protection and when theres an update for the game, it wont update if the original exe is there? well even if you get past that part you have to think about what your gonna do to play after its updated, because the original cracked exe is no good, and if it would probabally just implement the previous game version. Anyone else have ideas on this?

Ummm.... yes!

As part of the update process devs usually have the installer do some CRC checks on the files to make sure they are as they should be, and if these checks fail they generally refuse to update them.

Nothing to do with the protection just common sense really dude, prevents users using the wrong update when game exes are localised.
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Posts: 384
Location: The States
PostPosted: Tue, 26th Apr 2005 00:56    Post subject:
Whic is why whenever you copy over a cracked file into the game directory, you always backup or rename the files(s) being replaced.

Then when you want to update, you just restore the original files to the way they were, then update the game, then get the cracked update from your favorite crack dealer.

A lot easier than uninstalling and reinstalling the entire game just to get one original file.
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