Nforce listings broken!?
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Posts: 18

PostPosted: Thu, 26th May 2005 10:17    Post subject: Nforce listings broken!?
Since sometime last night (GMT) so about 12 hours ago, the listings on the site don't work with the latest version of Opera, the 2 related links ads at the top of the page come up and then its as if its trying to load the rest but it doesn't. It stops on "Request queued for sending to"

However i tried IE and everything is fine but surely someone else out there uses Opera and has had this problem!?
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Dalai Lama

Posts: 6586
Location: Cook Islands
PostPosted: Thu, 26th May 2005 10:18    Post subject:
moved to site feedback
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Posts: 7

PostPosted: Thu, 26th May 2005 10:27    Post subject:
yup .. have that problem too using opera.
although the url its trying to load is different always

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Posts: 18

PostPosted: Thu, 26th May 2005 10:50    Post subject:
Yeah it is, the urls are always ad related. Someone fix this! Pleeaasseee its pissing me right off.
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[Moderator] Elitist

Posts: 8374

PostPosted: Thu, 26th May 2005 10:57    Post subject:
Do you guys have any add blocking plugins on Opera, or does Opera contain any add blocking features?

It could be your browser trying to block certain URL's and due to how the page is constructed without them the page does no load? Guess work, but its a start Smile!
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Posts: 430

PostPosted: Thu, 26th May 2005 11:02    Post subject:
spooneh` wrote:
Yeah it is, the urls are always ad related. Someone fix this! Pleeaasseee its pissing me right off.

It's really frustrating... and it's not caused by the adds blocking... but by the stupid adds... probably the adds page has some problems... causing nforce not to load... Evil or Very Mad
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Posts: 7

PostPosted: Thu, 26th May 2005 20:25    Post subject:
Definetely not an ad-blocking software issue here.

Is someone working on this?
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Dalai Lama

Posts: 6586
Location: Cook Islands
PostPosted: Fri, 27th May 2005 00:05    Post subject:
Rinze is a very busy men but i am sure he will take a look at this when he has time, sorry for the incovinience.
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PostPosted: Fri, 27th May 2005 10:23    Post subject:
At least this makes me use the forums finally hehe

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Steve-O 2004

Posts: 2851

PostPosted: Sat, 28th May 2005 13:38    Post subject:
have you tried clearing the Cache?? When I get a Loading problem with FireFox I clear the cache thing or what ever its called and it works Very Happy

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Posts: 639

PostPosted: Sat, 28th May 2005 13:39    Post subject:

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Posts: 658
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Sun, 29th May 2005 12:43    Post subject:
I've got the same problem here.
It just stops to load. i haven't got any ad-block addon or such.
And yeah, the like is always add-related, but I found out that the NFO view partly works, , but the loading comes to a halt after the NFO has been shown.
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Posts: 18

PostPosted: Sun, 29th May 2005 13:12    Post subject:
Bump, still doesn't work! Someone please do something!
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Velvet Dark

Posts: 1

PostPosted: Sun, 29th May 2005 15:27    Post subject:
i have the same problem here :/

but i have found a way to load the site in opera completely -> disable the javascript, press F12 Smile
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Posts: 658
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Sun, 29th May 2005 19:26    Post subject:
Thanks for the tip Velvet Dark Smile
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[Moderator] Elitist

Posts: 8374

PostPosted: Sun, 29th May 2005 19:44    Post subject:
The problem is indeed caused by the way in which the Ad's are rendered. The reason the problem only occurs in Opera is because Opera tries to load the adverts BEFORE loading the content on the page, Firefox and IE load the listings before the adverts.

Disabling Javascript will fix this issue. I'll take a look at the script causing the issue..
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[Moderator] Elitist

Posts: 8374

PostPosted: Sun, 29th May 2005 20:15    Post subject:
<-- has no access to change anything. I am but a lowly NFOrce user Razz!

The site is still having issues with Opera, I think the issue could be something to do with the javascripts placement on the page, I can't test anything though, as I am a lowly user Razz!

I would try moving the java outside of the CSS div's, probably wont help, but its a first point of call. I reccon the reason why this happens in Opera and not Firefox is due to Opera rendering things based on the CSS position, where as firefox renders based on HTML possiton.. *is totally guessing* haha..


.nfoTableHeader {
FONT-SIZE: 10px;
COLOR: silver;
FONT-FAMILY: verdana;

futher down, might help also.. then again, the problem could be something totally different. I cant server side code to make a full judgement.
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[Moderator] Elitist

Posts: 8374

PostPosted: Sun, 29th May 2005 20:15    Post subject:
*shakes first @ people who delete posts he is replying too*

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Posts: 18

PostPosted: Sun, 29th May 2005 22:21    Post subject:
Works! Hooray, thank you if someone read my post and did something about it, i can see nforce again!
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[Moderator] Elitist

Posts: 8374

PostPosted: Sun, 29th May 2005 23:32    Post subject:
The add causing fault has been removed for another Smile..
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[Admin] Code Monkey

Posts: 1338

PostPosted: Mon, 30th May 2005 12:19    Post subject:
Its not our fault, there's nothing we can do about it, sorry. Opera is just dumb. Opera tries to load the iframes before loading the complete page, which it shouldnt do.

Get another browser like firefox or even IE (god knows i never thought i'd say that). The page comes up instantly regardless if the ad is slow or not because it knows how to handle iframes properly

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Posts: 18

PostPosted: Mon, 30th May 2005 12:59    Post subject:
No way man, i love Opera. Nforce works for now so lets all be happy and make some love, the browser war is so pointless, its just preference, peace dudes.
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Posts: 658
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Mon, 30th May 2005 13:56    Post subject:
It works perfectly here too now.
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[Moderator] Elitist

Posts: 8374

PostPosted: Mon, 30th May 2005 16:15    Post subject:
[mrt] wrote:
Its not our fault, there's nothing we can do about it, sorry. Opera is just dumb. Opera tries to load the iframes before loading the complete page, which it shouldnt do.

Get another browser like firefox or even IE (god knows i never thought i'd say that). The page comes up instantly regardless if the ad is slow or not because it knows how to handle iframes properly

Mrt, the pause is caused by the javascript inside of the Iframe, could you not place a more static advert in the "offending" frame and move the one causing issues outside of it? Its seems the "text" advert is the one causing most of the issues as the graphic adverts allow opera to load the page fine (I done testing last night)..

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Posts: 7

PostPosted: Mon, 30th May 2005 17:53    Post subject:
[sYn] wrote:
*shakes first @ people who delete posts he is replying too*

yeah .. shame on those *g*
at least its working with my opera ... now
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[Moderator] Elitist

Posts: 8374

PostPosted: Mon, 30th May 2005 18:02    Post subject:
Yeah, seems to be ok now Smile.. strange indeeeed!
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