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PostPosted: Wed, 5th Oct 2005 23:51    Post subject: LOOK INSIDE HOW TO DOWNLOAD FROM NFOHUMP.COM
i saw that you show here manny information about what is getting outside to the NET
and i didnt see any LINKS or information to download the stuff you tell about
so i dont undetstand.. what is the point here??
its just Forum??? if so why you give information about what is running out?
and if its Downloading sutff place where are links????
im kinda in trouble....
help me
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[Moderator] Elitist

Posts: 8374

PostPosted: Wed, 5th Oct 2005 23:53    Post subject:
Hello and Welcome to NFOHump,

We are a calm and peaceful group of people wishing to talk and debate various life topics, we do not however host or give any illegal information (other than the details on JFK's death..). If you have come here for such reasons (to try and find illegal and imoral content - other than man on man pr0n, we do have that, ask zTc), please continue to skip to section B of this message.

If you are here to enjoy the company, to learn and to grow from this wonderful environment, please feel free to make yourself confortable away from the scum, somewhere like the hardware section Wink.. Thank you for your time..




this message message was brought to you by [sYn] of dec0ded corp, please refrain from speaking again until the above has been followed

FYI: we called the FBI, please expect them to now be stalking you
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Über-VIP Member

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PostPosted: Wed, 5th Oct 2005 23:53    Post subject: Re: how to download???
noob4ever wrote:
im kinda in trouble....

understatement of the year, buddy. Razz

This site is for discussing releases. It would be illegal to share info about where to download it. Once you find it, and you need to know more about it, how to burn or install it .. all that stuff ... then you come back and you'll find answers.

asus z170-A || core i5-6600K || geforce gtx 970 4gb || 16gb ddr4 ram || win10 || 1080p led samsung 27"
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Posts: 8691

PostPosted: Wed, 5th Oct 2005 23:56    Post subject:
i'll sticky this for some time.

tnx [syn] for the rules.

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Posts: 8691

PostPosted: Fri, 7th Oct 2005 14:01    Post subject:



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Posts: 8615

PostPosted: Fri, 7th Oct 2005 14:50    Post subject:
seriously I click the download from the NFO page and nothing pops up. Do i need a download manager? Sad

Stealth88 and Lod|_Dod| wrote:
"And the winner is.... Sublime!" That fucking kid is always right. Sublime FTW!

http://artpad.art.com/?irqy7s4162w <3 you too
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Posts: 433
Location: -USA-
PostPosted: Fri, 7th Oct 2005 16:49    Post subject:
Sublime wrote:
seriously I click the download from the NFO page and nothing pops up. Do i need a download manager? Sad

BAN HIS ASS! j/k Smile
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Posts: 8615

PostPosted: Fri, 7th Oct 2005 17:08    Post subject:
[sYn] wrote:
other than man on man pr0n, we do have that, ask zTc),

Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked omg I was SURE I had a gay-like PM off him a while ago. Scanning through my pm's I found....

Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked

Stealth88 and Lod|_Dod| wrote:
"And the winner is.... Sublime!" That fucking kid is always right. Sublime FTW!

http://artpad.art.com/?irqy7s4162w <3 you too
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Posts: 233

PostPosted: Fri, 7th Oct 2005 18:06    Post subject:
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VIP Master Jedi

Posts: 24468
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PostPosted: Sat, 8th Oct 2005 03:45    Post subject:
Sublime wrote:
[sYn] wrote:
other than man on man pr0n, we do have that, ask zTc),

Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked omg I was SURE I had a gay-like PM off him a while ago. Scanning through my pm's I found....

Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked

Laughing Shocked Laughing Shocked Laughing Shocked Laughing

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Posts: 56
Location: Heerde, Netherlands
PostPosted: Sat, 8th Oct 2005 09:03    Post subject:
lol Laughing

AMD Athlon 3800+ | XFX GeForce 7800 GTX Extreme Edition | 1024 MB RAM | ASUS A8N-SLI Deluxe
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PostPosted: Sat, 8th Oct 2005 14:14    Post subject:

Watercooled 5950X | AORUS Master X570 | Asus RTX 3090 TUF Gaming OC | 64Gb RAM | 1Tb 970 Evo Plus + 2Tb 660p | etc etc
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PostPosted: Sun, 9th Oct 2005 18:06    Post subject:
lol.. I was getting frustrated, i thought the site design sucked - i couldnt find any download links!

lmao glad i came to this thread
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VIP Master Jedi

Posts: 24468
Location: Toronto, Canada
PostPosted: Mon, 10th Oct 2005 08:19    Post subject:
cchasem wrote:
lol.. I was getting frustrated, i thought the site design sucked - i couldnt find any download links!

lmao glad i came to this thread


Ur one of the rare ppl who actually take the time to look and read the stuff instead of posting stupid threads asking for shit and then gettin mad when everyone laughs and flames them Laughing Very Happy

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Posts: 1921
Location: Kalmar, Sweden
PostPosted: Wed, 12th Oct 2005 06:31    Post subject:
Gotta love the ignorant people who join nfoce Smile

Gaming - Intel Quad Q9450 @ 3.2GHZ | Radeon HD 4870 X2 2GB | SB X-Fi | PC6400 8GB | 300GB Velociraptor
HTPC - Antec Fusion Remote | AMD Athlon 7850 X2 | PC6400 2GB | 74GB Raptor
Server - Athlon 64 X2 4200+ | Radeon HD 3450 | SB X-Fi | PC5300 2GB | 4TB+ total space
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VIP Master Jedi

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Location: Toronto, Canada
PostPosted: Wed, 12th Oct 2005 07:26    Post subject:
javlar wrote:
Gotta love the ignorant people who join nfoce Smile

No, no, no u dont...It drives me fuckin nuts....like ppl come here, dont bother reading the rules, dont bother following the guidlines and post some bullshit thread about needing help - and when u tell them to use the correct forum/thread they get all mad and try to use that whole "l33t" arguement against u....pisses me off

I dont mind helping those that help others ya know? But someone comes here to just get one lil bit of information, gets upset when they dont get what they want cuz they are rude, and fucks off talking shit about nforce or whoemever...yeah, those ppl piss me right the fuck off...

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VIP Master Jedi

Posts: 24468
Location: Toronto, Canada
PostPosted: Thu, 13th Oct 2005 05:23    Post subject:
Kruizer wrote:
you guys are fucking stupid!! get a fucking mother fucker life! crazy idiots.
your fucking site sucks! bitches

Another user who cant find anything to download so he's gotta cry and have a fuss on the forum Laughing

Try a BT site lamer

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Posts: 6

PostPosted: Thu, 13th Oct 2005 21:53    Post subject:
heey im new here can some one help. i cant figure out how to download here. you gota fix this problems othe5rwise you will loose some seriouse amount of members

just kiddin' here

im really seriouse here, you show what goes around. but you tell them that you don t got them. Its the same as giving it right away. if i don t get them here i get them some where else. and come back for the remaining information Rolling Eyes Question Idea
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VIP Member

Posts: 3904

PostPosted: Thu, 13th Oct 2005 21:59    Post subject:
well, that's the point.

the fact that it only shows what's out, keeps this site legal.
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Posts: 6

PostPosted: Sat, 15th Oct 2005 03:22    Post subject:
how come the other site s are doing it with out gettig banned of the net.
officially it s not like people downloading it from you. these are shared files, aint it

PS. I don t want to be a smart ass, im just interested

peace Ali b
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VIP Member

Posts: 3904

PostPosted: Sat, 15th Oct 2005 03:28    Post subject:
well torrentbytes was torrentbits 2 times and had to deal with severe ddos attacks...
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Posts: 8615

PostPosted: Sat, 15th Oct 2005 03:59    Post subject:
alib wrote:
im really seriouse here, you show what goes around. but you tell them that you don t got them. Its the same as giving it right away. if i don t get them here i get them some where else. and come back for the remaining information Rolling Eyes Question Idea

Yes but this site is just an index. You need to find the content elsewhere. Referencing things doesnt cause problems but giving access to the content is. tb and other torrent sites are there at their own risk, mr T and the rest of the gang dont need to distribute files because this site does what it's supposed to. Also the cost of actually sending releases would be immense. there were enough probs supporting the spam at the release of GTA nvm distributing it.

Stealth88 and Lod|_Dod| wrote:
"And the winner is.... Sublime!" That fucking kid is always right. Sublime FTW!

http://artpad.art.com/?irqy7s4162w <3 you too
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Posts: 4

PostPosted: Sun, 16th Oct 2005 16:30    Post subject: no downloads? illegal?
Wtf is the use of an index site... your info is OK, yet the site would be a lot better if you did place the links of the dl's.
By the way, placin a link to a torrent isn't illegal. Better yet: in Holland (and this is a dutch site) downloading isnt illegal at all!

So get those dl links coming!!!!
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Posts: 1009
Location: Somewhere in the past looking for the future
PostPosted: Sun, 16th Oct 2005 17:03    Post subject:
we really need to put on the front page were the NFO's r in big bold letters NO DOWNLOADS NO LINKS TO DOWNLOADS DON'T ASK US WHERE TO DOWNLOAD FIND IT LIKE WE DID ON YOUR OWN

Clevesa wrote:
Murder is the best way out of this that I see.
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[Moderator] Elitist

Posts: 8374

PostPosted: Sun, 16th Oct 2005 17:22    Post subject: Re: no downloads? illegal?
Freegamer wrote:
Wtf is the use of an index site... your info is OK, yet the site would be a lot better if you did place the links of the dl's.
By the way, placin a link to a torrent isn't illegal. Better yet: in Holland (and this is a dutch site) downloading isnt illegal at all!

So get those dl links coming!!!!

everything you just said is false.. uugghhh.. go away.
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Posts: 4

PostPosted: Sun, 16th Oct 2005 18:09    Post subject: Re: no downloads? illegal?
I'm dutch myself. The only thing illegal here in Holland is UPloading and the offering of copyrighted software/music/movies. The downloading isn't illegal neither is placing a link to a download.

So its NOT false.
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[Moderator] Elitist

Posts: 8374

PostPosted: Sun, 16th Oct 2005 18:28    Post subject:
Either way your wrong, just go away.. you are not welcome here.
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Posts: 8615

PostPosted: Sun, 16th Oct 2005 18:32    Post subject:
Laughing how can this site not upload then if its hosting files to illegal stuff? your point is flawed and you admitted yourself it was wrong. And like I said, cost plays a big factor as well as... why would they want to? It would cause far more trouble than its worth.

Stealth88 and Lod|_Dod| wrote:
"And the winner is.... Sublime!" That fucking kid is always right. Sublime FTW!

http://artpad.art.com/?irqy7s4162w <3 you too
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[Moderator] Elitist

Posts: 8374

PostPosted: Sun, 16th Oct 2005 19:02    Post subject:
There is always the better point:

Freegamer = USER
Admins/Mods = ADMINS / MODS

Users ideas/opinion = means fuck all
Admins/Mods ideas/opinions = Makes the site happen

Right now your about as respected as the random none posters who come here to ask "WHERE BE TEH TORRENTS" - no one cares what you think. Changing the site into an ILLEGAL download site is NOT what the admins, mods or respected users want, it wont happen and idiots who ask for it prove even more why it should not happen. Thousands of annoying people asking for downloads (even more idiots than we have already) would flood in destroying the community that currently exists. Plus the site owners could easily get arrested, destroying the site and business's that run behind it.
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Posts: 4

PostPosted: Sun, 16th Oct 2005 21:53    Post subject:
I'll tell you again:

Downloading isn't illegal in Holland. You may download everything (including copyrighted software/music) you can find on the internet legaly. The use of this stuf IS illegal, but thats a problem of the downloader.

Uploading copyrighted music/software/movies is illegal, so p2p (when you must upload to get download) is illegal. Again, thats the problem of the downloader.

If a site gives the links to the torrents (like NewNova or TorrentSpy) that is NOT illegal. The site isn't uploading the files nor downloading the files.

Get it? It would be like Google, someone searches a file (torrent) and the site gives a list of where to find it. Nothing illegal about it.

Btw, why has this site a dutch domain? Would that be because in Holland the law doesn't think downloading illegal?

I think this site could be even more popular than SuprNova once was with the extra amount of info it provides!
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