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Dalai Lama

Posts: 6586
Location: Cook Islands
PostPosted: Sun, 25th Dec 2005 18:19    Post subject: >>>//README: NEWBIE FAQ//<<<


Release sites

Instructions for connecting to the irc channel

First you need to find the nearest EFnet server to get the best ping and performance. Here's the list: http://www.efnet.org/?module=servers.

To connect to the choosen server using mIRC, type /server *choosen server adress here* [enter/return]. You may need to enter som identd info to make the connection smoother. Those options are found in settings.

OK, when the server has connected write /msg nfo-auth auth *your user name here* *your password here*. You will then get a message telling you that the authentication has been completed. After that write /j #nforce [enter/return].

Filetypes and what to do with them

I've made this some time ago due to many ppl. who just don't know
some / many extensions...

I don't know if this thread should be posted here due to the fact that
there's no tutorials / info section...

If you've got some nice add-ons... plz. post Very Happy

If you do not get answer to your question here, use the SEARCH link at the top, please.

Here's a guide to what the most common formats are, and what you're supposed to do with them.


* .RAR .R00 .R01 = Multi-span rar-archives. Usually 15.000.000 bytes large (15mb or 14,6mb if you count 1mb as 1024 bytes)
Use WinRar 3.0 or newer to unpack (www.rarsoft.com)

* .001 .002 .003 = Multi-span rar-archives. Usually 15.000.000 bytes large (15mb or 14,6mb if you count 1mb as 1024 bytes)
Use WinRar 3.0 or newer to unpack (www.rarsoft.com)
This extention is used by some groups, like Fairlight (flt) or immersion (ims), instead of .rar .r00 etc

* .ZIP = Zip archives. Size varies, 2.88mb is still the rule i think for ripped games (games that has movies/music/speech etc removed to get smaller).
Use WinZip, WinRar, WinAce to unpack (www.winzip.com) (www.rarsoft.com) (www.winace.com)

* .ACE .C00 .C01 = Multi-span ace-archives. Probably still used for ripped games.
Use WinAce to unpack (www.winace.com)

* .TAR = Tar archives, usually only used on linux/unix, basically just a way to keep several files in one big file, no compression.
Use WinRar to unpack (www.rarsoft.com) (Should work with winace, winzip etc too).

* .tar.gz = Tar archives, that is also zipped. Usually only used on linux/unix. Like Tar but with compression.
Use WinRar to unpack (www.rarsoft.com) (Should work with winace, winzip etc too).

To unpack these files, either right-click on them and select unpack. If you get no "unpack" option in the right-click menu, then start the unpack program, and use it's internal file-browser to go to the file and try to unpack it that way. .001 files are not associated with winrar by default.

Remember that the .RAR file is the first in the span of archives, thus it's that one you should unpack, likewise is with .001 files.


* .SFV = Simple File Verification, contains a checksum value calculated from the original files, *ALWAYS* included in an original release.
When checking, the program calculates a value from the files on your computer, and compares them to the ones in the .sfv file.
If the values match, the file is 100% exactly the same as when it was released, if not, something has gone wrong and you should download/resume it.



* .NFO = Information file, also *ALWAYS* included in an original release.
Contains information about who released the thing, who supplied it, who cracked it, WHAT TO DO WITH IT (s/n, how to burn, requirements etc), etc.
If you do not read the nfo yourself, do not expect to get any help from anyone.

View with notepad, Terminal font size 9 (to get the ascii-art right), or DamnNFOViewer


or any of the other 1 million nfoviewers out there.


CD-Images are copies / almost exact copies of the original CD.

format and what to use to burn it (burn as image):
*.bin BlindWrite, CDRWin, Discjuggler, Fireburner, Nero
*.bwi BlindWrite
*.c2d WinOnCD
*.cdi Discjuggler
*.ccd CDRWin, CloneCD
*.cif Easy CD Creator
*.cue BlindWrite, CDRWin, Fireburner
*.dao Duplicator - Image
*.img BlindWrite, CDRWin, CloneCD, Fireburner, Nero
*.iso BlindWrite, Discjuggler
*.mdf, *mds Alcohol 120%
*.nrg Nero
*.p01 Gear
*.tao Duplicator - Image
*.xmf ,*.xmd SimDisc,Gamejack 2.0 und Movi Jack 2.0 Image

If your program complains about the bin/cue combination, try opening the cue in notepad and verify that there is no path in front of the filename, so FILE "file.bin" BINARY is good, while FILE "c:stufffile.bin" BINARY is not (just remove the c:stuff part).

Good ones are:
Daemon-tools (free)

FantomCD (can also burn/create images + it's powerful, not free) www.copystar.com.tw

Alcohol 120% (powerful? never used it Razz, can burn/create images)

Nero Image Drive (included in Nero (www.ahead.de), after installation there will be an option in the startmenu folder to install image drive)

Comicbooks comes basically in two formats
* .CBR = A rar archive, renamed to work with CDisplay, a comicviewer
* .CBZ = A zip archive, renamed to work with CDisplay, a comicviewer

When viewing the comics through CDisplay you do not have to unpack the files,
just double click the .cbr or .cbz and CDisplay will start,
load the file and start displaying the first image (and the .nfo if there is one).
Use PageDown/PageUp to go forward/back, arrow keys to scroll image, m to minimize CDisplay.

F.A.Q. made by RaZoR1394 - Most recent update: 2004-04-03
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