Which XP SP2 copy to use? Etho, Mage, ftISO?
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Posts: 15

PostPosted: Sun, 8th Aug 2004 21:35    Post subject: Which XP SP2 copy to use? Etho, Mage, ftISO?
I am leaning towards FTIso because there nfo says official from microsoft.

But what I am curious to know is, when MSDN updates on monday, they will have an official microsoft windows xp sp2 iso on its site.

now whose going to have the balls to get an MSDN release i dont know.

IIRC, MSDN = Corporate? Correct me if im wrong.

I don't like etho because it involves a seperate step. too bad i really liked his xp sp1a corporate.
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Posts: 14

PostPosted: Sun, 8th Aug 2004 21:44    Post subject:
the eth0 release proper is BS, and I even suspect it contains some nasty stuff
I've downloaded the FTFiSO release myself and it worked like a charm, no problem on windowsupdate
just to be sure on what I heard earlier, I even tried it with a key with a non 640 PID and it installed as well
this means Microsoft has effectively removed the anti piracy block they intended to put in SP2 in the 1st place
apparently, keeping everyone updated was more important to them than blocking a few joe pirates
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PostPosted: Sun, 8th Aug 2004 22:07    Post subject:
FTFiSO had always prove their good works on their previous relases...
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Posts: 35
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Sun, 8th Aug 2004 23:17    Post subject:
Always used ETH0 WinXP releases before so i will continue to stick with them Wink
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Posts: 14

PostPosted: Sun, 8th Aug 2004 23:21    Post subject:
benjiman wrote:
Always used ETH0 WinXP releases before so i will continue to stick with them Wink

didn't someone one day teach you how to read?
scroll up a bit, ETH0's proper is BS
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Posts: 24

PostPosted: Sun, 8th Aug 2004 23:26    Post subject:
If i had a clean computer to install, i would use eth0's because i have their Microsoft.Windows.XP.Professional.SP1a.and.RU1.Intergrated.READ.NFO.ENGLiSH-eth0 version installed on my pc right now, works nicely. FTF has been nuked for dupes of their OS's like win2000, and one of their XP releases was Non-Working, propered by REFORMATION back in the day if anyone remembers that Wink

Quoted by RFM: Note: This release comes after our releasing ║
║ the official SP1 CD direct from M$ which is ║
║ WORKING & the faulty releases from FTFiSO & MS║
║ so enjoy

But actually, in all fairness, eth0 has been stupid lately, they were nuked for one of their recent nero releases for stealing a key from orion i think it was.

But the MAGE was is internal and it DOESNT FUCKIN SAY WHY!!

You forgot the PMM version in the poll Razz

WHY i know all this useless information I have no idea. Ill probably just download all 4 legit versions for the hell of it.


Didnt read eth0s nfo all the way through..Fuck em, they dont know what theyre talking about. My XP key has been passed around more than a penthouse at band camp. There have been no reports of any blacklists for sp2 and updates yet. What a crock, they used to be cool. Yeah id just go with FTF or MAGE then, if i knew why they make theirs internal.

Last edited by Moloko_Plus on Sun, 8th Aug 2004 23:42; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 14

PostPosted: Sun, 8th Aug 2004 23:32    Post subject:
yea FTF's was propered, fucked up bootsector I heard, the rest was working as intended, prolly a packing fuckup
regarding dupes of their 2K releases dunno
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Posts: 24

PostPosted: Sun, 8th Aug 2004 23:43    Post subject:
Their 2000 was a dupe because it was already released, and SP4 was freeware, if memory serves me correctly. Not a bad thing at all either.
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Posts: 7

PostPosted: Sun, 8th Aug 2004 23:58    Post subject:

Ok.. I got the FTFiSO and the PMM so far...a format C: is near..so would you guy suggest to download the ETHO rls ??

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Posts: 14

PostPosted: Mon, 9th Aug 2004 00:40    Post subject:
Dokkoida wrote:

Ok.. I got the FTFiSO and the PMM so far...a format C: is near..so would you guy suggest to download the ETHO rls ??


definitely not
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Posts: 7

PostPosted: Mon, 9th Aug 2004 01:47    Post subject:
siegfried wrote:
Dokkoida wrote:

Ok.. I got the FTFiSO and the PMM so far...a format C: is near..so would you guy suggest to download the ETHO rls ??


definitely not

ok..so i guess i will use the FTFiSO cause someone mentioned in the other thread, that the PMM release is kinda fucked up



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Posts: 2

PostPosted: Mon, 9th Aug 2004 04:40    Post subject:
ETHO release is fucked up. The first two serials listed in the NFO don't even work, third one does. After I did the crack, windows was corrupt and I couldn't get into windows anymore. I re-formatted and installed the Mage release. It works very well and the updates work too.
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Posts: 3

PostPosted: Mon, 9th Aug 2004 05:00    Post subject:
FTF worked fine on clean install.
Winbeta SP2 installed and ran update without a hitch on an old Devilsown install with a key change.
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Posts: 157

PostPosted: Mon, 9th Aug 2004 11:20    Post subject:
jokacz wrote:
FTF worked fine on clean install.
Winbeta SP2 installed and ran update without a hitch on an old Devilsown install with a key change.

can anyone point me in the right direction as to how to do this. i have an old, old version of XP Corporate (not sure if it is devilsown) and I want to install SP2.

thx Smile
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PostPosted: Mon, 9th Aug 2004 13:28    Post subject:
Eth0 is bs, MaGe is internal, so I go for FTFiSO.
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Posts: 54

PostPosted: Mon, 9th Aug 2004 20:11    Post subject: Re: Which XP SP2 copy to use? Etho, Mage, ftISO?
DevilsRejection wrote:
IIRC, MSDN = Corporate? Correct me if im wrong.

MSDN release is not a corporate release. I have a friend that was a subscriber and I got XP from the site and it required activation.
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Posts: 22

PostPosted: Mon, 9th Aug 2004 20:32    Post subject:
I just noticed that all three releases have different file sizes. If they all have sp2 integrated, shouldn't the sizes all be around the same?




The first two are aproximately the same size, but ftfiso is almost 50MB smaller. Why is this?
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Posts: 14

PostPosted: Mon, 9th Aug 2004 22:29    Post subject:
LeaF-MaN wrote:
I just noticed that all three releases have different file sizes. If they all have sp2 integrated, shouldn't the sizes all be around the same?




The first two are aproximately the same size, but ftfiso is almost 50MB smaller. Why is this?

you are quoting RARed sizes, seems the other goups are really credits hungry as they barely used compression, if any (that alone is worth a nuke on many sites)....
FTFiSO's release is 624MB big uncompressed
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Posts: 6

PostPosted: Mon, 9th Aug 2004 22:55    Post subject:
The Mage release is 670MB uncompressed

The ETH0 release is 670.4MB uncompressed
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Posts: 22

PostPosted: Mon, 9th Aug 2004 23:10    Post subject:
borkis wrote:
The Mage release is 670MB uncompressed

The ETH0 release is 670.4MB uncompressed

I havent downloaded or uncompressed any release yet. Can somebody confirm the actual uncompressed sizes of all releases? If borkis is right, It really puzzles me why the FTFiso release is so small compared to the other two...
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Posts: 23

PostPosted: Mon, 9th Aug 2004 23:24    Post subject: Hmmmm...
Assuming I go with FTF, how does one update an already-installed version of XP Pro to SP2 using the ISO alone?
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Posts: 6

PostPosted: Mon, 9th Aug 2004 23:56    Post subject:
There are 6771 files in the I386 folder on FTFiso release (527MB)

There are 6797 files in the I386 folder on MAGE release (539MB) and it has a folder named DOTNETFX that isnt present in FTFiso's release (in the root of the disc). But the SUPPORT and VALUEADD is a couple of megs bigger on FTFiso's release....
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Posts: 9

PostPosted: Tue, 10th Aug 2004 00:35    Post subject:
What does this mean then? I have the FTFiso version and can get the Mage version... should I get it just in case...? Do you guys think it's a good idea to get the Mage one on the basis it has more folders...?
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Posts: 1

PostPosted: Tue, 10th Aug 2004 00:44    Post subject:
I installed the FTFiSO to a seperate partition and im less than please with the install. First thing I noticed on startup was the loading screen, it just says Windows XP. No Professional Edition under the logo it like it used to. Maybe thats just the way MS did it. But when I got into Windows it refused to load my soundcard drivers and couldnt find any, so no sound. Every other copy (SP1) i've tried loaded them fine. Second I couldnt access the net from my cable modem, and thats never needed seperate drivers installing either. IMO its not complete, or final. Guess other ppl out there have'nt had these problems but I recomend you test it first on a seperate disk or partition first.

Im waiting for another group to rls it :>

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Posts: 48

PostPosted: Tue, 10th Aug 2004 00:54    Post subject:
well, ive had no problems with the ftfiso.

theres no pro or home on boot.. thats sp2 for ya.

i had no problems with drivers..since i as normal had to install the ones for my system..
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Posts: 22

PostPosted: Tue, 10th Aug 2004 04:15    Post subject:
Hmm...how fun. Maybe I will flip a coin to decide between MaGE and FTFiso. Does anyone have any links with Mage, to ask why they internalled their release? Some ppl say it was because they lost the race, but I think it's something else. Also, larger could always mean that they've injected something bad into the release. So both have their pros and cons. If we had some more information that would help.
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Posts: 14

PostPosted: Tue, 10th Aug 2004 07:10    Post subject:
borkis wrote:
There are 6771 files in the I386 folder on FTFiso release (527MB)

There are 6797 files in the I386 folder on MAGE release (539MB) and it has a folder named DOTNETFX that isnt present in FTFiso's release (in the root of the disc). But the SUPPORT and VALUEADD is a couple of megs bigger on FTFiso's release....

The dotnetFX dir is present on FTF's release, check again
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Posts: 126

PostPosted: Tue, 10th Aug 2004 07:55    Post subject:
Second I couldnt access the net from my cable modem, and thats never needed seperate drivers installing either.

this is the problam to install sp2 they made more security on it so the default of the new firewall that all ports are close they make some more changes so you need to read more about it befor you install it.
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Posts: 6

PostPosted: Tue, 10th Aug 2004 10:16    Post subject:
Sorry for my fuck up....

There are 6771 files in the I386 folder on the MAGE!!! release (527MB)

There are 6797 files in the I386 folder on FTFiso!!! release (539MB) and it has a folder named DOTNETFX that isn’t present in MAGE's release (in the root of the disc). But the SUPPORT and VALUEADD is a couple of megs bigger on MAGE's release....
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Posts: 2972

PostPosted: Tue, 10th Aug 2004 11:12    Post subject:
Anyone tried this, was pred after FTFs release?

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