How To Run Half Life 2 mods without steam
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Herman Toothrot

Posts: 268
Location: Monkey Island
PostPosted: Sun, 15th Jul 2007 04:18    Post subject: How To Run Half Life 2 mods without steam
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in every mod i read there is instruction to unpack into to steam directory and play... but what if steam doesnt works? Wink is there a way to run HL2 mods on backup copy? Wink if there is... tell me how Very Happy any way to run modded HL2 will be appreciated Smile

and here is an example for installation note:

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Posts: 3583

PostPosted: Sun, 15th Jul 2007 10:28    Post subject:
Download digital zone version, then add to launcher.ini:
Name=Source Forts

run hl2.exe with shortcut of mod name.
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Posts: 315

PostPosted: Sun, 15th Jul 2007 12:07    Post subject:
but first remember to have the latest version of Half life 2 because most addons use the updated textures from the game , and if you don`t have them then you will see some surfaces with pink triangles

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Herman Toothrot

Posts: 268
Location: Monkey Island
PostPosted: Sun, 15th Jul 2007 12:11    Post subject:
err what? Very Happy what is digital zone version? :> im using this release


and i cannot find launcher.ini (or maybe its somewhere else) besides that i cannot remember solution to nodegraph thing... hwat and were im supposed to write? norebuildgraph_1 ? :Dplz help me run this baby Smile

i wanna mod this with fakefactory cinematic mod Smile (1.5gb of hi res textures Wink ) but i dunno how without steam :/

AMD 64 3800+ ~2.7Ghz, 2GB Ram, GF 7800gs + bliss 512 RAM...
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Posts: 3583

PostPosted: Sun, 15th Jul 2007 12:24    Post subject:
dredziol wrote:
err what? Very Happy what is digital zone version? :> im using this release


and i cannot find launcher.ini (or maybe its somewhere else) besides that i cannot remember solution to nodegraph thing... hwat and were im supposed to write? norebuildgraph_1 ? :Dplz help me run this baby Smile

i wanna mod this with fakefactory cinematic mod Smile (1.5gb of hi res textures Wink ) but i dunno how without steam :/
Download digitalzone version and then we'll talk. Very Happy Other versions wont work afaik.

hafriski wrote:
but first remember to have the latest version of Half life 2 because most addons use the updated textures from the game , and if you don`t have them then you will see some surfaces with pink triangles
Digitalzone version is the latest version.
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Herman Toothrot

Posts: 268
Location: Monkey Island
PostPosted: Sun, 15th Jul 2007 12:30    Post subject:
ehhh hope ill find it... this is a name of a release or smth? ore what is that digitalzone?

ok i found something called HL2 [digitalzone].exe and it is 1.5gb :/ is that it? and what is it?
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Posts: 3583

PostPosted: Sun, 15th Jul 2007 12:46    Post subject:
I dont have the 'release' archive, but the installer name is hl2-dz.exe + separate launcher.ini. Its 1.57 GB in size. Launcher.ini looks like this:
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Herman Toothrot

Posts: 268
Location: Monkey Island
PostPosted: Sun, 15th Jul 2007 13:11    Post subject:
im DL'ing something like Half Life 2 [digital zone] > it's 1.57gb also. this torr contains just from Half life 2[digital zone].exe will it be enough? and wtf is it this whole release? and theres no .ini file in that torr Smile hope its good one...

AMD 64 3800+ ~2.7Ghz, 2GB Ram, GF 7800gs + bliss 512 RAM...
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Posts: 3583

PostPosted: Sun, 15th Jul 2007 13:26    Post subject:
Must be the same release. Just open the original launcher.ini and replace the text I gave you. Then put the mod folder to main hl2 folder.
then add
and run the mod with hl2 -game FAKEFACTORY_Cinematic shortcut
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Herman Toothrot

Posts: 268
Location: Monkey Island
PostPosted: Sun, 15th Jul 2007 19:38    Post subject:
okay.. downloaded. ill try it when it'll finish installation. what about nodebuildgrah mode? its in this version too? what was command to fix it cause i dont remember Wink and what when i will install another mod? i have to write another command line etc?

AMD 64 3800+ ~2.7Ghz, 2GB Ram, GF 7800gs + bliss 512 RAM...
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Posts: 3583

PostPosted: Sun, 15th Jul 2007 20:01    Post subject:
Its the latest version of HL2 as far as I know, so AI is fixed. The only mod I couldnt run with proper AI was HL2awakening.
In order to run the mod you have to do two things:
Add three lines in launcher.ini and create a shortcut [I use batches converted to exes].
Did you download the mod from Filefront? Also some mods needs some changing, let me know if they wont work.
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Herman Toothrot

Posts: 268
Location: Monkey Island
PostPosted: Sun, 15th Jul 2007 22:46    Post subject:
yaaay it worked Smile i mean i downloaded only fakefactory cinematic mod and one patch to i t (i dunno which ones are fine to install) but everything runs fine Smile thank you very much for your help Smile maybe you can recommend me another ones Very Happy

AMD 64 3800+ ~2.7Ghz, 2GB Ram, GF 7800gs + bliss 512 RAM...
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Posts: 3583

PostPosted: Sun, 15th Jul 2007 23:22    Post subject:
dredziol wrote:
yaaay it worked Smile i mean i downloaded only fakefactory cinematic mod and one patch to i t (i dunno which ones are fine to install) but everything runs fine Smile thank you very much for your help Smile maybe you can recommend me another ones Very Happy
Nice to hear that. Smile Also you didnt answer my question have you downloaded the mod from filefront?
There are some interesting mods, but I cant recal their names and too lazy to search it in my pile of discs. Do a search on sites like filefront; I recomend sorting them by size or times downloaded.
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Herman Toothrot

Posts: 268
Location: Monkey Island
PostPosted: Mon, 16th Jul 2007 05:43    Post subject:
yeah from filefront Smile my friend told me that there is something for HL2 that changes textures resolutions and it has 1.5gb Very Happy i did the same with stalker so i tried with HL2 and loved it Smile thanks to you it works Smile

AMD 64 3800+ ~2.7Ghz, 2GB Ram, GF 7800gs + bliss 512 RAM...
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