The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
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Posts: 3339
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Tue, 26th Jan 2010 16:56    Post subject: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Seem we will get some info on it the next moth, at least in the Swedish pcgamer.
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Posts: 19863

PostPosted: Tue, 26th Jan 2010 17:23    Post subject:
Nice template.
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PostPosted: Tue, 26th Jan 2010 17:37    Post subject:
Agreed ^
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Posts: 23226
Location: Trelleborg
PostPosted: Tue, 26th Jan 2010 17:48    Post subject:
How did you manage to do that template? Can you teach the rest of us too? Wink

shitloads of new stuff in my pc. Cant keep track of it all.
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Posts: 114

PostPosted: Tue, 26th Jan 2010 17:52    Post subject:
Next moth? I can barely wait till next butterfly, you tease!
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Posts: 4484

PostPosted: Tue, 26th Jan 2010 17:52    Post subject:
Very minimalistic template, impressive work
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Posts: 19863

PostPosted: Tue, 26th Jan 2010 18:01    Post subject:
Less is more. Why complicate things?
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Posts: 2345
Location: Bulgaria
PostPosted: Tue, 26th Jan 2010 18:35    Post subject:
Reserved for template soon i would think.

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[Moderator] Consigliere

Posts: 64926
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PostPosted: Tue, 26th Jan 2010 18:50    Post subject:
Mister_s wrote:
Nice template.

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Posts: 4359

PostPosted: Tue, 26th Jan 2010 18:56    Post subject:
Yeah I read about this in an interview with Todd.

"So yeah in the upcoming Elder Scrolls title, we've really focused on what gamers want and have been improving our game and ourselves, and we've really been listening to our loyal fans. So based off the responses we are cutting out not swordy things because no one really uses them, and we're streamlining the skills into Attack, Defense, and Magic so there's less worry on the gamers end about which skill to level up. If you're an archer but find this really kick ass sword, no need to worry about not being effective with it since it's all based off your Attack skill. Less time on pointless decision making outside of the game (as that breaks immersion) and more FUN!"

Gustave the Steel
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Posts: 11000

PostPosted: Tue, 26th Jan 2010 19:04    Post subject:
anonymoose wrote:
Next moth? I can barely wait till next butterfly, you tease!


Btw, lets hope the character models are better now. Wow, bethesda loves making some weird proportioned people I must say.

1 and 2 are still amazing.
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Posts: 4638
Location: Birthplace of the necktie.
PostPosted: Tue, 26th Jan 2010 20:08    Post subject:
AKofC wrote:
Yeah I read about this in an interview with Todd.

"So yeah in the upcoming Elder Scrolls title, we've really focused on what gamers want and have been improving our game and ourselves, and we've really been listening to our loyal fans. So based off the responses we are cutting out not swordy things because no one really uses them, and we're streamlining the skills into Attack, Defense, and Magic so there's less worry on the gamers end about which skill to level up. If you're an archer but find this really kick ass sword, no need to worry about not being effective with it since it's all based off your Attack skill. Less time on pointless decision making outside of the game (as that breaks immersion) and more FUN!"

Is this a joke? "Less worry on the gamers end about which skill to level up"???????
Are they fucking insane?

i7 4790K @ 4.6GHz- Gigabyte Z97X-Gaming 3 - 980 WF3 \o/ - 16GB Corsair - WD 4TB - Mountain of SSDs - Dell UltraSharp U2414H 24''
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Posts: 11914

PostPosted: Tue, 26th Jan 2010 20:09    Post subject:
Here's some popular theories/speculations, might as well have them here too until they're finally confirmed or denied:


The Elder Scrolls V

Probable Locations:


There is speculation that the next game could be based in Skyrim. The name has been trademarked by Bethesda, which could indicate that there is an upcoming game called Skyrim, as there was for Knights of the Nine and Shivering Isles. A simple search at the US Trademarks website reveals four applications for Skyrim as a Trademark, three from Bethesda, and one from a telecommunications company in Florida. Bethesda filed for the trademark in October 2006. It is interesting to note that Bethesda filed for Oblivion's trademark on June 21, 1995, but abandoned the trademark, only to refile for it on April 4, 2003 about 3 years before release (2006). Morrowind followed a similar 3 year pattern (1999 to 2002). It is unlikely that Skyrim will follow this same three year release, since it has yet to be announced. Also Michael Kirkbride, a contract developer for Bethesda, is rumored to be working on Nordic lore with text such as The Seven Fights of The Aldudagga.

Summerset Isle

There is some speculation that TES V will take place in Summerset Isle, due to various rumors about Daedra Worship increasing and a boycott of Imperial goods in Oblivion (although it is important to note that there are several equally 'significant' rumors about events in other provinces in Oblivion, namely Black Marsh, Morrowind, Orsinium, Elsweyr and, of course, Skyrim). It is possible this could follow the pattern set in Morrowind, which had rumors mentioning trouble in Cyrodiil. But of course, this logic also holds true for all the other provinces mentioned. (And again, it is worth noting that none of the events mentioned in rumors about Cyrodiil in Morrowind actually occurred in Oblivion; only those prophecies which spoke of general plot events, namely a Daedric invasion, not specific to Cyrodiil)

In fact, it was rumored that TES IV would take place on Summerset Isle, due to developer comments from before Morrowind's release, but those proved to be untrue.

In terms of gameplay, Summerset Isle would be a convenient choice because it is surrounded by water, providing a natural boundary to the playable game-world, much like Morrowind had by taking place in Vvardenfell and not the mainland area of the province. In Oblivion, the invisible walls at the edges of the mostly land-locked Cyrodiil were a cause for complaints by some fans.

Probable Timeline

The events of TES V may take place 200 years after the events of Oblivion. A post states that the first Elder Scrolls novel "partly bridges the gap for the next game, which is set 200 years after the Oblivion crisis." The retail site from which this information came quickly removed the reference to the next Elder Scrolls game from its listing; it is unknown whether this is due to a factual error or if the retail site accidentally leaked information that was meant to be released at a later date.


It is speculated that Bethesda started full development of The Elder Scrolls V after the completion of Fallout 3. From previous quotes from Todd Howard, it is suspected that preproduction work for TESV took place during Fallout's development. At one point there was news that pointed towards a 2010 release date; however, that appears to be false, as the game has not been announced, and a 2010 release date would leave little time for promotion of the game. The 2010 date was always regarded as questionable, since Fallout 3 used the same basic Engine as Oblivion and still required 31 months of development time (The 2010 date gave a maximum of 26 months). It is important to note that Bethesda has announced that there will be no more downloadable content for Fallout 3, which indicates that Bethesda is increasingly focusing their developers on their next stand alone game release.

On April 27, 2009, Pete Hines was quoted by IGN as saying that no new Elder Scrolls title was expected to be announced "anytime soon." This was done along the announcement of the Elder Scrolls Novels to be penned by renowned fantasy author Greg Keyes. The announcement is ambiguous and no more specific details were given. The interview can be found here.

In a more recent interview for Gamasutra dated June 25th, Hines let slip that "On the flip side, Todd [Howard] and his team have their hands full with The Elder Scrolls and Fallout." This suggests that some Elder Scrolls title, be it Elder Scrolls V or a spin-off along the vein of Redguard and Battlespire, is in production on some level. That interview can be found here.

@vaifan1986: You been troll'd Laughing

Last edited by inz on Tue, 26th Jan 2010 20:12; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 23226
Location: Trelleborg
PostPosted: Tue, 26th Jan 2010 20:12    Post subject:
vaifan1986 wrote:
AKofC wrote:
Yeah I read about this in an interview with Todd.

"So yeah in the upcoming Elder Scrolls title, we've really focused on what gamers want and have been improving our game and ourselves, and we've really been listening to our loyal fans. So based off the responses we are cutting out not swordy things because no one really uses them, and we're streamlining the skills into Attack, Defense, and Magic so there's less worry on the gamers end about which skill to level up. If you're an archer but find this really kick ass sword, no need to worry about not being effective with it since it's all based off your Attack skill. Less time on pointless decision making outside of the game (as that breaks immersion) and more FUN!"

Is this a joke? "Less worry on the gamers end about which skill to level up"???????
Are they fucking insane?

Welcome to the glorious age of consoles!

shitloads of new stuff in my pc. Cant keep track of it all.
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Posts: 11914

PostPosted: Tue, 26th Jan 2010 20:29    Post subject:
The most interesting part about this initial reveal will be imo what engine will they use for TESV/FO4. Now that Zenimax owns id Software, they could dump Gamebryo and start using the Rage engine. And FINALLY we can hope for some better animations as well, since in a recent Todd Howard interview he stated how that was one of the major areas they wanted to improve on. There's only a handful of animation replacers for MW/OB/FO3 - dunno if it's the engine that's making it so difficult or something else, but sure would be great to have decent animations right from the start.
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Posts: 4638
Location: Birthplace of the necktie.
PostPosted: Tue, 26th Jan 2010 20:44    Post subject:
inz wrote:

@vaifan1986: You been troll'd Laughing


i7 4790K @ 4.6GHz- Gigabyte Z97X-Gaming 3 - 980 WF3 \o/ - 16GB Corsair - WD 4TB - Mountain of SSDs - Dell UltraSharp U2414H 24''
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Posts: 1433

PostPosted: Tue, 26th Jan 2010 22:34    Post subject:
More weapons, more modifications for weapons, more magic, more area's to steal from (towns)

hand built dungeons, not the same shit over and over....

(anyone remember one of the first dungeons in morrowind, where you had to go and retrieve an artifact, and there were gold gears and machinery everywhere?)

THERE WASN'T A SINGLE DUNGEON ANYWHERE NEAR AS BADASS AS THAT ONE IN OBLIVION. And it was one of the first dungeons in sad....felt like it was handmade, not pre-made rooms pieced together at the last minute.
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Posts: 3451

PostPosted: Tue, 26th Jan 2010 22:51    Post subject:
Mass Effect Scrolls V

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Posts: 1733

PostPosted: Wed, 27th Jan 2010 00:02    Post subject:
anonymoose wrote:
Next moth? I can barely wait till next butterfly, you tease!

Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing
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[Moderator] Consigliere

Posts: 64926
Location: Italy
PostPosted: Wed, 27th Jan 2010 00:22    Post subject:
fearwhatnow wrote:
Mass Effect Scrolls V

If it comes with badass action, automatic SMART skills leveling and panther sounds I'm sold.
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Posts: 2573
Location: Uranus
PostPosted: Wed, 27th Jan 2010 02:06    Post subject:
Oh god... Not another boring level scaling Elder Scrolls game.
For me the fun went out very quickly playing Daggerfall (nr 2 in the series) when I defeated a Bat that dropped 5 coins and a dagger.... Pfffff what crap rpg series...

"Sometimes when you do things right, people are not sure you've done anything at all." -- God (Futurama)
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Posts: 1075
Location: Trump's Merica
PostPosted: Wed, 27th Jan 2010 02:45    Post subject:
maul_inc wrote:
Oh god... Not another boring level scaling Elder Scrolls game.
For me the fun went out very quickly playing Daggerfall (nr 2 in the series) when I defeated a Bat that dropped 5 coins and a dagger.... Pfffff what crap rpg series...

phat lewt!
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Posts: 4359

PostPosted: Wed, 27th Jan 2010 04:45    Post subject:
Morrowind was the best. Bring back the Romanish Legion! None of this Medieval crap!

Gustave the Steel
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Posts: 1075
Location: Trump's Merica
PostPosted: Wed, 27th Jan 2010 04:49    Post subject:
ixigia wrote:
fearwhatnow wrote:
Mass Effect Scrolls V

If it comes with badass action, automatic SMART skills leveling and panther sounds I'm sold.

This made me sad Sad
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Posts: 855
Location: In my house.
PostPosted: Wed, 27th Jan 2010 17:30    Post subject:
Are not Elder Scroll a game that needs like 5 years of developing? (counting after Fallout 3)

I used to be a knee like you. Then I took an adventurer in the arrow.
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Posts: 95

PostPosted: Wed, 27th Jan 2010 18:03    Post subject:
much like all companys the start on their followup even before they release the game

so if they are doing an elder scrolls 5 (which i dont know as i havent paying much attention to it) my quess is they started it in 2005 or something like that

imo elder scrolls went bad after daggerfall Smile morrowind is just meh ... oblivion is just eye candy but for gfx nuts i suppose it's good Smile

speaking of developing.. 5 years is nothing lol .. just look at blizzard haha
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Posts: 1771

PostPosted: Wed, 27th Jan 2010 18:22    Post subject:
vaifan1986 wrote:
AKofC wrote:
Yeah I read about this in an interview with Todd.

"So yeah in the upcoming Elder Scrolls title, we've really focused on what gamers want and have been improving our game and ourselves, and we've really been listening to our loyal fans. So based off the responses we are cutting out not swordy things because no one really uses them, and we're streamlining the skills into Attack, Defense, and Magic so there's less worry on the gamers end about which skill to level up. If you're an archer but find this really kick ass sword, no need to worry about not being effective with it since it's all based off your Attack skill. Less time on pointless decision making outside of the game (as that breaks immersion) and more FUN!"

Is this a joke? "Less worry on the gamers end about which skill to level up"???????
Are they fucking insane?

Any change is good, i always hated the elder scrolls leveling system, lame jumping to level etc. bethesda is only good in making nice landscapes, think the series is way overrated, but they improved a bit with fallout 3, so there's hope that es5 will be a little better then a sandbox game.
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Posts: 4359

PostPosted: Wed, 27th Jan 2010 18:30    Post subject:
Morrowind? Meh? You mad.

Gustave the Steel
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Posts: 2878
Location: England
PostPosted: Wed, 27th Jan 2010 18:41    Post subject:
What I've never understood is why we never got another Ultima game.
Now THAT would be awesome.
EA is sitting on the IP while Gariott is tearing his hair out trying to revive the series.

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Posts: 23226
Location: Trelleborg
PostPosted: Wed, 27th Jan 2010 21:40    Post subject:
twobells wrote:
What I've never understood is why we never got another Ultima game.
Now THAT would be awesome.
EA is sitting on the IP while Gariott is tearing his hair out trying to revive the series.

Yeah it would - btw, the last Ultima was really really bad

shitloads of new stuff in my pc. Cant keep track of it all.
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