(at the time I didn't realize how gendered the marketing was, I mean, it's called Game 'Boy' after all)
I am, however, looking forward to Assassin's Creed: Liberation for the Vita which is (finally) going to feature a woman
I really enjoyed Bastion, but the only female character in the game doesn’t have any depth (to put it mildly); basically, her whole characterization was "The Female."
Please eat a cock you stupid bitch. SERIOUSLY. If a man said something like that I'd just smack him in his stupid face.
It's the same twat from the feminist kickstarter thing.
On the other hand, you have a well-spoken female basically saying that all of the above is fucking BULLSHIT (because it is).
AND there is a kickstarter for Misandry in Videogames.
I just love it, because men NEVER complain about being presented in the games as they are, but the feminazis are going batshit INSANE.
Just a couple of counter-tropes for Anita Sarkeesian:
The Musclebeast: Why are all men 7 foot roided up killing machines?
Mr Emotionless McStonefaced
Cannon Fodder
The Fat Comedic Sidekick
Men Are Always The Heroic Ones: Pressuring modern day men into being heroic alpha males. This potentially sets a standard men can’t obtain.
The “Average Joe” As The Bad Guy, And The “Macho Man” As The Hero. (Granted a less harmful industry standard, but the alternatives could be extremely interesting.)
Men As Sex Symbols
Double Standards - Why is it okay to see women killing men, yet the other way around is met with criticism?
Sexuality Stereotypes or “All Gay Men Are Flamboyant” - Or a gay man’s sexuality is his entire character!: At the risk of opening a whole new can of worms, it'd be nice to see sexuality expressed in a more natural, less forced manner.
(at the time I didn't realize how gendered the marketing was, I mean, it's called Game 'Boy' after all)
yea, right...if we called it game girl and then went on about how we loved to play with our game girl, fiddle around with her and press her buttons, it would have been sexist as well.
fucking feminists...
Sin317-"im 31 years old and still surprised at how much shit comes out of my ass actually ..."
SteamDRM-"Call of Duty is the symbol of the true perfection in every aspect. Call of Duty games are like Mozart's/Beethoven's symphonies"
deadpoetic-"are you new to the cyberspace?"
And yet she have wall of shoes and skirts
I mean feminists are just plain stupid mostly and argue for sake of arguing. Wtf... We are different. Men differ from women for christ sake. we think different and have differnt bodies. Feminists should go to work in shipyard or as a carpenter... or even better. to mine. god damnit I am upset again
edit: Fuck it. I will become a mennist now Why there are so many manly man in video games ? this hurts real men who don't look like that
3080, ps5, lg oled
Sin317-"im 31 years old and still surprised at how much shit comes out of my ass actually ..."
SteamDRM-"Call of Duty is the symbol of the true perfection in every aspect. Call of Duty games are like Mozart's/Beethoven's symphonies"
deadpoetic-"are you new to the cyberspace?"
you posted the same shit in the fb group and deleted it after you called me an obtuse little shit for pointing out that you re a misogynist. Thanks for clearing up, that i did not err in this regard. I see others have joined the ranks of the slime-pit.
you posted the same shit in the fb group and deleted it after you called me an obtuse little shit for pointing out that you re a misogynist. Thanks for clearing up, that i did not err in this regard. I see others have joined the ranks of the slime-pit.
Lutzi, what the heck you're talking about. I don't even use fb. Are you sure you've mixed me with someone else?
@Neon: I don't understand your anger but Anita Sarkeesian is probably right. I have to agree with Lutz here, this is misogyny. But don't get me wrong , there are times that I really hate women. Especially if I think about my adoption mother. Then I really want to call her a witch and beat her face up. These days I don't bother to get involved with women. That's easy.
considering that most people who agree here seem to be polish, i d blame the misogynist and homophobic (catholic) culture of that country (and yes, ixi, italy is like poland in that regard xD). Or just people being dicks, i dont know
you posted the same shit in the fb group and deleted it after you called me an obtuse little shit for pointing out that you re a misogynist. Thanks for clearing up, that i did not err in this regard. I see others have joined the ranks of the slime-pit.
well, it was "somebody" who used nearly the EXACT wording of his criticism. Since i m not privy to the ip adresses of facebook posters, i just assumed. Maybe you re just parroting from the same idiotic source, which would make it even more laughable and sheepishly misogynist...
@Neon: BUT do you support equality between the sexes? Look you can support abortion especially if you don't want the child. Or euthanasia if you think certain elderly have become a burden. Or atheism if you think the bible is bad fantasy. Ehh homosexual relationships? Man that is so gay!
Sin317-"im 31 years old and still surprised at how much shit comes out of my ass actually ..."
SteamDRM-"Call of Duty is the symbol of the true perfection in every aspect. Call of Duty games are like Mozart's/Beethoven's symphonies"
deadpoetic-"are you new to the cyberspace?"
Last edited by KillerCrocker on Wed, 4th Jul 2012 21:58; edited 1 time in total
Glad to see I'm not alone. I love this forum, great people here, etc. Pretty much the rampant sexism is the only thing I could do without. I kept silent until now to keep up the general good vibe and will continue to do so from now on, but got to chime in when I feel it's necessary.
I dont think its rampant sexism to think that some feminists have outlandish views. If you have the view that any criticism of feminists is sexist well then you are a fucking tosser, imo.
And I think that her kickstarter video is filled with cherry picking arguments.
I dont think its rampant sexism to think that some feminists have outlandish views. If you have the view that any criticism of feminists is sexist well then you are a fucking tosser, imo.
And I think that her kickstarter video is filled with cherry picking arguments.
Yep, unfortunately most feminazis can't see in grey. It's either black or white to them. v0v
Other than firemaster and his "conquests" I don't see any sexism here. Where exactly are you looking zmed? In fact, we all make fun of each other without bringing women into the equation. How can you forget them harlots ixi and lutzi?
I dont think its rampant sexism to think that some feminists have outlandish views. If you have the view that any criticism of feminists is sexist well then you are a fucking tosser, imo.
And I think that her kickstarter video is filled with cherry picking arguments.
I didn't talk about this article or whatever the fuck this tread was originally created for. I'm talking about the general vibe around here regarding feminism and sex equality.
"Let's fuck those feminists"
"Make a sandwich bitch"
"Lol she got raped, I bet she was drunk and dressed slutty"
Very heartwarming attitude.
Over generalizing the majority of feminists as "feminazis" solely based on the writings of a small minority is narrow minded at best.
Despite popular belief, most feminists are really only about equality. They fight for the right to have the same healthcare, same wages, same standing in society, etc.
Despite popular belief, there are women in the military, and the only reason they cannot fight on the front lines is because of (-gasp-) misogynist bastards in politics who are afraid of the word vagina and think that women would be a hindrance for men on the battlefield with their bodily "problems", distractions and whatnot. There are women in combat roles (like helicopter pilots) who risk their lives just as much as men do, but not down in the field because of sexist misconceptions.
Despite popular belief, men rape women not because they were "immodestly" dressed. Instead of blaming the victim with "dress properly" and "don't do anything to arouse men", we should just say to the actual rapists: hey, how about not raping women?
Yes, there are a few oversensitive idiots who use the feminist label. But dismissing the wast majority of the movement as feminazism is idiotic and narrow minded.
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