new cpu+mb+ram
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PostPosted: Sat, 15th Sep 2012 03:02    Post subject: new cpu+mb+ram
my paypal is ready, just bought 660ti recently and with old e8400 well is crap Sad

Cooler - CORSAIR H100
CPU - Intel Core i5-3570K

And now for motherboard ASRock Z77 OC Formula
but it's quite expensive, any other recommendations? perhaps get on from mid-range from $100 to $150

or sometthing from MSI

either way, it must be asrock or msi

and for ram, should I get 2x 4gb or 4x 2gb sticks?

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PostPosted: Sat, 15th Sep 2012 03:21    Post subject:
MSI is notorious for catching on fire because of shitty cooling on the VRM's

I'd go Asrock if that was the only choice. The kings of the motherboard world is Asus (I won't use them because of quality issues) and Gigabyte.

The MSI representative on was removed from status because of their reputation for handling customers over the fires that were starting on their MBs.

However, this was an overclocking related thing. If you don't OC, don't worry about it.

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PostPosted: Sat, 15th Sep 2012 03:24    Post subject:
Just my opinion being with Gigabyte, with your price range, I'd look at these. If you absolutely wont' do Gigabyte then ignore the links.

If you plan on overclocking, use 2x4GB. The more sticks of memory you add into the equation the harder it is to hit higher overclocks.

As for memory, they might be hard to find now but Samsung came out of no where with some of the best memory on the market. I'll see if I can find them.

Last edited by SpykeZ on Sat, 15th Sep 2012 03:34; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Sat, 15th Sep 2012 03:31    Post subject:
Found the memory:

Don't let those retarded heatshield things fool you. They're just for looks. These sticks are BEASTS.

Got some reviews for you on this kit

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Location: Poland. New York.
PostPosted: Sat, 15th Sep 2012 03:46    Post subject:
if msi is out of the question, i hate asus as well, had one motherboard and it was constantly RMA'ed

yea i plan on overcloking, hence getting that corsair cooler for the cpu

i have gigabyte right now, and it has been working for past 2 years
might get this one

and thanks for the links for reviews of the ram, never heard that samsung makes desktop memory

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PostPosted: Sat, 15th Sep 2012 03:52    Post subject:
I hate Asus for the same reason. RMA after RMA. When you get a working board, they're fucking awesome. That's if you can get a working board. Some people have luck and never have to RMA. I had to RMA every board I ever got from them.

I know NOTHING about Asrock except 2 people I know had them and had issues. I've built 8 computers in the last 4 years all using Gigabyte and not a single one has had a hiccup. Again this is IMO that Gigabyte is the shit. Other people may have better experiences with someone else.

Whatever you get for a motherboard. MAKE SURE the VRM's have a heatsink on them. I would honestly put MSI out of the question. Here's some MSI carnage within a year. Each motherboard a different person. There's a ton more but I don't feel like getting all of them

Samsung start putting memory out recently. Someone got a hold of them just for giggles and found out how they OC. Now stores are having issues keeping them in stock. They were out for months recently because everyone was buying the up like an apocalypse was coming up

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PostPosted: Sun, 16th Sep 2012 18:17    Post subject:
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PostPosted: Sun, 16th Sep 2012 19:36    Post subject:
Very nice Smile I set that H100 up in a client's build before. It's a niice little guy. I would recommend getting different fans though, the ones that come with it are noisy as fuck. I use Noctua P12's on mine. They push a ton of air and you can't hear them at all.

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PostPosted: Sun, 16th Sep 2012 19:37    Post subject:
I actually have those 2 noctua fans for my push-pull setup for my current corsair H50, so I will use them for the H100

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PostPosted: Sun, 16th Sep 2012 19:38    Post subject:
Good, order 2 more so there's 4 on there Wink

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PostPosted: Thu, 20th Sep 2012 02:58    Post subject:

Very Happy exciting times ahead instal and format Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

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PostPosted: Thu, 20th Sep 2012 03:19    Post subject:
Hurry up and overclock that ram!!

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PostPosted: Thu, 20th Sep 2012 06:28    Post subject:
all is working fine Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

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PostPosted: Thu, 20th Sep 2012 08:35    Post subject:
I haz my modest ASRock M3A770DE, which was the best money for performance mobo I could find 2 yrs ago Very Happy

And it's solid. I didn't do any OC'ing on it, but for what I'm using it it does the job Very Happy

"Quantum mechanics is actually, contrary to it's reputation, unbeliveably simple, once you take the physics out."
Scott Aaronson
chiv wrote:
thats true you know. newton didnt discover gravity. the apple told him about it, and then he killed it. the core was never found.

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