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Topic: Dying Light (WB+Techland) |
Replies: 2948
Views: 243945
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Sun, 8th Feb 2015 18:18 Subject: Dying Light (WB+Techland) |
I am currently playing Dragon age Inquisition, Metro redux, Alien isolation, the witcher 2, the vanishing of ethan carter, watch dogs, Far cry 4, the evil within, Dead rising 3, Shadow of mordor, De ... |
Topic: Battlefield 4 |
Replies: 13154
Views: 787080
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Sat, 30th Aug 2014 17:41 Subject: Battlefield 4 |
anyone know what the update was for on BF3?
Good question, can't seem to find any info on this (4.37 gb) update... |
Topic: Battlefield 4 |
Replies: 13154
Views: 787080
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Thu, 27th Feb 2014 16:44 Subject: Battlefield 4 |
Sign me up please: Killian11th |
Topic: Battlefield 4 |
Replies: 13154
Views: 787080
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Sun, 29th Dec 2013 01:48 Subject: Battlefield 4 |
So anyone figured out what/where/why BF4 leaks memory?
Here's from my game just moments ago. In shot memory usage is 7.46/8GB and ran like poo. Closed game and memory usage was 3.76GB. BF4 takes 2. ... |
Topic: Battlefield 4 |
Replies: 13154
Views: 787080
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Wed, 28th Aug 2013 17:09 Subject: Battlefield 4 |
well here's how it worked for me...
1. use the flyvpn trial with the mexican endpoint
2. use, not
3. put the BF4 Deluxe (not sure if standard works) into your ... |
Topic: Battlefield 4 |
Replies: 13154
Views: 787080
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Wed, 21st Aug 2013 19:31 Subject: Battlefield 4 |
Love his cynicism, espcially at 4:00
I share his opinion on naval assault dlc, seriously, how can they pull this off?
Is it war in the middle of the ... |
Topic: Battlefield 4 |
Replies: 13154
Views: 787080
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Wed, 21st Aug 2013 13:18 Subject: Battlefield 4 |
Love his cynicism, espcially at 4:00
I share his opinion on naval assault dlc, seriously, how can they pull this off?
Is it war in the middle of the ... |
Topic: Battlefield 4 |
Replies: 13154
Views: 787080
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Wed, 27th Mar 2013 23:34 Subject: Battlefield 4 |
Battlefield 4 - Limited edition with B2C - Back to Caspian.
Topic: Aliens: Colonial Marines |
Replies: 2376
Views: 191302
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Thu, 28th Feb 2013 15:48 Subject: Aliens: Colonial Marines |
What Gearbox did here is a pretty legitimate business practice.
It might be true that they showed a different "video" about the game but thats something common isnt it?
You see a pretty render trail ... |
Topic: Aliens: Colonial Marines |
Replies: 2376
Views: 191302
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Sun, 17th Feb 2013 00:47 Subject: Aliens: Colonial Marines |
i used to pray to my commodore 64 while it was loading games from cassete tapes
my first computer. poeple had 286's by then, but for a 6 year old it was a god computer
i had two larg ... |
Topic: Aliens: Colonial Marines |
Replies: 2376
Views: 191302
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Sat, 16th Feb 2013 23:26 Subject: Aliens: Colonial Marines |
I still have the nightmare that ends with: "r tape loading error" :DAfter some twenty minutes of loading, right?
Yeah but as soon as Renegade or Ikari Warriors loaded it was all fun... |
Topic: Aliens: Colonial Marines |
Replies: 2376
Views: 191302
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Sat, 16th Feb 2013 22:50 Subject: Aliens: Colonial Marines |
If they aren't, they should...
This is the reason why I don't trust any teaser or any hype behind no matter what game, I'm a gamer since the spectrum 48k and then...
Talking about good old ZX , re ... |
Topic: Aliens: Colonial Marines |
Replies: 2376
Views: 191302
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Sat, 16th Feb 2013 22:21 Subject: Aliens: Colonial Marines |
If they aren't, they should...
This is the reason why I don't trust any teaser or any hype behind no matter what game, I'm a gamer since the spectrum 48k and then, the money was short so a nice dupe ... |
Topic: Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 |
Replies: 2932
Views: 226403
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Thu, 15th Nov 2012 00:42 Subject: Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 |
But I agree with aeona, I'm finding the campaign relatively enjoyable and much better than BF3, MW3 and MoF.
Actually I agree too. The gameplay is stale, the guns feel like crap and linearity is unbe ... |
Topic: What games are/were you the most obsessed with ? |
Replies: 97
Views: 6239
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Thu, 8th Nov 2012 01:16 Subject: What games are/were you the most obsessed with ? |
Battlefield 3 still rocks my shoes and about a year ago was really an obsession.
Severance (still waiting for an updated sequel)
Commandos (hard as fuck but really satisfying to finish)
Honorable ... |
Topic: Battlefield 3 |
Replies: 25436
Views: 1628483
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Sun, 4th Nov 2012 00:15 Subject: Battlefield 3 |
Frostbite 2
Like I mentioned in the MoF topic it really is a shame that this engine will probably never being used along with a good game... not by EA and not by anyone else s ... |
Topic: Battlefield 3 |
Replies: 25436
Views: 1628483
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Wed, 31st Oct 2012 00:19 Subject: Battlefield 3 |
Ok, now I'm buying premium. Finally. Anyone got a link to a good free (temporary) proxy tool? Super Hide IP doesn't show mexico for me right now...
Thanks, ... |
Topic: Black Mesa |
Replies: 2257
Views: 172665
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Tue, 18th Sep 2012 18:13 Subject: Black Mesa |
sin, unreal 1, deus ex, system shock 2,, dark forces 2, opposing force remakes PLIZ!!!!
there we should all be covered now
You're missing the awesome Daikatana...  |
Topic: Black Mesa |
Replies: 2257
Views: 172665
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Tue, 18th Sep 2012 01:34 Subject: Black Mesa |
FC has never been a proper competitive MP shooter...
Anyway, one thing i do have to admit tho, being stoned actually did improve my skills, due me being able to focus better. (because due to what ... |
Topic: Battlefield 3 |
Replies: 25436
Views: 1628483
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Thu, 6th Sep 2012 18:23 Subject: Battlefield 3 |
Well after trying the new patch I hereby officially rebaptize the attack chopper to defense chopper cuz you pratically can't leave your base and i was playing in a team where victory was well assured. ... |
Topic: Battlefield 3 |
Replies: 25436
Views: 1628483
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Mon, 3rd Sep 2012 23:19 Subject: Battlefield 3 |
For the ground troops? Sure. DICE might as well completely remove helicopters from the game and achieve the same effect
• FIM92 and IGLA now lock on to air vehicles at both lower altitudes and ... |
Topic: Battlefield 3 |
Replies: 25436
Views: 1628483
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Mon, 3rd Sep 2012 21:03 Subject: Battlefield 3 |
Bullshit patch, it's gonna make the chopper unusable unless you stay above your base...
In almost every game there's 3 or 4 good jet pilots, you hover or fly high and you're dead...
There's one or t ... |
Topic: Team Fortress 2..It's Alive, Alive |
Replies: 1123
Views: 61179
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Sat, 1st Sep 2012 21:34 Subject: Team Fortress 2..It's Alive, Alive |
Awesome game is (still) awesome!!! |
Topic: Battlefield 3 |
Replies: 25436
Views: 1628483
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Fri, 3rd Aug 2012 22:31 Subject: Battlefield 3 |
fuckin hilarious man
Hilarious when it happens to other ppl...  |
Topic: Battlefield 3 |
Replies: 25436
Views: 1628483
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Fri, 3rd Aug 2012 00:45 Subject: Battlefield 3 |
Great, just what we needed, more soflams+javelin+guided shells no skill camper noobs ruining it for everybody... |
Topic: Battlefield 3 |
Replies: 25436
Views: 1628483
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Thu, 2nd Aug 2012 16:32 Subject: Battlefield 3 |
Is there any good tips to get this game running better ?
I have a 4890 1 gig and 4 gigs of mem e7300 cpu.
Runs like tripe at times even on the lowest settings but on 1920 res.
Just 4gb of ram ca ... |
Topic: Battlefield 3 |
Replies: 25436
Views: 1628483
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Fri, 27th Jul 2012 01:57 Subject: Battlefield 3 |
He lives in the middle of freakin nowhere. No wonder there's nothing around
Topic: Battlefield 3 |
Replies: 25436
Views: 1628483
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Fri, 27th Jul 2012 01:04 Subject: Battlefield 3 |
I bet it's close quarters with light vehicles and the usual choke points... |
Topic: Battlefield 3 |
Replies: 25436
Views: 1628483
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Thu, 19th Jul 2012 00:53 Subject: Battlefield 3 |
what the...this happened to me earlier today..
Edit: Incase you don't see what happens...I spawned inside a room with no doors only a closed window : ... |
Topic: Battlefield 3 |
Replies: 25436
Views: 1628483
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Tue, 17th Jul 2012 18:53 Subject: Battlefield 3 |
i was wondering about buying bf3 premium. The cheapest price i found is 25e. Is there any cheaper shop on the net?
Hmmm 25€, may I ask where? |