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Topic: Vikings - 9 Part Mini-Series on The History Channel |
Replies: 796
Views: 72561
Forum: Movie & TV Sparks Posted: Thu, 1st Dec 2016 04:30 Subject: Vikings - 9 Part Mini-Series on The History Channel |
^^ started watching that rls and i had to stop. for some reason they have somebody narrating the episode? wtf? |
Topic: The Grand Tour |
Replies: 266
Views: 39154
Forum: Movie & TV Sparks Posted: Fri, 18th Nov 2016 01:18 Subject: The Grand Tour |
ep1 is out already on amazon prime. |
Topic: Doom 4 |
Replies: 3462
Views: 316537
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Sat, 6th Aug 2016 23:43 Subject: Doom 4 |
works fine here. yes there is a couple of fixes that need to be installed but theyre out there. |
Topic: Quantum Break |
Replies: 1790
Views: 166160
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Thu, 14th Apr 2016 05:33 Subject: Quantum Break |
installed the game, ran it, can't get more than what i think is 5 fps. specs 4790k, 24gb ram, 970 gtx oc'd 1.5ghz. this is at any resolusion lowest possible setting( even 720p) |
Topic: Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice [Zack Snyder] |
Replies: 888
Views: 51679
Forum: Movie & TV Sparks Posted: Sun, 27th Mar 2016 03:42 Subject: Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice [Zack Snyder] |
Probably has better plot than Hack v Derp.
the Joker in this movie is better than jared leto's joker
as for BvS....aside from deadpool, the ... |
Topic: Tom's Clancy The Division |
Replies: 175
Views: 16894
Forum: Console Arena Posted: Tue, 8th Mar 2016 06:40 Subject: Tom's Clancy The Division |
just tried to play it (just unlocked) but i can't connect to servers...good ol' ubisoft.. (keep getting error division services are not available mike 20220360) |
Topic: Star Wars 7 (2015) |
Replies: 1807
Views: 103549
Forum: Movie & TV Sparks Posted: Wed, 30th Dec 2015 17:10 Subject: Star Wars 7 (2015) |
i just watched the movie and though it was ok. certainly not $1Billion type movie. i felt like it was a rehash of the old movie just rewritten with new characters, like they didn't really try to chang ... |
Topic: [X360/PS3/NextGen] Destiny |
Replies: 1368
Views: 85842
Forum: Console Arena Posted: Sat, 15th Aug 2015 00:44 Subject: [X360/PS3/NextGen] Destiny |
wait nobody has posted about it? crazy. Xur is selling the all mighty Gjallarhorn (which is about to be nerf a tad next month...). incase anybody may not have gotten the memo. he's @ the bar near the ... |
Topic: [PS4] Driveclub (October 7th 2014) |
Replies: 484
Views: 30681
Forum: Console Arena Posted: Sat, 27th Jun 2015 00:41 Subject: [PS4] Driveclub (October 7th 2014) |
i also seem to only have been able to download a "demo" not the psn+ version. so ingame when i try to play on some tracks, it tells me to download the psn+ version, but i can't download it. so i can't ... |
Topic: [X360/PS3/NextGen] Destiny |
Replies: 1368
Views: 85842
Forum: Console Arena Posted: Wed, 27th May 2015 00:31 Subject: [X360/PS3/NextGen] Destiny |
prison of elders has decent loot tw1st! i got my first gallahorn in there! (i've been playing since the damn alpha....), at least the first prison of elders mission.
i like it so far, its decent. |
Topic: [X360/XBOXONE/PS3/PS4] Mortal Kombat X (April 14th 2015) |
Replies: 182
Views: 18281
Forum: Console Arena Posted: Tue, 14th Apr 2015 07:36 Subject: [X360/XBOXONE/PS3/PS4] Mortal Kombat X (April 14th 2015) |
i know, i played thru a couple of sp fights/campaign but i gotta work tomorrow too:( |
Topic: [X360/PS3/NextGen] Destiny |
Replies: 1368
Views: 85842
Forum: Console Arena Posted: Tue, 9th Dec 2014 18:29 Subject: [X360/PS3/NextGen] Destiny |
I would be down to do it...but still lvl 29 and will most likely spoil me self before the wkend, lol. |
Topic: [X360/PS3/NextGen] Destiny |
Replies: 1368
Views: 85842
Forum: Console Arena Posted: Fri, 5th Dec 2014 18:01 Subject: [X360/PS3/NextGen] Destiny |
I am still in need of gaulets to reach level 30, can't seem to be able to get those, lol.
Is anybody gonna try to run the new raid on Tuesday? Wonder if the pesky oracles are gonna be in the new r ... |
Topic: [X360/PS3/NextGen] Destiny |
Replies: 1368
Views: 85842
Forum: Console Arena Posted: Wed, 3rd Dec 2014 00:41 Subject: [X360/PS3/NextGen] Destiny |
anybody notice Eris in the tower map? i guess thats where eris will be located when dlc comes out |
Topic: [X360/PS3/NextGen] Destiny |
Replies: 1368
Views: 85842
Forum: Console Arena Posted: Tue, 2nd Dec 2014 00:50 Subject: [X360/PS3/NextGen] Destiny |
they changed the vex mythoclast extended mag from ~52 to 35 rounds. and i was just starting to like that gun:(. at least they boosted the damage i guess. |
Topic: [X360/PS3/NextGen] Destiny |
Replies: 1368
Views: 85842
Forum: Console Arena Posted: Thu, 27th Nov 2014 06:47 Subject: [X360/PS3/NextGen] Destiny |
did the raid on hard a few shards/energies, raid boots, and vex mythoclast! just need gaulets and i should be level 30. i tried doing iron banner but didn't get far enough. |
Topic: [X360/PS3/NextGen] Destiny |
Replies: 1368
Views: 85842
Forum: Console Arena Posted: Mon, 3rd Nov 2014 05:28 Subject: [X360/PS3/NextGen] Destiny |
am up to lvl 29.......just need some raid gear and shards to get up to that level 30. |
Topic: [X360/PS3/NextGen] Destiny |
Replies: 1368
Views: 85842
Forum: Console Arena Posted: Tue, 28th Oct 2014 16:45 Subject: [X360/PS3/NextGen] Destiny |
New update rolled out....fixes the raid boss so he can't fall off stage and also will choose random 3 instead of the 3 guardians behind.
Well at least normal raid has reset for this that ... |
Topic: [X360/PS3/NextGen] Destiny |
Replies: 1368
Views: 85842
Forum: Console Arena Posted: Sat, 25th Oct 2014 02:36 Subject: [X360/PS3/NextGen] Destiny |
i don't know......i've tried it out and i don't like it as much as Doctor Nope....i guess cause am spoiled about the fast rate of fire and magazine size. (then again my dr nope is fully upgraded)
i ... |
Topic: [X360/PS3/NextGen] Destiny |
Replies: 1368
Views: 85842
Forum: Console Arena Posted: Thu, 23rd Oct 2014 23:35 Subject: [X360/PS3/NextGen] Destiny |
is there gonna be a team 2 raid for sat or sunday as well? |
Topic: [X360/PS3/NextGen] Destiny |
Replies: 1368
Views: 85842
Forum: Console Arena Posted: Sun, 19th Oct 2014 00:19 Subject: [X360/PS3/NextGen] Destiny |
so i had to leave team 2 raid prior to end of last mission......anybody wanna help me finish it? i can resume at the last leg.....but need some people to help me finish it |
Topic: [X360/PS3/NextGen] Destiny |
Replies: 1368
Views: 85842
Forum: Console Arena Posted: Sat, 18th Oct 2014 00:07 Subject: [X360/PS3/NextGen] Destiny |
i just got to lvl 28 , ready for the raid. bout how long you guys think this will take? |
Topic: [X360/PS3/NextGen] Destiny |
Replies: 1368
Views: 85842
Forum: Console Arena Posted: Wed, 15th Oct 2014 02:28 Subject: [X360/PS3/NextGen] Destiny |
i wanna join in on some saturday raid fun! lvl 27 titan, i should be able to join up around that time. psn id is TheOnerf in case anyone wants to do nightfall strike with as i haven't finished 1 yet. |
Topic: [X360/PS3/NextGen] Destiny |
Replies: 1368
Views: 85842
Forum: Console Arena Posted: Tue, 7th Oct 2014 01:28 Subject: [X360/PS3/NextGen] Destiny |
i might be up to playing some raid if within reasonable time on saturday. am in central time....level 27 titan. |
Topic: [X360/PS3/NextGen] Destiny |
Replies: 1368
Views: 85842
Forum: Console Arena Posted: Sat, 4th Oct 2014 02:20 Subject: [X360/PS3/NextGen] Destiny |
Xur is in the vanguard area of the tower for those looking for him. just got me an exotic helmet from the guy. |
Topic: [X360/PS3/NextGen] Destiny |
Replies: 1368
Views: 85842
Forum: Console Arena Posted: Mon, 29th Sep 2014 01:30 Subject: [X360/PS3/NextGen] Destiny |
do the queens wrath missions, i've gotten legendary helmet, chest armor, and scout rifle from it. finally got an exotic weapon......too bad its a shotgun, lol, its nice though, i got it from a exotic ... |
Topic: [X360/PS3/NextGen] Destiny |
Replies: 1368
Views: 85842
Forum: Console Arena Posted: Sat, 27th Sep 2014 01:05 Subject: [X360/PS3/NextGen] Destiny |
i just did the weekly heroic(had a bounty for that) by myself, it seemed easier this time. i heard when bungie closed the loot cave that they may have made it a bit easier to do those strike missions ... |
Topic: [X360/PS3/NextGen] Destiny |
Replies: 1368
Views: 85842
Forum: Console Arena Posted: Fri, 26th Sep 2014 01:43 Subject: [X360/PS3/NextGen] Destiny |
i didn't get much from the loot cave .
i sent in a request for nfohump clan, hopefully i can get some of u to help me with some of these crazy strikes, lol |
Topic: [X360/PS3/NextGen] Destiny |
Replies: 1368
Views: 85842
Forum: Console Arena Posted: Sat, 20th Sep 2014 18:53 Subject: [X360/PS3/NextGen] Destiny |
has anybody seen the guy that sells good stuff on weekends? seems he's not showing up anymore |
Topic: [X360/PS3/NextGen] Destiny |
Replies: 1368
Views: 85842
Forum: Console Arena Posted: Tue, 9th Sep 2014 00:39 Subject: [X360/PS3/NextGen] Destiny |
i played the beta with some friends and though the game was great, hopefully the full game will be better
got the digital version so....gotta wait till midnight to unlock  |