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Topic: Anno History Collection (1602+1503+1701+1404) [June 25, NR] |
Replies: 14
Views: 1060
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Wed, 27th May 2020 00:22 Subject: Anno History Collection (1602+1503+1701+1404) [June 25, NR] |
Worth €20-25 as a pack. More than that is bullshit but since this is Ubisoft I'm not surprised. |
Topic: Gamergate discussion |
Replies: 6912
Views: 371872
Forum: General chatter Posted: Wed, 27th May 2020 00:14 Subject: Gamergate discussion |
Oh for fucks sake - you can't be that dense can you? I spell it out like to a 5 year old and you still can't get it? JOURNALISM IS SHIT BECAUSE THE WRITERS ARE YOUNG, INEXPERIENCED, CHEAP, WRITE CLICK ... |
Topic: Gamergate discussion |
Replies: 6912
Views: 371872
Forum: General chatter Posted: Wed, 27th May 2020 00:03 Subject: Gamergate discussion |
Sometimes you are fucking deranged... show us where the big bad girl touched you already
You do realize that any newspaper has an editor? That reads and decides if whatever article is published ... |
Topic: Gamergate discussion |
Replies: 6912
Views: 371872
Forum: General chatter Posted: Tue, 26th May 2020 23:58 Subject: Gamergate discussion |
Hammers see nails and Red is seeing problematic women. What else is new.
Yeah because what I wrote said women were problematic ... I said twice that they replaced the old experienced (most ... |
Topic: Gamergate discussion |
Replies: 6912
Views: 371872
Forum: General chatter Posted: Tue, 26th May 2020 19:07 Subject: Gamergate discussion |
Boys don't make grammar or spelling mistakes ?
They do, but it's mostly girls they hire for some reason and who make the worst spelling mistakes. You know, there's this truly magical thing calle ... |
Topic: Gamergate discussion |
Replies: 6912
Views: 371872
Forum: General chatter Posted: Tue, 26th May 2020 10:20 Subject: Gamergate discussion |
If any job has eroded severely the past two decades, it's definitely journalism. Newspapers just copy 90% of all their information from central sources and then wond ... |
Topic: The last watched movie. |
Replies: 44527
Views: 2221198
Forum: Movie & TV Sparks Posted: Sun, 24th May 2020 12:07 Subject: The last watched movie. |
^Passengers has the highly fuckable and nutty Jennifer Lawrence though^, so between the two, I enjoyed Passengers more
Passengers does a lot of it better in scale - the huge ship being empty - b ... |
Topic: Looking for a new build |
Replies: 50
Views: 2633
Forum: Hardware Zone Posted: Sun, 24th May 2020 10:27 Subject: Looking for a new build |
At least someone who finally got some common sense - OC-ing shortens lifespan of your hardware drastically.
And: I bought a new PC for work for graphical design so it seems to meet your demands an ... |
Topic: Diablo 2 |
Replies: 719
Views: 78606
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Sun, 24th May 2020 01:09 Subject: Diablo 2 |
Yeah they'll fuck up Diablo II big time if they were to remaster. Warcraft III was an easy remaster with its simplistic 3D and they still fucked it up. Diablo 2 was all 3D rendered sprites - they most ... |
Topic: The last watched movie. |
Replies: 44527
Views: 2221198
Forum: Movie & TV Sparks Posted: Sun, 24th May 2020 00:53 Subject: The last watched movie. |
Passengers (2016) + AI Rising (2018)
There's quite a few similarities between the two funnily enough: long distance space flight, lonely guy needing companionship, "female" companionship turning ou ... |
Topic: Rick & Morty - new show by the creator of Community |
Replies: 313
Views: 36390
Forum: Movie & TV Sparks Posted: Sun, 24th May 2020 00:42 Subject: Rick & Morty - new show by the creator of Community |
Well this one was more classic Rick & Morty: not trying to be too clever and just having a decent premise. |
Topic: Gamergate discussion |
Replies: 6912
Views: 371872
Forum: General chatter Posted: Sun, 17th May 2020 22:01 Subject: Gamergate discussion |
By the way, Ion Fury was the best shooter of 2019 as far as I'm concerned
and 2020 so far too
Yeah I loved it. It shows you don't need stupid modern game mechanics with scripted ... |
Topic: Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (Paramount, 2022–) |
Replies: 50
Views: 5196
Forum: Movie & TV Sparks Posted: Fri, 15th May 2020 22:31 Subject: Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (Paramount, 2022–) |
I heard so much negative stuff about Picard I didn't dare watch beyond episode 1. I lost hope of any Star Trek being any good - it's not Star Trek. It looks like Star Trek but it's just like any other ... |
Topic: Rick & Morty - new show by the creator of Community |
Replies: 313
Views: 36390
Forum: Movie & TV Sparks Posted: Thu, 14th May 2020 16:03 Subject: Rick & Morty - new show by the creator of Community |
'faux-clever' Who the fuck talks like that.
Me, clearly. And I wrote that because it's the closest I could get to what it was namely pretend-clever (which sounds way worse).
And NO ... |
Topic: =GAME DEALS= |
Replies: 29847
Views: 2018936
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Thu, 14th May 2020 09:31 Subject: =GAME DEALS= |
It's not about the overhead, it's about yet another piece of crap running in the background.
I REALLY get nostalgic when I sit behind my Windows XP machine. There's only a dozen services, maybe 3 p ... |
Topic: The CPU Discussion thread! |
Replies: 3148
Views: 180416
Forum: Hardware Zone Posted: Wed, 13th May 2020 23:14 Subject: The CPU Discussion thread! |
Oh where are the days of the Athlon CPUs - emitting as much heat as a small sun and a failing fan (which was not uncommon back then) could cause it to die in less than 10 seconds with no BIOS override ... |
Topic: Rick & Morty - new show by the creator of Community |
Replies: 313
Views: 36390
Forum: Movie & TV Sparks Posted: Wed, 13th May 2020 23:02 Subject: Rick & Morty - new show by the creator of Community |
OK this episode was beyond shit. It's faux-clever - I know R&M have been faux-clever plenty of times but this time it was really impossible to ignore. |
Topic: Gamergate discussion |
Replies: 6912
Views: 371872
Forum: General chatter Posted: Wed, 13th May 2020 13:23 Subject: Gamergate discussion |
Washington Post is utter garbage.
By their logic, having an isle with gluten-free food = discrimination. |
Topic: Black Desert |
Replies: 405
Views: 36583
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Mon, 11th May 2020 18:11 Subject: Black Desert |
@red avatar, you suffered that long? I uninstalled this after accepting first quest, go fetch or go kill 4-5 of something.
Thing is, there's a LOT going on and I mean a LOT. You can even breed hors ... |
Topic: Black Desert |
Replies: 405
Views: 36583
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Mon, 11th May 2020 08:47 Subject: Black Desert |
Last time I tried this I found it overly complicated... It might just be my unrealistic expectations I suppose, but it just seemed very convoluted and designed to entice you to spend spend spend...
... |
Topic: Locke & Key (2020, TV Series, Netflix) |
Replies: 11
Views: 1076
Forum: Movie & TV Sparks Posted: Sat, 9th May 2020 19:21 Subject: Locke & Key (2020, TV Series, Netflix) |
Just watched this series. It's very very VERY rocky.
The good:
- great premise
- some good characters
The bad:
- the mother/teenager story divide just doesn't work - the part with the mother ... |
Topic: Halo: The Master Chèf Collection |
Replies: 299
Views: 27588
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Tue, 5th May 2020 08:53 Subject: Halo: The Master Chèf Collection |
Just played some Halo 1. Jesus christ I don't remember it being THAT primitive.
Halo was always shit. People were just too blinded by the graphics and the swanky vehicle to notice. Now the vehi ... |
Topic: Star Citizen (Chris Roberts is back!) [Beta in ∞ years] |
Replies: 8198
Views: 579632
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Fri, 24th Apr 2020 15:57 Subject: Star Citizen (Chris Roberts is back!) [Beta in ∞ years] |
It's basically Elite: Dangerous Lite.
I mean really, what else does Elite Dangerous have in the gameplay loop besides some computer generated planets and missions that mean nothing at all?
A waa ... |
Topic: New Apple Stuff (x86! :O) |
Replies: 18
Views: 1900
Forum: Hardware Zone Posted: Fri, 24th Apr 2020 15:49 Subject: New Apple Stuff (x86! :O) |
You got to love how Apple loves fucking their users in the ass. They pulled this stunt back when they moved from PowerPC to Intel AND ALL EXPENSIVE SOFTWARE STOPPED WORKING. At work we had ... |
Topic: Fallout 76 (Rust-like Frankbethestein-esque Bryomonster) |
Replies: 1650
Views: 147252
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Fri, 24th Apr 2020 12:50 Subject: Fallout 76 (Rust-like Frankbethestein-esque Bryomonster) |
Figured out how to port FO4 retextures to this game, and I've gotta say, with a mix of FlanconOil/Luxor/Valius and other stuff + paired with my Appalachia Revamped Reshade the game looks 100% better, ... |
Topic: Fallout 76 (Rust-like Frankbethestein-esque Bryomonster) |
Replies: 1650
Views: 147252
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Fri, 24th Apr 2020 11:27 Subject: Fallout 76 (Rust-like Frankbethestein-esque Bryomonster) |
This is cool
Players are finding an animal known as the observant radstag which are random ... |
Topic: Fallout 76 (Rust-like Frankbethestein-esque Bryomonster) |
Replies: 1650
Views: 147252
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Fri, 24th Apr 2020 09:44 Subject: Fallout 76 (Rust-like Frankbethestein-esque Bryomonster) |
suprized they didnt do more play for free events sofar or havent announcd one yet, only heard of one weeke sofar they did.I played in that one and it was terrible experience, from mob ai to gfx to lif ... |
Topic: Fallout 76 (Rust-like Frankbethestein-esque Bryomonster) |
Replies: 1650
Views: 147252
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Tue, 21st Apr 2020 00:43 Subject: Fallout 76 (Rust-like Frankbethestein-esque Bryomonster) |
I don't understand how you could support and play this title, no wonder studio's release alpha quality stuff these days.
I've heard about a year and a half of whining about this game from people wh ... |
Topic: Fallout 76 (Rust-like Frankbethestein-esque Bryomonster) |
Replies: 1650
Views: 147252
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Sat, 18th Apr 2020 20:00 Subject: Fallout 76 (Rust-like Frankbethestein-esque Bryomonster) |
Also for those who don't know: you CAN use mods with this game. Some are really a must-have like the Perk mod that lets you quickly swap to different load-outs. |
Topic: Considering a NAS ... |
Replies: 12
Views: 1494
Forum: Hardware Zone Posted: Sat, 18th Apr 2020 18:46 Subject: Considering a NAS ... |
Yeah I don't want to spend €2000 . |