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Topic: Spec Ops: The Line |
Replies: 485
Views: 43708
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Thu, 26th Jul 2012 02:19 Subject: Spec Ops: The Line |
Yeah, holding it while aiming at the shadow behind the billboard. And tapping, sadly, doesn't work either.
I was hopig someone else here had had the same problem. Guess I'm shit out of luck... |
Topic: Spec Ops: The Line |
Replies: 485
Views: 43708
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Thu, 26th Jul 2012 02:09 Subject: Spec Ops: The Line |
You have to HOLD the button until you select the enemy target you want your team to take on.
I know it says hold. I tried holding it. However, when I press it, the shimmering happens. After that, n ... |
Topic: Spec Ops: The Line |
Replies: 485
Views: 43708
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Thu, 26th Jul 2012 01:25 Subject: Spec Ops: The Line |
So I just started the game, and I'm at the point where I have to give the attack command to my guys to get the guy behind the billboard. However, when I hit the appointed key (mouse 4 in my case), my ... |
Topic: Tropico 4 |
Replies: 154
Views: 19039
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Wed, 28th Mar 2012 15:08 Subject: Tropico 4 |
I tried running the expansion, but I need to register an online account, and then it says the product key in the nfo is already in use. Anyone know a way around this? |
Topic: Assassin's Creed: Revelations |
Replies: 1381
Views: 111578
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Wed, 23rd Nov 2011 23:34 Subject: Assassin's Creed: Revelations |
So, I install, copy the contents of the SKIDROW folder to my install dir. It includes a folder named orbit, which isn't in the install dir. When I try to start the game, it says it can't find the Ubis ... |
Topic: Civilization V |
Replies: 3863
Views: 498768
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Sun, 3rd Oct 2010 20:09 Subject: Civilization V |
Guess I should consider not being able to play the new Civ game as a blessing in disguise... |
Topic: Civilization V |
Replies: 3863
Views: 498768
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Sun, 3rd Oct 2010 00:13 Subject: Civilization V |
Okay, worked it out. Pretty silly actually.
So during the setup the installation of VC++ redis 2008 failed.
Now why did it fail? Easy because Windows bugged me since yesterday evening to shut my lap ... |
Topic: Civilization V |
Replies: 3863
Views: 498768
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Sat, 2nd Oct 2010 19:47 Subject: Civilization V |
Bleh game does not start up with a 8800 GT
I have a GTS, same problem. You tried all the tips floating around online? When does is crash for you? During the intro movie? Yea and now even before the ... |
Topic: Civilization V |
Replies: 3863
Views: 498768
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Sat, 2nd Oct 2010 19:30 Subject: Civilization V |
Bleh game does not start up with a 8800 GT
I have a GTS, same problem. You tried all the tips floating around online? When does is crash for you? During the intro movie? |
Topic: Civilization V |
Replies: 3863
Views: 498768
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Sat, 2nd Oct 2010 18:18 Subject: Civilization V |
Guess I'll try the beta drivers, but I've got to say I'm not holding my breath at this point... |
Topic: Civilization V |
Replies: 3863
Views: 498768
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Sat, 2nd Oct 2010 17:52 Subject: Civilization V |
Is it possible to purchase the building you are currently building? It doesn't appear in the purchase menu. But it seems odd if its not possible. What am I missing ?
I would assume you're missing t ... |
Topic: Civilization V |
Replies: 3863
Views: 498768
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Sat, 2nd Oct 2010 17:38 Subject: Civilization V |
Also, the latest drivers I can find on the Nvidia site for my video card are the 258.96 ones... |
Topic: Civilization V |
Replies: 3863
Views: 498768
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Sat, 2nd Oct 2010 17:35 Subject: Civilization V |
Argh, not being able to play the new Civ is pissing me off... |
Topic: Civilization V |
Replies: 3863
Views: 498768
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Sat, 2nd Oct 2010 02:58 Subject: Civilization V |
Tried that as well. Have been looking for a solution, but I saw someone post that people with an 8800 video card are fucked for now. Guess what card I have... |
Topic: Civilization V |
Replies: 3863
Views: 498768
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Sat, 2nd Oct 2010 02:46 Subject: Civilization V |
It seems I am unlucky as the game won't start for me. Both dx9 and dx11 exe's give the same result: game starts, intro movie plays fine for a few seconds (3-4) and game crashes before the movie even f ... |
Topic: Civilization V |
Replies: 3863
Views: 498768
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Fri, 1st Oct 2010 22:29 Subject: Civilization V |
I installed the game, plus the updates. But I keep getting an errr message when I try to start it up. Something about 'the procedure entry point not located in the dynamic link library CvLocalizationW ... |
Topic: Dragon Age |
Replies: 6124
Views: 855595
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Mon, 12th Jul 2010 04:12 Subject: Dragon Age |
Wow, Leliana's Song was boring. Maybe it's because her back story was pretty much explained in full in the original game. Just didn't enjoy it at all... |
Topic: Mass Effect 2 |
Replies: 5408
Views: 604401
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Wed, 30th Jun 2010 01:35 Subject: Mass Effect 2 |
I don't think he was speaking about religion (it has been quite a while since I listened to that particular conversation). Wasn't it about how some of the AI decided to go one way while the others dec ... |
Topic: Mass Effect 2 |
Replies: 5408
Views: 604401
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Thu, 17th Jun 2010 13:53 Subject: Mass Effect 2 |
Uhm, where are you guys getting the Overlord DLC? |
Topic: Mass Effect 2 |
Replies: 5408
Views: 604401
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Wed, 16th Jun 2010 23:58 Subject: Mass Effect 2 |
Think about it for a minute. It has to do with release dates.
I figured that, but I don't follow all CoD-related news. I assume you mean a delay?
oh man...Radicalus just explained it.
Hehe. I ... |
Topic: Mass Effect 2 |
Replies: 5408
Views: 604401
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Wed, 16th Jun 2010 23:30 Subject: Mass Effect 2 |
Think about it for a minute. It has to do with release dates.
I figured that, but I don't follow all CoD-related news. I assume you mean a delay? |
Topic: Mass Effect 2 |
Replies: 5408
Views: 604401
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Wed, 16th Jun 2010 23:15 Subject: Mass Effect 2 |
Balls. Just finished ME2 for a second time, and just realized it was only released earlier this year. It's gonna be an unbearable wait for ME3
I think I am going to stick with my first playthrou ... |
Topic: Mass Effect 2 |
Replies: 5408
Views: 604401
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Wed, 16th Jun 2010 22:40 Subject: Mass Effect 2 |
Balls. Just finished ME2 for a second time, and just realized it was only released earlier this year. It's gonna be an unbearable wait for ME3
I think I am going to stick with my first playthrou ... |
Topic: Alpha Protocol |
Replies: 1887
Views: 183946
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Tue, 8th Jun 2010 22:27 Subject: Alpha Protocol |
What the hell? The game worked fine for me last week (Windows 7, 64 bit). I tried to start it up, and it crashes before the game even starts up. I tried reinstalling, but the problem persists. Anybody ... |
Topic: Splinter Cell Conviction |
Replies: 2586
Views: 251843
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Wed, 28th Apr 2010 00:13 Subject: Splinter Cell Conviction |
daaaamn i want noow crack , not to wait <lol>
Look on the bright side. While you wait for a working crack to be released, you'll have the time to actually learn English... |
Topic: Splinter Cell Conviction |
Replies: 2586
Views: 251843
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Tue, 27th Apr 2010 23:39 Subject: Splinter Cell Conviction |
Ah, right. Patience it is then. Guess I'll get to work on finishing my thesis then  |
Topic: Splinter Cell Conviction |
Replies: 2586
Views: 251843
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Tue, 27th Apr 2010 23:28 Subject: Splinter Cell Conviction |
Wait, what? There's a working PC version already? Same tactics to get it working as the p2p AC2 release? Been keeping an eye on the NFO part of the site, but haven't seen anything there yet... |
Topic: Just Cause 2 |
Replies: 1888
Views: 200299
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Mon, 29th Mar 2010 23:50 Subject: Just Cause 2 |
The game worked fine the last two days. But now, everytime I start up, it crashes within a minute. Anyone else had this problem?
did you do any changes updates, anything?
Hmm, updated my drivers ... |
Topic: Just Cause 2 |
Replies: 1888
Views: 200299
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Mon, 29th Mar 2010 18:04 Subject: Just Cause 2 |
The game worked fine the last two days. But now, everytime I start up, it crashes within a minute. Anyone else had this problem? |
Topic: Dragon Age: The Awakening |
Replies: 330
Views: 41750
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Tue, 16th Mar 2010 02:11 Subject: Dragon Age: The Awakening |
Hmm, didnt install the DLC. It seems my character was wearing quite a lot of DLC gear, because he started out with very little indeed. Guess that's the downside. Loving it so far. |