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  Topic: [PS3] The Last of Us

Replies: 1617
Views: 160450

PostForum: Console Arena   Posted: Fri, 7th Jun 2013 09:40   Subject: [PS3] The Last of Us
i can't believe people still pay for that piece of shit usenet

I still pay as I know of no other sources Sad - well apart from torrents and unless they have improved in recent used to tak ...
  Topic: [PS3] God of War: Ascension

Replies: 418
Views: 38458

PostForum: Console Arena   Posted: Wed, 13th Mar 2013 13:43   Subject: [PS3] God of War: Ascension
Still not been able to download from usenet, downloads ok, but something not right, PAR does an auto repair.... then insists that the rar's are still in complete... try repair again... endless cycle. ...
  Topic: [OTHER] Next gen consoles which one will you buy?

Replies: 49
Views: 3423

PostForum: Console Arena   Posted: Wed, 20th Feb 2013 10:11   Subject: [OTHER] Next gen consoles which one will you buy?
er ... I want to select multiple answers...
most likely.... new Xbox first .... then PS4 year or so later ... and maybe a WiiU when the "wii 3" comes out and pick up all the cheap 1st party games
al ...
  Topic: [PS3] PS3 Hacking Thread

Replies: 10866
Views: 371528

PostForum: Console Arena   Posted: Wed, 19th Dec 2012 10:04   Subject: [PS3] PS3 Hacking Thread
Any of you showtime users know if its possible to use an external usb drive to play >4GB 1080p mkv files? I can play up to 4GB from usb... but >4GB needs ntfs right? I can't find much info on th ...
  Topic: Goodbye nzbmatrix, best usenet indexer...

Replies: 233
Views: 21635

PostForum: General chatter   Posted: Sun, 9th Dec 2012 12:40   Subject: Goodbye nzbmatrix, best usenet indexer...
Sinking feeling in my stomach when I went on to nzbmatrix this morning Sad
Looks like back to the old 2003 way of doing things, manually keeping up with releases and manually checking the main groups ...
  Topic: [PS3] PS3 Hacking Thread

Replies: 10866
Views: 371528

PostForum: Console Arena   Posted: Mon, 19th Nov 2012 10:24   Subject: [PS3] PS3 Hacking Thread
I sometimes fail to understand why ppl use console to watch movies

I have a ps3, 360 and wii under the tv. I sometimes fail to understand why I would need another box to watch movies.
  Topic: [PS3] PS3 Hacking Thread

Replies: 10866
Views: 371528

PostForum: Console Arena   Posted: Fri, 2nd Nov 2012 17:08   Subject: [PS3] PS3 Hacking Thread
My word, I forgot how painful trying to play games on the PS3 is. Wanted a "quick look" at LBP2 last night - 45 minutes later I could actually play! First off, 18 updates which took forever... Then it ...
  Topic: [PS3] Journey-PSN

Replies: 47
Views: 4156

PostForum: Console Arena   Posted: Tue, 30th Oct 2012 11:43   Subject: [PS3] Journey-PSN
Journey Collexctors Edition is on newsgroups. That doesn't work? Or has astraweb so many missing files?

I've tried downloading it twice, blocknews and usenetserver. Both times, even though there ar ...
  Topic: [PS3] PS3 Hacking Thread

Replies: 10866
Views: 371528

PostForum: Console Arena   Posted: Tue, 23rd Oct 2012 21:47   Subject: [PS3] PS3 Hacking Thread

your knowledge about 3.55 cfw is very outdated. only 2 games of those you listed weren't playable on 3.55.

Actually if you read my posts instead of being so quick to critisize, you'll see that I ...
  Topic: [PS3] PS3 Hacking Thread

Replies: 10866
Views: 371528

PostForum: Console Arena   Posted: Tue, 23rd Oct 2012 16:48   Subject: [PS3] PS3 Hacking Thread
So glad I did not upgrade for the sake of watching Prometheus blu ray lol....
This is good news Smile
So any PS3 exclusives that I have missed out on since I stopped playing when 3.55 was patched?

  Topic: [PS3] PS3 Hacking Thread

Replies: 10866
Views: 371528

PostForum: Console Arena   Posted: Tue, 23rd Oct 2012 16:24   Subject: [PS3] PS3 Hacking Thread
So glad I did not upgrade for the sake of watching Prometheus blu ray lol....
This is good news Smile
So any PS3 exclusives that I have missed out on since I stopped playing when 3.55 was patched?
do ...
  Topic: [PS3] PS3 Hacking Thread

Replies: 10866
Views: 371528

PostForum: Console Arena   Posted: Tue, 23rd Oct 2012 16:05   Subject: [PS3] PS3 Hacking Thread
So glad I did not upgrade for the sake of watching Prometheus blu ray lol....
This is good news Smile
So any PS3 exclusives that I have missed out on since I stopped playing when 3.55 was patched?
  Topic: [PS3] PS3 Hacking Thread

Replies: 10866
Views: 371528

PostForum: Console Arena   Posted: Tue, 9th Oct 2012 14:55   Subject: [PS3] PS3 Hacking Thread
No, ok, I guess I was having a "sell-it rage" because Prometheus wouldn't play.
I haven't played a game on it in over a year, so it's pretty much never used now apart from playing bluray.
But no do ...
  Topic: [PS3] PS3 Hacking Thread

Replies: 10866
Views: 371528

PostForum: Console Arena   Posted: Tue, 9th Oct 2012 13:03   Subject: [PS3] PS3 Hacking Thread
I suppose I could sell the ps3? Spend the money on a blu ray player. Because thinking about it, new xbox and new ps4 likely to be out next year, and I wont care for playing any of the last 2 years ps3 ...
  Topic: [PS3] PS3 Hacking Thread

Replies: 10866
Views: 371528

PostForum: Console Arena   Posted: Tue, 9th Oct 2012 12:33   Subject: [PS3] PS3 Hacking Thread
So I got Prometheus on blu-ray, and my ps3 won't let me play it, needs an encryption update.

I have kmeaw 3.55 firmware (or whatever it is called) installed back when it first came out. I've not re ...
  Topic: [XBOX360] Flashing thread

Replies: 3320
Views: 270446

PostForum: Console Arena   Posted: Tue, 27th Mar 2012 09:43   Subject: [XBOX360] Flashing thread
can someone give me a quick run down of current affairs? i havnt turned on my xbox in almost a year, and it is just running that hitachi fw that is wide open. im fine flashing it, and i have the sata ...
  Topic: [PS3] PS3 Hacking Thread

Replies: 10866
Views: 371528

PostForum: Console Arena   Posted: Fri, 28th Oct 2011 10:27   Subject: [PS3] PS3 Hacking Thread
Sabin, I know you are "in" with the Duplex crowd... any chance they are going to release GTi Club? That's one game I would actually like to see!
  Topic: [PS3] PS3 Hacking Thread

Replies: 10866
Views: 371528

PostForum: Console Arena   Posted: Tue, 20th Sep 2011 16:08   Subject: [PS3] PS3 Hacking Thread
Came here to look see who else was bored of the only new updates being homebrew games and updates to multiman.
Rushed out and bought a ps3 slim last year and did the usb hack thing, then later updat ...
  Topic: [OTHER] What's the best next-gen to buy?

Replies: 51
Views: 1808

PostForum: Console Arena   Posted: Thu, 5th Jul 2007 08:05   Subject: [OTHER] What's the best next-gen to buy?
360. Why worry about failures that might not happen? I've got two 360's used both every day for a year now, no failures.
360 is getting every game that you can think of plus some more. PS3 is playing ...
  Topic: [XBOX360] The Darkness [R]

Replies: 293
Views: 8179

PostForum: Console Arena   Posted: Wed, 27th Jun 2007 21:50   Subject: game freezes my 360
I got to the point where I have to go to lower east side to shoot the guy whos going to deliver the boat... Game freezes every time I try to exit the subway. I tried going to a different exit, and com ...
  Topic: [XBOX360] The Darkness [R]

Replies: 293
Views: 8179

PostForum: Console Arena   Posted: Mon, 25th Jun 2007 21:56   Subject: [XBOX360] The Darkness [R]
Omg thanks guys, spent about 2 hours trying to figure that one out.
I also cant find that old ladies bracelet!
Right I'm off to deliver a present to shrote now.
  Topic: [XBOX360] The Darkness [R]

Replies: 293
Views: 8179

PostForum: Console Arena   Posted: Mon, 25th Jun 2007 21:23   Subject: cant find last guy on vinny's list
I'm stuck.. been stuck for ages now... i'm trying to find the last guy on vinnys list, hes watching over shrone, so, the task tells me "hes likely to be on higher ground" and hes supposed to be in gri ...
  Topic: [PS2] God of War II

Replies: 301
Views: 16204

PostForum: Console Arena   Posted: Wed, 14th Mar 2007 21:14   Subject: [PS2] God of War II
Just my feedback and might be useful for others:
Burnt 2 copies one to cheap DVD+R DL and one to decent Traxdata DVD+R DL burnt using a pioneer 112D first with Nero then with Clonecd.
Using a PAL PS ...
  Topic: [XBOX360] Recommend me some 360 Games

Replies: 17
Views: 1682

PostForum: Console Arena   Posted: Mon, 1st Jan 2007 10:22   Subject: [XBOX360] Recommend me some 360 Games
If you are skipping Call Of Duty 2 just because COD3 is out you must be mad. COD3 is crap. Call Of Duty 2 is for me, the best online game on 360. Forget COD3 get COD2 as recommended.
  Topic: [XBOX360] Call Of Duty 3 [R]

Replies: 110
Views: 4078

PostForum: Console Arena   Posted: Wed, 8th Nov 2006 09:46   Subject: [XBOX360] Call Of Duty 3 [R]
Erm... Anyone else tried this on Live? Disappointed like me? I spent an hour on it last night, and well, the frantic fun-filled close combat and hectic battles of COD2 are gone, along with the small c ...
  Topic: [XBOX360] F.E.A.R. [R]

Replies: 49
Views: 2316

PostForum: Console Arena   Posted: Sat, 4th Nov 2006 12:10   Subject: [XBOX360] F.E.A.R. [R]
Well I wish I hadnt bothered with this. I read the reviews and it sounded great. However it looks and feels like a 3 year old PC game. There are no lighting effects or decent textures. Looks very dull ...
  Topic: [OTHER] Nintendo revolution -> new name: Wii

Replies: 51
Views: 2092

PostForum: Console Arena   Posted: Sat, 29th Apr 2006 11:12   Subject: [OTHER] Nintendo revolution -> new name: Wii
Do Nintendo not realise that Wii (Wee) mean PISS in the UK?
This name is a total joke.
The only thing I can think of is that its literally a "piss take" fake name??????? surely to god it cant be for ...
  Topic: [XBOX] Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows

Replies: 21
Views: 819

PostForum: Console Arena   Posted: Tue, 13th Dec 2005 16:42   Subject: [XBOX] Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows
Well seeing as the two main developers abandoned ship half way through this game I have a feeling the latter half will be crap Smile

However, these "bash em up" two player RPG's are the only thing my ...
  Topic: [XBOX] Prince Of Persia: The Two Thrones

Replies: 37
Views: 1455

PostForum: Console Arena   Posted: Tue, 6th Dec 2005 14:33   Subject: [XBOX] Prince Of Persia: The Two Thrones
No matter what I do, I cant reverse the vertical controls?! The option is there for inverse controls, but although the look-left and look-right can be reversed, I cant get it to work for vertical, wha ...
  Topic: [XBOX] CONKER + Live and Reloaded

Replies: 149
Views: 6026

PostForum: Console Arena   Posted: Fri, 17th Jun 2005 11:18   Subject: [XBOX] CONKER + Live and Reloaded
Well... I have got the N64 version but never played it much, it was too damn hard. This new version looks amazing, such a shame the xbox is being pushed out of the way by its big brother, its got so m ...
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