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Topic: Call.of.Duty.2-DEVIANCE |
Replies: 530
Views: 18706
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Sun, 6th Nov 2005 13:52 Subject: Call.of.Duty.2-DEVIANCE |
i would like to see a remake of the map "rhine valley" - i'm sure this would rock CoD2 MP!
Modders, where yre you?!
Which map would you guys like to see being ported to CoD2? |
Topic: Call.of.Duty.2-DEVIANCE |
Replies: 530
Views: 18706
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Sat, 5th Nov 2005 17:50 Subject: Call.of.Duty.2-DEVIANCE |
is it possible to make a mod where you have a life bar instead of regenerating health?
i'd like to see that one. |
Topic: Call.of.Duty.2-DEVIANCE |
Replies: 530
Views: 18706
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Thu, 3rd Nov 2005 21:28 Subject: Call.of.Duty.2-DEVIANCE |
"]Here are some really good tweaks. Check it out.
The SLI setting is especially interesting.
nice thingy!!
does this tweak only work for ... |
Topic: Call.of.Duty.2-DEVIANCE |
Replies: 530
Views: 18706
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Thu, 3rd Nov 2005 18:24 Subject: Call.of.Duty.2-DEVIANCE |
Here are some really good tweaks. Check it out.
The SLI setting is especially interesting.
nice thingy!!
does this tweak only work for nV ... |
Topic: Call.of.Duty.2-DEVIANCE |
Replies: 530
Views: 18706
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Thu, 3rd Nov 2005 17:28 Subject: Call.of.Duty.2-DEVIANCE |
The showhealth command does not work in COD2 unfortunately.
Not in MP, but I think it works in SP...
well i guess since we have regenerating health in CoD2 there is no healthbar at all. |
Topic: Call.of.Duty.2-DEVIANCE |
Replies: 530
Views: 18706
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Wed, 2nd Nov 2005 14:11 Subject: Call.of.Duty.2-DEVIANCE |
try launch the original multiplayer exe...
works fine here.
haha you're soo right!
i never changed MP.exe or installed private server patch and i've never got the "awaiting CD key" message. there ... |
Topic: Call.of.Duty.2-DEVIANCE |
Replies: 530
Views: 18706
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Sun, 30th Oct 2005 22:49 Subject: Call.of.Duty.2-DEVIANCE |
im running it maxed out on dX7 instead getting 50-100 fps, fuckers could have optimized before releasing it!
i have maybe a nice find for you ollax:
here you can download some new nVidia beta ... |
Topic: Call.of.Duty.2-DEVIANCE |
Replies: 530
Views: 18706
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Sun, 30th Oct 2005 22:16 Subject: Call.of.Duty.2-DEVIANCE |
I'm having some serious performance probs here! even when i choose the optimal settings i get like 5-11 fps in some desert missions, what the fuck is this alll about
I use the latest forcewar: 81.8 ... |
Topic: Call.of.Duty.2-DEVIANCE |
Replies: 530
Views: 18706
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Sun, 30th Oct 2005 15:19 Subject: Call.of.Duty.2-DEVIANCE |
i played without ase in about 4 different server and didn't get the cd key message.
what a wonderful game. sure gonna buy it when it's out here in europe. that's a duty! |
Topic: Call.of.Duty.2-DEVIANCE |
Replies: 530
Views: 18706
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Sun, 30th Oct 2005 09:37 Subject: Call.of.Duty.2-DEVIANCE |
Really nice!
A worthy successor to Call of Duty.
I'm impressed how many people are so very positive affected by this game.
This looks like many awards are waiting for this game.
c ye online ... |
Topic: Call.of.Duty.2-DEVIANCE |
Replies: 530
Views: 18706
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Sat, 29th Oct 2005 18:22 Subject: Call.of.Duty.2-DEVIANCE |
>Just for the hell of it, jennis connection has nothing on mine
Makes me laugh all the companies that are striving to install networks which offer this amount of bandwidth. If the FBI/Governme ... |
Topic: Call.of.Duty.2-DEVIANCE |
Replies: 530
Views: 18706
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Sat, 29th Oct 2005 18:11 Subject: Call.of.Duty.2-DEVIANCE |
Your card can barley run anything recent at 1024x768 with everything on low.
i have a 15" TFT so i play all my games on 1024*768, and if you think im a liar it's ok. cuz i give a shit on th ... |
Topic: Call.of.Duty.2-DEVIANCE |
Replies: 530
Views: 18706
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Sat, 29th Oct 2005 18:01 Subject: Call.of.Duty.2-DEVIANCE |
Three hours. Are you on 56k.
haa haa
i got 1.5 MBit and have to wait to upgrade to 4MBit till january 1st.
so i got a downloadrate of 140kb/s at the moment that's not the much i know.  |
Topic: Call.of.Duty.2-DEVIANCE |
Replies: 530
Views: 18706
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Sat, 29th Oct 2005 17:56 Subject: Call.of.Duty.2-DEVIANCE |
still got 30 .rars to go.
in 3 hours i'm a happy man.
Topic: Call.of.Duty.2-DEVIANCE |
Replies: 530
Views: 18706
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Sat, 29th Oct 2005 17:54 Subject: Call.of.Duty.2-DEVIANCE |
Game runs like a dream (with a 6800 GT) think this game is nvidea optimised, haven't had framerates this high for months in a new fps. BTW, buying a radeon 9800 pro is a bad idea, those cards are chea ... |
Topic: Call.of.Duty.2-DEVIANCE |
Replies: 530
Views: 18706
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Sat, 29th Oct 2005 17:25 Subject: Re: Help me please |
do install DirectX 9.0c
and yeah, as cobra mentionened, if possible get yourself a new gfx card, it's worth the money. buy a radeon 9800PRO, theyre really cheap now and bring alot of performance. ... |
Topic: Call.of.Duty.2-DEVIANCE |
Replies: 530
Views: 18706
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Sat, 29th Oct 2005 17:00 Subject: Re: Help me please |
can 't get it started... I get an error report when I doubleclick destop shortcut
AppName: cod2sp_s.exe AppVer: ModName: cod2sp_s.exe
ModVer: Offset: 0002f434
_______________ ... |
Topic: Call.of.Duty.2-DEVIANCE |
Replies: 530
Views: 18706
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Sat, 29th Oct 2005 13:16 Subject: Call.of.Duty.2-DEVIANCE |
i think it's ok to update ones hardware every once in a while (like every 2-3 years) so you can really enjoy the games with all their nice gfx sweets. and it's simply way more feeling when everything ... |
Topic: Call.of.Duty.2-DEVIANCE |
Replies: 530
Views: 18706
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Sat, 29th Oct 2005 11:38 Subject: Call.of.Duty.2-DEVIANCE |
"]just got home from a party and some anonymous bastard shot something like a softgun bullet into my head which stuck in my left forehead, while i was waiting for train at a railwaystation!
so crazy! ... |
Topic: Call.of.Duty.2-DEVIANCE |
Replies: 530
Views: 18706
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Sat, 29th Oct 2005 03:32 Subject: Call.of.Duty.2-DEVIANCE |
just got home from a party and some anonymous bastard shot something like a softgun bullet into my head which stuck in my left forehead, while i was waiting for train at a railwaystation!
so crazy!! ... |
Topic: Call.of.Duty.2-DEVIANCE |
Replies: 530
Views: 18706
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Fri, 28th Oct 2005 00:59 Subject: Call.of.Duty.2-DEVIANCE |
Just tried it, it works fine!
what you have?? 100MBit at home?  |
Topic: Call.of.Duty.2-DEVIANCE |
Replies: 530
Views: 18706
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Fri, 28th Oct 2005 00:32 Subject: Call.of.Duty.2-DEVIANCE |
Sorry, just my brain mixing up. Folder name should of course be Call.of.Duty.2.DEVIANCE.DVD or something similar. However, the recommended specs are correct as can be seen
In the template it says:
... |
Topic: Call.of.Duty.2-DEVIANCE |
Replies: 530
Views: 18706
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Fri, 28th Oct 2005 00:24 Subject: Call.of.Duty.2-DEVIANCE |
there are some mistakes in this template:
-Folder name
-recommended systemspecs |
Topic: The official Call of Duty 2 Thread |
Replies: 692
Views: 29509
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Thu, 27th Oct 2005 23:59 Subject: The official Call of Duty 2 Thread |
So its out, but how does one find it?
By looking at you're friends asshole ofcourse..
that would be the analed.edition  |
Topic: The official Call of Duty 2 Thread |
Replies: 692
Views: 29509
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Thu, 27th Oct 2005 23:58 Subject: The official Call of Duty 2 Thread |
today's a good day!
didn't think it would come today!
yippiiiiiyaaaaayyyyeeeeeeeeeyy |
Topic: The official Call of Duty 2 Thread |
Replies: 692
Views: 29509
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Thu, 27th Oct 2005 23:48 Subject: The official Call of Duty 2 Thread |
I know why there's no grp releasing it by now:
cuz the game rocks and they all have fun playing it for the next 5 days hehe |
Topic: The official Call of Duty 2 Thread |
Replies: 692
Views: 29509
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Thu, 27th Oct 2005 19:56 Subject: The official Call of Duty 2 Thread |
looks really awesome with the weathereffects. geee, i want this game now more than ever!! |
Topic: The official Call of Duty 2 Thread |
Replies: 692
Views: 29509
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Thu, 27th Oct 2005 19:53 Subject: The official Call of Duty 2 Thread |
Some pics from Cod2 MP.
4 videos from Cod2 MP, various quality and quit ... |
Topic: The official Call of Duty 2 Thread |
Replies: 692
Views: 29509
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Thu, 27th Oct 2005 19:31 Subject: The official Call of Duty 2 Thread |
these make me happy!!
more screens please, maybe from some new map with real action goin on!  |
Topic: Vietcong 1 and 2 |
Replies: 63
Views: 3747
Forum: PC Games Arena Posted: Thu, 27th Oct 2005 18:41 Subject: Vietcong 1 and 2 |
You might not be able to use the cracked .exe again because they updated!
that's why you go to***********.com and download the latest noCD.exe file. hehe  |