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Non-expret in Derps lagunge

Posts: 14107
Location: Kibbutznik, Israel
PostPosted: Sat, 23rd Nov 2013 11:04    Post subject:
rgb#000 wrote:

so yeah, see ya in 4 years when PS4 players playing yet another amazing Uncharted and PC players are being bitter at yet another Total War with bad AI. Laughing

I think you underestimating PC market,unless you mean indies aside.
there are some Kickstarter/crewfunding project I'm more exciting about then games Like Uncharted series,with PC you have Now Tomb Rider reboot from 3rd party as well at least.

Playstation 4 hopefully will have Last Guardian at last. another QD game and good PS4 indie games are what I'm looking for about the System Surprised
the Console exclusive shooter I really looking forward is Halo(yes I liked the gameplay a lot)
but one game is not something I'm buying a whole console for it.

"Fuck Denuvo"

Your personal opinions != the rest of the forum

Last edited by JackQ on Sat, 23rd Nov 2013 11:07; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 11150
Location: The Land of Thread Reports
PostPosted: Sat, 23rd Nov 2013 11:06    Post subject:
rgb#000 wrote:
harry_theone wrote:
See you guys in 4 years when the PS4 has been outdated for 2 years.

yet they still get incredible games like GTA 5 at the end of life cycle.

Not a console exclusive.
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Posts: 20488

PostPosted: Sat, 23rd Nov 2013 11:14    Post subject:
not a console exclusive ?
go play it on a pc then Laughing

3080, ps5, lg oled

Sin317-"im 31 years old and still surprised at how much shit comes out of my ass actually ..."
SteamDRM-"Call of Duty is the symbol of the true perfection in every aspect. Call of Duty games are like Mozart's/Beethoven's symphonies"
deadpoetic-"are you new to the cyberspace?"
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Sat, 23rd Nov 2013 11:39    Post subject:
KillerCrocker wrote:
not a console exclusive ?
go play it on a pc then Laughing

It'll be out in a few months, then what? Razz
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Posts: 1542
Location: Italy
PostPosted: Sat, 23rd Nov 2013 11:46    Post subject:
Exclusive/non exclusive debate aside, my point is that an x360/ps3 can run a game like GTA5 with 256/512 mb of ram and the equivalent of a Radeon X1800. Such specs on a PC wouldn't even be able to run GTA4, they're just enough for San Andreas.

My borader point being: all the people saying "hurr durr I can build a better PC than the ps4/xbone for 400$/500$" are delusional. It's equivalent/better on paper, but it doesn't take aging into account: the more time passes the more games will be optimized on the consoles and get better and better looking (until they reach the hardware's limit) while that very same PC in a couple of years will struggle to run new games at medium settings.

I still love the PC for all the indie exclusives, but for multiplatform titles a console is the best investment when money is considered. No way a 400$ pc will let you game for 8 years like a console does.
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Posts: 20488

PostPosted: Sat, 23rd Nov 2013 11:49    Post subject:
i agree.

3080, ps5, lg oled

Sin317-"im 31 years old and still surprised at how much shit comes out of my ass actually ..."
SteamDRM-"Call of Duty is the symbol of the true perfection in every aspect. Call of Duty games are like Mozart's/Beethoven's symphonies"
deadpoetic-"are you new to the cyberspace?"
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Sat, 23rd Nov 2013 12:15    Post subject:

Sad but true That's why I will always have a console ready to play exclusives - whilst complaining bitterly about how poor they look/run compared to how it could be on my desktop
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Posts: 14922

PostPosted: Sat, 23rd Nov 2013 12:19    Post subject:

now this is next-gen,
people are abusing ps4 twitch capabilities to stream themselves/ their family.
this guy right now got his wife drunk till she passed out and is slowly undressing her Laughing
inb4 rape charges.

so this is the next generation of gaming, i dont know whether to laugh or cry Crying or Very sad
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Sat, 23rd Nov 2013 12:24    Post subject:
Christ... even his living room looks like a rape dungeon Facepalm
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Posts: 14922

PostPosted: Sat, 23rd Nov 2013 12:25    Post subject:
sabin1981 wrote:
Christ... even his living room looks like a rape dungeon Facepalm

yep, i ve spent a while yesterday watching the ps4 twitch vids trying to get it in my head that they actually record their everyday life in front of thousands of people, many stream their little kids and family and often dont even understand thats theyre online, till someone writes a comment

needless to say, this stuff will spark ALOT of controversy.
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Sat, 23rd Nov 2013 12:28    Post subject:
They shut his channel down. Good. That was seriously goddamn creepy.



The community has closed this channel due to terms of service violations.
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Posts: 1228
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Sat, 23rd Nov 2013 14:18    Post subject:
I know i`ll get both of these things, but i don`t want Bone. I really don`t. But i know i`ll get it as soon as i have a single reason to do so Sad

Because i`ll never stop getting hard for the newest hardware
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Posts: 2039
Location: Poland
PostPosted: Sat, 23rd Nov 2013 14:21    Post subject:
lol, for ages on pc people are streaming, lets just say, "various things" and now youre making fuss about console stream capabilities Very Happy

joe went full retard in this one - cod games had great singleplayer but ghost doesnt cuz they focused on multi (lol), he got excited about ryse, dr3 is system seller Very Happy watch (or skip) till few last minutes, he even "broke" his ps4

Last edited by remyleblau on Sat, 23rd Nov 2013 14:25; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 14922

PostPosted: Sat, 23rd Nov 2013 14:24    Post subject:
remyleblau wrote:
lol, for ages on pc people are streaming, lets just say, "various things" and now youre making fuss about console stream capabilities Very Happy

the difference now is, every fucking idiot can start a stream at the press of a single button,
and twitch is overcrowded with retarded people streaming their families and doing crazy shit for attention.
that guy from before was flashing his passed out wife, got himself banned, made a new account and continued with his wife completely naked on the couch, some people called 911 and his new stream got taken down too.

streaming with the ps4 is way too easy, its like giving AKs to kids.
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Posts: 2039
Location: Poland
PostPosted: Sat, 23rd Nov 2013 14:29    Post subject:
The_Zeel wrote:
remyleblau wrote:
lol, for ages on pc people are streaming, lets just say, "various things" and now youre making fuss about console stream capabilities Very Happy

the difference now is, every fucking idiot can start a stream at the press of a single button,
and twitch is overcrowded with retarded people streaming their families and doing crazy shit for attention.
that guy from before was flashing his passed out wife, got himself banned, made a new account and continued with his wife completely naked on the couch, some people called 911 and his new stream got taken down too.

streaming with the ps4 is way too easy, its like giving AKs to kids.

and? again whats the difference? who the fuck cares, teenage kids are streaming while fucking in their room for pocket money etc, dont tell me that you really care about some random idiots streaming shit on twitch Very Happy
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Posts: 6960

PostPosted: Sat, 23rd Nov 2013 14:44    Post subject:
@remyleblau : PC is da master race, PC rocks, we know it. PC is superior. No need to post it in every thread ?

PC can launch Skype for ages, XBONE now can, but not PS4, so PS4 sucks alright.

Let's get a PSVita then, it can launch Skype too.

Also, PC >>> Super Nintendo, and all Super Nintendo games suck. And you cannot stream from a Super Nintendo so PC is superior. PC can even emulate SNES, so all people who got a Super NES back then were deeps.

Finally, Uncharted PS4 will suck, because it's not on PC. Quantic Dream games will suck too cuz not on PC. Any Sony game will suck cuz not on PC and PC do it for ages for cheaper hardware anyway, you can play Omikron on a 1998 PC lol

Last edited by cyclonefr on Sat, 23rd Nov 2013 14:47; edited 1 time in total
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Sat, 23rd Nov 2013 14:46    Post subject:
People like that give the rest of us a bad name Sad
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Posts: 6960

PostPosted: Sat, 23rd Nov 2013 14:49    Post subject:
People trying to compare PC and consoles are idiots. And always will.

Always trying to give themselves a reason for not buying a console and to self sustain this, they have to go claim PC is the master race everywhere.

Guess what ? Doing this won't stop MS/Sony to pull out optimized/exclusives games on their consoles that will never be out on PC.

But these people probably don't care about any Microsoft or Sony games (or GTA 5 ? Very Happy) so it's ok, don't get a console then. I believe them.

Last edited by cyclonefr on Sat, 23rd Nov 2013 14:50; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 22995
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Sat, 23rd Nov 2013 14:49    Post subject:
cyclonefr wrote:
@remyleblau : PC is da master race, PC rocks, we know it. PC is superior. No need to post it in every thread ?

PC can launch Skype for ages, XBONE now can, but not PS4, so PS4 sucks alright.

Let's get a PSVita then, it can launch Skype too.

Also, PC >>> Super Nintendo, and all Super Nintendo games suck. And you cannot stream from a Super Nintendo so PC is superior. PC can even emulate SNES, so all people who got a Super NES back then were deeps.

Finally, Uncharted PS4 will suck, because it's not on PC. Quantic Dream games will suck too cuz not on PC. Any Sony game will suck cuz not on PC and PC do it for ages for cheaper hardware anyway, you can play Omikron on a 1998 PC lol

I'm glad the PS4 don't have all that multimedia bullshit. A gaming console has for so long been a fucking gaming console, not a device to play movies. I don't give a shit about the income of Sony as I don't see a cent of it. I only care that my console is tailor made for playing games, not everything else on the damn planet.
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Posts: 2039
Location: Poland
PostPosted: Sat, 23rd Nov 2013 14:51    Post subject:
cyclonefr wrote:
@remyleblau : PC is da master race, PC rocks, we know it. PC is superior. No need to post it in every thread ?

PC can launch Skype for ages, XBONE now can, but not PS4, so PS4 sucks alright.

Let's get a PSVita then, it can launch Skype too.

Also, PC >>> Super Nintendo, and all Super Nintendo games suck. And you cannot stream from a Super Nintendo so PC is superior. PC can even emulate SNES, so all people who got a Super NES back then were deeps.

Finally, Uncharted PS4 will suck, because it's not on PC. Quantic Dream games will suck too cuz not on PC. Any Sony game will suck cuz not on PC and PC do it for ages for cheaper hardware anyway, you can play Omikron on a 1998 PC lol

rotfl, what the fuck are you talking about?
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Posts: 6960

PostPosted: Sat, 23rd Nov 2013 14:52    Post subject:
@Stormwolf : I agree, I barely used my 360/PS3 for anything than gaming. I also tend to think that the PS4 menu is still bloated for no reason with all the Music/Video Unlimited, Amazon crap.

And to reassure Sabin, my PS4 is now kinda silent if I boot up a PSN game, so it was really the bd drive that was noisy. Hopefully when Killzone finishes to install, it'll be quite silent....

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Posts: 7314

PostPosted: Sat, 23rd Nov 2013 14:53    Post subject:
Only real console left is the Wii U. PS4/XBOne are just glorified low/mid-end PC's.

As lame as Nintendo is for locking down e-shop purchases to a console and not an account - At least when you buy a Wii U game disc you have full functionality. Used copy or not. Further, most of the games are made for coop play. I honestly don't get why one would buy a PS4/Xbox if you've got a decent PC already as it is. The Wii U on the other hand still offers games that are fun for groups of people to sit down and play on the same TV. Want to play multiplayer/coop with the majority of the AAA titles on the other consoles? You've got to have a console/TV for every individual player.
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Posts: 6960

PostPosted: Sat, 23rd Nov 2013 14:54    Post subject:
Well PC can load Windows for ages. Even MSDOS.

I use MSDOS on my PC since the early 90's. PS4 can't load MSDOS Sad(((((((

Hopefully Microsoft add this feature in XBONE 2, but so far, thank god there is the PC master race for my MSDOS fix Very Happy

remyleblau wrote:
cyclonefr wrote:
@remyleblau : PC is da master race, PC rocks, we know it. PC is superior. No need to post it in every thread ?

PC can launch Skype for ages, XBONE now can, but not PS4, so PS4 sucks alright.

Let's get a PSVita then, it can launch Skype too.

Also, PC >>> Super Nintendo, and all Super Nintendo games suck. And you cannot stream from a Super Nintendo so PC is superior. PC can even emulate SNES, so all people who got a Super NES back then were deeps.

Finally, Uncharted PS4 will suck, because it's not on PC. Quantic Dream games will suck too cuz not on PC. Any Sony game will suck cuz not on PC and PC do it for ages for cheaper hardware anyway, you can play Omikron on a 1998 PC lol

rotfl, what the fuck are you talking about?
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Posts: 2039
Location: Poland
PostPosted: Sat, 23rd Nov 2013 14:56    Post subject:
you are autistic or what?
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Posts: 6960

PostPosted: Sat, 23rd Nov 2013 14:56    Post subject:
Wii U, PS4 or XBONE, all 3 will have exclusives. So that's the only reason for me to get these consoles.

I didn't get a XBONE, nor am I planning to get one, but if there is some exclusives that I wanna play then what am I gonna do ? I guess I'll have no other choices.

Also there are some multi platform games I prefer to play on the couch Cool Face I don't imagine myself playing Super Mario 3D World on my PC, if such a game even existed.

Mchart wrote:
Only real console left is the Wii U. PS4/XBOne are just glorified low/mid-end PC's.

As lame as Nintendo is for locking down e-shop purchases to a console and not an account - At least when you buy a Wii U game disc you have full functionality. Used copy or not. Further, most of the games are made for coop play. I honestly don't get why one would buy a PS4/Xbox if you've got a decent PC already as it is. The Wii U on the other hand still offers games that are fun for groups of people to sit down and play on the same TV. Want to play multiplayer/coop with the majority of the AAA titles on the other consoles? You've got to have a console/TV for every individual player.

Last edited by cyclonefr on Sat, 23rd Nov 2013 14:58; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 6960

PostPosted: Sat, 23rd Nov 2013 14:57    Post subject:
Can you go back playing Rome Total War 2 at 4K 60fps on your 2005 PC or what ?

remyleblau wrote:
you are autistic or what?
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Posts: 2039
Location: Poland
PostPosted: Sat, 23rd Nov 2013 15:17    Post subject:
another console kiddy went full retard mode
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Posts: 20488

PostPosted: Sat, 23rd Nov 2013 15:21    Post subject:
what is going on

3080, ps5, lg oled

Sin317-"im 31 years old and still surprised at how much shit comes out of my ass actually ..."
SteamDRM-"Call of Duty is the symbol of the true perfection in every aspect. Call of Duty games are like Mozart's/Beethoven's symphonies"
deadpoetic-"are you new to the cyberspace?"
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Posts: 2039
Location: Poland
PostPosted: Sat, 23rd Nov 2013 15:22    Post subject:
i dont even know Very Happy
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Posts: 373

PostPosted: Sat, 23rd Nov 2013 16:09    Post subject:
Mchart wrote:
Only real console left is the Wii U. PS4/XBOne are just glorified low/mid-end PC's.

As lame as Nintendo is for locking down e-shop purchases to a console and not an account - At least when you buy a Wii U game disc you have full functionality. Used copy or not. Further, most of the games are made for coop play. I honestly don't get why one would buy a PS4/Xbox if you've got a decent PC already as it is. The Wii U on the other hand still offers games that are fun for groups of people to sit down and play on the same TV. Want to play multiplayer/coop with the majority of the AAA titles on the other consoles? You've got to have a console/TV for every individual player.

i kind of agree with this really, except for the possibly good exclusives that aren't out on the pc, i don't really see the point of getting an xb/ps4 anymore either.
I haven't been into nintendo for ages, but with the games (zelda? mario kart, ssb, donkey kong etc) coming out for the wiiU next year, i can't believe i'm actually considering buying a nintendo console again. -.-
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