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Posts: 9800

PostPosted: Sat, 20th Sep 2014 06:54    Post subject:
FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Edition-3DM
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Posts: 22985

PostPosted: Sat, 20th Sep 2014 07:06    Post subject:
Cracked? So Much Win
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Posts: 8028
Location: TARDIS
PostPosted: Sat, 20th Sep 2014 07:10    Post subject:
No, just pre-load copy.

@snoz Nice! 12k is fair price. I was outbid at 16k and decided to go for Higuaín.

The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. The good things don’t always soften the bad things, but vice versa, the bad things don’t always spoil the good things and make them unimportant.
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Posts: 22985

PostPosted: Sat, 20th Sep 2014 07:13    Post subject:
Failed Troll

I wanted to check right away if they improved the animations between the old demo build and this "final" release.

Sadly, I don't expect the bad looking player models to be improved. Maybe with community mods?
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Posts: 667
Location: The Netherlands
PostPosted: Sat, 20th Sep 2014 17:40    Post subject:
I think this dutch team is going to be my starter team:

I'm planning to replace Afellay with Depay as soon as i have enough coins to buy him but since he is like 10K right now, i can not afford him. What do you guys think? Any tips / comments are appreciated Smile
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Posts: 96

PostPosted: Sat, 20th Sep 2014 18:24    Post subject:
I'm not all that invested in FUT, so my question is this: Is there any point putting up bronze players on the market? Are there really anyone even willing to pay 150 for these players?

I'm planning to put in a lot more time on this gamemode this year so trying to get the hang of it. Smile
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Posts: 244
Location: England
PostPosted: Sat, 20th Sep 2014 18:26    Post subject:
Ones closer to 64 with good stats are yes and some are worth a lot , people make bronze teams for bronze cups and so on Smile The best bronze players go for a lot of coins. Same goes for silver cards.
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Posts: 6967

PostPosted: Sat, 20th Sep 2014 18:35    Post subject:
ok finally got my team! Smile next players i will get: piszczek, boateng, benatia, aubameyang.

final squad should look something like this.

Last edited by freiwald on Sat, 20th Sep 2014 18:37; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 244
Location: England
PostPosted: Sat, 20th Sep 2014 18:36    Post subject:
freiwald wrote:
ok finally got my team! Smile next players i will get: piszczek, boateng, benatia, aubameyang.

final squad should look something like this.

showoff thing not working man

Joined: 01 Jan 1970
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Posts: 6967

PostPosted: Sat, 20th Sep 2014 18:41    Post subject:
snoz wrote:
freiwald wrote:
ok finally got my team! Smile next players i will get: piszczek, boateng, benatia, aubameyang.

final squad should look something like this.

showoff thing not working man


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Posts: 8028
Location: TARDIS
PostPosted: Sat, 20th Sep 2014 19:02    Post subject:

My final squad should be similar. Will use Schweini & Kroos instead of Götze & Micki.

The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. The good things don’t always soften the bad things, but vice versa, the bad things don’t always spoil the good things and make them unimportant.
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Posts: 6967

PostPosted: Sat, 20th Sep 2014 21:45    Post subject:
IamAWESOME wrote:

My final squad should be similar. Will use Schweini & Kroos instead of Götze & Micki.

would love to play with those but schweinsteiger was really bad in fifa 14... also over priced.
they are just too slow for me but then again i'm a little pace whore. Very Happy

can't wait for monday to test the final game. maybe this year i will use another formation but first i will test my good old 4-3-3 formation and see how it works. everything ready now. squad ready, bought managers for 40% contract bonus, position change cards and all chemistry styles i need.
release the damn game aaaallrreaddyy
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Posts: 8028
Location: TARDIS
PostPosted: Sat, 20th Sep 2014 21:59    Post subject:
He was my best CDM. Razz I'll surely get him. Also, I prefer slow players.

I'll go with 4231 and 433(with 2 CDMs). How did you get so much coins suddenly?

The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. The good things don’t always soften the bad things, but vice versa, the bad things don’t always spoil the good things and make them unimportant.
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Posts: 6967

PostPosted: Sat, 20th Sep 2014 22:07    Post subject:
IamAWESOME wrote:
He was my best CDM. Razz I'll surely get him. Also, I prefer slow players.

I'll go with 4231 and 433(with 2 CDMs). How did you get so much coins suddenly?

bought one time fifa points but only shit in the packs. traded the last 2 days... prices increased pretty much since yesterday. bought some players yesterday for 1000 coins and they sell for 5000 now. was a good day for trading. too much people on right now but gonna buy some more cheap players tonight and will sell them tomorrow.
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Posts: 244
Location: England
PostPosted: Sat, 20th Sep 2014 22:12    Post subject:
Nice team freiwald, i was tempted to go bundesliga this year but I think for the first time ever im gonna make prem team once i got coins , my serie A team is just for starter Smile
Combo of balotelli and auguro up front is too much to resist.

Btw this year in futhead you can make friendly leagues ? We should make a NFOhump one ?
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Posts: 6967

PostPosted: Sat, 20th Sep 2014 22:36    Post subject:
snoz wrote:
Nice team freiwald, i was tempted to go bundesliga this year but I think for the first time ever im gonna make prem team once i got coins , my serie A team is just for starter Smile
Combo of balotelli and auguro up front is too much to resist.

Btw this year in futhead you can make friendly leagues ? We should make a NFOhump one ?

yes bpl should be very strong but well i watch mostly bundesliga and i want to play with those players i see every week on tv! Smile

friendly futhead leagues? what is that about? but i'm up for everything fut related... Very Happy

which kits are u guys gonna usw? can't decide. (away and third) (away and third) (away and third)
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Posts: 244
Location: England
PostPosted: Sat, 20th Sep 2014 22:39    Post subject:
Friendly fut seasons but just read its only 1v1 Sad Would have been nice make whole league.


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Posts: 8028
Location: TARDIS
PostPosted: Sat, 20th Sep 2014 22:46    Post subject:
BPL players are costly though, that's why I don't use them anymore. Got Agüero last year from packs, sold him for 300k and made entire Bundes team (minus Robben). Very Happy

I'm up for some FUT friendly seasons.

Kit - Germany away kit and Dortmund home kit.

The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. The good things don’t always soften the bad things, but vice versa, the bad things don’t always spoil the good things and make them unimportant.
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Posts: 444

PostPosted: Sat, 20th Sep 2014 23:15    Post subject:
No Napoli's army kit to complement that Arsenal Tula Sad
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Posts: 8028
Location: TARDIS
PostPosted: Sat, 20th Sep 2014 23:25    Post subject:
Napoli 2.0:
This kit looks nice:

The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. The good things don’t always soften the bad things, but vice versa, the bad things don’t always spoil the good things and make them unimportant.
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Posts: 5

PostPosted: Sun, 21st Sep 2014 05:14    Post subject:
If reloaded cracks this, we can't play on origin obviously or online?
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Posts: 1029
Location: Romania
PostPosted: Sun, 21st Sep 2014 05:28    Post subject:
Obviously not.
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Posts: 9800

PostPosted: Sun, 21st Sep 2014 05:28    Post subject:
NibiruFTP wrote:
If reloaded cracks this, we can't play on origin obviously or online?

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Posts: 11150
Location: The Land of Thread Reports
PostPosted: Sun, 21st Sep 2014 08:57    Post subject:
NibiruFTP wrote:
If reloaded cracks this, we can't play on origin obviously or online?

Some would think people had basic education on the matter when they register on this particular forum
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Posts: 8

PostPosted: Sun, 21st Sep 2014 09:28    Post subject:
Oka i'm going to buy this as it seems to have some reall good reviews...
Couple of questions:

- what's the cheapest region to buy from (against the £)?
- If i buy now can i start playing now?
- what's the ultimate team about - i haven't played fifa in years
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Posts: 8028
Location: TARDIS
PostPosted: Sun, 21st Sep 2014 09:54    Post subject:
1. Mexico - $39.99 (standard) | $44.99 (ultimate).
2. No. You can pre-load via VPN. You can start playing tomorrow (16::00 UK time) via South Korea VPN.
3. It's about building your own team (buying players from market, managing them, etc) and competing online or vs friends. It's quite fun.

The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. The good things don’t always soften the bad things, but vice versa, the bad things don’t always spoil the good things and make them unimportant.
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Posts: 477

PostPosted: Sun, 21st Sep 2014 10:57    Post subject:
In the demo, have you noticed that the speed is different whether you play the opening game (Liverpool vs Man City) or play with another team?

Also, can you recommend a good site for modding (turf at night, chants, etc.)?
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Posts: 3451

PostPosted: Sun, 21st Sep 2014 11:09    Post subject:
I've had the chance to play some Fifa 15 early access. I've played 5 full games (3 of them on pro difficulty,1 on wc and 1 on legendary). My impressions (take note that a day-1 patch is expected to launch with the official release):


+ Difficulty is increased. Pro is like last year's wc. This means that cpu is challenging now even on pro.
+ Teammates on defense are more aware of their defensive duties and with specific instructions they're good.
+ The pitch is more open. You can be creative and create chances. This openess leads to more random situations in the offensive end and there is variety in goals finally.
+ The pitch looks phenomenal. Pitch wear, even though cosmetic, adds to the realism.
+ Tactical game is awarded.
+ Gk's are good and with day-1 patch there is no reason to worry.
+ Cpu is more unpredictable and improved. (See negatives though...)
+ Shooting feels good and many efforts outside the box go wide (on semi setting). I know may will complain about this but I hope EA will not listen to these casual gamers. My imo is that a 70% of outside the box should miss the target. I don't care if this is frustrating and takes away the fun but it's realstic.
+ Fouls are there. Cpu will tackle and commit many fouls. Ref's are perfect.
+ Presentation is amazing. Premier league matches are a joy.
+ Player ID is improved. Still is not PES level though.


- Too much cpu dribbling. Cpu should play more direct passing game. It's improved though compared to previous versions.
- No cpu build-up play. Again it's not as bad as Fifa 14 but the midfield play is not there. Idk if this can be fixed by slider tweaking or heavy custom tactics editing.
- Gk's free kicks are underpowered, barely reach the midfield. This is EA... They give the impression that they've never watched a football match irl.
- Teammates AI runs are not very effective but I haven't messed so much with individual roles and instructions.

I think the game is a huge step forward. Still is not a football sim but it is somewhat more playable this year. I'm on the fence buying it or not for online games but all my friends play on assisted settings and I'm a strictly manual/semi player on slow speed ( with acceleration on 0 most of the times). If some fellow nfohumpers are in for some games with the above settings it will be a pleasure for me. I know Ixi plays on similar settings but we need more guys.
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Posts: 3451

PostPosted: Sun, 21st Sep 2014 11:13    Post subject:
emppapy wrote:
In the demo, have you noticed that the speed is different whether you play the opening game (Liverpool vs Man City) or play with another team?

Also, can you recommend a good site for modding (turf at night, chants, etc.)?

Yes it is different in the demo everytime you launch the game. Some bad coding there by EA.
Moddingway is a good site for modding.
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Posts: 477

PostPosted: Sun, 21st Sep 2014 11:18    Post subject:
Thanks for answering and sharing your first impressions!
I'd love to experience realistic atmosphere like you're 5 goals ahead so in the last 10 minutes everytime you pass the ball the crowd shouts "Ole" Wink
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