So my new year resolution of 2016 is trying to develop a new game.
The plan is to have the entire game functional, but with an absolute minimum of GUI; I'm using windows forms, for now, so zero graphics. Just buttons, textboxes and labels.
I'm not at all experienced with game/graphics engines, however. I've fiddled aronud with XNA, and it doesn't really seem that hard, just incredibly time consuming.
So once I'm sure there's actually a market for my game, I would like to outsource the entire creation of the actual GUI (I think I'm gonna go for an Android app, for starters).
Does anyone have experience with doing this? And perhaps could even advice a good company?
I'm guessing there must be hundreds of small Chinese and Indian companies doing this, but I have no references.
I know there are a couple of people here involved with game development, hence why I'm putting this here. 
Last edited by Il_Padrino on Sun, 13th Jan 2019 14:08; edited 1 time in total