Da Vinci Code
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Posts: 391

PostPosted: Wed, 8th Feb 2006 15:35    Post subject: Da Vinci Code
Looks extremely cool... maybe someone can make a template as I'm a lazy bastard Rolling Eyes

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Posts: 2304
Location: Somewhere
PostPosted: Wed, 8th Feb 2006 16:32    Post subject:
It will either suck monkey ass or turn out to be quite good... Even if I have a feeling that it is mostly an attempt to make some fast money because the book got real popular.

Behold his GLORY! Bow for the technical master!
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Posts: 8615

PostPosted: Wed, 8th Feb 2006 17:20    Post subject:
Well if it follows the book, its a bit of a waste.
Check madonna on the rocks, get the key, go to the swiss bank, get the rosewood box and ctyptex. Open the cryptex with the password sofie, open the second cryptex with the password apple. voila. What a waste Razz

Stealth88 and Lod|_Dod| wrote:
"And the winner is.... Sublime!" That fucking kid is always right. Sublime FTW!

http://artpad.art.com/?irqy7s4162w <3 you too
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Posts: 2304
Location: Somewhere
PostPosted: Wed, 8th Feb 2006 19:40    Post subject:
Then they could sell the book and the game in a pack claiming it is the game with a walkthrough!!! AHA!!! Razz

Behold his GLORY! Bow for the technical master!
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Posts: 679
Location: Over there
PostPosted: Wed, 8th Feb 2006 20:14    Post subject:
Maybe they plan to put it out along with the movie.
Nowadays no movie is complete without a crappy game accompany it.
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Posts: 32062
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Wed, 8th Feb 2006 20:56    Post subject:
Guess its gonna be like black mirror or so...
Well it was an OK game, don't expect anymore for this one.
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Posts: 1926

PostPosted: Thu, 9th Feb 2006 01:55    Post subject:
If it's another crappy adventure game (I haven't seen any good ones lately), it'll probably suck.

And Sublime, you sir have far, far too much time on your hands Razz

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Posts: 8615

PostPosted: Thu, 9th Feb 2006 02:08    Post subject:
Accelleron wrote:
If it's another crappy adventure game (I haven't seen any good ones lately), it'll probably suck.

And Sublime, you sir have far, far too much time on your hands Razz

I know I do but why do you assume this? I've read the book and have a pretty good memory. Apart from a few stupid plot flaws and twsists that's pretty much the gist of cracking the code. How they go about it though is what fills up the bulk of the story and a lot of fabricated bullshit from dan brown and his constant referance to 'the sacred femine' pissed me off a lot. I'll probably see the film in may but like i said in the 'things that suck thread.' I just don't rate dan brown as an author at all.

Stealth88 and Lod|_Dod| wrote:
"And the winner is.... Sublime!" That fucking kid is always right. Sublime FTW!

http://artpad.art.com/?irqy7s4162w <3 you too
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Posts: 1926

PostPosted: Thu, 9th Feb 2006 02:32    Post subject:
Sublime wrote:
Accelleron wrote:
If it's another crappy adventure game (I haven't seen any good ones lately), it'll probably suck.

And Sublime, you sir have far, far too much time on your hands Razz

I know I do but why do you assume this? I've read the book and have a pretty good memory. Apart from a few stupid plot flaws and twsists that's pretty much the gist of cracking the code. How they go about it though is what fills up the bulk of the story and a lot of fabricated bullshit from dan brown and his constant referance to 'the sacred femine' pissed me off a lot. I'll probably see the film in may but like i said in the 'things that suck thread.' I just don't rate dan brown as an author at all.

I mean having read the book dude, but anyway case in point Razz.

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Posts: 21

PostPosted: Thu, 9th Feb 2006 03:28    Post subject:
Accelleron wrote:
Sublime wrote:
Accelleron wrote:
If it's another crappy adventure game (I haven't seen any good ones lately), it'll probably suck.

And Sublime, you sir have far, far too much time on your hands Razz

I know I do but why do you assume this? I've read the book and have a pretty good memory. Apart from a few stupid plot flaws and twsists that's pretty much the gist of cracking the code. How they go about it though is what fills up the bulk of the story and a lot of fabricated bullshit from dan brown and his constant referance to 'the sacred femine' pissed me off a lot. I'll probably see the film in may but like i said in the 'things that suck thread.' I just don't rate dan brown as an author at all.

I mean having read the book dude, but anyway case in point Razz.

Wait a minute, reading a book is supposedly 'having too much time on your hands'? Wow.
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Posts: 1506
Location: Japan
PostPosted: Thu, 9th Feb 2006 14:01    Post subject:
The link in the first post doesn't work. Maybe I'm wrong but afaik The Da Vinci Code isn't announced for PC - only PS2 and Xbox. And it's not an adventure game, it's an action game from The Collective so I expect something that's similar to Buffy/Indiana Jones ATET.
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Posts: 1926

PostPosted: Thu, 9th Feb 2006 20:36    Post subject:
xRemedyx wrote:
Accelleron wrote:
Sublime wrote:

I know I do but why do you assume this? I've read the book and have a pretty good memory. Apart from a few stupid plot flaws and twsists that's pretty much the gist of cracking the code. How they go about it though is what fills up the bulk of the story and a lot of fabricated bullshit from dan brown and his constant referance to 'the sacred femine' pissed me off a lot. I'll probably see the film in may but like i said in the 'things that suck thread.' I just don't rate dan brown as an author at all.

I mean having read the book dude, but anyway case in point Razz.

Wait a minute, reading a book is supposedly 'having too much time on your hands'? Wow.

Yes, you're supposed to be an online news/media whore who has no time for reading or doing pretty much everything other than reading. And don't use WoW's name in vain. Razz Razz Razz

Just my 2 cents, but bestseller books are typically too generic for me to read anyway. I'm a bit strange that way, though. You can spot me on the NY MTA in the evenings reading the Silmarillion and listening to Static-X on a huge pair of headphones. I lean towards the (mostly modern) classics, really, though I dislike many of them, because you can find some truly great books there. Nancy Drew mysteries put me to sleep faster than textbooks. Just my 2.00001 cents though.

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