The GPU Discussion thread!
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Fuku2 Rage

Posts: 262
Location: Brentwood Bay, Vancouver Island
PostPosted: Fri, 5th Feb 2021 05:59    Post subject:
I paid $2,469.99 CAD for this 3090.

Bought this to go along with it.
Had a cooler master masterwatt 750w bronze 80 before. Not enough.

Oh well. No 3080's in sight where I live.

Intel I7 8700K
EVGA RTX 3090 FTW3 Ultra
32 Gigs Ram
250 Gig SSD, 2 x 500 Gig SSD, 1 x 4 TB HD
LG 27" 4K monitor
Logitech G910 keyboard
Logitech G502 Mouse
Kingston Hyper X core Headset
Logitech 2.1 THX Z623 speakers
Xbox One controller
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Non-expret in Derps lagunge

Posts: 14108
Location: Kibbutznik, Israel
PostPosted: Sat, 6th Feb 2021 13:37    Post subject:
Question, WTF the prices crisis happend?

Did the covid-19 influence that?

"Fuck Denuvo"

Your personal opinions != the rest of the forum
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Posts: 9800

PostPosted: Sat, 6th Feb 2021 14:37    Post subject:
Well, yes, the restrictions, the lock-downs, the economy stagnating, people losing their jobs, supply & demand fucked, etc etc... One can't expect things to carry on as normal in that situation, and one also can't expect it to recover quickly either, if at all. Prices are gonna hike higher and higher the longer this goes on, not just with GPU's, but everything. Shortages across the board.

My regular weekly grocery shopping has nearly doubled in past few weeks, and there is more to come.

You can't have it both ways when you start locking stuff down I'm afraid, it's the price we all have to pay in these miserable times Smile
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Posts: 9725

PostPosted: Sat, 6th Feb 2021 15:08    Post subject:
economy doing bad but bitcoin still near 40k and people dumping their money like gambling addicts into gme stocks , it doesnt make sence at all or they all just became desperate FOMO retards Sad

anyhow there isnt any new good games that need any of this hardware anyway, its all fomo marketing bullshit by now, but sux to be u if your out of warrantly gpu dies on u right now, then ur royally fucked

in that case my reccomendation, a rx580 and just lower some shitty settings Wink

ok lol nevermind

this is a complete farce, the card is worth 100euros .... but listed for 300+

if u have a backup gaming machine or old card lying around, sell em right now and make bank
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Posts: 850

PostPosted: Sat, 6th Feb 2021 15:46    Post subject:
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Posts: 11422
Location: Florida, USA
PostPosted: Sat, 6th Feb 2021 17:22    Post subject:
PickupArtist wrote:

anyhow there isnt any new good games that need any of this hardware anyway, its all fomo marketing bullshit by now

Wut? There isnt any games YOU play that can use it maybe.
-The Reverb g2 VR headset in bigger games drags my 1080ti and my friends 2080ti to its knees:
-Project cars 2, Assetto Corsa, and Automobilista 2 sticks at 1/2 reprojection fps rate in vr on big races for both us of.
-MS flight sim, both VR and none eat mine on settings that I enjoy flying visually with.
-Dont even try VaM with a complex scene in VR unless you want to see what 20-30 fps looks like in VR Razz

Quite a few I play cannot do 144hz at 3440x1440 for my monitor. Sure I can lower settings I suppose. Or I could get a card these games need to not run on medium settings ingame.

Seems your logic is the same as living in an apartment and working in an office and going "All these pickup trucks with 10k lbs towing capacity and low end torque is retarded. Who needs to tow or carry that much at once? No one needs it. Its all marketing". While construction workers or job site truck owners stare at you confused.

-We don't control what happens to us in life, but we control how we respond to what happens in life.
-Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times. -G. Michael Hopf

Disclaimer: Post made by me are of my own creation. A delusional mind relayed in text form.
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Posts: 24322
Location: Geneva
PostPosted: Sat, 6th Feb 2021 17:38    Post subject:
VR is still extremely small. So his argument stands.
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Posts: 11422
Location: Florida, USA
PostPosted: Sat, 6th Feb 2021 17:47    Post subject:
No it doesn't (to me). He said there is no good games that need it. You need it on those same games if your not still 1920x1080 60 fps. If you are still on a resolution and refresh rate from 5 year ago, then yes a card from 5 years ago is fine Razz
But at that point you can say that about any hardware: "Only those with newest hardware, needs newest hardware to push it". Its not a new thing only since this gen came out.

Its not FOMO and marketing I'm buying into to need one. Its actual need.

And 144 hz monitors, and/or 3440x1440 may be a small crowd. But its that crowd that needs the newest gen card. (But next size down is biggest percentage: Steam says average multi-res is 71% users at 3840 x 1080).

-We don't control what happens to us in life, but we control how we respond to what happens in life.
-Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times. -G. Michael Hopf

Disclaimer: Post made by me are of my own creation. A delusional mind relayed in text form.

Last edited by DXWarlock on Sat, 6th Feb 2021 17:52; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 24322
Location: Geneva
PostPosted: Sat, 6th Feb 2021 17:51    Post subject:
That's 2 1080 screens...

His argument is valid, yours is not.
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Posts: 11422
Location: Florida, USA
PostPosted: Sat, 6th Feb 2021 17:53    Post subject:
So be it. I will be happy to be called a FOMO marketing shepple if it gives me my FPS I can't get now Very Happy
I just don't get the concept of people with older hardware going "No one needs this old stuff runs my old stuff fine".

-We don't control what happens to us in life, but we control how we respond to what happens in life.
-Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times. -G. Michael Hopf

Disclaimer: Post made by me are of my own creation. A delusional mind relayed in text form.
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Posts: 24322
Location: Geneva
PostPosted: Sat, 6th Feb 2021 18:25    Post subject:
That's not what he said, tho.
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Posts: 11422
Location: Florida, USA
PostPosted: Sat, 6th Feb 2021 18:34    Post subject:
He said: "there isnt any new good games that need any of this hardware anyway".
Implying there is no audience for the card beyond marketing sales. (and good game is subjective. Games he considers good doesn't maybe. So we will need to assume 'good' means whatever each person enjoys not just him. So therefor all games).
He didn't say that the rush to get it was by more than actually needed it, or that the customer base that does need it is smaller than the demand currently, or that the actual base is a niche group that requires such hardware. It was "isn't any".
I would 100% agree with any of those others. That demand is higher than actual needed. But to say not needed. 100% disagree.

And would not the hardware you have the card hook to, and settings you run, dictate the need more than the game itself? Pick any new game...and I can find a 720 (or even 480) monitor and lowest settings that 'don't need a 3080'. And a setup that absolutely does need a 30x0 to get over 60 fps to get the 100/144 you need in the same game. Its what your driving that game into that decides mostly.

-We don't control what happens to us in life, but we control how we respond to what happens in life.
-Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times. -G. Michael Hopf

Disclaimer: Post made by me are of my own creation. A delusional mind relayed in text form.
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Posts: 24322
Location: Geneva
PostPosted: Sat, 6th Feb 2021 18:47    Post subject:
What game needs 144hz AND requires a 3080 or better currently?
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Posts: 11422
Location: Florida, USA
PostPosted: Sat, 6th Feb 2021 18:58    Post subject:
This is the list I can only make between me and my friend avi that are not matching/reaching monitor refresh rate on 3440x1440 between us.
(We both have same monitor setups, and similar PC other that vid card [me 1080ti him 2080ti] and his CPU is one step in same gen up from mine. I got 3700x hes got 3800x):

-MS flight sim
-Red Dead 2
-Cyberpunk 2077 (but we think that's more the games performance problem)
-Shadow of the Tomb Raider
-Horizon Zero Dawn
-Assassin's Creed Odyssey
-Assassin's Creed Valhalla

And VR, as niche as it is. Still is a candidate for need.
-Any VR game that isn't cartoonish graphics pushes my 1080ti and his 2080ti to 99% usage and struggles, if at all, to keep 90/144 (g2/index) refresh rate up.

Why do I need 144hz? Because that's what I bought the monitor for and it is made to go to. If I would settle for 100 hz in most all games..why would I not just get a 100hz one? Do you buy a 4k 60hz TV and then tell people "I watch everything in 1080p 30hz on it. I dont want the 4k resolution or 60hz it does even if I can."

-We don't control what happens to us in life, but we control how we respond to what happens in life.
-Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times. -G. Michael Hopf

Disclaimer: Post made by me are of my own creation. A delusional mind relayed in text form.

Last edited by DXWarlock on Sat, 6th Feb 2021 19:07; edited 2 times in total
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Posts: 24322
Location: Geneva
PostPosted: Sat, 6th Feb 2021 19:03    Post subject:
So you admit, the need is for a very niche group of people.

Good, so we can move on lol.
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Posts: 11422
Location: Florida, USA
PostPosted: Sat, 6th Feb 2021 19:17    Post subject:
Thats what I said to start with. Very Happy
That there is a need, even if niche. Not a "Isn't any" need and its all simply FOMO and hype.
I guess I just don't get the anger he has over a card he doesn't want, that he won't get, that he has no use for. It's like this most every card/CPU gen of lots of people rushing to get one they don't need (with the lack of supply, this time).

-We don't control what happens to us in life, but we control how we respond to what happens in life.
-Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times. -G. Michael Hopf

Disclaimer: Post made by me are of my own creation. A delusional mind relayed in text form.
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Posts: 24322
Location: Geneva
PostPosted: Sat, 6th Feb 2021 19:27    Post subject:
I'd love to sell my 2080 Super for 1k, but I can't buy anything instead of lol ^^
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Posts: 9725

PostPosted: Sat, 6th Feb 2021 20:48    Post subject:
thats 2 months of full pension 5 star hotel holiday in egypt , or renting a house in russia for a year Very Happy

u dont need anything instead Razz, and my main rant is that prices have gone nuts ALLL the way down the ENTIRE chain, not just the top, even the bottem is TRIPPLE Sad

that that amount of games listed is just super tiny

much fewer people are gonna buy a gaming pc anymore if they have to pay 300 eur for a 100 eur card, or budget savy parents, they will all go for the new xbox ... pc gaming is gonna get fucked so hard this year , u have no idea what this will do to devs decision making when they pick pc or console
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[Moderator] Janitor

Posts: 14091

PostPosted: Sat, 6th Feb 2021 20:57    Post subject:
Why don’t they just produce boards for mining and be done with it. I don’t understand the hypocrisy with releasing gaming cards and Laptops used for mining. Just make stripped down mining boards. It won’t help gamers anyway since its the same chips and memory.

"Enlightenment is man's emergence from his self-imposed nonage. Nonage is the inability to use one's own understanding without another's guidance. This nonage is self-imposed if its cause lies not in lack of understanding but in indecision and lack of courage to use one's own mind without another's guidance. Dare to know! (Sapere aude.) "Have the courage to use your own understanding," is therefore the motto of the enlightenment."
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Posts: 11422
Location: Florida, USA
PostPosted: Sat, 6th Feb 2021 21:21    Post subject:
PickupArtist wrote:

that that amount of games listed is just super tiny

You can say the same every generation of cards as they come out. That hardly any 'need' it at launch.
Because games are made to run on cards 'reasonably well' that are available when its made. Otherwise no one would buy the game if you needed a card not out yet to run it.

I mean can you name one vid card that came out that everyone 'needed' it to play most games the month the card launched? (well other than quake 1 and the first true discrete video cards).
Or that a huge range of games already out was waiting on the card so they was playable at the most common resolution?

PickupArtist wrote:
thats 2 months of full pension 5 star hotel holiday in egypt , or renting a house in russia for a year Very Happy

IF that's the argument why are you not in the car bought thread, ranting people spent 20k+ on a car that could buy a full house in Russia for that money, when a 5k one would do? I mean who needs a new 200+ HP car to do city driving? Its pointless. The amount of places you can put your foot to the floor to use all of is just super tiny, and a niche market of consumers that go to them. Very Happy Anyone buying more than a Lada is just a FOMO purchase of the hype and marketing around the nicer cars.

I do agree prices are crazy, and scalpers suck. And limited stock bites. But the argument about 'only a small list of games need it at niche higher resolutions and hz' goes back to the start of every gen of video card launches.

-We don't control what happens to us in life, but we control how we respond to what happens in life.
-Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times. -G. Michael Hopf

Disclaimer: Post made by me are of my own creation. A delusional mind relayed in text form.
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VIP Member

Posts: 5720
Location: in a place with fluffy towels
PostPosted: Sat, 6th Feb 2021 21:44    Post subject:
couleur wrote:
Why don’t they just produce boards for mining and be done with it. I don’t understand the hypocrisy with releasing gaming cards and Laptops used for mining. Just make stripped down mining boards. It won’t help gamers anyway since its the same chips and memory.

Dont miners want to resell the hardware? Maybe this is the best/safest financial decision.
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VIP Member

Posts: 11422
Location: Florida, USA
PostPosted: Sat, 6th Feb 2021 21:49    Post subject:
Nui wrote:
couleur wrote:
Why don’t they just produce boards for mining and be done with it. I don’t understand the hypocrisy with releasing gaming cards and Laptops used for mining. Just make stripped down mining boards. It won’t help gamers anyway since its the same chips and memory.

Dont miners want to resell the hardware? Maybe this is the best/safest financial decision.

I think its because it does no one no good.
-The amount of total cards would still be the same. Since they use the same hardware, just no output connection. Just now you have 1/2 that can game and 1/2 that can't. Say all the gamer ones sold out and amazon listed mining ones you have the opposite outrage.."There are cards just like I need for sale, I can't use for gaming."
-So above: The card makers would be splitting the target market in to two groups to balance with the same raw stock to work with. When one buyer group works better and is safer (who can buy for gaming overlaps with miners, and vice versa...vs no overlap of marketable items)
-Mining cards would be one use throw away items with no resale value. Miners wont want older ones, and gamers cant use them after.

-We don't control what happens to us in life, but we control how we respond to what happens in life.
-Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times. -G. Michael Hopf

Disclaimer: Post made by me are of my own creation. A delusional mind relayed in text form.
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Posts: 9800

PostPosted: Sun, 7th Feb 2021 05:26    Post subject:
PickupArtist wrote:

much fewer people are gonna buy a gaming pc anymore if they have to pay 300 eur for a 100 eur card, or budget savy parents, they will all go for the new xbox ... pc gaming is gonna get fucked so hard this year , u have no idea what this will do to devs decision making when they pick pc or console

Whilst that argument is most probably true, the same applies to them also. The consoles are not exempt from this, as is nothing. The xbox and station 5 are also going for silly prices, if you want them, else you can't get hold of them otherwise Wink

I've had a brand new 'cooker' (kitchen appliance lol) on my wishlist for a couple of months, was in no hurry at the time, the price varied from 169-199 during that period, and I thought, when time is right, I'll get lucky and get it at the lower cost. Today, you can't get it at all, unless I wish to pay 450+ and wait 6 months for same product.

An example, but it shows the state we are now in.
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Posts: 12074

PostPosted: Sun, 7th Feb 2021 20:46    Post subject:
sunny4u wrote:
Mining with laptops : Smile

Ryzen 7 9800X3D PBO ~-26/+200 | Freezer III 360 A-RGB | Strix X670E-F WiFi | Zotac RTX 4090 AMP Extreme AIRO | Fury Beast 64GB (2x 32GB) DDR5 5600MHz C40 @ 6000MHz C28 | 970 EVO Plus 2 TB | 38GN950-B | S.M.S.L RAW-MDA1 & HiFiMAN Arya Organic | Lancool III Snow White + 4x be quiet! Silent Wings Pro 4 140mm | RM1000x (2021) Gold | G Pro X SUPERLIGHT 2 & POWERPLAY | Win 11 Pro | Logitech MX MECHANICAL

Sometimes I publish YouTube videos:
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VIP Member

Posts: 5991

PostPosted: Mon, 8th Feb 2021 13:40    Post subject:
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Posts: 18352

PostPosted: Mon, 8th Feb 2021 14:07    Post subject:

Last edited by paxsali on Thu, 4th Jul 2024 23:08; edited 2 times in total
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Posts: 23008
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Mon, 8th Feb 2021 14:18    Post subject:
Hey, they're shutting themselves down. Everything is good!
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Non-expret in Derps lagunge

Posts: 14108
Location: Kibbutznik, Israel
PostPosted: Tue, 9th Feb 2021 07:56    Post subject:
Man, the prices OMG, I might consider buy myself 3070 now, the prices are becoming unaffordable.

"Fuck Denuvo"

Your personal opinions != the rest of the forum
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Posts: 9800

PostPosted: Tue, 9th Feb 2021 08:14    Post subject:
Good luck with even getting one of them Wink You won't, unless @ a silly cost, like everything else, and the 'scalps'' will have beaten you to it if there was any regardless. Bed down, it's gonna be a long haul Smile
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Posts: 2309
Location: Yes
PostPosted: Tue, 9th Feb 2021 11:51    Post subject:
Still can't believe I got a 3080 TUF for 720€ back in the day.

I always figured If I didn't get it it would get easier to get one with time anyway. Oh boy was I wrong.

I remember when people said "It's like this every launch lol"

We're months past the normal launch shortages.

Fuck is happening?
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