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Posts: 14713

PostPosted: Thu, 13th Apr 2006 19:13    Post subject: Hearts.of.Iron.2.Doomsday-RELOADED

Its out, checking for info now Very Happy

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I was already dling it, but then I looked the screenshots and canceled it, I can play board games with a board, no need to use a PC for that Very Happy
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Posts: 204
Location: Burkina Faso
PostPosted: Fri, 14th Apr 2006 00:17    Post subject:
Bad move, it's great game. At least for strategy fanatic like me Smile And they have ironed out most of the bugs... Took them a year or two, but this is enormous and very complicated game.
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Posts: 612
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Fri, 14th Apr 2006 00:18    Post subject:
EU2 > HoI2!
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Location: Brazil
PostPosted: Fri, 14th Apr 2006 02:01    Post subject:
This game is GREAT!!!
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PostPosted: Fri, 14th Apr 2006 02:43    Post subject:
Swinefur wrote:
EU2 > HoI2!

ugh ..........
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Posts: 11166

PostPosted: Fri, 14th Apr 2006 03:24    Post subject:
Swinefur wrote:
EU2 > HoI2!


I'm playing HOI² + HSR 2.06 + 1.3b right now with a friend, we already played for 14hours straight now, my head is achin, but it's worth it!

Damn, take US down with their 700+ IC :'(
Playing as Japan & my friend as USSR :]

"Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life." ~Berthold Auerbach
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Posts: 140

PostPosted: Sat, 15th Apr 2006 09:36    Post subject:
I must say that Hearts Of Iron is the best game ever created. Every time you play it nothing is the same, the possibilities are endless when it comes to combining different types of units, strategies and countries. The game can be simple and enjoyable on a "lower" level or you can go really advanced with it. There should be more people playing it, but when looking on screens all the graphic gay people despise it because it "looks" boring. What the fuck, get a grip retards. Are you always going to determine if things are good enough by LOOKING at them?

Well, it's your loss....

a melting spool of beggar negative frames
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PostPosted: Sat, 15th Apr 2006 10:15    Post subject:
i would not call it the best game ever created..... but ur right how its a bloody awsome game Very Happy
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PostPosted: Sat, 15th Apr 2006 16:53    Post subject:
One thing that paradox do... that is fucking idiotic.. no game support for other res's

So basically if u have a LCD they fuck u over...

BTW there is a program that changes the res for u thou Wink
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Posts: 140

PostPosted: Sat, 15th Apr 2006 21:47    Post subject:
Ok, ok, I might exaggerated a bit, but that's the game which have given me most of the joy when it comes to playing although there are alot of other games that are top notch aswell. But hey, aren't you supposed to be able to cross the line once in a while? Smile

a melting spool of beggar negative frames
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PostPosted: Sat, 15th Apr 2006 22:07    Post subject:
Well, its RISKs big brother Very Happy
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Location: Brazil
PostPosted: Sun, 16th Apr 2006 15:54    Post subject:
Is it necessary a mod "no time limit" to not end the game in 1953???
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PostPosted: Sun, 16th Apr 2006 18:18    Post subject:
you could mod HOI2 so it went till whenever (mine was like 2050)

cant remember how thou :/
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PostPosted: Sun, 16th Apr 2006 18:25    Post subject:
This has taken over from Oblivion...

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Posts: 20
Location: Brazil
PostPosted: Sun, 16th Apr 2006 19:50    Post subject:
I know this mod "no time limit" for HOI2, but with DOOMSDAY it didnt work...
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Posts: 20
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PostPosted: Mon, 17th Apr 2006 02:19    Post subject:
I found the DD_timelimit on www.stonyroad.de but until now I coudnt make this work...
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PostPosted: Mon, 17th Apr 2006 05:34    Post subject:
this game is sooooooooooooooooooooooo good
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Posts: 21

PostPosted: Mon, 17th Apr 2006 13:25    Post subject:
I love this game, topic-maker is a tool.
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PostPosted: Mon, 17th Apr 2006 15:12    Post subject:
fuck i am getting my ass handed to me lol

Had a game from 1936....... i was the soviet union... was beaming... i was hoooj .... took over persia... + the smaller countries like latvia etc.... took over finland... split poland in half with germany.... then for some reason great britain got pissed off in about 1939 and attacked me... (the australians,south africa and the british attacked persia from india but i managed to fend them off (I had about 50 Infantry division on the persia/india border) .. and repelled their attack from iraqi (i took over iraqi.. then annexed saudi arabia + oman etc etc etc) ... so for the mean while i was OK (also i took over romania just) ....

Then i noticed my relations with Germany were at -200 ... and they were massing HUGE numbers of troops on my border.... so i organized literally prolly 200 divisions of troops on the border..... anyways germany + italy and yugoslavia attacked me... (italy had some troops down by saudi arabia.. so i used my troops there to try and push them back.. to south of turkey)...

Germany *STEAM ROLLED* my army ... lost kiev... and some of my other pretty major cities.... basically im also back to the big river (Volga river ?) .... and i moved all my industry to siberia ...

Sooo at the moment i have a HUGE influx of troops im bringing over from my eastern borders (the ones protecting me from japan.. prolly about 200 divisions) ... but they taking their sweet ass time... and i got my fleet in the baltic sea holding back their Uboats ... and protecting helsinki ...

im pushing the germans back over norway and around sweeden...

But like i said they got me all the way back to the river on the main front.. and im just bout 2 pull back to stalingrad....

So at the moment its June 1941 or so... i just had to blow up a huge dam cause the germans were getting to close.... im waiting for my troops to arrive from the far east and south east... also i have about 15 T34 Tank Divisions and about in training and about 25 more infantry divisions about 2 months away from being deployed...

AND at home my people are getting angry and dissent is rising cause i had to cut down ALL my consumer goods temporarily to pay for these new arms....
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Posts: 4117

PostPosted: Mon, 17th Apr 2006 18:27    Post subject:
Does anyone here play multiplayer? Wouldn't mind a game but I don't know anyone who plays it and it's hard to setup one in the lobby online as most play the original HoI2.

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PostPosted: Mon, 17th Apr 2006 19:52    Post subject:
GOD DAMMIT! you got me now, downloading it!. Used to be realy in to strategy gaming etc. I think the last real one I played on PC was Panzer General 3, was there a 4 ?. No matter, getting it anyway. Also used to play alot of Axis and Allies ( the real board game and the PC version. Actualy back in the 80s we eaven had Board Game nights playing such illustrious
titels as "Russian Campagin and Third Reich" I think both from SSI at the time (SSI dont exist anymore or maybe as a branch of Mattel...not sure)

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Posts: 7020
Location: Toronto, Canada...eh
PostPosted: Sun, 23rd Apr 2006 21:18    Post subject:
ok wait one fucking minute... so i have to make MILLIONS of division to win a war? i have FULLY FULLY upgraded tanks, armored cars and infantry... i also have perfect supplies and all that my divisions are made up of groups of 12s (mix of tank, cavs and inf) and i can't win a SINGLE battle..wtf am i doing wrong? i mean i send spies to poland, i find out their research is YEARS before me and yet my advance units get raped over and over... wtf?

should i make a gazillion units and just go by strenght of numbers?
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Posts: 1542

PostPosted: Sun, 23rd Apr 2006 21:33    Post subject:
It seems odd to me that in HOI2 the polish army still had 196 infantry and like buggys with armor called tanks. Now in doomsday they have 63 divisions ALL 1939 with imporved intercepotrs. Thats bullshit, they need to refine this damn thing. How am i suppose to use my historical tech advatnage as germany when eeryone is more advanced then me? The voiets had 200 divisions by 1939 and the french had 90 Sad

I had 80. Usually in the normal HOI i have 80 and i can take france and poland(poland first). They need to fix this stuff man Sad
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PostPosted: Sun, 23rd Apr 2006 21:39    Post subject:
Damn, you gotta suck because I can beat SU, Poland and France in VH/VH without MUCH of a problem. You have just to know when you can attack. Attacking the night, crossing a river, in winter, mountains or from the sea give you SEVERE penalties! You have to research land doctrines, and bombing the ennemy with tactical bombers, etc...
Are you sure to use brigade attachements well?

"Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life." ~Berthold Auerbach
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Posts: 21

PostPosted: Sun, 23rd Apr 2006 22:33    Post subject:
Hehe, maybe some of you should lower the dif.. Or read the Wiki!
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PostPosted: Sun, 23rd Apr 2006 22:41    Post subject:
Poland, France et al... they aren't a problem - it's when the soviets finally decide to attack - it's game over then Very Happy

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Posts: 66

PostPosted: Mon, 24th Apr 2006 01:36    Post subject:
I've had HoI2 installed probably ten times, but I've always given up before I could even start playing for real. The learning curve is high to say the least. Very Happy
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Posts: 1542

PostPosted: Mon, 24th Apr 2006 05:03    Post subject:
Z0Bman wrote:
Damn, you gotta suck because I can beat SU, Poland and France in VH/VH without MUCH of a problem. You have just to know when you can attack. Attacking the night, crossing a river, in winter, mountains or from the sea give you SEVERE penalties! You have to research land doctrines, and bombing the ennemy with tactical bombers, etc...
Are you sure to use brigade attachements well?

No im just saying it seems odd to me that poland has 1939 inf by the time of attack where as in reg hoi2 they are still using 1936. I know how to play the damn game, but they need to fix that. Its not very accurate for poland to be using tanks that arre equivalant to tigers by 1939 Very Happy
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Posts: 7020
Location: Toronto, Canada...eh
PostPosted: Mon, 24th Apr 2006 05:57    Post subject:
fucking hell... ok wtf, i tried the cheats.. the god mode, "difrules" it does NOTHING i think it might actually be making it harder... jesus

makes me so angry... i attack poland around 1945 so i have all my research done... BUT, english bombers and french forces just RAPE my forces from behind... this is like impossbile...

and why don't the cheats work, i refuse to give up on this stupid game, it has wasted so much of my time.
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Posts: 738
Location: Canada
PostPosted: Mon, 24th Apr 2006 07:06    Post subject:
MAD_MAX333 wrote:
fucking hell... ok wtf, i tried the cheats.. the god mode, "difrules" it does NOTHING i think it might actually be making it harder... jesus.

lol that's what you get for cheating
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