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VIP Member

Posts: 4196

PostPosted: Thu, 1st Jun 2006 00:01    Post subject: The.Secrets.of.Da.Vinci.The.Forbidden.Manuscript-RELOADED

  • Official web page: LINK
  • Publisher: Tri Synergy - Nobilis Group
  • Developer: Kheops Studio
  • Genre: 3D Adventure / Point-and-click
  • Release date: May 2006
  • Media type : 2 CDs 98x15 MB

  • Story/Description:
    Valdo, an ambitious young apprentice working for Da Vinci's disciple Francesco Melzi, is extremely disappointed when the scholar suddenly dismisses him. However, shortly afterwards, he receives a letter from a mysterious patron, asking him to locate one of the great master's missing codices. To access Da Vinci's last residence, the Manoir du Cloux near Ambroise, Valdo tells its new occupant, a courtesan by the name of Babou de la Bourdaisière, that he is Francesco Melzi's apprentice and that he wishes to examine the inventions that still remain on the estate. Under this cover, he starts to scour the estate: Babou's bedroom, Leonardo's workshop, the grounds, and dovecot, leaving no stone unturned. In the course of his investigations, he encounters a wide array of intriguing characters: Babou herself, Saturnin, a suspicious looking guardian, and the King of France himself. To accomplish his mission, he has to solve a series of enigmas devised by the great master himself if Da Vinci's inventions are to function again. On the trail of the genius, Valdo is no more aware of the secrets he is about to unveil as of the danger lurking in the dark.

  • Features:
    * Total immersion guaranteed, through atmosphere, soundtrack and perfect modelisation of historic locations, such as the Manoir du Cloux, Leonardo da Vinci's workshop and the Chateau d'Amboise.

    * A gripping, non-linear and complex plot, based on historical facts and extensive research.

    * Meticulously detailed graphics with a total respect for history. Perfect reproductions of works, decors and clothing, recreated in collaboration with experts, including the management of the Chateau du Clos Lucé.

    * Complex characters with distinct personalities and hidden dimensions: Valdo, Saturnin, François I, Babou de la Bourdaisière, Hector... and Leonardo da Vinci himself.

    * The game's 14 chapters lead deep into the heart of the Great Master's Secret.

    * Dozens of puzzles, based on Da Vinci's own work, requiring logical deduction and scientific knowledge.

    * An interactive inventory system for collectables ensure a game that is easy to pick up.

    * A Good and Evil gauge system: the player develops throughout the game adopting a positive or negative stance. According to the choices they make, players discover one of four possible endings.

    * The portfolio, a game within a game, used by players to store manuscripts found along the way for printing, giving access to puzzles and clues.

    * The player also has a journal to keep track of objectives, sketch the characters encountered and note down impressions about them.

    * The developers' renowned savoir-faire. Their list of previous productions includes Return to Mysterious Island, Journey to the Moon, Secret of the Lost Cavern.

    * The Secrets of Da Vinci: the Forbidden Manuscript is a quest back through time in search of jealously protected manuscripts.

  • Multiplayer: No
  • Protection: Tages
  • Multilanguage: YES
  • French Demo: Here

  • What is the Da Vinci code?: Wikipedia
  • Preview: Adventuregamers
  • Review: Eurogamer - Totally: 6/10
  • Screenshots: Strategy Informer
  • Trailers: Gametrailers

Last edited by JiGSaW on Thu, 1st Jun 2006 00:16; edited 3 times in total
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Posts: 6313

PostPosted: Thu, 1st Jun 2006 00:07    Post subject:
Bet this wil be better than the one based on a book.
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Posts: 160

PostPosted: Thu, 1st Jun 2006 00:10    Post subject:
Thats the question. I liked the books written by Dan Brown, but wasnt impressed THAT much by the movie ...
It fellt like the director hadnt have the capacaty to develop the plot in the right way...
Like Harry Potter and the fire goblet...

p.s. i think ill take a look on the game Wink
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VIP Master Jedi

Posts: 24468
Location: Toronto, Canada
PostPosted: Thu, 1st Jun 2006 00:16    Post subject:
This game sounds kinda hard....some bullshit myst type of puzzles or what?
Sounds interesting...but I cant take near impossible puzzles...seriously Laughing


Nice templates and stuff dude. Ppl notice, nice Smile

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Posts: 807

PostPosted: Thu, 1st Jun 2006 00:48    Post subject:
is this game officially licensed by the Church and the Pope?
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VIP Master Jedi

Posts: 24468
Location: Toronto, Canada
PostPosted: Thu, 1st Jun 2006 00:49    Post subject:
hiatus_gsw wrote:
is this game officially licensed by the Church and the Pope?

would you play it if it was? Laughing

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Posts: 14717

PostPosted: Thu, 1st Jun 2006 06:30    Post subject:
Another Tages down Smile

PC: Yes. Console: No.
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Posts: 541

PostPosted: Thu, 1st Jun 2006 06:45    Post subject:
the movie was a snoozefest compared to the book.. and the game was worse O.o

hopefully this spinoff is gonna be better... and its even point and click!!
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Posts: 26

PostPosted: Thu, 1st Jun 2006 08:48    Post subject:
is this 3rd person or 1st
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Posts: 17

PostPosted: Thu, 1st Jun 2006 10:10    Post subject:
Not related to the Da Vinci Code... it just has Da Vinci in the title to try and cash in on it.
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Posts: 199

PostPosted: Thu, 1st Jun 2006 10:59    Post subject:
whatever, the book was crapfest anyway Rolling Eyes
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PDIP Member

Posts: 32062
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Thu, 1st Jun 2006 18:17    Post subject:
leon007 wrote:
is this 3rd person or 1st

Its point and click, so guess its 3rd person. I could be wrong ^^
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Posts: 39

PostPosted: Fri, 2nd Jun 2006 18:16    Post subject:
It's a Myst type of game, so 1st person.
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VIP Member

Posts: 4196

PostPosted: Fri, 2nd Jun 2006 21:17    Post subject:
The Secrets of Da Vinci The Forbidden Manuscript PROPER READ NFO-iND

Nfo :

RELOADED their 'crack' was NEVER protected, but
hey! Ours wasn't either! So why this proper reason?
The exe of RELOADED doesn't start on Win2k/9x
because of a Windows Library Export that is not
defined on older systems. I don't understand why
everybody thinks RELOADED can crack TAGES. Is it
because of the crashing Splinter Cell Chaos Theory
release? Championsheep rally must be nuked for
not.working. They probably took a demo exe for that
also. The game stops after the first race. Take care.

Nice Nfo Razz
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Posts: 7288

PostPosted: Fri, 2nd Jun 2006 21:17    Post subject:
Fuck haters... RELOADED FTW!
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Posts: 498

PostPosted: Sat, 3rd Jun 2006 00:16    Post subject:
JiGSaW wrote:
The Secrets of Da Vinci The Forbidden Manuscript PROPER READ NFO-iND

Nfo :

RELOADED their 'crack' was NEVER protected, but
hey! Ours wasn't either! So why this proper reason?
The exe of RELOADED doesn't start on Win2k/9x
because of a Windows Library Export that is not
defined on older systems. I don't understand why
everybody thinks RELOADED can crack TAGES. Is it
because of the crashing Splinter Cell Chaos Theory
release? Championsheep rally must be nuked for
not.working. They probably took a demo exe for that
also. The game stops after the first race. Take care.

Nice Nfo Razz

DING,DING,DING....Ladies And the red corner... Wink

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Posts: 266

PostPosted: Sat, 3rd Jun 2006 01:00    Post subject:
who13 wrote:
JiGSaW wrote:
The Secrets of Da Vinci The Forbidden Manuscript PROPER READ NFO-iND

Nfo :

RELOADED their 'crack' was NEVER protected, but
hey! Ours wasn't either! So why this proper reason?
The exe of RELOADED doesn't start on Win2k/9x
because of a Windows Library Export that is not
defined on older systems. I don't understand why
everybody thinks RELOADED can crack TAGES. Is it
because of the crashing Splinter Cell Chaos Theory
release? Championsheep rally must be nuked for
not.working. They probably took a demo exe for that
also. The game stops after the first race. Take care.

Nice Nfo Razz

DING,DING,DING....Ladies And the red corner... Wink

Lol. Right...... iND Suck. RLD pwn them big time. (and yes I know ind means independant. I was just being fanboyish for RLD. One day they will have my babies. xD)

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Posts: 410

PostPosted: Sat, 3rd Jun 2006 21:18    Post subject: lol
delete it

Last edited by Freakshow on Sat, 3rd Jun 2006 21:21; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 410

PostPosted: Sat, 3rd Jun 2006 21:18    Post subject: lol
delete it

Last edited by Freakshow on Sat, 3rd Jun 2006 21:21; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 410

PostPosted: Sat, 3rd Jun 2006 21:20    Post subject: what ever
The biggest bs release i ever saw Smile

Their exe is definitivly having TAGES PE. How can it be unprotected if the PE says it was protected. But RLD = bad win2k support should be added if the game supported it with orig CD but if MS doesnt support that OS anymore so why should crackers? Smile

Smells like a bad idea (intro shows it) from some wanna be group. Also guy named in*****l is in their intro code decompiled. I wouldnt add a nick into a intro of a scene release while having 100.000 google hits Smile or atleast VM it Smile
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Posts: 289

PostPosted: Sat, 3rd Jun 2006 23:18    Post subject:
 Some notes about the 'iND' proper of 'The Secrets of Da Vinci The
  Forbidden Manuscript':
  This release was put out under the IND label in an attempt to release a
  pointless bash nfo. Unable to understand anything at all about
  the TAGES protection, they mistakenly assumed our exe was from some
  unprotected (or demo) source. Of course they are mistaken.
  We will not bother wasting too much time explaining why our exe was not
  from an unprotected source to people who are not even able to detect the
  TAGES API, let alone reverse it, but checking the resource tree for IDR_RCP
  in the future will avoid you from making these kind of 'mistakes'.

  We apologize for the fact that Da Vinci did not work on win2k/win9x. We will
  prevent this from happening in the future, even though these OS are no longer
  supported by Microsoft.
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