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Posted: Tue, 20th Nov 2007 17:36 Post subject: |
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▀▀▓▓▄ ▀ H A T R E D P R E S E N T S ▀ ▄▓▓▀▀
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Overlord: Raising Hell (c) Codemasters
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░▓██▀ ▐▓▒░ 20/11/2007 :.. . protection ..: SecuROM ░▒▓▌ ▀██▓░
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█▌ ▄██▀ ▓ 1 :.... DVD(s) . genre .......: Action ▓ ▀██▄ ▐█
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Overlord: Raising Hell single-player expansion pack opens up a
series of hellish new levels. Complete with new enemies and
objectives, each level is a supernatural abyss - a hell for each
of the game's five kingdoms: Mellow Hills, Evernight, Heaven's
Peak, the Golden Halls and the Ruborian Desert. Access to each
abyss is via a portal, which opens once a kingdom has been
successfully conquered and the previous ruler banished to a
personal hell within. However, it's not just the fallen heroes
that have been dragged into the abyss; the Overlord's newly loyal
peasants have also been taken down into hell too.
With the undead denizens of each abyss on the attack and
threatening the Overlord's reign above ground, there's only one
thing to do about it: assemble a minion army, descend into each
abyss and embark on a fresh wave of tyranny in order to return the
serfs to their homelands, defeat the fallen heroes once and for
all, and claim the throne of each kingdom's underworld.
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1. Unpack.
2. Install.
3. Copy cracked files (overwrite all).
4. Enjoy this standalone expansion!
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HATRED does not condone in selling warez of any kind.
HATRED does not respect any p2p networks, NFOrce or
anything to make the scene more public.
HATRED does not believe in using a lesser protected
executable whether it be a steam exe, unprot exe,
demo exe, activemark exe, direct2drive exe or any
other weaker protected exe to make a cheap copy/paste
code exe and then label it as a crack. Nor do we
believe in any other sorts of cheap workarounds.
We greet the respectable groups like:
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▐█▀ ▀ ascii art by ▐▒ ███▄▄▀▀ ▐███▌ ▒▌ barium<SAC>░ ▀ ▀▓▌
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Posted: Tue, 20th Nov 2007 18:21 Post subject: |
Does expansion includes new story?
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Posts: 3340
Location: Sweden
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Posted: Tue, 20th Nov 2007 18:52 Post subject: |
someone needs to upload a save game
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Posts: 3340
Location: Sweden
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Posted: Wed, 21st Nov 2007 06:21 Post subject: |
Wili23 wrote: | Does expansion includes new story? |
read the nfo
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Posts: 1428
Location: Sweden
Posted: Thu, 22nd Nov 2007 23:57 Post subject: |
Could someone upload a different savegame? One with 0% corruption and the good sister instead of the evil one? Karmecks has 51% corruption and the evil sister. My savegame that i lost when i reformatted had 0% and the good sister, plus tons of upgrades and armour and weapons and stuff. If anyone has such a savegame i'd really appreciate it. Thanks.
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Posts: 3340
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Posted: Tue, 27th Nov 2007 21:10 Post subject: |
How do I beat the last boss?
Spoiler: | I'm in the part when he destroyed both of the walls and I can't figure out what next :/. Every time I send my minions at him, he regenerates. |
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Posted: Tue, 27th Nov 2007 23:34 Post subject: |
xardas96 wrote: | How do I beat the last boss?
Spoiler: | I'm in the part when he destroyed both of the walls and I can't figure out what next :/. Every time I send my minions at him, he regenerates. |
You have to get him to take down the walls in the back too (2 front 2 back = 4 walls)
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Posts: 3340
Location: Sweden
Posted: Wed, 28th Nov 2007 06:39 Post subject: |
Sedolf wrote: | xardas96 wrote: | How do I beat the last boss?
Spoiler: | I'm in the part when he destroyed both of the walls and I can't figure out what next :/. Every time I send my minions at him, he regenerates. |
You have to get him to take down the walls in the back too (2 front 2 back = 4 walls) |
And to do that you have to:
Spoiler: | Put 1 or more minions behind the tow other walls, do this by controlling them with you tow muse bottoms, then they are behind the wall press Q. After that i think u have to attack him one or more time, to make him get his head stuck go close to him first time hi might just swing at you then go close aging and he will say something and then attack with his head and get it stuck then you attack. |
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Posts: 72
Location: near the computer
Posted: Sat, 1st Dec 2007 19:47 Post subject: |
i'm stuck
how do i make melvin expoled for the second time?
there is an empty dish near the wall that need to be exploded and melvin is not getting near that dish he exploed at the 4th dish ,
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Posts: 3340
Location: Sweden
Posted: Sat, 1st Dec 2007 23:36 Post subject: |
PIMPMPO wrote: | i'm stuck
how do i make melvin expoled for the second time?
there is an empty dish near the wall that need to be exploded and melvin is not getting near that dish he exploed at the 4th dish , |
Spoiler: | just remove one of the dishes and he will explode at the right one. (you need to have food on the one next to the wall) |
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Posts: 72
Location: near the computer
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Posted: Wed, 5th Dec 2007 15:22 Post subject: |
PIMPMPO wrote: | too hard for me
the messions are to complex
is there a walkthrough somewherer???? |
yea..harder then the original...we want hints and tips and walkthrough:D
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Posted: Wed, 5th Dec 2007 18:05 Post subject: |
This game and Witcher are my 2007 GOTY games
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Posts: 132
Location: The world
Posted: Wed, 5th Dec 2007 18:25 Post subject: |
BlueSkyz wrote: | This game and Witcher are my 2007 GOTY games |
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Posted: Wed, 5th Dec 2007 22:54 Post subject: |
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Posted: Fri, 21st Dec 2007 19:56 Post subject: |
Does hatred's 1.4 patch work for anyone here?
The cake is a lie.
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Posts: 3340
Location: Sweden
Posted: Fri, 21st Dec 2007 20:23 Post subject: |
but is not the stuff in 1.4 the stuff that is in the expansion, but was give out as a patch to original game in the w8 for the expansion to hit retail.
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Posted: Fri, 21st Dec 2007 20:38 Post subject: |
blubblab wrote: | Does hatred's 1.4 patch work for anyone here? |
get the expansion its allready 1.4
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Posted: Fri, 21st Dec 2007 20:58 Post subject: |
BlueSkyz wrote: | blubblab wrote: | Does hatred's 1.4 patch work for anyone here? |
get the expansion its allready 1.4 |
I asked if their crack works for you guys.. lol
The cake is a lie.
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Posted: Fri, 21st Dec 2007 21:22 Post subject: |
blubblab wrote: | BlueSkyz wrote: | blubblab wrote: | Does hatred's 1.4 patch work for anyone here? |
get the expansion its allready 1.4 |
I asked if their crack works for you guys.. lol |
patch and crack are two different words bud
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Posted: Fri, 21st Dec 2007 22:04 Post subject: |
BlueSkyz wrote: | blubblab wrote: | BlueSkyz wrote: |
get the expansion its allready 1.4 |
I asked if their crack works for you guys.. lol |
patch and crack are two different words bud |
Guess what you apply after a patch ?
The cake is a lie.
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Posts: 3340
Location: Sweden
Posted: Sat, 22nd Dec 2007 00:01 Post subject: |
blubblab wrote: | BlueSkyz wrote: | blubblab wrote: |
I asked if their crack works for you guys.. lol |
patch and crack are two different words bud |
Guess what you apply after a patch ? |
Get it in ure fucking head, you don't need the fucking patch if you use this release.
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