HAha I know you kids don't care about American Football. I won $750 in a pool last year When the chicago bears lost Hopefully I win some more money this year.
Either way I'm getting drunk.
For those who came in this thread to say soccer is better or 'american commercialism... '
blah blah go watch some hockey fights.
Haven't really been following NFL much this year ... actually the first season in a while I haven't been in a pool. still planning on watching the superbowl though
I think New England will win, but I don't think they will cover the 14 point spread.
If only it would be played on saturdays and not sundays so I could watch it live. I mean I still could, but i can't afford to sleep all day long at work
What a stupid fucking game, I watched the last quarter.
I cannot believe how popular football is in the US... It boggles my mind when more exciting sports like Hockey and Basketball exist, football basically oozes American.. it's so sad
more poeple watch the superbowl in canada than the nhl finals, do some research, although hockey ratings are weak. And yah I lived in Nova scotia for 16 years. Hockey blows which is why no one watches it.
I watched the whole match and it was boring as hell, they play 10 seconds then you have one min of boredom with the stupid coaches, their uber ugly motorola headsets, or the referees, i put apart the last minute where there was some 'suspense' for the score... Rugby ftw.
@ copecowboy
Last time i researched the super bowl ratings they were completely faked...
The urban legend / NFL blatant lie to sell advertising:
«In an interview with VOA, David Tossell, the Director of Public Relations for NFL Europe, said the Super Bowl has grown into a huge international media event.
(…) “The game is going to go out in 234 different countries.” (…) The coverage is expected to reach up to one billion viewers around the world.»
No reason for anybody to be hating on any of these sports. The one's one person think are boring as hell are a pride and joy of someone else. It's all in your location, if you don't live in the US you can't really speak on it.
I wish we had rugby here though, I also wish Hockey had a larger audience.
No reason for anybody to be hating on any of these sports. The one's one person think are boring as hell are a pride and joy of someone else. It's all in your location, if you don't live in the US you can't really speak on it.
watch this pass and then tell me there is nothing exciting about football
There is nothing exciting about football.
Done and done
I don't understand the fascination...
Same way I don't understand the fascination with baseball or hockey, both are sports that have peaks and then long ass low's. Matter-o-fact 90% of sports are like that. Again it's all personal opinion.
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