Aliens versus Predator (AVP 3)
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Posts: 580
Location: Liechtenstein
PostPosted: Sat, 25th Apr 2009 19:23    Post subject: Aliens versus Predator (AVP 3)
Hey guys, somebody should make a template for this game, coming up in 2010. I wish i could do that but i suck at these things....

Anyway, here's the first infos and screenshots from the game


Developer: Rebellion Developments Inc
Publisher: Sega
Distributor: Sega [Online: Steam for PC]
Engine: Asura
Consoles: PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
Release date: February 2010

Story Trailer HD

trailer including in-game footage( hit HOME)

Developed at Rebellion by the team responsible for the original 1999 PC classic, the all-new Aliens vs. Predator allows players to take the role of three infamous species: Colonial Marines, Predators and Aliens. The game will feature a unique three-way online multiplayer experience, allowing gamers to battle for survival and the right to be crowned the deadliest species in the galaxy. Each race will also have its own distinct action-packed single-player campaign mode, with a storyline that cleverly interweaves with the other two species’ paths.

Set on planet BG-386; a human colonist mining group discovers an ancient pyramid containing a dark and horrible secret. Across the galaxy, a race of warriors is alerted to the discovery of their pyramid and a hunting party is dispatched to ensure that it remains sealed at all costs. Deep inside the ruined pyramid meanwhile, nature’s deadliest species awakes from centuries of hibernation intent on finding new prey.

The Colonial Marine’s story is an incredible fight against all odds from horrors lurking in the dark. Surrounded on all sides yet armed to the teeth, the Colonial Marine represents humanity’s last stand with the firepower to fight back.

As the Alien, players will discover what it’s like to be the scariest, most murderous creature in the universe, with the ability to traverse any surface at lightning speed in order to get close enough to unleash its deadly claws, tail and teeth.

A master of the hunt, the Predator grants the player an arsenal of exotic weaponry with which to stalk from the shadows. Earn the greatest honor by ambushing prey up-close, before butchering them for a gory trophy kill.


Box Art

Alien POV video
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Posts: 9030

PostPosted: Sat, 25th Apr 2009 19:29    Post subject:
Hmm, I think there is already a thread abut AvP3 Colonial Marines. Wink

Edit: oops, sorry. I've mixed up those two different titles. Smile

Last edited by M4trix on Sat, 25th Apr 2009 19:40; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 580
Location: Liechtenstein
PostPosted: Sat, 25th Apr 2009 19:30    Post subject:
Colonial Marines is a different game actually
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Sat, 25th Apr 2009 19:31    Post subject:
Yup. Aliens-CM is a Gearbox upcoming shooter, AvP3 is being done by Rebellion (they did the first AvP title) and it's due in 2010.

Eagerly awaiting it! AvP and AvP2 are stupendously good!
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Posts: 4699
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PostPosted: Sat, 25th Apr 2009 19:50    Post subject:
From what i saw its coming to Ps3/Xbox 360 ?!?!WTF the title originated on PC and a LOT of pc gamers wanted AvP 3 for like 5 years...
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Posts: 23

PostPosted: Sat, 25th Apr 2009 20:04    Post subject:
I heard that CM is cancelled...
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Posts: 508
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Sat, 25th Apr 2009 20:04    Post subject:
Awesomeness! AvP was such a good game.
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Posts: 868

PostPosted: Sat, 25th Apr 2009 20:48    Post subject:
Im playimg avsp 2 now and i can't win the level with the marines where you have to press T to equip something and then what? Does anybody know?
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Sat, 25th Apr 2009 21:03    Post subject:
tombata wrote:
Im playimg avsp 2 now and i can't win the level with the marines where you have to press T to equip something and then what? Does anybody know? Smile
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PostPosted: Sat, 25th Apr 2009 21:10    Post subject:
iiitachiii wrote:
I heard that CM is cancelled...


Upcoming PC games 2009 and onwards
Bravery is not a function of firepower.
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Posts: 4125

PostPosted: Sat, 25th Apr 2009 21:46    Post subject:
omg, the screenshots are very good.

this is looking very promising
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Posts: 73193
Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 🇮🇱
PostPosted: Sat, 25th Apr 2009 22:58    Post subject:
Can't read the article, but let me guess, a regenerating health and/or a cover system?
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Sat, 25th Apr 2009 22:59    Post subject:
iNatan wrote:
Can't read the article, but let me guess, a regenerating health and/or a cover system?

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Posts: 73193
Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 🇮🇱
PostPosted: Sat, 25th Apr 2009 23:01    Post subject:
Hey, don't laugh!

AnimalMother wrote:
Remember gaming is a casual pastime, something people do for fun.

Rolling Eyes Razz

I say we put slo-mo as well (ie "Ripley Time"), those pesky xenomorphs are way too fast for the console controller! Laughing
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Sat, 25th Apr 2009 23:04    Post subject:
iNatan wrote:

I say we put slo-mo as well (ie "Ripley Time"), those pesky xenomorphs are way too fast for the console controller! Laughing

I also recommend Vitachambers and grenade indicators, just in case it gets a bit too much for the gamers.

Ooh, ooh, ooh! And replenishing ammo!
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Posts: 73193
Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 🇮🇱
PostPosted: Sat, 25th Apr 2009 23:06    Post subject:
sabin1981 wrote:
And replenishing ammo!

Dang, but of course!

AnimalMother wrote:
What would you prefer, that you have to go find health each time you get shot?

Same applies for ammo. What would you prefer, that you have to go find ammo crates and boxes each time you shoot? Very Happy
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Sat, 25th Apr 2009 23:09    Post subject:
I reckon Rebellion should make it even better! They should take a leaf out of Ion Storm's book; Universal Ammo Clips! Laughing

In all seriousness though, Rebellion made a stonking good game with AvP1 (though, naturally, AvP2 was considerably better. Monolith > * .. imo of course) so I don't think we have to worry about AvP3 being "too" badly gimped.
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Posts: 73193
Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 🇮🇱
PostPosted: Sat, 25th Apr 2009 23:11    Post subject:
Actually, the marine portions of the first game were fucking fantastic, much better than the second. The first was much more horror-oriented (the colonial marines portions), while in the second they were much more action oriented (which I'm sure will be the case here). Xenomorph and Predator missions (and story) was much better in the second. Smile
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Sat, 25th Apr 2009 23:18    Post subject:
Playing as the Marine in the 1st game scared the fucking hell out of me on tons of occasions. Rebellion really captured the tense nature of the saga using just the lights and motion tracker. Creepy as all hell.

I agree about the Alien/Pred missions though; AvP2 all the way!! Loved starting off as a face-hugger Very Happy
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PostPosted: Sat, 25th Apr 2009 23:27    Post subject:

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Posts: 157

PostPosted: Sat, 25th Apr 2009 23:32    Post subject:
iNatan wrote:
Can't read the article, but let me guess, a regenerating health and/or a cover system?

You forgot squad mechanics Razz
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Sat, 25th Apr 2009 23:37    Post subject:
VFik wrote:
iNatan wrote:
Can't read the article, but let me guess, a regenerating health and/or a cover system?

You forgot squad mechanics Razz

Nah, Sega already has THAT aspect covered with "Colonial Marines"

Sigh. I'm still gutted that Sega pulled the plug on the Aliens RPG. We've NEVER had a proper (or any, to my recollection) RPG based in the Aliens saga. Gaaaah.
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Posts: 4125

PostPosted: Sun, 26th Apr 2009 00:57    Post subject:
iNatan wrote:
Can't read the article, but let me guess, a regenerating health and/or a cover system?


Its an FPS and it seems no shitty gears of war gay cover is in. thank god for that Very Happy
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Sun, 26th Apr 2009 01:00    Post subject:
Guess who's installing AvP and AvP2 right now? Very Happy

Hey, anyone up for some AvP2 death-matches some time? Last I heard there are ways of playing without the key (Gamespy Arcade is one, or LAN/Hamachi!)
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Posts: 18053
Location: .NL
PostPosted: Sun, 26th Apr 2009 01:19    Post subject:
sabin1981 wrote:
Guess who's installing AvP and AvP2 right now? Very Happy

Hey, anyone up for some AvP2 death-matches some time? Last I heard there are ways of playing without the key (Gamespy Arcade is one, or LAN/Hamachi!)

blah i still own avp2+exp original, yeah there were days when games deserved to be bought, just need to find it now Razz
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Sun, 26th Apr 2009 01:20    Post subject:
Oh hell, I *used* to own them both (AvP Gold and AvP with Primal Hunt expansion) but that was years ago Crying or Very sad
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Posts: 73193
Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 🇮🇱
PostPosted: Sun, 26th Apr 2009 01:44    Post subject:
streetunder wrote:

Its an FPS and it seems no shitty gears of war gay cover is in. thank god for that Very Happy

Well, they even manage to put that in FPS games as well (Rainbows Six Vegases, Brothers in Arms, etc). Laughing
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Posts: 18053
Location: .NL
PostPosted: Sun, 26th Apr 2009 02:15    Post subject:
iNatan wrote:
streetunder wrote:

Its an FPS and it seems no shitty gears of war gay cover is in. thank god for that Very Happy

Well, they even manage to put that in FPS games as well (Rainbows Six Vegases, Brothers in Arms, etc). Laughing

so u saying cover in R6V was lame and unnecessary??

fuk that big time, cover system in fps like R6V is great

it's just in this game u won't have time to get/stay in cover coz aliens will own your ass and i doubt they will implement it, even tho u not forced to use it
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Posts: 680

PostPosted: Sun, 26th Apr 2009 05:24    Post subject:
The cover system was implemented because people taught it was too hard to lean from a fucking corner.
I guess it works in tactical games like the Rainbow Six series but in fast FPS action oriented games it dumbs/slows down the gameplay. Take the COD,UT series for and fun single and multi gameplay.

It would be nice if they introduced new body awareness mechanics. Imagine melee engagements a la Chronicles of Riddick or Dark Messiah with an alien or even a predator. That would be freakin' fun and exciting stuff.
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Posts: 18053
Location: .NL
PostPosted: Sun, 26th Apr 2009 05:39    Post subject:
again there is no facts or even rumors this game will have any sort of cover system, it's just guys were fooling around
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