[PS3] PS3 Hacking Thread
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Posts: 6015
Location: India
PostPosted: Tue, 20th Jan 2015 18:14    Post subject:
How do i create a pkg file by replacing the eboot in that pkg? Which tools for injecting?
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Posts: 6960

PostPosted: Wed, 21st Jan 2015 15:50    Post subject:
Just delete installed contents for demon souls on xmb

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Posts: 6015
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PostPosted: Thu, 22nd Jan 2015 02:41    Post subject:
Oh ok will try that
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[Moderator] Babysitter

Posts: 7449
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PostPosted: Sun, 1st Feb 2015 21:36    Post subject:
So what is this Pexploit crap all about? Sounds useless?

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Posts: 6960

PostPosted: Mon, 2nd Feb 2015 00:17    Post subject:
it basically allows you to transfer files to the PS3 HDD. Good to play C00 games for free (Google for that) and get Free DLC and PS1/PSP classics. Other than that, useless.

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Posts: 2752
Location: Bombay, India
PostPosted: Thu, 28th May 2015 10:49    Post subject:
Hiya, can someone confirm if CFW can now be installed on OFW 4.70 firmware?

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Mostly Cursed

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PostPosted: Thu, 28th May 2015 11:29    Post subject:
Shawn_Hunter wrote:
Hiya, can someone confirm if CFW can now be installed on OFW 4.70 firmware?


I've been out of the PS3 stuff for a while now, but I'm going to go out on a limb and say that this is fake. I've not heard and scene rumblings about new 4.7x signing keys.. and that alone would have been monumental even without a surprise magical CFW from a hack that purports to have free $100 PSN codes if only you complete this short free offer Laughing

Wait for cyclone's confirmation, but in the meantime; do not flash that PUP! Razz
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Posts: 13997

PostPosted: Thu, 28th May 2015 11:49    Post subject:

PS3 4.70 Official Jailbreak Custom Firmware CFW [Released]
Posted on February 24, 2015 by Admin

i think thats fake, otherwise it would have been over the net since three months.

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Posts: 2752
Location: Bombay, India
PostPosted: Thu, 28th May 2015 12:12    Post subject:
sabin1981 wrote:
Shawn_Hunter wrote:
Hiya, can someone confirm if CFW can now be installed on OFW 4.70 firmware?


I've been out of the PS3 stuff for a while now, but I'm going to go out on a limb and say that this is fake. I've not heard and scene rumblings about new 4.7x signing keys.. and that alone would have been monumental even without a surprise magical CFW from a hack that purports to have free $100 PSN codes if only you complete this short free offer Laughing

Wait for cyclone's confirmation, but in the meantime; do not flash that PUP! Razz

Janz wrote:

PS3 4.70 Official Jailbreak Custom Firmware CFW [Released]
Posted on February 24, 2015 by Admin

i think thats fake, otherwise it would have been over the net since three months.


Thank you both!

I have been out of the CFW front for a long time now as well. This wasn't for me but for a friend of mine. I already have a CFW PS3, which I haven't used for quite a while now.

So found some videos over YouTube which had comments saying it worked. So out of total curiosity, decided to check here first. I should have known better as it would have been a widespread news otherwise.
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Posts: 13997

PostPosted: Thu, 28th May 2015 12:36    Post subject:
would have been major news if someone got the keys for 4.70. even ps3 is old now. and yes im out of that business to since my ps3 completely died a few years ago. that things would have been discussed here a lot if true
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Non-expret in Derps lagunge

Posts: 14107
Location: Kibbutznik, Israel
PostPosted: Thu, 4th Aug 2016 03:53    Post subject:
Cobra ODE now supports latest FW... There is still exploiting going around,so Might be possible to do something better like CFW for all models in the future..


Team Cobra is proud to present the next generation of ODE, the 5.20C.

Compatible with 25xx, 3xxx and 4xxx series consoles to 4.80 OFW.
The 5.20C has inbuilt DMC (Drive Motor Controller) circuitry. We have greatly reduced the size of the PCB, with many optimizations in terms of components used. We are now running our own SATA core which allows for further speed increases and much more flexibility.

The Cobra 5.20C ODE is much more compact, Flexible and faster design at a lower price!

We are now shipping 5.20C to Cobra resellers.

The updated user manual is available in the downloads section!


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[Moderator] Babysitter

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PostPosted: Thu, 4th Aug 2016 15:30    Post subject:
Does it still need a BluRay swap disc?

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Non-expret in Derps lagunge

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Location: Kibbutznik, Israel
PostPosted: Thu, 4th Aug 2016 15:46    Post subject:
Apparently yes Sad

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Posts: 13997

PostPosted: Thu, 4th Aug 2016 16:04    Post subject:
tbh are they still people out who care about the ps3? ok i mean other than 3 world countries like brazil (you know the taxes there for game consoles etc)
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PostPosted: Thu, 4th Aug 2016 16:32    Post subject:
Janz wrote:
tbh are they still people out who care about the ps3? ok i mean other than 3 world countries like brazil (you know the taxes there for game consoles etc)

Isn't that a rather daft thing to say when people still play the consoles from the 70's and 80's. Just because new shiny things release doesn't mean the older stuff gets obsolete.

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Posts: 13997

PostPosted: Thu, 4th Aug 2016 16:42    Post subject:
thats cause of retro hipsters, 5 years ago nobody cared about nes,snes,n64 for example. now its hip and cool to play old games... would take another 15-20 years to make it hip again to play stuff on a ps3 Wink
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PostPosted: Thu, 4th Aug 2016 17:04    Post subject:
It's not about hipsters alone, the emulation community is filled with oldies. You not really being into it is not an excuse to claim "nobody cared about nes,snes,n64". Besides naming only the Nintendo consoles says a lot xD

Sure you'll see more of it now because the younger generation likes to flaunt with it on social media while us oldies just hang in our stuffy old forums. But its been there and for a lot longer than your 5 years statement.

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[Moderator] Babysitter

Posts: 7449
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PostPosted: Thu, 4th Aug 2016 17:13    Post subject:
Janz wrote:
thats cause of retro hipsters, 5 years ago nobody cared about nes,snes,n64 for example. now its hip and cool to play old games... would take another 15-20 years to make it hip again to play stuff on a ps3 Wink

Old games were ALWAYS cool. Sad

I've been working on my collection:

    Gameboy Color
    Xbox One
    Neo Geo

Don't tell me old games aren't cool! Mad Laughing

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Non-expret in Derps lagunge

Posts: 14107
Location: Kibbutznik, Israel
PostPosted: Tue, 27th Sep 2016 08:34    Post subject:
No actual news on proper hacking stack 3.56+ and newst models but its still nice to see hackers still working on the PS3 even the focus started Shifting to the PS4

Today PlayStation developer notzecoxao shared a video demonstration of a PS3 DECR-1000 running PS1 Classics and PSP Minis.

For those of you who have been around the scene awhile, you may recall the PlayStation 3 Development Kit hitting E-Bay, details on the PS3 TOOL Internals, Syscon / Flash Chips, PS3 TOOL CP, Serial Port and XMB Menu.

Our resident PSXHAX Moderator @Centrino has also just recently got his hands on a PS3 DECR-1000A development unit as well, so overall it definitely appears the PlayStation 3 scene isn't dead yet! (y)

From the video's caption, to quote: DECR-1000 running PS1 Classics and PSP Minis

To make this work you need to:
Have a cfw for mounting dev_blind and moving ps1emu and pspemu folders, or you can just make a cfw with those two folders and their contents. I just used IRISMAN with PASTA CFW.
Activate your content with reactpsn+user aa+exdata raps in usb000/exdata
And a DECR-1000.


There were reports this year about some exploits still existing even on newst models and FWs..

Even is there is limited way to run hombrew or backups on newsts models with ODE(and I think on 4.66 aswell) and even RPCS3 making nice progress something that is out of reach of Sony to patch I am still hopeing proper hacks for every FW and models eventually... Remember hacker manage to properly hack the saturn ~20 years after its discounted...
Though it might be more of a Jailbreak then actuall CFW but we will see..

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Posts: 6960

PostPosted: Tue, 27th Sep 2016 09:04    Post subject:
No offense but what he did is nothing special...

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Non-expret in Derps lagunge

Posts: 14107
Location: Kibbutznik, Israel
PostPosted: Tue, 27th Sep 2016 09:23    Post subject:
True,because its older model and easy as cake to hack...
You could also run psp ,psx and ps2 games on CFWable consoles.

The point was that it's nice hackers atill exploiting the PS3 in one way or another and with the PS3 reverseing still going on.. We might eventually find something for newst models...

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Posts: 304

PostPosted: Thu, 29th Sep 2016 00:24    Post subject:
I can't believe the PS3 hasn't had a hack yet for newer models. The games are pretty much over for it save for Persona 5 and a few others.

Janz wrote:
thats cause of retro hipsters, 5 years ago nobody cared about nes,snes,n64 for example. now its hip and cool to play old games... would take another 15-20 years to make it hip again to play stuff on a ps3 Wink

I know this was almost 2 months ago but "retro hipsters" contradicts itself. Hipsters usually like the newest fads that come along and ignore anything from the past. Just because younger people who weren't alive are discovering older games it's not a bad thing, in fact I think it's pretty cool when younger generations don't automatically think anything before they were born is "lame" and that doesn't include me because I had an NES when I was a kid in the 80's.
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Posts: 2752
Location: Bombay, India
PostPosted: Sun, 9th Oct 2016 00:21    Post subject:
Is there any simple method to get a raw PSN .pkg game file to work without going through any of that reACT PSN bullshit?
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Posts: 22989
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Sun, 9th Oct 2016 01:09    Post subject:
Guess i'm a retro hipster for still liking the games i had when i was a kid Smile
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Non-expret in Derps lagunge

Posts: 14107
Location: Kibbutznik, Israel
PostPosted: Sun, 6th Nov 2016 07:16    Post subject:
Great news for PS3 oweners On all models.. As long you are on OFW 4.70-


Again,is shows that things still happens on PS3 scene.. Though IMO the progress on PS3 emulation is even greater news cuz its "safe" from Sony patches Wink

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Posts: 6960

PostPosted: Sun, 6th Nov 2016 15:33    Post subject:
I'm not sure I understand the tutorial although I think I did understand it and it's not a real progress, just a "trick".

As in, games need to have updates (not all games have updates), you need to restore every time an edited PS3 HDD backup to inject games..

You still cannot launch unsigned code without ODE on 3.56+ PS3, so it's not a progress to me, sorry Smile

Running signed code by Sony (patches for games) is nothing new, just people didn't think you could use that to boot up games Wink

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Posts: 1009

PostPosted: Mon, 20th Mar 2017 18:00    Post subject:
anyone has experience with this PS3 injection hacking method for firmwares > 3.55? it looks damn nice if true but i cant seem to find decent organized information. what are the risks, how it works basically? want to try it out this weekend of a ps3 slim. would like to inject GTAV, GT6 and Wipeout HD Fury Very Happy

@cyclonefr: no progress? since when is booting backups on OFW no progress?
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Posts: 6960

PostPosted: Mon, 20th Mar 2017 18:12    Post subject:
It's no progress because if you read what I explained up above it's just a workaround that only works with games that have patches and moreover, only a few of them work (not all that have patches).

Also no progress because it doesn't hack the PS3 per se, it's just a workaround that relies on game updates, it was obvious that this would work, the PS3 is designed that way (surprised it actually took so long to actually try this trick).
It still can't boot up unsigned code, therefore the PS3 is still not hacked >3.55 hardware.

But since it's a poor dirty way of doing it, and the compatibility is minor (and won't improve) and you need to restore a hdd backup every fjvking time you want to add a game, nobody cares.

Anyway I think you are in luck because all the games you wanna play have patches I think but I'm not sure this trick (because that's all it is) would work with all of them.
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Non-expret in Derps lagunge

Posts: 14107
Location: Kibbutznik, Israel
PostPosted: Tue, 21st Mar 2017 03:51    Post subject:
It's a progress , mostly if you are looking for backups because even if it was just in theory possible, It's now made practical.

You can run "unsigned" code using ODE on 3.55+ stack up to latest FWs some for years now... Some games even working without swapdisc.

The scene dev: Kakarot worked on something neat but he retired almost 2 years now.

Maybe we will see something more convenience eventually.. but PS3 is dying console,lots of scene devs moved on to PS4, more importantly PS3 emulation is rising and Sony can't do anything against that.

Though some homebrew stuffs and console exploiting still been done on PS3.

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Posts: 6960

PostPosted: Tue, 21st Mar 2017 04:16    Post subject:
Thanks for repeating what I just said up above about ODE's.

Progress all you want, it s such "progress" that stalls the actual progress.

Nobody cares to spend hours on a shitty trick that works on 1/10 of the games just to pirate a few games here and there. Not only that but you cannot even do it on 4.70+ if you don't have a CFW PS3 (so 2 ps3).

So much efforts... not worth it.

Anyhow please understand my definition of progress.

Progress of the ultimate goal that is running backups on PS3 3.56+ like you can on 3.55 PS3.

This "progress" isn't helping reaching this goal, it's just another way and in no way progress to the ultimate goal.

It's the equivalent of using a demo exe to bypass denuvo, sometimes it works but how is that progress ?


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