[PS3] PS3 Hacking Thread
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Non-expret in Derps lagunge

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PostPosted: Mon, 12th Mar 2018 19:49    Post subject:

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Non-expret in Derps lagunge

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PostPosted: Wed, 14th Mar 2018 12:09    Post subject:
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Non-expret in Derps lagunge

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Location: Kibbutznik, Israel
PostPosted: Sun, 28th Apr 2019 08:08    Post subject:
PS3HEN: A Homebrew ENabler (& more) for SuperSlim & all nonCFW PS3 Consoles !!!


Huge news for nonCFW compatible PS3 Models (SuperSlims and late Slim Models) as anonymous developer's have dropped a huge bombshell with the release of PS3HEN. Just recently we seen the release of HFW (Hybrid Firmware) for the PS3, proving once again that the development scene is still alive and kicking to bring a new window of exploration to 4.84 by bringing back a patched webkit (from 4.82) in a rather clever approach. Which restored the PS3Xploit Tools for 4.84 for both Custom Firmware Compatible Models (for CFW installs) and for nonCFW models that utilized the less powerful etHANel (aka HAN) exploit that with today's news will be an obsolete hack with the emergence of the PlayStation3 first HEN or otherwise known as a Homebrew ENabler. So, yes that means SuperSlim Console's and late Slims PS3 Models (aka nonCFW models) can now FINALLY enjoy PS3 Homebrew at last, but that is not all this PS3HEN release brings to the table. As there is a number of CFW patches / features that come along for the ride as well, while not on quite par with CFW functionality completely it does provide a number of functions that is very exciting and very close to a CFW experience (especially with homebrew support)..Some additional features include things like Boot-Plugin Support, BDISO Support, Cinavia patches are just a few of the features/patches you can see outlined in the release notes:



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PostPosted: Mon, 29th Apr 2019 00:07    Post subject:
Nice! Seems it also loads PS Jailbreak releases too (original rips)... so basically almost as good as 3.55 CFW.

I guess there is no point to keep webkit exploits privates for dead consoles eventually.

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Non-expret in Derps lagunge

Posts: 14107
Location: Kibbutznik, Israel
PostPosted: Tue, 10th May 2022 18:38    Post subject:

PS3: Progress on Slim/Super Slim hardware hacks. Fresh hopes for a full-fledged CF

PlayStation scene dev Zecoxao has shared a screenshot of a work-in-progress series of tools by MikeM64, designed to hack the PS3 (Slim and Super Slim in particular) further.

PS3 Super Slim mitm hack. What is it, and what’s the big deal?

Hacking your PS3 nowadays is reasonably easy with the likes of PS3xploit and PS3HEN, but there are limitations for new models, in particular the PS3 Super Slim. Namely, the latter Slim and Super Slim haven’t been “fully” hacked, and cannot run PS3xploit, which is a full Custom Firmware. The latter Slim and Super Slim are “limited” to PS3HEN, which has a few limitations compared to a full Custom Firmware.

In practice, most people running PS3HEN (PS3 Homebrew ENabler) won’t feel any difference to running a Custom Firmware, except for the fact that PS3HEN has to be re-launched at every reboot of the console, while a Custom firmware is a much more permanent solution, which also gives complete control over the console.

Again, although in practice the differences between a HEN and a CFW are minimal, the latter PS3 Slim and Super Slim models are the “last man standing” against hacks that would give tinkerers full control over the PS3.
This is where the recent work from MikeM64, as demonstrated by Zecoxao, comes into play. People equipped with the right hardware and modchips can run these tools to try and “trick” the console through a man-in-the-middle attack, letting the console believe its boot sequence is properly secure, when in fact the hacker has injected a slightly different payload, giving them partial control of the system.

The required hardware is “simple” (but the skills involved are not) , namely an Arty-S7 50 (although MikeM64 states this could easily be ported to any Arty A series) and the accompanying generic cables.


This of course doesn’t look easy, but if no software flaws are found, this design could probably be miniaturized into a fairly simple modchip.

This whole endeavor appears to validate a theory that was mentioned almost ten years ago by PS3 Homebrew dev JuanNadie, back in the ps3hax days.

The ultimate goal is to get a CFW running on the console, but before that, to be able to dump the boot programs of the console, and possibly find software flaws in them, to avoid having to rely on hardware hacks.

stage 2 of mitm (dumping lv0ldr) is now complete. should be a matter of time until lv0ldr is dumped from CECH-3000



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Non-expret in Derps lagunge

Posts: 14107
Location: Kibbutznik, Israel
PostPosted: Tue, 28th Jun 2022 06:03    Post subject:
All Models can be fully hacked now, the catch is, it's hardware based...


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Non-expret in Derps lagunge

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PostPosted: Thu, 25th Aug 2022 14:46    Post subject:

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