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Über-VIP Member

Posts: 21306
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PostPosted: Fri, 13th May 2005 15:44    Post subject:
Did someone say cake? Laughing

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Posts: 8691

PostPosted: Fri, 13th May 2005 15:46    Post subject:
dont work Wink

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Posts: 4646
Location: Toronto
PostPosted: Fri, 13th May 2005 15:48    Post subject:
I'm not the chef here Very Happy
It's not my restaurant =D

It's up to you to decide who gets to have the first bite. Who knows maybe you can't even cook and the cake sucks Shocked Then again, temp-ban cakes are a delicacy so only a selected few would truly enjoy their taste Shocked

Besides, I’m always ready to try new things.
I wouldn’t mind having a temp-ban cake shoved in my mouth Razz Heck I might even enjoy it Wink But the cake was baked not log ago so I have to wait for it to cool down.

I don’t want to have a belly-ache eating a hot temp-ban cake Crying or Very sad
And I’m sure you don’t want a bad review of your famous cake Very Happy
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Dalai Lama

Posts: 6586
Location: Cook Islands
PostPosted: Fri, 13th May 2005 15:52    Post subject:
Injurious wrote:
I'm not the chef here Very Happy
It's not my restaurant =D

It's up to you to decide who gets to have the first bite. Who knows maybe you can't even cook and the cake sucks Shocked Then again, temp-ban cakes are a delicacy so only a selected few would truly enjoy their taste Shocked

Besides, I’m always ready to try new things.
I wouldn’t mind having a temp-ban cake shoved in my mouth Razz Heck I might even enjoy it Wink But the cake was baked not log ago so I have to wait for it to cool down.

I don’t want to have a belly-ache eating a hot temp-ban cake Crying or Very sad
And I’m sure you don’t want a bad review of your famous cake Very Happy

Does this mean i can feed you with a 1 day temp-ban cake? Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

You just tell me mr .
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Posts: 261

PostPosted: Fri, 13th May 2005 16:12    Post subject:
did tinyurl's automatic tubgirl detection save me for 1 year sweet creamy cake?

Crying or Very sad Sad Confused Cool Cool Cool
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Dalai Lama

Posts: 6586
Location: Cook Islands
PostPosted: Fri, 13th May 2005 16:50    Post subject:
no i didnt even open that link, btw if you look like your avatar you must be really smart Very Happy
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Posts: 8691

PostPosted: Fri, 13th May 2005 16:54    Post subject:
numero wrote:
did tinyurl's automatic tubgirl detection save me for 1 year sweet creamy cake?

Crying or Very sad Sad Confused Cool Cool Cool

that's because you linked it to the picture.

you need to link to www.tubgirl.com then it will work

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Posts: 4646
Location: Toronto
PostPosted: Fri, 13th May 2005 17:37    Post subject:
TheSaint wrote:

Does this mean i can feed you with a 1 day temp-ban cake? Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

You just tell me mr .

Y'know latley i've been kind of hungy.
make it three days and we got our selves a deal Very Happy
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Posts: 261

PostPosted: Fri, 13th May 2005 17:51    Post subject:
skidrow wrote:
numero wrote:
did tinyurl's automatic tubgirl detection save me for 1 year sweet creamy cake?

Crying or Very sad Sad Confused Cool Cool Cool

that's because you linked it to the picture.

you need to link to ww.tubgirl.com then it will work

moderator posting link to tubgirl, this is just something Cool

no i didnt even open that link, btw if you look like your avatar you must be really smart

avatar got nothing to do with it, its p=iq baby
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Dalai Lama

Posts: 6586
Location: Cook Islands
PostPosted: Fri, 13th May 2005 17:59    Post subject:
Injurious wrote:
TheSaint wrote:

Does this mean i can feed you with a 1 day temp-ban cake? Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

You just tell me mr .

Y'know latley i've been kind of hungy.
make it three days and we got our selves a deal Very Happy

Lol, naah i wont do that to you, that is not what i stand for Very Happy
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Posts: 4646
Location: Toronto
PostPosted: Fri, 13th May 2005 18:05    Post subject:
it's not a perm-ban Very Happy

and hey I’m requesting Wink so you're just aiding and assisting but you're not committing Laughing well, you are, but still Very Happy come on three days. It’s all I ask. I’m addicted to the forums Very Happy three day ban will let me appreciate the foums + will loosen the addiction Very Happy don’t think of it as a wrong think of it as a right. Shocked
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Posts: 12390
Location: England
PostPosted: Fri, 13th May 2005 19:07    Post subject:
It's not as if you can't visit the forums if you're banned. It just means you can't post with your banned account.

"Techniclly speaking, Beta-Manboi didnt inject Burberry_Massi with Benz, he injected him with liquid that had air bubbles in it, which caused benz." - House M.D

"Faith without logic is the same as knowledge without understanding; meaningless"

Last edited by AnimalMother on Fri, 13th May 2005 20:31; edited 1 time in total
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Dalai Lama

Posts: 6586
Location: Cook Islands
PostPosted: Fri, 13th May 2005 20:14    Post subject:
ok 30 mins than Razz
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Über-VIP Member

Posts: 21306
Location: Toronto, Canada
PostPosted: Fri, 13th May 2005 20:56    Post subject:
hahahhaa injurious is banned! Laughing

asus z170-A || core i5-6600K || geforce gtx 970 4gb || 16gb ddr4 ram || win10 || 1080p led samsung 27"
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Posts: 8615

PostPosted: Fri, 13th May 2005 21:28    Post subject:

Posts: 1485
Location: Canadia

pwned Razz

Stealth88 and Lod|_Dod| wrote:
"And the winner is.... Sublime!" That fucking kid is always right. Sublime FTW!

http://artpad.art.com/?irqy7s4162w <3 you too
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Posts: 8691

PostPosted: Fri, 13th May 2005 21:39    Post subject:
30min bann yes

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Über-VIP Member

Posts: 21306
Location: Toronto, Canada
PostPosted: Fri, 13th May 2005 22:17    Post subject:
looks like more than 30 mins ...

asus z170-A || core i5-6600K || geforce gtx 970 4gb || 16gb ddr4 ram || win10 || 1080p led samsung 27"
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Posts: 8615

PostPosted: Fri, 13th May 2005 22:29    Post subject:
maybe it was 3000? Very Happy

Stealth88 and Lod|_Dod| wrote:
"And the winner is.... Sublime!" That fucking kid is always right. Sublime FTW!

http://artpad.art.com/?irqy7s4162w <3 you too
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VIP Member

Posts: 11161

PostPosted: Fri, 13th May 2005 22:34    Post subject:
3 days maybe

"Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life." ~Berthold Auerbach
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Posts: 261

PostPosted: Fri, 13th May 2005 22:48    Post subject:
Injurious wrote:
it's not a perm-ban :D

and hey I’m requesting :wink: so you're just aiding and assisting but you're not committing :lol: well, you are, but still :D come on three days. It’s all I ask. I’m addicted to the forums :D three day ban will let me appreciate the foums + will loosen the addiction :D don’t think of it as a wrong think of it as a right. :shock:

Well, three days is a long time. Fear the numero-syndrome. You will end up sending snail-mail posts to nforce. Now when i am thinking about it, that would be kind of old-skool. Whats the address for nforce?
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Posts: 4646
Location: Toronto
PostPosted: Sat, 14th May 2005 07:06    Post subject:
AnimalMother wrote:
It's not as if you can't visit the forums if you're banned. It just means you can't post with your banned account.

no you can't visit Sad it says that j0 r banned Shocked Laughing
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Posts: 12390
Location: England
PostPosted: Sat, 14th May 2005 12:58    Post subject:
Injurious wrote:
AnimalMother wrote:
It's not as if you can't visit the forums if you're banned. It just means you can't post with your banned account.

no you can't visit Sad it says that j0 r banned Shocked Laughing

Well, of course there are ways around that.

"Techniclly speaking, Beta-Manboi didnt inject Burberry_Massi with Benz, he injected him with liquid that had air bubbles in it, which caused benz." - House M.D

"Faith without logic is the same as knowledge without understanding; meaningless"
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Dalai Lama

Posts: 6586
Location: Cook Islands
PostPosted: Sat, 14th May 2005 14:16    Post subject:
AnimalMother wrote:
Injurious wrote:
AnimalMother wrote:
It's not as if you can't visit the forums if you're banned. It just means you can't post with your banned account.

no you can't visit Sad it says that j0 r banned Shocked Laughing

Well, of course there are ways around that.

proxy, lol i think you must have done that when you were banned..
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Posts: 12390
Location: England
PostPosted: Sat, 14th May 2005 14:16    Post subject:
TheSaint wrote:
AnimalMother wrote:
Injurious wrote:
AnimalMother wrote:
It's not as if you can't visit the forums if you're banned. It just means you can't post with your banned account.

no you can't visit Sad it says that j0 r banned Shocked Laughing

Well, of course there are ways around that.

proxy, lol i think you must have done that when you were banned..

I was desperate!

"Techniclly speaking, Beta-Manboi didnt inject Burberry_Massi with Benz, he injected him with liquid that had air bubbles in it, which caused benz." - House M.D

"Faith without logic is the same as knowledge without understanding; meaningless"
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Posts: 8615

PostPosted: Sat, 14th May 2005 14:32    Post subject:
lol i was allowed back in when i was banned. even when i got perm banned it didnt ban my other pc's Smile

Stealth88 and Lod|_Dod| wrote:
"And the winner is.... Sublime!" That fucking kid is always right. Sublime FTW!

http://artpad.art.com/?irqy7s4162w <3 you too
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Dalai Lama

Posts: 6586
Location: Cook Islands
PostPosted: Sat, 14th May 2005 14:46    Post subject:
Sublime wrote:
lol i was allowed back in when i was banned. even when i got perm banned it didnt ban my other pc's Smile

noticed, next time ill ban your whole range Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy
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Posts: 4646
Location: Toronto
PostPosted: Sat, 14th May 2005 15:56    Post subject:
hahaha i was banned when i came back from the theatres and from the game store Wink so like i started playing Very Happy no loss Laughing
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Posts: 8615

PostPosted: Sat, 14th May 2005 15:58    Post subject:
TheSaint wrote:
Sublime wrote:
lol i was allowed back in when i was banned. even when i got perm banned it didnt ban my other pc's Smile

noticed, next time ill ban your whole range Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

next time? Crying or Very sad i knew u had it in for me. Embarassed

Stealth88 and Lod|_Dod| wrote:
"And the winner is.... Sublime!" That fucking kid is always right. Sublime FTW!

http://artpad.art.com/?irqy7s4162w <3 you too
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Dalai Lama

Posts: 6586
Location: Cook Islands
PostPosted: Sun, 15th May 2005 16:19    Post subject:
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