Some people like sex, some don't.
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Posts: 1903

PostPosted: Mon, 6th Jun 2005 01:29    Post subject:
amen brother.

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Posts: 9145
Location: Von Oben
PostPosted: Mon, 6th Jun 2005 02:57    Post subject:
Another testament to american stupidity then.

Yes, yes I'm back.
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Posts: 2722
Location: In Your Illusions
PostPosted: Mon, 6th Jun 2005 11:04    Post subject:
Dont bs, any of you mongs who say I wouldnt sleep with her because shes too fat....or she has too much makeup on or she's been porked by half of the US need to stop smoking whatever your smoking because bottom line is.....

If she was there infront of you lieing on the bed legs spread you would give that pussy a good wacking and theres no two ways about it!

Daz99 wrote:
Will I get banned for posting a horse and a nakkid black man?

Godlikez* A Proud Muslim Through And Through.
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ApeX PredatoR
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Posts: 1951
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PostPosted: Mon, 6th Jun 2005 11:12    Post subject:
Godlikez* wrote:
Dont bs, any of you mongs who say I wouldnt sleep with her because shes too fat....or she has too much makeup on or she's been porked by half of the US need to stop smoking whatever your smoking because bottom line is.....

If she was there infront of you lieing on the bed legs spread you would give that pussy a good wacking and theres no two ways about it!

Amen brother, I sure as hell know I would. I think she looks hot and I bet she can put a knot in your dick using nothing more than her tongue

Injurious wrote:
And then Mabel tripped over a rock and landed in a well and was trapped there with Timmy. Sadly I shot Lassie so no one is saving that bitch!
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Posts: 2958
Location: Belgium
PostPosted: Mon, 6th Jun 2005 11:25    Post subject:
i'd hit paris hilton.
but only to film it and sell the tape. lol

you'd better fuck a sewer pipe than paris, she had so many dicks inside her, that it must be a 10cm hole already down there.
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Posts: 1926

PostPosted: Mon, 6th Jun 2005 13:07    Post subject:
ApeX PredatoR wrote:
Godlikez* wrote:
Dont bs, any of you mongs who say I wouldnt sleep with her because shes too fat....or she has too much makeup on or she's been porked by half of the US need to stop smoking whatever your smoking because bottom line is.....

If she was there infront of you lieing on the bed legs spread you would give that pussy a good wacking and theres no two ways about it!

Amen brother, I sure as hell know I would. I think she looks hot and I bet she can put a knot in your dick using nothing more than her tongue

now that's something I'd pay $10 to see...

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Posts: 12390
Location: England
PostPosted: Mon, 6th Jun 2005 13:20    Post subject:
spankie wrote:
i'd hit paris hilton.
but only to film it and sell the tape. lol

you'd better fuck a sewer pipe than paris, she had so many dicks inside her, that it must be a 10cm hole already down there.

I bet she's been tapped no more then the average local bit of ass. You guys are just full of shit, as if you wouldn't hit an attractive girl who wants it from you.

You can tell some of you have never even been in close proximity to a fine girl.

"Techniclly speaking, Beta-Manboi didnt inject Burberry_Massi with Benz, he injected him with liquid that had air bubbles in it, which caused benz." - House M.D

"Faith without logic is the same as knowledge without understanding; meaningless"

Last edited by AnimalMother on Tue, 7th Jun 2005 06:19; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 1903

PostPosted: Mon, 6th Jun 2005 14:03    Post subject:
i dont find paris hilton really hot, she s too thin for my taste and her smile is really fucked up, it freaks me out.
i m not into slutty women, no matter if they look good, its just something that turns me off.
but true animalmother, if she spread her legs and was lying there ready i d do her if i didnt have a gf.

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Posts: 1926

PostPosted: Tue, 7th Jun 2005 04:13    Post subject:
D_A_Kuja wrote:
i dont find paris hilton really hot, she s too thin for my taste and her smile is really fucked up, it freaks me out.
i m not into slutty women, no matter if they look good, its just something that turns me off.
but true animalmother, if she spread her legs and was lying there ready i d do her if i didnt have a gf.

well, you passed the test against severe homosexuality.

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Posts: 1903

PostPosted: Tue, 7th Jun 2005 18:37    Post subject:
nah the test against severe homosexuality would be more like:
"would you do jessica alba?"
paris hilton looks like shit, no comparison to alba...

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Posts: 1926

PostPosted: Wed, 8th Jun 2005 01:41    Post subject:
D_A_Kuja wrote:
nah the test against severe homosexuality would be more like:
"would you do jessica alba?"
paris hilton looks like shit, no comparison to alba...

she's hittable...

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Posts: 1903

PostPosted: Thu, 9th Jun 2005 01:13    Post subject:
lol hittable, cutest celebrity ever,
paris aint worth more than a pile of shit shaped like a pussy compared to alba.

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Posts: 1926

PostPosted: Thu, 9th Jun 2005 01:19    Post subject:
any man who wouldn't do paris hilton is gay. Any man who wouldn't do Jessica Alba is either dead or getting there. Thank God for AIDS...

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PostPosted: Thu, 9th Jun 2005 11:19    Post subject:
Accelleron wrote:

any man who wouldn't do paris hilton is gay.

Any man who wouldn't do Jessica Alba is either dead or getting there. Thank God for AIDS...

I Disagree with the paris hilon statement but Jessica Alba who wouldnt hit her????

"Why don't you zip it, Zipfero?" - fraich3
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Posts: 1903

PostPosted: Fri, 10th Jun 2005 16:20    Post subject:
if i m gay cuz i wouldnt screw hilton then be it so,
i would do alba sooo good though, yummy...

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Posts: 8691

PostPosted: Fri, 10th Jun 2005 17:11    Post subject:
hilton looks bad and ugly.

but i'll do her.

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Posts: 8615

PostPosted: Fri, 10th Jun 2005 19:13    Post subject:
she's not THAT bad plus i dont think she's had sex with anymore than the average fit bird does. It's her cod eye that scares me most though, and she is a bit skinny i'd be able see my dick bulge outta her Shocked

Stealth88 and Lod|_Dod| wrote:
"And the winner is.... Sublime!" That fucking kid is always right. Sublime FTW! <3 you too
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Posts: 4646
Location: Toronto
PostPosted: Fri, 10th Jun 2005 20:00    Post subject:
COD eye?

the media turned her into a slut. People think she's a slut and that she fucked a million guys. That her cooch is so saggy it feels like screwing a torn sock. Rolling Eyes Laughing
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Posts: 8615

PostPosted: Fri, 10th Jun 2005 20:46    Post subject:
cod eye.... yea as in lazy eye i.e. they're not central Smile new vid pics Smile

Stealth88 and Lod|_Dod| wrote:
"And the winner is.... Sublime!" That fucking kid is always right. Sublime FTW! <3 you too
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Posts: 4646
Location: Toronto
PostPosted: Sat, 11th Jun 2005 00:06    Post subject:
Very Happy... she looks h0t w/ hair like that
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Posts: 12390
Location: England
PostPosted: Sat, 11th Jun 2005 02:58    Post subject:
Sublime wrote:
cod eye.... yea as in lazy eye i.e. they're not central Smile

What the hell are you talking about, not central? Do you mean they're not symmetrical? Or that she has one eye more closed the the other?

Because I think you'll find it is extremely common for peoples eyes to be slightly unsynchronised.

You need to stop being so fussy sublime, otherwise you'll never get to stick those 2 inches in anything.

"Techniclly speaking, Beta-Manboi didnt inject Burberry_Massi with Benz, he injected him with liquid that had air bubbles in it, which caused benz." - House M.D

"Faith without logic is the same as knowledge without understanding; meaningless"
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Posts: 4646
Location: Toronto
PostPosted: Sat, 11th Jun 2005 06:08    Post subject:

I don't mind cock-eyed broads. I take em as they come or is it the other way around... anyway... AnimalMother how did you know it was 2 inches?
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Posts: 2722
Location: In Your Illusions
PostPosted: Sat, 11th Jun 2005 10:33    Post subject:
I think theres something going on there but im afriad I cant comment further due to unforseen circumstances Crying or Very sad

Daz99 wrote:
Will I get banned for posting a horse and a nakkid black man?

Godlikez* A Proud Muslim Through And Through.
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Posts: 8615

PostPosted: Sat, 11th Jun 2005 16:30    Post subject:
Injurious wrote:

I don't mind cock-eyed broads. I take em as they come or is it the other way around... anyway... AnimalMother how did you know it was 2 inches?

how doesn't he know? he's a rugular customer in sublimes house of love Very Happy 44

lmao seems like i'm not the only 1 who feels the same way.....

Re: Paris Hilton's Camel Toe (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Thursday, March 31 @ 16:29:23 CST
What the hell is wrong with her right eye.

Stealth88 and Lod|_Dod| wrote:
"And the winner is.... Sublime!" That fucking kid is always right. Sublime FTW! <3 you too
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Posts: 8691

PostPosted: Sat, 11th Jun 2005 17:02    Post subject:

nice shoes jack bauer Laughing

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Posts: 12108
Location: Cybertron
PostPosted: Sat, 11th Jun 2005 17:19    Post subject:
^OMG LOL!! Who the hell is that? Razz

Watercooled 5950X | AORUS Master X570 | Asus RTX 3090 TUF Gaming OC | 64Gb RAM | 1Tb 970 Evo Plus + 2Tb 660p | etc etc
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Posts: 12390
Location: England
PostPosted: Sat, 11th Jun 2005 17:57    Post subject:
Injurious wrote:
AnimalMother how did you know it was 2 inches?

Good guess I suppose.

Sublime wrote:

lmao seems like i'm not the only 1 who feels the same way.....

Re: Paris Hilton's Camel Toe (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Thursday, March 31 @ 16:29:23 CST
What the hell is wrong with her right eye.

Yeah well thats probably you posting as anonymous! Anyway, gimps on the internet are always so critical, when in reality they probably shit themselves around any girl who's higher then a 6. Even Adriana Lima, one of the hottest women on the planet, has slightly unsynchronised eyes at times, as well as nicole kidman and so many others.

As I said before, if such little things bother you sublime, you might as well castrate yourself now.

"Techniclly speaking, Beta-Manboi didnt inject Burberry_Massi with Benz, he injected him with liquid that had air bubbles in it, which caused benz." - House M.D

"Faith without logic is the same as knowledge without understanding; meaningless"
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Posts: 1903

PostPosted: Sat, 11th Jun 2005 18:57    Post subject:
lol why castrate so soon, i m sure sublime can still find pleasure among individuals of his own gender, even with a 2 incher Wink

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Posts: 4646
Location: Toronto
PostPosted: Sat, 11th Jun 2005 19:20    Post subject:
imperfections are what make em attractive Wink Laughing

a 2 incher may be as attractive as an anal wart Razz
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Posts: 1903

PostPosted: Sun, 12th Jun 2005 00:19    Post subject:
how did that saying go....
a 2-incher is king in the land of 1-inchers Smile

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