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Posts: 436
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PostPosted: Thu, 23rd Feb 2006 21:33    Post subject:
I know dude, i know hockey inside out.
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PostPosted: Fri, 24th Feb 2006 00:56    Post subject:
copecowboy wrote:
I know dude, i know hockey inside out.

wasn't saying it really for your benefit Razz just didn't want to let the trashtalking go un-answered Wink

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Posts: 8615

PostPosted: Fri, 24th Feb 2006 01:11    Post subject:
Arsehole mode on
nouseforaname wrote:
copecowboy wrote:
Canucks have never had much luck in olympic mens hockey, 1 gold in about 60 years.

Well, canada has don't fairly well... (3 golds in the last 60 years, '48, '52, '02, so it's more like 1 gold in 50 years! .. also 3 silver/2 bronzes) ... and historically we still have the most medals Razz

Seems like you DONT know hockey inside and out

Arsehole mode off Very Happy

Stealth88 and Lod|_Dod| wrote:
"And the winner is.... Sublime!" That fucking kid is always right. Sublime FTW! <3 you too
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VIP Master Jedi

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PostPosted: Fri, 24th Feb 2006 11:49    Post subject:
Spun[k] wrote:
nouseforaname wrote:

and while we're at it ..


I guess we can forget about defending our men's hockey gold medal this year Sad Crying or Very sad

at least the women won gold.

You know that canada actually SCORED when russia where in the lead with 1-0... You lost this game on a fucking JUDGE miss. This is gonna get fucking wild. The ref dident blow until AFTER canadas goal, and NOONE seemed to see it! But I promise you, there was a goal.! You will see..

THANK YOU!!! thats what i fuckin said....I was snapping, during the replay you could see it, cant remember from what angle...after that i turned the game off...fuckin bullshit.

See, just like Don Cherry was saying the other day, the europeans love it when a canadian/american ref, refs the game - they are 3 times as fuckin hard on canadians and americans than they are on the rest of the world - especially canada tho....I mean, if we would have scored and it was debatable and gone on to win the gold, the russians would be shit talking as would be the world that just because we are Canada, we were gifted with a gold...fuck that...we are still the best in REAL hockey.

Whats this 'International rules' bullshit - more specifically, contact. U can make 'body contact' but u cant 'body check'....what in the fuck does that mean?
Pussy ass europeans, Im serious. They all can skate and score and stick handle, but if u bump em, they dive...just like soccer players...fuckin disgusting, cant wait for the NHL to start back up, see some real, smash the other guy against the boards hockey.

Seriously tho, they need to change the olympic rules. Since most of the guys playing hockey in the olympics are NHLers, they should use the NHL rules...NHL rules are simplier than the international rules anyway and overall better.

Like if a guy in standing in the goalies crease (blue area), automatic whistle and the faceoff is brought outside the blue line....thats such bullshit, u need to crowd the goalie and shit like that, its fuckin hockey, not women's ring toss or something....

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PostPosted: Fri, 24th Feb 2006 19:13    Post subject:
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PostPosted: Fri, 24th Feb 2006 20:07    Post subject:
Nailbiter wrote:

Against who, and when is it going to be played ?

"Zipfero is the biggest fucking golddigger ever" - Mutantius
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Über-VIP Member

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PostPosted: Fri, 24th Feb 2006 20:13    Post subject:
Nailbiter wrote:

you're lucky canada set you up with such an easy first-round game in switzerland, who shouldn't have finished second in that pool.

actually, what really sucks is by losing to switzerland in the round-robin, canada screwed itself out of an easier time making it to the gold medal game (they would have played sweden and the the czechs instead of russia)...

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Posts: 1714
Location: SWEDEN
PostPosted: Fri, 24th Feb 2006 20:14    Post subject:
fraich3 wrote:
Nailbiter wrote:

Against who, and when is it going to be played ?

IM hoping Finland (the semi isnt played yet Rus-Fin).

Russia looks to good. Sad Im hoping their just to young to go all the way.

Go sweden!

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Posts: 1542

PostPosted: Fri, 24th Feb 2006 20:23    Post subject:
Spunk who is that in your avatar?
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Posts: 1714
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PostPosted: Fri, 24th Feb 2006 20:44    Post subject:
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PostPosted: Fri, 24th Feb 2006 21:06    Post subject:
Thank you sir Smile
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Posts: 6061

PostPosted: Fri, 24th Feb 2006 21:29    Post subject:
nouseforaname wrote:
Nailbiter wrote:

you're lucky canada set you up with such an easy first-round game in switzerland, who shouldn't have finished second in that pool.

actually, what really sucks is by losing to switzerland in the round-robin, canada screwed itself out of an easier time making it to the gold medal game (they would have played sweden and the the czechs instead of russia)...

imho i havent seen canada this bad since...well i cant remember. i hope they reshape and do a come back next year at world cup.

what seemed to be their biggest problem this time around was their lack of goal making skills. was it like 12 periods in a row without a goal or something amazing like that!?

another team that was pretty weak was czech. once in awhile they thundered away, but very rarely. an easy win for sweden (and others).
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Posts: 436
Location: New Jersey
PostPosted: Fri, 24th Feb 2006 21:38    Post subject:
Nailbiter wrote:
nouseforaname wrote:
Nailbiter wrote:

you're lucky canada set you up with such an easy first-round game in switzerland, who shouldn't have finished second in that pool.

actually, what really sucks is by losing to switzerland in the round-robin, canada screwed itself out of an easier time making it to the gold medal game (they would have played sweden and the the czechs instead of russia)...

imho i havent seen canada this bad since...well i cant remember. i hope they reshape and do a come back next year at world cup.

what seemed to be their biggest problem this time around was their lack of goal making skills. was it like 12 periods in a row without a goal or something amazing like that!?

another team that was pretty weak was czech. once in awhile they thundered away, but very rarely. an easy win for sweden (and others).

The canadians dont have to reshape, they coulda made a b team and done better than they did, On paper canada was the best team, this is pretty much what happend to the americans in the world juniors, they were the best team on paper but that doesnt mean thier gonna win.
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Posts: 436
Location: New Jersey
PostPosted: Fri, 24th Feb 2006 21:40    Post subject:
Sublime wrote:
Arsehole mode on
nouseforaname wrote:
copecowboy wrote:
Canucks have never had much luck in olympic mens hockey, 1 gold in about 60 years.

Well, canada has don't fairly well... (3 golds in the last 60 years, '48, '52, '02, so it's more like 1 gold in 50 years! .. also 3 silver/2 bronzes) ... and historically we still have the most medals Razz

Seems like you DONT know hockey inside and out

Arsehole mode off Very Happy

I said in about 60 years 54 is close enough
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Location: Not from my mouth!
PostPosted: Sun, 26th Feb 2006 15:15    Post subject:
Pretty sweet hockey final; Sweden vs Finand. Must say i hope Sweden wins this one.

And so far its 2-1 to Sweden Twisted Evil

"Zipfero is the biggest fucking golddigger ever" - Mutantius
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Location: Cybertron
PostPosted: Sun, 26th Feb 2006 16:55    Post subject:
Gooooold, bitches! Very Happy

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Posts: 1714
Location: SWEDEN
PostPosted: Sun, 26th Feb 2006 17:00    Post subject: GOLD!

2006 Olympic Hockey Champions : S W E D E N

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PostPosted: Sun, 26th Feb 2006 17:04    Post subject:
Fööööör Faaaaan Grabbar! Den satt där den skulle Smile
SWE simply rules in least this time Wink.

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Posts: 1591

PostPosted: Sun, 26th Feb 2006 17:34    Post subject:
Yeahhhhh lucky swedes! Smile The Olympics end today? :[
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Posts: 2907
Location: Not from my mouth!
PostPosted: Sun, 26th Feb 2006 19:31    Post subject:
Yea, last day today.

And the final was pretty intense after 1 period, and last period was all about Sweden

"Zipfero is the biggest fucking golddigger ever" - Mutantius
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Posts: 6061

PostPosted: Sun, 26th Feb 2006 21:58    Post subject:
Nailbiter wrote:

doesnt matter anyway, finland will beat them (i was talking about russia) and sweden will beat finland.

wohooo! Very Happy
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PostPosted: Mon, 27th Feb 2006 03:48    Post subject:
yup, it's over. Smile canada had it's best year yet by 8 medals ...

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Posts: 8615

PostPosted: Mon, 27th Feb 2006 04:19    Post subject:
wow i thought korea got more than that :/ all the long and short track medals they pretty much swooped.

Austria probably did best overall considering their size

Stealth88 and Lod|_Dod| wrote:
"And the winner is.... Sublime!" That fucking kid is always right. Sublime FTW! <3 you too
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VIP Master Jedi

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Location: Toronto, Canada
PostPosted: Mon, 27th Feb 2006 04:27    Post subject:
Im surprised at how well we did, excellent.

Still, even more surprised by Germany. I watched alot of events where the germans started out weak but ended up takin the gold. Congrats to germany.

Im not surprised at the US, they do have good competitors and fund them well...canada is starting to catch on and its starting to show.

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Posts: 8615

PostPosted: Mon, 27th Feb 2006 05:36    Post subject:
canada shoulda done better than the US though really. and i'd say that austrias gods outweigh ur silvers.

Still did anyone see the guy storm the speech and grab the mic? Laughing

Stealth88 and Lod|_Dod| wrote:
"And the winner is.... Sublime!" That fucking kid is always right. Sublime FTW! <3 you too
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Posts: 6061

PostPosted: Mon, 27th Feb 2006 10:29    Post subject:
that medal standing bord is obviously wrong, since gold is counted higher for than silver, bronze.

here is the real official one:
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PDIP Member

Posts: 32062
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Mon, 27th Feb 2006 10:34    Post subject:
pfft, wtf Norway over Sweden?
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PostPosted: Mon, 27th Feb 2006 10:36    Post subject:
deelix wrote:
pfft, wtf Norway over Sweden?

no, look my link. Embarassed
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PostPosted: Mon, 27th Feb 2006 19:32    Post subject:
Nailbiter wrote:
that medal standing bord is obviously wrong, since gold is counted higher for than silver, bronze.

here is the real official one:

bah .. bullshizzle ..

The Olympic rules lay out that the Final Rank should be based on the overall number of gold medals won

The real standing should probably be like 3 points for gold, 2 for silver, 1 for bronze or something like that ...

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Posts: 6061

PostPosted: Mon, 27th Feb 2006 22:03    Post subject:
lol, yeah it is kind of weired this way...

like lets take estonia for example. since they got 3 golds (they didnt get anything else), they score higher than norway, since norway only had 2 golds. even though norway have 17 other medals as well.
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