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Special Little Man
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Posted: Fri, 2nd Sep 2011 21:29 Post subject: |
I honestly wish I did mate, but I'm gonna be out pretty much all weekend :/
You don't have any other PC or anything you could use to get the firmware? Pretty sure you can flash the FW from a bootable USB stick as well, so all that's left would be backing up the data. How much do you need to back up off of it?
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Posts: 17716
Location: Limboland, Netherlands
Posted: Fri, 2nd Sep 2011 21:37 Post subject: |
I donno, its a fresh install. So i guess a max of 10gb on userdata? (and no, i dont have a 10+gb usb stick )
But this weekend im not home myself, going to Amsterdam to visit some friends.
I dont mind waiting till you have some time to come and help me sort it out, maybe while your at it, help me put the Mugen2 ontop of this cpu and OC it (im really, really fucking bad at those things)
Btw about those crashes, i noticed that i get most crashes when watching youtube/livestreams or any other thing that has flash in it.
Just now when watching livestream of CoD:XP, i got a STOP 0x000000F4 one, with first sound failing, then the bluescreen out of nowhere.
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Special Little Man
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Posted: Fri, 2nd Sep 2011 21:44 Post subject: |
Well I can come over next week at some point, will have to be in the evening somewhere.
But now that you say that, have you tried disabling hardware acceleration in Flash and/or your browser? In FF it's under the advanced options for the browser itself, not sure for Chrome.
For Flash it's easy: rightclick a video, go to settings and disable hardware acceleration. I've seen that happen before and disabling hardware acceleration fixed it.
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Posts: 17716
Location: Limboland, Netherlands
Posted: Fri, 2nd Sep 2011 21:48 Post subject: |
Yea sure, altho 1 of the reasons im going to Amstedam also, is to pickup friends from England who are comming over for a visit, they going to be staying at my place from Tuesday till Thursday.
But that said, that doesnt really matter. You can still come
Anyway, if you decide to come, i hope you dont mind us smoking weed xD
But yea, i just disabled HW acceleration for flash, does this make a big diffrence or not? And is it a must to do it in the browser aswell?
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Posted: Fri, 2nd Sep 2011 22:09 Post subject: |
So many replies and no one even suggested you should actually open event viewer and check what errors is the OS reporting right before the BSOD. bSODs don't happen in an instant, there is always an error that is logged before the os returns with blue screen, otherwise it's just a freeze.
sabin1981 wrote: | Fuck you troll. Fuck you and your entire aids-infested family. Get cancer and die. Slowly. |
Last edited by Mussolinka on Fri, 2nd Sep 2011 22:11; edited 1 time in total
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Special Little Man
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Posted: Fri, 2nd Sep 2011 22:10 Post subject: |
No, I'd start with Flash. Flash gets corrupted quite easily, especially if you run on x64. Just keep an eye on files as well, if you starting seeing random files getting corrupted, you have to dig deeper.
Just for the record, everyone's saying it's the SSD, but if I'm honest that's the last place I'd look. I've had several broken SATA controllers on brand new motherboards, malfunctioning DIMM slots, RAM that wouldn't run at its rated speed and so on. The only "hard drive" issues I've had were with fucking Samsung Shitpoint drives. Both my Vertexes are quite fine almost 10 months after I got them
Edit: unless you do it in a 2x2 room, I doubt you're as bad as some of my mates btw 
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Posts: 17716
Location: Limboland, Netherlands
Posted: Fri, 2nd Sep 2011 22:30 Post subject: |
Well im confused what it could be at this point, so i hope that you can help me out. 1 thing that im having problems with is that my mouse is cutting out now and then, i have to replug the USB in order to get it working again.
Could it be a faulty mainboard?
And no, i got a 2 bedroom apartment, so room enough 
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Special Little Man
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Posted: Fri, 2nd Sep 2011 22:40 Post subject: |
Starting to sound like some motherboard issues. Perhaps a faulty chipset driver, but I doubt it.
Problem is that it's hard to know for sure if it's your motherboard :/
Some things you can try though, this is how I concluded that it was my board:
- Try different SATA ports, even if it means going down to SATA2 (you're not gonna notice it apart from file copying); in my case I had 0 issues on 2+3, 0+1 were broken even though they're all on the same controller
- Try different USB ports; again, same shit applies as for SATA.
- Got front USB and/or audio? Check if those work as intended, try connecting your mouse to that; front is typically separate from rear ports.
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Posts: 17716
Location: Limboland, Netherlands
Posted: Fri, 2nd Sep 2011 22:56 Post subject: |
Ill try those things next week when im back from Amsterdam, gotta get going to sleep now, early up 2morrow
Thanks for the help so far tho <3
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Posted: Sat, 3rd Sep 2011 02:01 Post subject: |
Hopefully Werelds is right and it isn't SSD related, fingers crossed
But when you do have the extra HDD and if it does indeed appear the problem is SSD related, I'd recommend you read and follow these recommendations, aside from a firmware update, it's all OCZ can offer:
in the meantime, are you using Intel's latest RST drivers or using Microsofts? Until you get another hard drive, you could try a few things that some have claimed worked:
Is your SSD port enabled or disabled for hot plugging? Whatever it's set as, reverse it.
In power settings, for drive power management, is it set as, x amount of time or never?
Try changing the SATA mode from AHCI to IDE.
Truthfully, I doubt any will work. You could try each of the above and putting it to sleep several times all the same, to see if you can avoid a BSOD. Trial and error but I wouldn't bet on it.
The reason being that, as it stands just now, there isn't a single bullet solution for SSD problems unfortunately. Reason I know is because along with the other hordes of SSD plus Sandybridge customers, across all manufacturers, I also randomly get the 0x000000F4 fault with my SSD installed. With a mechanical HDD installed in place of the SSD, it just simply doesn't crash and works perfectly. I'm living in denial and just hope Intel can include some fix in the next RST revision or OCZ can incorporate a fix in the next firmware or a combination of both.
And yeah, it really pisses me off as well.
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King's Bounty
Posts: 24433
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Posted: Sat, 3rd Sep 2011 13:45 Post subject: |
Vertex 3 can't be hot-flashed (ie. you can't update firmware from within Windows, you need to use the bootable cd-update from OCZ website and follow the instructions). Vertex 2 and earlier can be hot-flashed, even using RST10-drivers (just use Win Vista compatibility mode on the update app if you get any problems).
You SHOULD upgrade firmware to 2.11 at any rate, but I'm leaning towards Werelds suspicions that this isn't entirely based on the SSD. The motherboard or something else may be off.
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!
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Special Little Man
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Posts: 17716
Location: Limboland, Netherlands
Posted: Tue, 13th Sep 2011 04:24 Post subject: |
Still waiting for you to come help me out here werelds
Tought you would come by last week 
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Special Little Man
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Posted: Tue, 13th Sep 2011 09:40 Post subject: |
Sorry mate, last week was stupid for me, lots of work to be done, a wedding to attend over the weekend..was way too tired for anything else
Anyway, tried that shit I posted above? Different SATA ports, check if your mouse issues exist on front ports?
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Posts: 17716
Location: Limboland, Netherlands
Posted: Tue, 13th Sep 2011 12:22 Post subject: |
Nah, like i said, i had visitors over.
But the mouseprob has been here since my prev mobo aswell, so its not the mobo's fault (atleast judgeing by the mouse).
But more importantly, i need your help putting this mugen2 on my cpu and help me oc it (im really bad at that kinda stuff) 
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Special Little Man
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Posted: Tue, 13th Sep 2011 14:11 Post subject: |
I'll check what I've got planned this week (weekend's a no-go, that much I already know) and drop you a PM; it'll be during the evening 
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Posts: 17716
Location: Limboland, Netherlands
Posted: Tue, 13th Sep 2011 14:17 Post subject: |
Sure np, just let me know a little up front as i prolly need to cancel raiding then 
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Posted: Tue, 13th Sep 2011 14:22 Post subject: |
You still receiving those sodding BSODs?
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Posts: 17716
Location: Limboland, Netherlands
Posted: Tue, 13th Sep 2011 14:25 Post subject: |
Yep, twice yesterday.
Already did a bios update (not that i was expecting that to solve it).
Most of the time it keeps happening with flash movies, and i did disable that HW acc.
Last one yesteday was when i just was browsing the web, no flash or anything.
Stupid is that sometimes it works for a few days flawless while on other days it crashes a couple of times.
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Posted: Tue, 13th Sep 2011 14:29 Post subject: |
I've not followed your thread, but ... you're Kingston HyperX 4 GB DDR3-1333 with a Core i7 2600K, correct?
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Posts: 17716
Location: Limboland, Netherlands
Posted: Tue, 13th Sep 2011 14:33 Post subject: |
8gb yea, dual 4gb of those sticks.
( Kingston HyperX 4 GB DDR3-1333 (Light-Retail, KHX1333C9D3B1/4G, blu) )
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Last edited by sausje on Tue, 13th Sep 2011 14:34; edited 1 time in total
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Posted: Tue, 13th Sep 2011 14:34 Post subject: |
Can you post the correct model of the RAM?
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Posts: 17716
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Posted: Tue, 13th Sep 2011 14:37 Post subject: |
This one?
What's bothering me is that the difference between the voltage of the internal memory controller (which is in the CPU) and the voltage the RAM is currently running on, MUST not exceed 0.45!
And I see the RAM is rated 1.65V for the old i7 generation.
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Posts: 17716
Location: Limboland, Netherlands
Posted: Tue, 13th Sep 2011 14:39 Post subject: |
Dont think that one is listed there, searched for KHX1333C9D3B1 on the page but nothing came up?
Any way of checking the ram voltage out of bios?
Btw, during gaming i rarely crash tho (thats when it uses most ram). Its mainly during browsing the web or pc being abit inactive for a while.
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Posted: Tue, 13th Sep 2011 14:41 Post subject: |
What's the motherboard? I'm using Asrock and they have this nice little tool (Asrock Extreme Tuner) which shows all the voltages that can be tweaked on the mobo.
Post the RAM voltage.
P.S. Use AIDA64. I think it can do that job for you.
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Posts: 17716
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Posted: Tue, 13th Sep 2011 14:46 Post subject: |
No, CPU-Z only shows the JEDEC standards and not the current voltage.
Download EasyTune6. It's on the page you posted. I think it can show you the current readings of the RAM voltage.
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Posts: 17716
Location: Limboland, Netherlands
Posted: Tue, 13th Sep 2011 14:49 Post subject: |

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Posted: Tue, 13th Sep 2011 14:54 Post subject: |
DRAM Voltage - QPI/Vtt Volated = 0.486!
The recommendable RAM voltage for SB is 1.500V or below.
Try increasing the QPI/Vtt to 1.10/1.15V (just to fit below the 0.45 difference; it's a safe value - don't worry, but don't go over it in any case). And see if you get any BSODs in the next couple of days.
Last edited by human_steel on Tue, 13th Sep 2011 14:56; edited 1 time in total
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