[Wii] Xenoblade Chronicles (The Best RPG of the Decade)
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Posts: 14922

PostPosted: Tue, 8th Dec 2015 11:19    Post subject:
finished fallout 4 and ordered the limited steelbook edition of xenoblade x, for some reason it was only 59 euro on german amazon, to be delivered tommorow.
the 4 data packs are downloaded and ready, here we go So Much Win
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Posts: 14922

PostPosted: Wed, 9th Dec 2015 23:14    Post subject:
its fucking beautiful, the very first open world segment when the game presents it had me in total awe like only a very few games. the sense of size and scope is just breathtaking.
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Posts: 1104
Location: The Netherlands
PostPosted: Tue, 15th Dec 2015 11:21    Post subject:
cyclonefr wrote:

works fine on Loadiine Smile

I'm using this one but i can't access the ingame manual, gives me a disc read error, is that correct while using backups?
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Posts: 198

PostPosted: Tue, 15th Dec 2015 12:05    Post subject:
The_Zeel wrote:
its fucking beautiful, the very first open world segment when the game presents it had me in total awe like only a very few games. the sense of size and scope is just breathtaking.

Yep the world is just beautiful. best designed world i've seen in a game yet.
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Posts: 6960

PostPosted: Tue, 15th Dec 2015 12:11    Post subject:
Shinin wrote:
cyclonefr wrote:

works fine on Loadiine Smile

I'm using this one but i can't access the ingame manual, gives me a disc read error, is that correct while using backups?

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Posts: 14922

PostPosted: Tue, 15th Dec 2015 12:37    Post subject:

there, its the same one as in-game.

28 hrs in btw and the game is just amazingly addictive, this is the most beautiful and well designed game world i have ever seen, you can run around for hours and not get bored for a second.
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Posts: 1104
Location: The Netherlands
PostPosted: Tue, 15th Dec 2015 13:38    Post subject:
Thanks Smile Played for about 2 hours now, i like the slow approach and how things open up.

i9 7500K, GTX980 Quad Frozr VI, 24GB RAM
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Wed, 27th Apr 2016 20:42    Post subject:

$19.99 on the Nintendo store for WiiU Virtual Console. A fuckton better than the horrific overpricing Gamestop/eBay were (still are) engaged in. If you've got a WiiU then you cannot fail with this game, it really is utterly spectacular.
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Posts: 14922

PostPosted: Wed, 27th Apr 2016 21:11    Post subject:
definitely a bargain, i ve spent around 200 hrs on each game, both are equally great.
just thinking about it now i feel like jumping right back into xenoblade x, the world and its sense of scale are just beyond anything else i have played, this is design in its purest form.
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Posts: 22989
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Wed, 27th Apr 2016 21:14    Post subject:
It's really fun, but the completionist in me suffered greatly Laughing so i just had to stop. I got to the place where you cross over the giant sword.
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Wed, 27th Apr 2016 21:23    Post subject:
The_Zeel wrote:
definitely a bargain, i ve spent around 200 hrs on each game, both are equally great.
just thinking about it now i feel like jumping right back into xenoblade x, the world and its sense of scale are just beyond anything else i have played, this is design in its purest form.

I'm really looking forward to Cemu progressing to "playable" levels for XCX, it looks magnificent! There are simply too few titles on the WiiU that would prompt me to buy one.. not when they're £160+ and a PS4 is pretty much in that ballpark, but Cemu? Yeah, I'm all over that when it's "ready" Smile

Stormwolf wrote:
It's really fun, but the completionist in me suffered greatly Laughing so i just had to stop. I got to the place where you cross over the giant sword.

Yup, likewise.. over 85 hours and I was still, if guides are to be followed, a substantial distance from the end. I seriously need to curtail my completionist tendencies when playing uber RPGs like this and the Tales series Laughing
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Posts: 22989
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Mon, 9th May 2016 16:22    Post subject:
So, i'm honestly COMPLETELY lost in this game. Nothing is explained and shit just happens. I looted something earlier that was red, but it vanished into thin air and i have no clue what it was. Yes, i was stupid for not checking, but i honestly think i shouldn't have to.
Quests throws you here and there with way too little to go on for a game of this scale. And i have to write hout exactly how much i fucking hate these shitty gathering quests.. .BLEHH..

Am i honestly supposed to keep swapping gear each time i enter the different zones in the game for different resistances? If this is the case and proves to be a hassle, i'll drop this game on it's head at the first sign of annoyance from this. As much as i hate Japanese menu crawlers, this is potentially a really bad one for me.

I know this sounds like i hate the game, but i honestly don't. I pretty much enjoy everything thus far, but it has it's fair bit of problems and potential problems.
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Posts: 14922

PostPosted: Mon, 9th May 2016 16:33    Post subject:
max out full metal jacket class and practice infinite overdrive, smooth sailing ahead Wink
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Posts: 22989
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Mon, 9th May 2016 16:52    Post subject:
Is there any catch up system for classes? Like getting loads of rank from higher level enemies than lower?
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Posts: 14922

PostPosted: Mon, 9th May 2016 17:23    Post subject:
yea if you fight higher level enemies while starting a new class from level 1, you get it ranked up pretty fast, dont worry about that.
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Posts: 22989
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Mon, 9th May 2016 17:26    Post subject:
Sweet, thanks!

Any other general tips for a newcomer?
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Posts: 14922

PostPosted: Mon, 9th May 2016 17:59    Post subject:
take your time and do all the side missions you can along the main quest, this will make overall progression pretty smooth overall. later on you can get a mech and the flight module which basically turns the whole world into a completely new one.

if you try to rush through the main story instead without doing the side missions, you ll end up having to grind for a shitload of materials to get your mech, which would turn into alot of frustration.

if you accept a main / affinity mission, you cant cancel it and will have to finish it before starting a different main / affinity mission, however you can accept several basic / normal missions at the same time.

discover as many frontier nav spots as you can early on, many of them mine rare resources in real time during gameplay, so its better to find them as early as possible in order to gather a good amount of those resources automatically, before you reach specific missions where you may need them. on top of that they also generate credits and serve as fast travel points.
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Posts: 22989
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Mon, 9th May 2016 18:06    Post subject:
Thanks! Will keep those in mind Very Happy
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Posts: 5086

PostPosted: Mon, 9th May 2016 18:52    Post subject:
sabin1981 wrote:

'm really looking forward to Cemu progressing to "playable" levels for XCX, it looks magnificent! There are simply too few titles on the WiiU that would prompt me to buy one.. not when they're £160+ and a PS4 is pretty much in that ballpark, but Cemu? Yeah, I'm all over that when it's "ready" Smile

Same here it's pretty much the only game i would like to play on the system since im a huge Monolith fan and the console is still ridiculous overpriced for a failed system (honestly this second screen concept still sounds pretty stupid to me i played the system a few times and i really hate it) i get why they don't lower the price since it wouldn't really make a difference anymore anyway but still i wouldn't pay more then 100-150€ for it for 1 game.
Cemu is thankfully progressing nicely so this shouldn't be far off.
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Posts: 22989
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Tue, 10th May 2016 21:55    Post subject:
The_Zeel wrote:
take your time and do all the side missions you can along the main quest, this will make overall progression pretty smooth overall. later on you can get a mech and the flight module which basically turns the whole world into a completely new one.

if you try to rush through the main story instead without doing the side missions, you ll end up having to grind for a shitload of materials to get your mech, which would turn into alot of frustration.

if you accept a main / affinity mission, you cant cancel it and will have to finish it before starting a different main / affinity mission, however you can accept several basic / normal missions at the same time.

discover as many frontier nav spots as you can early on, many of them mine rare resources in real time during gameplay, so its better to find them as early as possible in order to gather a good amount of those resources automatically, before you reach specific missions where you may need them. on top of that they also generate credits and serve as fast travel points.

How did you deal with weather that deals damage? Thinking about Obsidia now, where my party kept taking damage out of the blue without any hint as to what was doing it and how to deal with it. I see there is a trick when you teleport, but i'd hope for a better solution than that if possible.
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Posts: 14922

PostPosted: Tue, 10th May 2016 22:35    Post subject:
i didnt have a problem with the weather since it happened very rarely for me and i got the mechs before i ventured too deep into obsidia, which made the weather a non-issue. otherwise as you said, teleport away.
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Posts: 22989
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Fri, 13th May 2016 12:22    Post subject:
The_Zeel wrote:
take your time and do all the side missions you can along the main quest, this will make overall progression pretty smooth overall. later on you can get a mech and the flight module which basically turns the whole world into a completely new one.

if you try to rush through the main story instead without doing the side missions, you ll end up having to grind for a shitload of materials to get your mech, which would turn into alot of frustration.

if you accept a main / affinity mission, you cant cancel it and will have to finish it before starting a different main / affinity mission, however you can accept several basic / normal missions at the same time.

discover as many frontier nav spots as you can early on, many of them mine rare resources in real time during gameplay, so its better to find them as early as possible in order to gather a good amount of those resources automatically, before you reach specific missions where you may need them. on top of that they also generate credits and serve as fast travel points.

Did you grind out affinity to get side missions that required something like 3 hearts for a crappy side character you only saw when you got him/her? I've left my side characters where they were, but now i guess i'll have to farm affinity :@
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Posts: 14922

PostPosted: Fri, 13th May 2016 13:50    Post subject:
dont worry about it, just try to do laos affinity missions early on, all the other ones arent missable and can be done at any point.

if you wanna do all affinity missions of the side characters later on, then better do it after beating the final boss and finishing the story, you can continue playing after that and get special affinity boosting missions unlocked (you can start them on the mainframe in the barracks, where you would usually start online missions).

doing these affinity boosting missions you just put 3 characters with low affinity in your squad and grind their affinities to the max in ca. 30 minutes, it didnt take me alot of time to get all the chars there.
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Posts: 22989
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Fri, 13th May 2016 18:14    Post subject:
Just to be absolutely clear. Except Lao, no affinity missions are missable? If i just skip them and go for the main story.
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Posts: 14922

PostPosted: Fri, 13th May 2016 18:24    Post subject:
yep, its only one of laos affinity missions, rest can be done even after the main story, in fact several side missions open up only afterwards.

dont be fooled by the naming, there are affinity missions with more important plot details than some main missions, do as many as you can without having to grind affinity alongside the main missions, the leftovers you can finish after the last boss.
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Posts: 22989
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Fri, 13th May 2016 18:59    Post subject:
Ranting ahead, read at your own peril Laughing

I'll name this game "Bad decisions the game" Who had a brain hemorrhage during development that led to all these terrible choices made for this game, i will never know. The world is completely wasted on this game. I'm done with chapter 8 and the chapters are fucking short, and i haven't been to Sylvalum and that other place north of it yet in main missions. Not to mention that the story is just so bland. Nothing interesting has happened, and judging by the length, i'm pretty soon done with it Laughing The quantity over quality side characters hurt the game way too much, especially since they don't level with you. The gearing is pointlessly complex when it just doesn't have to be. And the bad weather that does damage to you.... Really????? Instead of me enjoying the nice scenery with lightning, i just skip away so that i don't take damage.

I forgot the mothership of motherships of bad decisions. A SILENT FUCKING PROTAGONIST! I'm left wondering, who's the protagonist here? me or Elma? She seems more like the protagonist of the story with Lin as her trusted sidekick and you, the retarded guy who keeps following them. Right, rook?

TL;DR Rant post about idiot devs being completely retarded.
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Fri, 13th May 2016 19:39    Post subject:
Wait... a silent protagonist? I thought you had a multitude of voices to choose from during character creation, are they all just for battle grunts and sounds? Sad
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Posts: 22989
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Fri, 13th May 2016 19:41    Post subject:
Only orgasm sounds and battle lines, sadly. You get the feeling that your character is not in the story at all. Really horrible design.
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Posts: 14922

PostPosted: Fri, 13th May 2016 20:17    Post subject:
well elma is the protagonist actually, the character you create doesnt play a big role and is basically just your avatar for online play. many important plot points go back to elmas backstory, but i dont wanna spoil anything.
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Posts: 22989
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Mon, 16th May 2016 04:43    Post subject:
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