I cant do parkour because i'm not flexible enough. Ever since my knees have been buggerd (osguslatis or somethin) Ive found it too much of a strain to do my 'dare0devil' antics of when I was younger. Maybe its because ive got wiser i dont know but there's always a fear that the next time I land bad my knees will be in the same amount of pain as last time. We were in an abandoned mental hospital and jumping from the windows into a massive sand heap. neway after about 10mins we got daring and i jumped off the roof (4 storeys but the sandpit was about 1) anyway the sand became compacted and as I landed it was like landing on concrete which I wasnt at all ready for. I was in agony then and only until recently have my legs been getting painless. I did go to a physio for a bit over them and they kept getting swollen because I was too active, playing footy, running etc. but since being a lazy cunt they've had time to heal
still... i would love to do gymnastics but i'm too old really to get into it now, its better when your younger and flexible.
Stealth88 and Lod|_Dod| wrote:
"And the winner is.... Sublime!" That fucking kid is always right. Sublime FTW!
3 hours have passed and I still cant bend it. It's brusied quite badly now but its starting to go down if i cant bend it by tomorrow i'll have to go docs about it. As soon as it happened I knew it was fucked.
Stealth88 and Lod|_Dod| wrote:
"And the winner is.... Sublime!" That fucking kid is always right. Sublime FTW!
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