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PostPosted: Wed, 5th Jan 2011 18:57    Post subject:
Ahh, Yeah the Live CD is bloated to shit for some reason, I've started using the DVD releases meant for install.. dunno what it is with live CDs and everyone trying to cram 1 million packages onto them. Another you may wish to try if you like simplicity is Slax, but honestly it works best as a rescue disk. My HDD died and I just booted off Slax for like 3 months. Reburnt the CD with the packages that I wanted on it (as customizing the boot is fairly simple with it) and just loaded anything that I needed at the moment into memory.
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Posts: 3616
Location: Brasov
PostPosted: Mon, 10th Jan 2011 07:43    Post subject:
Spazmotic wrote:
The kickout sounds like something related to tweaking the XFCE setting but it is hard to be sure.

Yeah, apparently xfce4 comes with a bugged Window Manager theme. As soon as you select it you get logged out and you cant login until you delete your ~/.config/xfce4 folder. It just happened again, this time on debian ^

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Posts: 3616
Location: Brasov
PostPosted: Fri, 14th Jan 2011 17:15    Post subject:
Well.. Sabayon sucks. I went for a minimal "experimental" xfce4 installation - which was so minimal that didnt even include an audio or video player, nothing in "office", no gimp no nothing, yet it was running slowwwwwww, its package manager took a few seconds to load and it hanged on every command, even thunar took ~1 second to load.. MEH!
Running gentoo atm Very Happy feels so old school, me likes! Its kinda a pain to set it up right, I waited a few hours to compile X,Xfce, and the basic things, then i remembered i didnt compile them with the xinerama use flag!!jahsaddjka so now i'm recompiling almost everything again. Cooommee ooon gcc alreaaadddyyy
Edit: i just remembered that i'm recompiling xfce while... i'm running on it.. i hope it works Very Happy
Edit: Sucess !! Twinview is now actually working ! *chuckles*

“On the seventh day, God saw the world had already been outdated, so he did a god@heaven# eix-sync && emerge -uDNav @world && exit42”
~ Genesis on Gentoo

Need a new program by late next week? Emerge will get it for you


Edit: after using gentoo and sabayon for ~ a week, i take back what i said about sabayon. its not as responsive as gentoo nor as stable as debian, but somehow it became my favorite^

ASUS TUF B550M-PLUS | RYZEN 5600x | RTX 3060TI | 16GB DDR4
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Posts: 3616
Location: Brasov
PostPosted: Tue, 1st Feb 2011 20:29    Post subject:
Pft.. Uninstalled both gentoo and sabayon.. both buggy as hell..
even made some youtube vids to post on their forums hoping i'll get some help

the mounting permissions i've fixed.. but thunar loading time still ~25 seconds omg, things keep freezing, buggy pannels, etc etc

Formated everything and went for a Slackware install, this time without the kde part. Kinda replying to myself here^

ASUS TUF B550M-PLUS | RYZEN 5600x | RTX 3060TI | 16GB DDR4
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