OS X Yosemite [R]
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Posts: 6003
Location: Russia
PostPosted: Fri, 24th Oct 2014 16:30    Post subject:
I am still on Mid/Late 2007 MacBook Pro 2.2 Ghz 15'' Very Happy
Yosemite works fine, and machine is still more than enough for coding needs Smile

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Posts: 6112
Location: New Jersey
PostPosted: Sat, 25th Oct 2014 13:09    Post subject:
I just started noticing a little hitching and certain things taking a while to open, I use my macbook mainly for work and my itunes, not a heavy user by any means. I am very much a mac noob...

Is there any sort of program I can run to maybe clean it up a bit, some sort of disk utility, or registry cleaner.... I really don't know enough about mac's.

| BenQ XL2420T 24" 120Hz | Ducky Shine III 9008 White LED - Brown MX | Logitech G9x |
| Corsair Carbide 400R | Asus Sabertooth z77 | i7 3770K @ 4.3Ghz - 1.200v | CM Hyper 212 Evo - Push/Pull |
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Posts: 6003
Location: Russia
PostPosted: Wed, 29th Oct 2014 18:37    Post subject:
Interinactive wrote:
I don't know what to blame, the OS or the Macbook

No matter what I do now, there's lag associated with everything. Dragging windows to be larger, going into full screen, opening any folder or the apps list, even restarting it takes a good 10 seconds longer. The worst part is the transitions, it simply can't keep up, so everything looks choppy.

2014 13" MBPr, upgraded to the absolute limit. It was similar before Yosemite, but now it's chronic.

How they can call this acceptable, I'll never know. It's a disgrace. When I run W8 in bootcamp, it's fine. No lag for anything.

Good one, Apple.

Try to enable "Reduce transparency" in System Preferences --> Accessibility --> Display

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PostPosted: Fri, 31st Oct 2014 05:04    Post subject:

Last edited by Interinactive on Tue, 5th Oct 2021 01:36; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 6003
Location: Russia
PostPosted: Fri, 31st Oct 2014 13:48    Post subject:
What is the '& CPU' load for 'WindowServer' process on your Mac ?
It should idle at about 10%.

- While in Finder hide all other windows(Menu Finder --> Hide Others ).
- Launch Activity Monitor
- Switch to all processes (Menu View --> All Processes)
- Search for 'WindowServer'

Let it idle for a few secs. If the load will be higher, resetting SMC followed by reset of PRAM might help. Really helps with older Macs.

Follow this guide --> https://discussions.apple.com/message/26929324#26929324

WARNING: Resetting SMC will fubar auth tokens, you will need to reauthorize to iCloud, inherit Time Machine backup, etc.

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PostPosted: Thu, 4th Dec 2014 01:44    Post subject:

Last edited by Interinactive on Tue, 5th Oct 2021 01:28; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 6003
Location: Russia
PostPosted: Thu, 4th Dec 2014 13:22    Post subject:
Did you try SMC reset ?

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PostPosted: Thu, 4th Dec 2014 22:58    Post subject:

Last edited by Interinactive on Tue, 5th Oct 2021 01:28; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 6003
Location: Russia
PostPosted: Thu, 4th Dec 2014 23:53    Post subject:
For me, on Mid/Late 2007 MacBook Pro 2.2 Ghz 15'' idle CPU load of WindowServer dropped from 80% to 12%.

It's not some hack, Apple provides instructions on how to do it on their web site. The post I previously linked to at discussions.apple.com combines three self-maintenance procedures

- Fix permissions
- Reset SMC
- Reset PRAM

they are the first thing what is done in service-shops.

Permissions and PRAM are absolutely safe. After PRAM reset, the only negatives is sound and brightness levels are reset to factory defaults.

SMC is safe too but more annoying. Acts like a "hardware change to the same hardware". So, Time Machine will try to make backups from scratch but will find previous backups and eventually asks for what should it do - Inherit or ignore & do full backup anew. iCloud services Mail, Messages, etc. will start asking for iCloud password but won't accept it. It will be necessary to re-login to iCloud in System Preferences --> iCloud. So, better to Sign Out before SMC reset.

Also, some apps that call home to check SNs may require to enter licenses keys again.

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Special Little Man

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PostPosted: Mon, 22nd Dec 2014 14:19    Post subject:
Incompetent motherfuckers

I have the last non-retina MBP. Yosemite runs fine for the most part (had to upgrade to test out the new Safari bugs lol wut), although my battery life has dropped by some 25-30% (used to be able to do 3 hours, now it's more like 2). Fullscreen being the default now is bloody annoying, but I'll learn to live with it.

What doesn't run fine is my fucking ethernet port.

How the fuck can you fuck up your bloody ethernet driver, when you only have 5 chips to support for pretty much everything you've produced in the last decade? It's not me (http://bit.ly/1E2g0Ip), it's not because I upgraded (did a clean install), it's not the router (nothing has changed, all the other machines on it have no issues) and it's not the cable (swapped it with my own PC, CAT6 in both cases). The ethernet adapter sometimes stays up for 20 minutes, then drops out, sometimes for 5 minutes straight. Re-enabling it or re-plugging has no effect, it just doesn't respond.

And it's Apple, so no response from them on the matter of course. I really wish they would open their driver model up a bit so that we could grab drivers from other sources. I just look at Microsoft, where in Windows 7 and 8 not only is there often no need to even install a driver yourself anymore (it'll be fetched from WU if you already have a network connection), but they're even capable of installing extra software. Have an X-Fi? It'll install the driver as well as the extended control panel from Creative. Got a multi-functional printer? The vast majority will be installed just fine, along with the manufacturer's scan/fax software. Latest WHQL drivers from Nvidia and AMD can come through WU too. And they do it for thousands of pieces of hardware.

And here I am, €2000 "premium" laptop where the ethernet port is useless because the company doing the software is incapable of making sure it runs on one of the five hardware configurations they have to support.

Yes, this crap annoys me a lot because I have quite a bit of traffic going on between my laptop and my network storage. Having all of that run off Wireless-N is far from optimal when I have a fucking Gigabit network complete with CAT6 cabling right there.

Back to Mavericks I go.
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PostPosted: Thu, 9th Apr 2015 22:53    Post subject:
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