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VIP Master Jedi
Posts: 24468
Location: Toronto, Canada
Posted: Tue, 11th Nov 2014 17:33 Post subject: REQUEST - Kaley Cuoco-Sweeting Nudes (Penny for Big Bang..) |
Hey guys.
Remember how the celeb phones were hacked like 2 months ago or something?
Anyway, Kaley Cuoco-Sweeting was one of the celebs that was hack and apparently she took a ton of nudes and video's she kept on her phone.
She's the girl who places Penny on The Big Bang Theory.
Granted, she's not that hot (like a 7 at best) but still. I see her all the time on the show and want to know what she looks like naked lolz
And, if you watch the show, pay attention to her tits...they change size ALL the time.
Anyway, if anyone has these, please post em
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Posted: Tue, 11th Nov 2014 18:09 Post subject: |
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Posts: 8938
Location: White Shaft
Posted: Tue, 11th Nov 2014 18:49 Post subject: |
8 out of 10 dentists prefer zipfero to competing brands(fraich3 and Mutantius)!
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VIP Master Jedi
Posts: 24468
Location: Toronto, Canada
Posted: Thu, 13th Nov 2014 02:35 Post subject: |
Nice nice post. my nephew is going to love this. He loves Penny (hes 10)
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VIP Member
Posts: 34294
Location: UK
Posted: Thu, 13th Nov 2014 04:32 Post subject: |
Did you just say you are going to show your 10 year old nephew leaked nudes of Kaley Cuoco?
Spoiler: | What an awesome uncle! |
Spoiler: | Actually Im kidding. Are you serious? |
May the NFOrce be with you always.
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Location: Sweden
Posted: Thu, 13th Nov 2014 05:48 Post subject: |
Me and my fiancee usually have talks about how our generation suck at parenting. 
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Posted: Thu, 13th Nov 2014 06:13 Post subject: |
Morphineus wrote: | Me and my fiancee usually have talks about how our generation suck at parenting.  |
Yes, they need to be beaten more....
Let's beat 'em like it's 1909. 
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VIP Member
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Location: Sweden
Posted: Thu, 13th Nov 2014 06:24 Post subject: |
Extremes... the PC Sweden so loves... 
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Posted: Thu, 13th Nov 2014 06:36 Post subject: |
I know, if you have to beat your child then that is extreme. 
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VIP Master Jedi
Posts: 24468
Location: Toronto, Canada
Posted: Thu, 13th Nov 2014 06:44 Post subject: |
Yeah man. My oldest nephew (10, almost 11) is not your typical kid.
He's very intelligent (in advanced placement classes, reads at a grade 12 level, better than most of my idiot friends lol), he's seen boobs and ass before. My niece (17) shows him REALLY inappropriate stuff (she is bi) which I get mad at her for.
but boobs and ass, nothing wrong with that.
Its like trying to prevent a 10 year old girl from seeing a guy good looking guy with his shirt off.
Of course I would NEVER show him anything hardcore. That's unacceptable.
But boobs and bum, nothing wrong with that.
I mean, the Sunshine girl in UK/Ireland is topless right.
I would never show him anything inappropriate...his sister does that already 
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Posted: Thu, 13th Nov 2014 12:36 Post subject: |
Fuck you all, i thought there was new content 
Empty again 
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Posted: Thu, 13th Nov 2014 12:49 Post subject: |
Soo.. maybe you wanna.. share some of the pics your bi niece is showing him? 
Lutzifer wrote: | and yes, mine is only average |
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VIP Master Jedi
Posts: 24468
Location: Toronto, Canada
Posted: Thu, 13th Nov 2014 14:29 Post subject: |
StrEagle wrote: | Soo.. maybe you wanna.. share some of the pics your bi niece is showing him?  |
Well, for one they are on her phone. Also, its just regular hardcore porn. Go to any hardcore porn site or even some of threads in this section, those type of pics. Chicks with their legs/pussy's spread etc
She shouldn't be showing him stuff like that and Ive gotten on her case about it.
Over the last 2 years, my niece has gotten very vulgar. Both in the way she speaks and the things she shows to her oldest brother (also have a younger nephew).
I think its the guy's she dates (which piss me off as my niece is very attractive (not because she is my niece but for real)).
Bad influences on her.
And no, no pics of my niece 
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Posted: Thu, 13th Nov 2014 15:37 Post subject: |
aww man, you're a bad uncle
lol, I tought she would show him just nude models or max softcore.. wow
Lutzifer wrote: | and yes, mine is only average |
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VIP Member
Posts: 34294
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Posted: Fri, 14th Nov 2014 04:31 Post subject: |
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VIP Master Jedi
Posts: 24468
Location: Toronto, Canada
Posted: Fri, 14th Nov 2014 05:47 Post subject: |
headshot wrote: | SycoShaman wrote: | Headshot
Yeah man. My oldest nephew (10, almost 11) is not your typical kid.
He's very intelligent (in advanced placement classes, reads at a grade 12 level, better than most of my idiot friends lol), he's seen boobs and ass before. My niece (17) shows him REALLY inappropriate stuff (she is bi) which I get mad at her for.
but boobs and ass, nothing wrong with that.
Its like trying to prevent a 10 year old girl from seeing a guy good looking guy with his shirt off.
Of course I would NEVER show him anything hardcore. That's unacceptable.
But boobs and bum, nothing wrong with that.
I mean, the Sunshine girl in UK/Ireland is topless right.
I would never show him anything inappropriate...his sister does that already  |
Oh ok thats fair enough. Boobs and ass are all good
I had to Google Sunshine girl lol. I had no idea who you were talking about! Now I see you mean the page 3 girl in The Sun newspaper?
Sunshine girl? Ha thats kinda cute!
Anyway best stop bumping the thread or Lathieza will think there are new pics!  |
yeah, he's staying over tonight. its a PA day tomorrow so he stayed over and we hung out and stuff. I showed him the Kaley pics (they took some of em off for some reason), Kim Kardashian's Playboy (playboy isn't even softcore, its erotic imagery if anything...like viewing a naked painting at a museum klnda) and some other celeb nudes (stills from movies and shit). He and I both LOVE Erica Durance (she was on Smallville and now she is on a Canadian (but well done) Medical Drama show called Saving Hope...her and Michael Shanks (from SG-1) are the main characters. My wife watches it and I think she is smoking hot...and, she looks so Canadian.
I know its hard for ppl in Europe to tell Americans and Canadians apart based on what they look like, but Canadians and Americans can tell. For me, I can tell a lot of the time if the white or black person is Canadian...by their look, demeanor, attitude and way they speak.
I was asked if I was American when we were in Southern France last. Even tho I had a Canadian Flag Pin (they recommend that when traveling in the world, but also in Europe...the world, ie mideast hates Canucks just as much as Yankee's now lol).
It's because for years now, American travelers who go anywhere are told by the State Department to wear something with the Maple Leaf and red white so people assume they are Canadian.
The folks in the UK can tell the difference as well as most of the French. But any farther and most folks can't tell by the way we speak (which is different, Americans and Canadians can hear the diff, doiubtful anyone else can tbh).
Whats funny is in France, if i talk to say a cafe bartender and they ask 'Where you from?' and I say Toronto, Canada they are nice and compliment Canada etc...if my wife, being Quebecois, speaks Quebecois French to the same person, they get real snobby and dickish. It's weird. Apparently Quebecois French isn't 'proper' French.
Even my cousin Michelle (we always party with her when we go, she's the one in the fashion industry) will make a snide joke about Quebecois French
Tho her and Missy get along well and she always sends Missy top line designer clothes from shows and stuff.
Always getting dresses and shoes and handbags in the mail. And whenever her works takes her to Montreal, she usually flies to Toronto (i dunno why, 5 hour drive) and brings expensive ass clothes and shoes for my wife.
Models are getting really ugly tho...after my divorce, she set me up with a few and they were thin but had boobs and some more curves than others, but still uber hot.
Last event we went to in Montreal, they had a lil runway thing going on and I went backstage with Missy to talk to Michelle and the models were all changing and naked...they look like 10-12 year old boys...fucking weird and disturbing.
And thin...hell, thin has to fat of a connotation to it....these new wave of models are SUPER SUPER skinny.
I saw one girl take ONE bite from a Veggie Hamburger and toss it out, saying she was 'full'....anyway, I could tell you some stories about that scene, really weird and creepy.
Whole diff conversation tho hehe
End of WOT (Wall of text)

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VIP Master Jedi
Posts: 24468
Location: Toronto, Canada
Posted: Fri, 14th Nov 2014 06:03 Post subject: |
StrEagle wrote: | aww man, you're a bad uncle
lol, I tought she would show him just nude models or max softcore.. wow |
I'm a great uncle. I have all the good videogames, top 3 platforms (xbox1, ps4 and a PC I had built thats a fucking beat) and 1500 channels (cable 999 and sat 500).
So we have movie marathons or gaming marathons all the time.
He's almost 11 but he can read at a Grade 12 level and I don't have to read subtitles to him and I taught him how to play the diff types of games.
he's really good at Open World, FPS' and RPG's.
Tho Im not letting him play Dragon Age (new one) that comes out on Tuesday till I beat it
Both my nephews have HUGE crushes on my wife, Missy (Melissa). And when the older one stays over and we are gaming where i am now (basement) and Missy has her friends over, he always ends up upstairs sitting with them and shit
All my wife's friends are gorgeous aside from 2.
Her best friend, named Michelle (like my cousin), is a 10 as well. But she has real blonde hair and is taller and darker skinned. But french canadian...they moved from their 1 stop light town in Northern Quebec to Toronto together right.
He hit puberty in the spring right. So it's all about girls now with him. Girls and gaming
And he does well, been giving him advice on chicks since he was 8.
There is a big Xmas dance at his school and he's going with the 'hottest' (she's a cutie, ive met her) girl in his school (elementary school).
Missy taught him to slow dance and he plays the piano really well.
My younger nephew...heh. Kid is a fighter, rough, all about sports etc
And he talks like he's a gangster when he gets mad and his going to fight. A kid on his street took his Ipad i bought him one time, 3 years older than him (11) and (i was there) he simply said 'You have 1 chance, give it back or I'm gunna drop you'...the other kid said no and pushed him and my nephew cold cocked him right in the mouth, 'layed him out' (a kid laying out, not a real one).
Was good to see he stands up for himself. And he protects my older nephew.
Same way I protect my brother (always have) and he is 10 years older than me
Wow, the Walls of Text are pouring out of me again but this time, I'm not depressed/angry/sad/mad/on heavy drugs/etc. I've got a great life now tbh.
All I need is like 10 million and I'd be totally happy 

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