Fricking Union
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VIP Member

Posts: 24883
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Wed, 12th Nov 2014 16:22    Post subject: Fricking Union
So today I had to pick up a letter at the postal office. To my surprise it was a letter from the tax department.
The letter was about me not handing in my tax letter... And instantly I started cussing and cursing at the union (B.B.T.K.).

Before I moved countries I did my research to make sure I had undergone everything that needed sorting out. When I was at the offices of my union they proposed that they would handle my taxes for me, I just had to sign the papers giving them permission. They added me in the Database so everything would go automatic and I shouldn't be thinking or bothered at all about it. We made sure it will go on for my taxes of 2012.

Ofcourse with moving countries and two years later I can't find my copy of this agreement... *grmbl* There is a crappy short deadline to provide this so can't ask for them to send out a copy to me again (and they won't send it to the financial department).

I explained the situation to the financial department, but I'm willing to bet the excuse will be decided as insusceptible to the outcome of their decision. So that means either 10% less return or 10% on top of my payment. Which isn't that much money... just that it's something that was avoidable if the crap union did it''s job for once.

I've got to say the past years I've been wondering why I've been paying them for 14 years. Sure they do good, but when it comes to personal matters/assistance they actually have a pretty bad track record for me and overall the experience of dealing with them is incompetence.

Anywho, just needed to vent.

I so should have done my taxes on my own like I've been doing all this time...

Union sucks when it comes to personal assistance.

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Posts: 2184
Location: (dot)NL
PostPosted: Wed, 12th Nov 2014 16:46    Post subject:
I'm a tax advisor, assuming its the Dutch/Belgium tax authorities I might be able to help you with this one.
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Posts: 24883
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Wed, 12th Nov 2014 16:56    Post subject:
Yeah, Belgian authorities.

If I was still residing in Belgium I would have handled it right away, used to live in the city that did the tax check ups for that region (even lived 5 mins away from the department) so that would have been easy

But now being in Sweden and the deadline being short, I'm pretty much already accepting the 10%. I'd like it if they accepted the explanation as valid, but they most likely won't.

Not that I fault the department tho, I put blame on me putting too much trust in the union (should have contacted them to make sure they did what they were supposed to) and on the union for not doing what we agreed upon.

That being said, thanks for the offer! If it was about a large sum I would put more time in it, but judging from my last return it will most likely be just between 50 and 100€ difference I lose.

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Posts: 7020
Location: Toronto,
PostPosted: Thu, 13th Nov 2014 04:57    Post subject:
unions are the devil... hate unions... even though Im part of one
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Posts: 14398
Location: Poland. New York.
PostPosted: Thu, 13th Nov 2014 05:17    Post subject:
I hate unions as well and I still think they will bring this country down one day.

But I am in one right now and I love some of the perks that come with it!

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VIP Master Jedi

Posts: 24468
Location: Toronto, Canada
PostPosted: Thu, 13th Nov 2014 06:38    Post subject:
I agree, Unions do suck when it comes to personal help.

But Unions are UBER important.

I don't know whats going on in Europe, but in the US, the GOP (Republicans) and in Canada (Conservatives) are trying to destroy or reduce union powers.
Which really pisses me off.
If we didn't have union's, most people would be making a buck an hour, working 15 hour days...

I don't know if you have read the history of unions and all that went into their creation (Im not sure about Union history in Europe), we, regular folks, NEED them.

But granted, they can be annoying, just like trying to get a simple answer about something from a government employee ie 'Where do I send this copy of my tax returns from years 2010-2012?'

My uncle died over a year ago and we are still dealing with his estate because even tho one part of the Gov knows what to do, it's not their 'department' so you have to talk/write to another department who tells you they don't handle that specific issue and they pass you along.

I don't know how thing are in Europe, but in Canada, working for the Gov is great job. Fair, decent wages, full benefits etc
You would think that the vast majority of Gov employee's would actually be efficient, knowledgeable people, but alas, them seem to morons.
The DMV illustrates this point perfectly.
Sure it may be a boring ass job...but they get all the perks that comes with work for the Gov and in Canada, its pretty sweet. Yet they all seem to be jaded assholes. I dunno why.

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