Just one of those days
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Posts: 3313
Location: US
PostPosted: Sun, 9th Nov 2014 02:26    Post subject: Just one of those days
Where the people you put your faith in just fucking crush it along with your hope and ideas about trust or expectations. Just one of those fucking horrible days where i see the bad parts of my life and i have to swallow my words.

Fuck these people, fuck everyone who says one thing and does another thing the other day, situational personalities, flat out fucking lies, serves me right.
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Posts: 3725
Location: Serbia
PostPosted: Sun, 9th Nov 2014 02:57    Post subject:
Get away.

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Posts: 9800

PostPosted: Sun, 9th Nov 2014 03:30    Post subject:
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Posts: 24883
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Sun, 9th Nov 2014 04:28    Post subject:
What did you expect, they are people... people suck!

We however, are a figment of your imagination, it is better you stay in our world!
So close the shades and never go out, the hump is the only place you'll feel loved!

On a more serious note:
A thing I live by: Never put more into people than you are willing to. No... family,good friends or whatever is not a good reason to go out of your way and do the extra mile. Everyone will disappoint you somewhat so it's best that whatever you do for them is because you wanted to. Not because you got guilted into it somehow.

Oh yeah, never expect anything back for what you do. That way it's nicer when people do something for you.

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Posts: 9800

PostPosted: Sun, 9th Nov 2014 04:44    Post subject:
Morphineus wrote:
What did you expect, they are people... people suck!

We however, are a figment of your imagination, it is better you stay in our world!
So close the shades and never go out, the hump is the only place you'll feel loved!

On a more serious note:
A thing I live by: Never put more into people than you are willing to. No... family,good friends or whatever is not a good reason to go out of your way and do the extra mile. Everyone will disappoint you somewhat so it's best that whatever you do for them is because you wanted to. Not because you got guilted into it somehow.

Oh yeah, never expect anything back for what you do. That way it's nicer when people do something for you.

I agree wholeheartedly! Smile

Although, family, lol. Cut them out too IMO, as they are the biggest backstabbing greedy low fuckers you will ever deal with, ever.

You will probably never even reach your box when you die, before they are squabbling over what is theirs, let alone give respect to your memory.

Now, everyone is different, I understand, but we live in a 'dog eat dog' world now, unfortunately, and one has to look out for ones own interests, dead or alive Smile

People are people, related or not, and they ALL will put the knife in your back, given half the chance, sad, but true.

51 years of living have taught me this much, and that is, trust only one, yourself Wink

C'est la vie.
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Posts: 13439

PostPosted: Sun, 9th Nov 2014 12:27    Post subject:

Last edited by Nalo on Wed, 3rd Jul 2024 06:16; edited 2 times in total
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Posts: 9710

PostPosted: Sun, 9th Nov 2014 12:48    Post subject:
tell us more details so we can learn from it and not suffer the same please
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