Windows 8 KB2919355 update woes
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Posts: 5431

PostPosted: Sat, 29th Nov 2014 09:41    Post subject: Windows 8 KB2919355 update woes

Like many people I can simply cannot install this update. I get the flickering black screen every time. I have tried all and every 'fix' on the net but nothing works.

1.I know its graphic card related
2.I cannot even get into safe mode once it is installed
3.As above i have tried absolutely everything
4.Card is Nvidia GTX 770

Anyone else had this issue and actually managed to solve it? If so how?

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PostPosted: Sat, 29th Nov 2014 12:01    Post subject:
I don't know how we could be more helpful than these guys trying every thing they can come up with:

Maybe you should ignore it for a few weeks and maybe it fixes itself or MS fixes it with another update.
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Posts: 5431

PostPosted: Sat, 29th Nov 2014 12:26    Post subject:
VGAdeadcafe wrote:
I don't know how we could be more helpful than these guys trying every thing they can come up with:

Maybe you should ignore it for a few weeks and maybe it fixes itself or MS fixes it with another update.

Apparently they have already fixed it. The update is from early this year and the problem is I can't install certain updates after it, so you see I'm stuck! And yeah I have tried every conceivable fix I can find and none work. it actually installs OK (no errors pop up), it's after the reboot I have the black screen.

So, I was just wondering if anyone on here actually had the black screen problem and exactly what they did to overcome it

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Posts: 1009

PostPosted: Sun, 30th Nov 2014 17:07    Post subject:
broken updates, remembering those xp service pack days Laughing at least there are certainties in life when using microsoft!
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Posts: 22230
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PostPosted: Sun, 30th Nov 2014 17:24    Post subject:
Reg67 wrote:
VGAdeadcafe wrote:
I don't know how we could be more helpful than these guys trying every thing they can come up with:

Maybe you should ignore it for a few weeks and maybe it fixes itself or MS fixes it with another update.

Apparently they have already fixed it. The update is from early this year and the problem is I can't install certain updates after it, so you see I'm stuck! And yeah I have tried every conceivable fix I can find and none work. it actually installs OK (no errors pop up), it's after the reboot I have the black screen.

So, I was just wondering if anyone on here actually had the black screen problem and exactly what they did to overcome it


If you uninstall your gfx drivers and install the updates .... do you still get a black screen?
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Posts: 18053
Location: .NL
PostPosted: Sun, 30th Nov 2014 17:33    Post subject:
lol i never install updates on windows, with exception of windows vista sp2, then agin it was build in
never had problems
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Posts: 5431

PostPosted: Sun, 30th Nov 2014 17:48    Post subject:
@VGA, yes tried that mate, in fact I have tried absolutely every single fix I could find. Been struggling with this since about April (I think, or at least spring). Nothing works I always get the same problem with the same update. Tried hooking a monitor to my on board g-card just to see if it was Nvidia only, same result.
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