[PS4] God of War (Reboot)
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Posts: 467

PostPosted: Sun, 7th Dec 2014 01:28    Post subject: [PS4] God of War (Reboot)


Sony's Santa Monica Studio is actively working on the next God of War title. While answering audience questions at a God of War retrospective at Sony's PlayStation Experience in Las Vegas, Santa Monica Studio's Creative Director Cory Barlog confirmed that development is in fact underway.

When asked for further details, he wouldn't say much, though he did assert that it was definitely not a prequel. It's possible this could be the "reboot" Sony's Scott Rohde alluded to after the round of layoffs Santa Monica Studio suffered earlier this year.

But don't expect to be vivisecting mythological creatures any time soon. Barlog said he hoped to share more within "the next year or two" when IGN spoke to him after the panel, which means development is most likely in its early stages. When asked whether it would star series protagonist Kratos, Barlog was unwilling to answer.

Do you think Kratos will be the star of the next God of War, or do you think the series is going to move on without him? Let us know in the comments, and stay tuned to IGN for more from PSX 2014. IGN Logo

Last edited by NoSoul on Sun, 7th Dec 2014 01:33; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Sun, 7th Dec 2014 01:32    Post subject:
Maybe it'll be based off this. Laughing

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Posts: 261

PostPosted: Mon, 8th Dec 2014 16:17    Post subject:
omg if there is a reason to get the ps4 its only for gow. Best franchise ever made imho. I've played all except the one on PS3 but I played all of them on PS2 then I got an xbox. really miss the story, atmosphere and the good old Kratos Very Happy
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PostPosted: Mon, 8th Dec 2014 17:12    Post subject:

<3 GoW, can't wait to see it on next gen hardware. GoW3 is still one of the most beautiful games I have ever played... on that's on shitty ps3 hardware...

| BenQ XL2420T 24" 120Hz | Ducky Shine III 9008 White LED - Brown MX | Logitech G9x |
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Posts: 18053
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PostPosted: Mon, 8th Dec 2014 17:37    Post subject:
awesome consoles
full of remakes and reboots, wake me up in 2 years when there is actually something new worth playing lmao
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PostPosted: Mon, 8th Dec 2014 21:58    Post subject:

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PostPosted: Wed, 8th Jul 2015 22:39    Post subject:
Just preordered GoW3 on PSN US and got first two for free on PS Now Very Happy ..and there is no such an option on PSN EU..I didn't know that you can play that way PS Now games. Never touched first two, so I can prepare myself for 3.. Very Happy
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Posts: 6015
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PostPosted: Wed, 8th Jul 2015 23:48    Post subject:
If you haven't played God of war series and uncharted then what have you done in your life Cool Face
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Posts: 6963

PostPosted: Thu, 9th Jul 2015 02:28    Post subject:
Maybe he instabought them.
I know somebody around here who gathers more boxes than playing the games themselves .

Cool Face

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Posts: 179

PostPosted: Thu, 9th Jul 2015 07:15    Post subject:
NFOAC wrote:
If you haven't played God of war series and uncharted then what have you done in your life Cool Face

I had an Xbox360, so missed these aswell... Wink oh wait, I played GoW1 on PS2... Smile
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PostPosted: Thu, 9th Jul 2015 18:38    Post subject:
RGHed X360 was enough for me back in the day..and I didn't have moneh for PS3..so it's all good now.. Very Happy

cyclonefr wrote:
Maybe he instabought them.
I know somebody around here who gathers more boxes than playing the games themselves .

Cool Face

oi ! Cool Face
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Posts: 6015
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PostPosted: Thu, 9th Jul 2015 18:46    Post subject:
And you didn't played gears of War as well Smug
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PostPosted: Thu, 9th Jul 2015 18:49    Post subject:
nope..I played Gears.. Razz first 3 tho.
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PostPosted: Fri, 17th Jul 2015 18:36    Post subject:

dayem.. Very Happy Im so enjoying this !!
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Posts: 5118

PostPosted: Fri, 17th Jul 2015 18:54    Post subject:
oh yes i was so thirsty for some GoW that i bought it the moment i learned it's already out. downloading right now Very Happy but they really really REALLY should have done full collection. most ps4 owners never played any GoW games, i mean sure, you can play GoW3 and enjoy it as a standalone, but build up leading to GoW3 is fucking epic.
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Posts: 6963

PostPosted: Sat, 18th Jul 2015 20:44    Post subject:
While GOW 3 on PS3 was running between 40 fps and 60fps, the stable 60fps in this one is very very very much welcomed.

Makes the pre-rendered cutscenes lame compared to real time game Very Happy

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PostPosted: Sun, 19th Jul 2015 00:04    Post subject:
I really should want this but I don't. The remastered upgrades aren't enough for me. Maybe I'll get it when it's super cheap. Still got Witcher 3 and Batman Arkham Knight until Until Dawn next month Smile

Speaking of GoW I'm definitely get remastered Gears of War on Xbox One! That must be out soon.

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PostPosted: Sun, 26th Jul 2015 04:18    Post subject:

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PostPosted: Sun, 26th Jul 2015 12:22    Post subject:
Just raped Cronos... Laughing poor bastards these gods, really.. Laughing Laughing
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Posts: 6963

PostPosted: Sun, 26th Jul 2015 13:31    Post subject:
Obviously the PS4 version runs better but honestly this video also shows that this game still looks amazing even on PS3, and even runs great considering its graphics.
It's honestly even looking better than some games nowadays..

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PostPosted: Sun, 26th Jul 2015 16:42    Post subject:
cyclonefr wrote:
Obviously the PS4 version runs better but honestly this video also shows that this game still looks amazing even on PS3, and even runs great considering its graphics.
It's honestly even looking better than some games nowadays..

Can't argue with that. Nice to see the 60fps counter so solid but I'm still instakipping this one.

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Posts: 5118

PostPosted: Sun, 26th Jul 2015 18:21    Post subject:
yeah PS4 version looks glorious and runs so smooth (i'm halfway done and haven't had a single framedrop yet), it actually looks like a native ps4 game. too bad they didn't include all the other games with this one (maybe they are properly remastering GoW1/2 from the grounds up, one can only hope).
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Non-expret in Derps lagunge

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PostPosted: Sun, 26th Jul 2015 18:40    Post subject:
I bet when PS3 version will be able to run on Higher res(wink wink), the differences from PS4 will be even more minimal Laughing

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Last edited by JackQ on Mon, 27th Jul 2015 13:54; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Mon, 27th Jul 2015 01:12    Post subject:
I think they are focusing on 1080p@60fps Sonic CD atm.

wink wink Laughing

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Posts: 1810

PostPosted: Wed, 15th Jun 2016 04:10    Post subject:

New info from NeoGAF:


While you assume complete control of Kratos, you also passively control his son throughout the entire game, and both characters grow and evolve. There’s a single button dedicated to your son, and its use depends on the context. He becomes an active participant in combat, traversal, exploration, and puzzle-solving. In this, the game is about passing knowledge onto your child. At the beginning of your journey, you teach a reluctant child how to fire a bow and hunt. As you progress through the game, that becomes second-nature to the boy, and it’s clear that your knowledge has been passed on.

This bond isn’t the only new, surprising element of God of War. The entire game is presented as a single, uninterrupted shot. Once you’re in, you’re in. No load screens, no cinematics, no fades to black. Kratos and his son’s journey across the world of Norse mythology -- which takes place an undisclosed amount of time past God of War III -- will be told in a wholly singular, and honestly unique manner.

Right from the get-go, it was apparent that this was a very different God of War game. We now view the world from behind Kratos’ shoulders, with the previously-static camera now being controlled using the right stick. This part is important, because the world is rife with hidden paths, secret nooks, and collectables hidden all over the place. During my extended demo, we wandered off the beaten path and discovered a number of crafting resources, pieces of armor, and idols. God of War will feature larger, much more in-depth RPG systems, something Sony will discuss further down the road.

While the E3 demo was a quieter, more character-driven look at the game, Barlog assured me that the series isn’t shrugging off its bombastic, cinematic roots. The reason they didn’t focus the E3 demo on a huge, spectacle-filled set piece is that it's a given that the game will have those. Barlog and Sony Santa Monica have mastered those moments, so with this demo, they wanted to surprise fans and non-fans of the series with the unexpected.

So new mythology is good but is this a reboot or sequel?
My english isn't great.. what this means?

which takes place an undisclosed amount of time past God of War III

Sounds like a sequel, no?

At first i was disappointed but starting to get used to the new game.
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PostPosted: Wed, 15th Jun 2016 07:00    Post subject:
Adebisi wrote:

New info from NeoGAF:


While you assume complete control of Kratos, you also passively control his son throughout the entire game, and both characters grow and evolve. There’s a single button dedicated to your son, and its use depends on the context. He becomes an active participant in combat, traversal, exploration, and puzzle-solving. In this, the game is about passing knowledge onto your child. At the beginning of your journey, you teach a reluctant child how to fire a bow and hunt. As you progress through the game, that becomes second-nature to the boy, and it’s clear that your knowledge has been passed on.

This bond isn’t the only new, surprising element of God of War. The entire game is presented as a single, uninterrupted shot. Once you’re in, you’re in. No load screens, no cinematics, no fades to black. Kratos and his son’s journey across the world of Norse mythology -- which takes place an undisclosed amount of time past God of War III -- will be told in a wholly singular, and honestly unique manner.

Right from the get-go, it was apparent that this was a very different God of War game. We now view the world from behind Kratos’ shoulders, with the previously-static camera now being controlled using the right stick. This part is important, because the world is rife with hidden paths, secret nooks, and collectables hidden all over the place. During my extended demo, we wandered off the beaten path and discovered a number of crafting resources, pieces of armor, and idols. God of War will feature larger, much more in-depth RPG systems, something Sony will discuss further down the road.

While the E3 demo was a quieter, more character-driven look at the game, Barlog assured me that the series isn’t shrugging off its bombastic, cinematic roots. The reason they didn’t focus the E3 demo on a huge, spectacle-filled set piece is that it's a given that the game will have those. Barlog and Sony Santa Monica have mastered those moments, so with this demo, they wanted to surprise fans and non-fans of the series with the unexpected.

So new mythology is good but is this a reboot or sequel?
My english isn't great.. what this means?

which takes place an undisclosed amount of time past God of War III

Sounds like a sequel, no?

At first i was disappointed but starting to get used to the new game.

Your English is pretty good considering its not your native language I assume? I guess it means the new game takes place after God of War 3 but undisclosed means they havent said or they wont say how long after God of War 3 or they dont know the time frame?

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Posts: 6112
Location: New Jersey
PostPosted: Wed, 15th Jun 2016 12:40    Post subject:
yes, fuck yes

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Posts: 1810

PostPosted: Wed, 15th Jun 2016 16:58    Post subject:
@headshot Thank you mate. I will be much more happy if it's a sequel and not reboot. If they wanted a reboot they should made a new protagonist. It's just stupid to ignore GOW 1-3 and other GOW games and make us play Kratos like we never played him before, and since when there's a reboot for games not that long ago released?
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Non-expret in Derps lagunge

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PostPosted: Wed, 15th Jun 2016 18:59    Post subject:
It's not a "Reboot",it's confirmed to be Sequel at his point...

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PostPosted: Wed, 15th Jun 2016 19:10    Post subject:
JackQ wrote:
It's not a "Reboot",it's confirmed to be Sequel at his point...

Ah ok its just they're calling it God of War, right so thats the same name as the original game so I assumed reboot. Maybe the game is solely played the kid who grows up to be like Kratos. Maybe the title will change who knows or get a subtitle. God of War: Son of Kratos Laughing

Then again I just read this ...


Kratos isn’t alone in the new God of War. Not only does he have a son, that child will be with him for the whole game. The two are so tied together that Sony’s dedicated an entire button on the controller to interacting with the kid.

The relationship between Kratos and his son is central to God of War’s latest instalment. The big question at the heart of the game, according to the developers, is whether Kratos is capable of redemption. He paved the roads with blood in his quests, but things are different now that he’s responsible for a life.

In the demo shown at Sony’s press conference, one that was expanded upon in a private presentation I saw afterwards, the kid will do his best to help Kratos navigate the world and during battle. This doesn’t happen randomly or by accident; there’s a button on the controller (I forgot to ask which!) who’s sole purpose is summoning the kid for a variety of contextual actions in the game.

What that actually means for the game remains to be seen, however. In a fight with a giant troll — the same one from the demo you saw at the press conference — the button prompts the kid to fire electrified arrows that stuns.

Hopefully, we’ll get a better sense of what the kid can do later this year


hopefully it lets you slap the kid every time he shoots you with an arrow.

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