Anyone here training for sports?
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PostPosted: Fri, 15th Apr 2005 03:34    Post subject: Anyone here training for sports?
Right now I'm training for boxing. Been for awhile. I'm currently in the middleweight division. Anyone else been training for any sports?

Boy this shit is so demanding. 3500 calories is 1lb. Its hard to gain weight without the proper diet. Anyone here have a specific diet?

BTW... did anyone see the last fight between Pacquaio and Morales?
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PostPosted: Fri, 15th Apr 2005 03:59    Post subject:
I am going to be training this summer to play rugby in the fall. I'm pretty big and can lift a lot but college has gotten me out of shape a bit. So along with working full time, 5 credit hrs of summer school night class, a girlfriend and other shit i need to run and lift all summer. SIGH. Oh yea and I have to learn more about the game.

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PostPosted: Fri, 15th Apr 2005 04:21    Post subject:
Thats pretty cool.

Heres some serious tips for people who want to get big fast to fight. First of all. Do not take steroids. I'll tell you why. They will have some bad side effects on you later on. See, your muscles will get so big that your ligiments and joints wont be able to keep up with them. So you can dislocate your shoulder. Also, you can cause problems with your heart.

Creatine is a good supplement. Yes, your muscles get filled with water. But if you keep lifting, that water eventually turns into muscle. Some stuff to eat is egg white, toast, chicken. Things with alot of carbs. You should eat 4-5 meals a day. Also, make sure you drink alot of water when taking creatine. You want to avoid soda. Drink stuff like creatine, and gatorade.
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VIP Master Jedi

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PostPosted: Fri, 15th Apr 2005 04:35    Post subject:
I teach martial arts - hapkido, shotokan and chito ryu

i cant lie, i lean toward hapkido more as i dont really like traditional japanese styles (shotokan and chito ryu + a whole buncha other ones).

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PostPosted: Fri, 15th Apr 2005 05:00    Post subject:
There is no way i could eat 4-5 meals a day. I would die. I haven't had a soda in like 10 months tho. They are so bad for ya.

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Posts: 610

PostPosted: Fri, 15th Apr 2005 06:55    Post subject:
Lets just say I kill myself when I train. I overtrain. The only way the guy is going to beat me is if he kills me. I got alot of heart. Right now I'm 5-0. I'm going to have one more fight and I'm off to the marines.

I'm a slugger. I can tell ya right now, its a nightmare. I used to stand outside every night after I run at like 4 am... I'd be thinking can I do this? Its pretty scary. The grueling workouts you have to indure.

Heres some of what I do.

Heavy Bag. I punch it 400 times each arm. Than I work on movement while hitting it. Than theres this thing I do called intervals. Its intense 3 minute rounds 4 times. If you can punch the bag nonstop for 3 minutes you can probably last 3 rounds. Its importart to start off slow and work your way up.

Heres some good motivation. You hate to lose, right? Every time you get winded (thats a weakness, think like your going to get knocked out), get back up and keep hitting it.

You also need speed. 3 times a week you should do roadwork. That will help your movement around the ring. 3 hours every morning starting at 4 am. You should be able to run a total of 6 miles. Each mile should take you no longer than 5 minutes to run. After each mile stop for 30 seconds for the round. Than shadow box while running.

It is very hard. I train 8 hours a day which is too much. Its been getting so bad where my knuckles are busted and sore. Easy solved though. Take a spa.

Another thing I hate is fuckin' GNC. If anyone knows what GNC is (if you live in EU), they like to scheme ya. They sell you products just to make money. Why buy something that has magneisium, zinc, and B-6, when you can buy that at a drug store for a total of $12. What happens is when you go to GNC, you end up paying $40 for a supplement that will maybe last you for 2 weeks, than you come back and buy more. Be very choosy when it comes to supplements. Only take vitamins and a weight gainer if you need to gain weight than. Creatine is the option. Spend most money on food and a trainer.

Right now, its bad over here in PA. Theres no boxing gyms in my areas and no trainers. I pretty much have to train myself. The best gyms here are over in Philly. Thats 3 hours from me.

Also, its good to train at high elevations. You get more EPOs that way. Thats why Lennox Lewis (former heavyweight champion) trained at the Poconos over here. That also will definately give you an advantage.

But heres the key. Never be happy with your performance. Always think you can do better, but dont go so hard on yourself that your depressing yourself.
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Posts: 610

PostPosted: Fri, 15th Apr 2005 06:57    Post subject:
Esel_Gesi wrote:
There is no way i could eat 4-5 meals a day. I would die. I haven't had a soda in like 10 months tho. They are so bad for ya.

Thats a problem with me. Theres always soda in the house. I also been trying to eat lots of ice cream. I'm wondering if thats good for you to gain more weight.
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VIP Master Jedi

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PostPosted: Fri, 15th Apr 2005 07:35    Post subject:
They have GNC in NA too Smile
rip off store

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PostPosted: Fri, 15th Apr 2005 08:20    Post subject:
Hitman that's not a good traoning schedule at all, you're probably doing yourself a lot more damage. You might be gettin away with it now but sooner or later you will fall. IDK where you read that bizarre schedule but no1 trains that hard, even the pros take time out and dont push them to the limits. also 400 a day? why not until it starts to hurt? eventually you're gonna surpass that and it wont do much for you.

Stealth88 and Lod|_Dod| wrote:
"And the winner is.... Sublime!" That fucking kid is always right. Sublime FTW! <3 you too
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PostPosted: Fri, 15th Apr 2005 08:34    Post subject:
Thats not my full training schedule dude. I just gave you some samples. I'll post my full version later.

Look, people train different. I train to win. I really dont care what peoples input is on it. Plus this will help me be more than ready for the marines.

All I'm saying is I want to push my body to the extreme limits. So far the only mistake I see is if I were to take steroids. And I'm not going to do that. Give me 1 hour, I have to go back downstairs to my gym. I will post my training schedule than.

BTW... I dont hit the bag 400 each arm a day. I hit the bag 400 each arm which equals 800 punches in that one session. Than I move on to do more punches until I'm finished with that session. I take a break and than for more exercises.
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VIP Master Jedi

Posts: 24468
Location: Toronto, Canada
PostPosted: Fri, 15th Apr 2005 09:13    Post subject:
xAiTheHitman wrote:
Lets just say I kill myself when I train. I overtrain. The only way the guy is going to beat me is if he kills me. I got alot of heart. Right now I'm 5-0. I'm going to have one more fight and I'm off to the marines.

I'm a slugger. I can tell ya right now, its a nightmare. I used to stand outside every night after I run at like 4 am... I'd be thinking can I do this? Its pretty scary. The grueling workouts you have to indure.

Heres some of what I do.

Heavy Bag. I punch it 400 times each arm. Than I work on movement while hitting it. Than theres this thing I do called intervals. Its intense 3 minute rounds 4 times. If you can punch the bag nonstop for 3 minutes you can probably last 3 rounds. Its importart to start off slow and work your way up.

Heres some good motivation. You hate to lose, right? Every time you get winded (thats a weakness, think like your going to get knocked out), get back up and keep hitting it.

You also need speed. 3 times a week you should do roadwork. That will help your movement around the ring. 3 hours every morning starting at 4 am. You should be able to run a total of 6 miles. Each mile should take you no longer than 5 minutes to run. After each mile stop for 30 seconds for the round. Than shadow box while running.

It is very hard. I train 8 hours a day which is too much. Its been getting so bad where my knuckles are busted and sore. Easy solved though. Take a spa.

Another thing I hate is fuckin' GNC. If anyone knows what GNC is (if you live in EU), they like to scheme ya. They sell you products just to make money. Why buy something that has magneisium, zinc, and B-6, when you can buy that at a drug store for a total of $12. What happens is when you go to GNC, you end up paying $40 for a supplement that will maybe last you for 2 weeks, than you come back and buy more. Be very choosy when it comes to supplements. Only take vitamins and a weight gainer if you need to gain weight than. Creatine is the option. Spend most money on food and a trainer.

Right now, its bad over here in PA. Theres no boxing gyms in my areas and no trainers. I pretty much have to train myself. The best gyms here are over in Philly. Thats 3 hours from me.

Also, its good to train at high elevations. You get more EPOs that way. Thats why Lennox Lewis (former heavyweight champion) trained at the Poconos over here. That also will definately give you an advantage.

But heres the key. Never be happy with your performance. Always think you can do better, but dont go so hard on yourself that your depressing yourself.

Listen dude, unless ur tearin ur muscles up, train as much as you want
for 3 years, while in highschool, I'd train 8 hours a day (martial arts). 3 hours of stretching, warm up, weights, speed training then we would get into techniques. I was solely training hapkido at the time and if u know what hapkido is, there is nothing harder on the body.
Mind u, this was when i was competing on the world circut (SKI = Sport Karate International). But still, as long as your not doing 8 hours of weights, ur good...5 min breather here and there ya know.

If ur going for the marines, i seriously suggest u learn hapkido or another combat martial art. but dont get mistaken, Hapkido is not Aikido. Hapkido is korean and much, much more violent. Aikido is more evasion and energy displacement where hapkido relies on the same 2 principles, but instead of say throwing the guy, u throw him while hanging on to his arm and drop him into an a-frame ground lock. If done correctly, the collar bone, shoulder, elbow and wrist will all snap or dislocate at the same time...very lethal/painful shit and geared toward the military as u dont wanna be dancing around throwing punches and kicks that dont do jack.
Also, hapkido encompasses pressure points, joint locks/strikes, chi development and pain tolerance...the trick is finding someone who still trains this art for the sake of passing it on, rather than making money and taking the degree of difficulty down a notch.

While boxing is an art and very difficult, in actual street fighting (or any serious combat), boxing proves to be useless...most combat martial arts train the exact same thing boxing does, in respect to the hands, then builds on that and teaches u to use your feet. Then, if u take it a step further, the art should teach u how to combine these weapons into one single, multi strike attack...for instance, instead of duking it out with someone
Jab (gauge distance) -> jab (set urself up) -> skip change (reverse ur stance - creates leverage in the hips as the upper body shouldnt move) -> jab + cross + forward leg side knee strike to triad (3 pressure points above the knee, from a triangle, hence triad) + grab lead hand, control lock and bring down to ground - finish is optional.
Thats the key, thinking 5 or 6 steps ahead of your opponent...and after u do it for a while, it becomes very routine - to the point u dont have to think about it.

The original style that hapkido is founded on, Tang Su Do, is still the official military martial art of korea i believe...not sure tho.

And just so your aware, been doing this shit for 23 years now Smile so im no noob Smile
Damn, typing is easy when ur on the sauce Smile

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Posts: 610

PostPosted: Fri, 15th Apr 2005 09:31    Post subject:
Back. Ok time for the full training schedule. First off Sublime, dont think you got a PHD in fitness, especially for boxing. Second, I wouldnt do what you say anyway becuase, well I'm going to train the way I want.

First off, I'd like to say that I'm a huge boxing fan. Favorite fighters of all time include Rocky Marciano ( and Marco Antonio Barrera (Http://

Ok, now I train every day. Some days not 8 hours.

Heavy Bag - 400 punches each arm which totals 800 punches. Takes about 15 minutes. Than movement on the heavy bag which focuses on feinting, ducking, blocking, etc while punching. I do 3 minutes every round 4 times. So 4 rounds and 3 minutes each. Dont stop punching in those 3 minutes. In between rounds 30 second break. Than after that I do 4 cycles of 30 second drilling punch outs.

Speed Bag - Do this for about 10 minutes. The closer, faster, and circular motions you make with your fist, the faster you hit it, and it bangs really fast. You actually get benefeits from this. Also, if you can do it long enough, you can also get cardiovascular benefits, raising your heart rate and breathing harder. (You need to be able to punch it for several minutes to really get this benefit, but with time you can punch for long periods of time)

See, what you kids today dont understand is that boxing is an anaerobic sport. That means its without oxygen. Its 80% anaerobic and 20% aerobic. Aerobic would be to do it with breathing. Thats where the running part comes in. If you dont run all those miles and do 3 hours a morning, how do you expect to move around the ring, and get out of tight situations?

Roadwork - Time for a run. Get up at 4 AM and do a 1-Mile warmup. After that, 6 x 600 Meters - 1 minute rest peroid between each interval. Now heres the tricky part. Instead of slowing down, I decide to do some more intense running. Most people who train like to work from intense to slowing down. The same applys to most boxers who go into the ring. They end up losing their intensity and end up pacing themselves in the later rounds, or get knocked the fuck out. Next thing I do is Shadow Box which means boxing while running for 3 rounds, 3 times each. Rest one minute after each round. So instead of slowing down the last exercise running, I decide to jog this time with my hands up throwing punches (by this time I'm all the way down by the mall which means I'm jogging back to my house which will take me over an hour to get to). Yes, I break when I jog and throw punches. It would be kinda impossible to do that for an hour straight after running all those intense exercises.

Those are my main exercises to be honset. The rest is just weight lifting (which I barely do), and the usual exercises. For lifting I like to lift other heavy things that are outside. I space my exercises out to which means I do a full set of bag work on both for as long as it takes me to complete it, than take 2 hour break, than do the other exercise tasks.

The rest of the schedule is simple:

Pushups (100 of em)
Lift for an hour
Situps (100)
Catstretches (100)
The Twist (100)
Leg Slide (On the ground like you are going to do a pushup, than silde legs up and down real fast 100 times - yea it hurts like hell)

Thats basically it. I throw in a few more basic exercises. First of all, this stuff isnt that hard. I know alot of you people here should be able to do atleast 50 of those sets minimum, or 100. Besides, I could care less what the fuck the other pros do. Why would I want to limit my training to what someone else does?

Two more things:

Neck training. It is important to do neck exercises. In fact, your neck is one of the main reasons why you get knocked out. Science has proved that someones neck muscles is what causes you to get knocked out alot of the times. When a punch is landed to the head, the circulation to the brain is compressed. When a blow is delivered to the head, the impact to the brain depends on the acceleration and snapping motion of the head. It is also common for the carotid arteries in the neck to compress following impact. By doing exercises like neck bridges and neck curls you can greatly reduce the knockdowns that can happen.

A good way to add coordination to fighting while running. This is great. If you have a friend thats available, its good to go for a huge mile run while throwing a football back and forth. That would help pick off shots in the ring. Great coordination.

I know I wrote alot. But I'm not going to have someone write that my schedule is bad. They dont know what it takes to actually go 12 rounds, the stamina you need. I can probably say that alot of people on here just sit around and play games, who knows, maybe I'd be wrong. Its good to hear Sublime say I train too hard though. Thats what its about. When the fight comes, its all about who wants it more, and whos more trained. You can also get in shape all you want, condition your body, but if you dont spar/box in the ring, you pretty much cant boxing. Boxings a skill sport and it doesnt matter how tall or how much someone weights.
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Posts: 8615

PostPosted: Fri, 15th Apr 2005 09:45    Post subject:
xAiTheHitman wrote:
Back. Ok time for the full training schedule. First off Sublime, dont think you got a PHD in fitness, especially for boxing. Second, I wouldnt do what you say anyway becuase, well I'm going to train the way I want.

No but i got a GCSE (A) which involves the different training schedules Rolling Eyes what you're doing is just stupid. I bet in the marines you won't train like that it's pretty pathetic tbh. You're wasting your life away. you could do that schedule as much as you want but you wont get anywhere. By doing half of it faster will give you much better, faster results. You're body's gonna be shot up from this exercise by the time you're 30 anyway so it's probably good you join the marines and put you're POS life to rest for "the cause".

Stealth88 and Lod|_Dod| wrote:
"And the winner is.... Sublime!" That fucking kid is always right. Sublime FTW! <3 you too
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Posts: 610

PostPosted: Fri, 15th Apr 2005 09:50    Post subject:

Listen dude, unless ur tearin ur muscles up, train as much as you want
for 3 years, while in highschool, I'd train 8 hours a day (martial arts). 3 hours of stretching, warm up, weights, speed training then we would get into techniques. I was solely training hapkido at the time and if u know what hapkido is, there is nothing harder on the body.
Mind u, this was when i was competing on the world circut (SKI = Sport Karate International). But still, as long as your not doing 8 hours of weights, ur good...5 min breather here and there ya know.

I never do 8 hours of the same thing. Thats stupid. I mix my exercises up like I posted above.


If ur going for the marines, i seriously suggest u learn hapkido or another combat martial art. but dont get mistaken, Hapkido is not Aikido. Hapkido is korean and much, much more violent. Aikido is more evasion and energy displacement where hapkido relies on the same 2 principles, but instead of say throwing the guy, u throw him while hanging on to his arm and drop him into an a-frame ground lock. If done correctly, the collar bone, shoulder, elbow and wrist will all snap or dislocate at the same time...very lethal/painful shit and geared toward the military as u dont wanna be dancing around throwing punches and kicks that dont do jack.
Also, hapkido encompasses pressure points, joint locks/strikes, chi development and pain tolerance...the trick is finding someone who still trains this art for the sake of passing it on, rather than making money and taking the degree of difficulty down a notch.

Thats not exactly what I meant. I'm talking about the physical pain preperation. You see, for boxing no average person can do it. Its all for people who arent average. I mean their goddam killers. But the military doesnt want people who are stupid in the head, they want people with common sense, and are smart. You dont think they do psychological profiling on you for Special Forces? Yea, I know about the martial arts. In fact, alot of the army people I heard of through friends trained in Korea and Japan. But you see, its not about knowing all that shit. Right now I know Boxing, Ninjitsu, and military CQC. Military CQC I know because my family was in the military. And If I have an input, its that military CQC aint something you want to fuck around it. Those are intense, fast moves. If your familiar with Dim Mak, which is a part of Ninjitsu, its called the Death Touch. Now CQC and Dim Mak are different. But they are both killing blows. Dim Mak is like striking someone meridians. A persons meridians open up at certain parts of the day. If you strike the heart valve at a certain time, its delayed death if you hit it hard enough.

If you want my personal opinion, I prefer CQC. When I'm in a gun fight, I can easily switch to CQC much easier than I could doing ninjitsu. Why? 1. Its easier 2. Most of CQC is quick and deadly moves that I dont have to put so much effort into. I'm not saying that Ninjitsu isnt deadly, I'm saying that its easier to go into CQC. Atleast, thats my opinion. I dont fuck around in life and death situations.

Problem is, you get alot of these fuckin kid gamers on here who come in here flaming people. They think because they played some Solid Snake game, their fuckin god with CQC. Its nothing like whats in a game, I'll tell ya that. Only thing that comes close is simulators. Than again, its not real life. Real life your unde pressure and your nerves kick in. Drop a man into a simulator to fight, than see how he reacts. Now drop the same man into a tight situation in real life for the first time on the battlefield, and see how he reacts. Pressure starts to kick in. Your hearts racing and its common to quickly go through flashbacks of your training because your nervous. This is all stuff I know.


While boxing is an art and very difficult, in actual street fighting (or any serious combat), boxing proves to be useless...most combat martial arts train the exact same thing boxing does, in respect to the hands, then builds on that and teaches u to use your feet. Then, if u take it a step further, the art should teach u how to combine these weapons into one single, multi strike attack...for instance, instead of duking it out with someone
Jab (gauge distance) -> jab (set urself up) -> skip change (reverse ur stance - creates leverage in the hips as the upper body shouldnt move) -> jab + cross + forward leg side knee strike to triad (3 pressure points above the knee, from a triangle, hence triad) + grab lead hand, control lock and bring down to ground - finish is optional.
Thats the key, thinking 5 or 6 steps ahead of your opponent...and after u do it for a while, it becomes very routine - to the point u dont have to think about it.

Boxings not useless. But than again your biast towards martial arts. But see, you definately dont want to go up against someone who knows boxing, cqc, and ninjitsu, and is good with weapons. That means he can mix it up real fast. But than it can be equal if you take that guy and put him up against someone who knows 4 different types of arts plus training. It all comes down to what you know and your reacting time.

But I see your talking about boxing as in thats all one person would know. Ok. You have to understand that a boxer hits very very hard with his hands. I wouldnt put the top boxers today as pushovers, their very skilled. The same goes for kickboxers. Muay Thai is a deadly striking art. A few knees to the ribs, elbow to the jaw, punches to the temple would kill a man.


And just so your aware, been doing this shit for 23 years now

Well your older than me, thats for sure. Laughing I'm very young. I'm an adult though.

Last edited by xAiTheHitman on Fri, 15th Apr 2005 11:45; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 610

PostPosted: Fri, 15th Apr 2005 09:55    Post subject:
Sublime wrote:
xAiTheHitman wrote:
Back. Ok time for the full training schedule. First off Sublime, dont think you got a PHD in fitness, especially for boxing. Second, I wouldnt do what you say anyway becuase, well I'm going to train the way I want.

No but i got a GCSE (A) which involves the different training schedules Rolling Eyes what you're doing is just stupid. I bet in the marines you won't train like that it's pretty pathetic tbh. You're wasting your life away. you could do that schedule as much as you want but you wont get anywhere. By doing half of it faster will give you much better, faster results. You're body's gonna be shot up from this exercise by the time you're 30 anyway so it's probably good you join the marines and put you're POS life to rest for "the cause".

Well, I'm not even going to answer that because its downright disrespectfull. Especially teh part about the military. Than again, theres not much to say to a liberal faring person these days. I'm not goin to start up a flame war either because it aint worth it. I'm just happy I dont sit home all day degrading the people who keep me safe. You should be happy you got a prime minister who evidently cares. BTW, where do you think your country sends its Royal Air Force and army to Rolling Eyes
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VIP Master Jedi

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Location: Toronto, Canada
PostPosted: Fri, 15th Apr 2005 17:22    Post subject:
I didnt say boxers were talented
they are
and of course professional boxers are serious
but strength isnt always a virtue in a fight man
speed and accuracy above all else rule fighting.

I've also done the whole boxing thing...thats why i got into martial arts. I guess u could say its a bias, but not really. Im speaking from experience and observation rather than something ive read ya know (not saying u are).

And boxing for pain tolerence...?
let me give u an example of what we used to do back in day

2 guys pair off, take their shirts off and stand face to face. One guy drops into kiba dachi (horse stance) and streches his arms out. The other guy proceeds to slap the guy in the stance as hard as he can anywhere on the exposed skin...ur not really going for knockout pain, but constant, stinging pain...anyway, this usually lasts for like 15 mins, then u switch. U usually end up pink and purple.
Then, if u were a black belt in the club (not really a club, just a buncha highly trained guys - ex SEALS, army, navy etc), you'd drop into kiba dachi once again, arms out. Then the instructor (Kwan Ja Nim - Korean Grandmaster - he's white tho) would walk up and down the line hitting you as hard as he could with MULTiPLE bamboo sticks...i dont know if uve ever tasted a bamboo lash but jesus fuckin christ, it hurts so much.
And the shitty part is, u couldnt move or make a sound or u'd get worse. U could siltently cry tho - seen many a men ball like bitches afterwards

I know someone is going to reply saying thats stupid but seriously, pain tolerence is needed if ur going into combat. Someone could square me right in the face, and, unless they shattered my nose, it really wouldnt phase me.
You gotta take a good beating to give a good beating Smile

And dude, CqC is based off of hapkido...any of that shit u see on tv is hapkido...disarming, trapping, submission...
i never once said ninjitsu....I really think u should look up hapkido, its nothing like some guy flying around doing kicks and shit man. I dont and never will do hollywood martial arts. Really, no offence now...but I seen a thing on the military channel about marines unarmed combat...all they did was copy hapkido, & miss some of the imporant things like pressure points - because yes, if u grab my arm and say dont have my wrist locked (through a pressure point) im gunna fuck u up. Both American and Canadian militaries tend to copy all martial arts and fuck them up royally...I have a civilian military martial art instructor licence, and trust me...i cant teach half of what i know because its considered "non ethical"...same goes for marines, they're idea is good, some of the techniques are good, but they miss alot of the key points.
I cant really explain it on here, but look up something along the lines of controlling the body when flipping, locking or engaging someone. Most control is through the wrist and the hand...yet when i see marine takedowns, the wrist is not a big deal, and everyone wants to muscle through everyone.
Im not a big guy at all (5'8, 165lbs) but i can easily flip/throw a 300 pounder. Not cuz im a hero and super strong...its because of the technique and body dynamics...THATS THE WORD! fuck, been tryin to think of it the whole time ive been writing this.

Anyway man, im just given u an idea...alot of ppl have a generalized misconception of martial arts...90% of the clubs and styles are bs, true...but someone who actually trains in a specific combat art (not all martial arts in my view are combat oriented)can easily take on a boxer/kickboxer and win - as long as they keep the mans hands in check...and once uve fought for long enough, learning how to control enemy movements/attacks is quite easy

lol and u cant compare muay thai to anything other than itself
I dont know if uve ever seen actual Muay Thai live, with guys from Laos fighting but damn. I dunno if it still goes down, but there used to be an underground muay thai circut here in toronto, went to a few fights...those guys are fucking nuts

and anyone who tells u they learn muay in canada, us or europe is full of shit. Mind u there are prolly some exceptions, but half of their skill comes from workin in those fuckin rice fields..the water toughens their shins/legs.
I have a buddy on the Canadian Muay Thai Federation board...he's from Laos and really, i'd debate fighting him...although, if u tie up a muay thai fighter, they are usually lost Smile That i also know from first hand experience

If u were refering to Ong Bak...he's sick, but remember, ITS A MOVIE.
Thats the thing ppl forget - movie martial arts, no matter what they are based off of, are not close to the actual art it is portraying.

Lemme tell u a story.
I once went to vegas to compete in some tournament. It happen to be put on and sponsored by Jean Claude Van Dam
Anyway, i got eliminated and such for being to agressive (i like to attack vital areas - neck, certain areas of the chest etc). I stayed around to watch the rest of the black belt division. Van Dam recieved a by to the 3rd round i believe. Anyway, some redneck lookin dude is set to fight him (I think his name was Scott Hogarth). They square off, and van damn does some jump spinning backside kick...redneck bwoy leans back, so he's just outta range, waited for van dam to plant is leg after kick, sidestepped and blew right through van dams knee and face.
2 or 3 moves, not hard or flashy, take down some fuckin ballet dancer.

its much better when i tell that story in person cuz i can show u Smile

If ur looking how to say, fight in small spaces IE washrooms, closets, vans etc
hapkido is the way to go Smile
All SF ops use a variation of hapkido - might be toned down a little, but its all hapkido at its core

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Posts: 610

PostPosted: Fri, 15th Apr 2005 22:29    Post subject:
I know what your saying. I just dont think Sublime has the right to disrespect me like that. Hey, you also cant deny that I train very hard for a purpose. Yes, you know more about martial arts than me.

I train like this so I can endure pain. It also improves tons and tons of areas. All this stuff I know, where to train, etc. it is my advantage. See when your in a lockerroom before a fight. Thats where your nerves start. You think back to your training.


I've also done the whole boxing thing...thats why i got into martial arts. I guess u could say its a bias, but not really. Im speaking from experience and observation rather than something ive read ya know (not saying u are).

Yes, we both are experienced.


And boxing for pain tolerence...?
let me give u an example of what we used to do back in day

Different methods, different ways. What do you think UFC fighters do? I seriouslly doubt they let someone beat them around all the time. Not to mention UFC has boxers in there. They also have grapplers and brazilian juijitsu.


2 guys pair off, take their shirts off and stand face to face. One guy drops into kiba dachi (horse stance) and streches his arms out. The other guy proceeds to slap the guy in the stance as hard as he can anywhere on the exposed skin...ur not really going for knockout pain, but constant, stinging pain...anyway, this usually lasts for like 15 mins, then u switch. U usually end up pink and purple.
Then, if u were a black belt in the club (not really a club, just a buncha highly trained guys - ex SEALS, army, navy etc), you'd drop into kiba dachi once again, arms out. Then the instructor (Kwan Ja Nim - Korean Grandmaster - he's white tho) would walk up and down the line hitting you as hard as he could with MULTiPLE bamboo sticks...i dont know if uve ever tasted a bamboo lash but jesus fuckin christ, it hurts so much.
And the shitty part is, u couldnt move or make a sound or u'd get worse. U could siltently cry tho - seen many a men ball like bitches afterwards

Thats one way of putting pain tolerance. That would be good though if your a POW in the army, you wouldnt have that much of a problem when someone is torchering you. But still, it hurts like shit.


I know someone is going to reply saying thats stupid but seriously, pain tolerence is needed if ur going into combat. Someone could square me right in the face, and, unless they shattered my nose, it really wouldnt phase me.
You gotta take a good beating to give a good beating

Thats true.


And dude, CqC is based off of hapkido...any of that shit u see on tv is hapkido...disarming, trapping, submission...
i never once said ninjitsu....I really think u should look up hapkido, its nothing like some guy flying around doing kicks and shit man.

Nope, never implied that ninjitsu was CQC. Never said you did say that. Naw, CQC isnt flying around and doing kicks. I already said it was close quarters combat. Its quick and efficient moves.


but I seen a thing on the military channel about marines unarmed combat...all they did was copy hapkido, & miss some of the imporant things like pressure points - because yes, if u grab my arm and say dont have my wrist locked (through a pressure point) im gunna fuck u up.

Dont believe everything you see on TV. BTW that had to be from maybe the 20s, right? Back than they didnt have as advanced cqc combat as we do now. Usually on the history channel its about past wars and fighting. They also have shows with Lee R. Emry. See, but its strictly TV. Even after watching it you dont automatically know everything about marine fighting. Any country's army isnt watered down fighting styles dude. Their whole aim is to kill. And Special Forces isnt a push over. They practically kill your spirit and literally kill you for you to join.

Groups like Special Forces Reconassaince (yea, thats really fuckin scary shit) are probably one of the most dangerous army areas to get into. Crossing enemy lines just to gather intell, not knowing if your going to make it back. Also specialized groups like Green Berets, and Delta Force. Not people you want to fuck around with. Their probably just as deadly as british SAS or frances GIGN. You have to understand it doesnt matter where you train, it matters who you train with. Just because you train in Korea doesnt make you the best, just as if you trained in the US doesnt make you the best. Its all about who trains you and what you know.


lol and u cant compare muay thai to anything other than itself
I dont know if uve ever seen actual Muay Thai live, with guys from Laos fighting but damn. I dunno if it still goes down, but there used to be an underground muay thai circut here in toronto, went to a few fights...those guys are fucking nuts

Muay Thai is more of a striking art than it is kick boxing. But it is also a competitive kickboxing style. Its not a martial art.


Anyway man, im just given u an idea...alot of ppl have a generalized misconception of martial arts...90% of the clubs and styles are bs, true...but someone who actually trains in a specific combat art (not all martial arts in my view are combat oriented)can easily take on a boxer/kickboxer and win - as long as they keep the mans hands in check...and once uve fought for long enough, learning how to control enemy movements/attacks is quite easy

90% of martial arts styles arent BS. Some are yea, but not that much percentage. Take Aikido for example. Thats a pretty good art. Its more of a defensive art than anything. Ninjitsu is great.


and anyone who tells u they learn muay in canada, us or europe is full of shit. Mind u there are prolly some exceptions, but half of their skill comes from workin in those fuckin rice fields..the water toughens their shins/legs.
I have a buddy on the Canadian Muay Thai Federation board...he's from Laos and really, i'd debate fighting him...although, if u tie up a muay thai fighter, they are usually lost That i also know from first hand experience

There are Muay Thai schools in the US, but not many. They also have teachers over from thailand that teach it. I'm sure your going to debate that its not the same. Sure, you cant bring the rough environment of Thailand over here. I'm sure the environment is also fighting learning influence. Also, Muay Thai is probably the most common art over in Thailand.


Lemme tell u a story.
I once went to vegas to compete in some tournament. It happen to be put on and sponsored by Jean Claude Van Dam
Anyway, i got eliminated and such for being to agressive (i like to attack vital areas - neck, certain areas of the chest etc). I stayed around to watch the rest of the black belt division. Van Dam recieved a by to the 3rd round i believe. Anyway, some redneck lookin dude is set to fight him (I think his name was Scott Hogarth). They square off, and van damn does some jump spinning backside kick...redneck bwoy leans back, so he's just outta range, waited for van dam to plant is leg after kick, sidestepped and blew right through van dams knee and face.
2 or 3 moves, not hard or flashy, take down some fuckin ballet dancer.

Did you not forget that Van Dam fought Chuck Zito in a bar in new york? As soon as Van Dam was gearing up to come at him, Zito punched him in the face. Pretty much knocked him down and that was it.
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Posts: 8615

PostPosted: Fri, 15th Apr 2005 22:46    Post subject:
He won a punch up, you dont know if he was drunk ready or whatever. i don't really regard van damme a great martial artist anyway.

Stealth88 and Lod|_Dod| wrote:
"And the winner is.... Sublime!" That fucking kid is always right. Sublime FTW! <3 you too
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Posts: 610

PostPosted: Fri, 15th Apr 2005 22:53    Post subject:
Yea, thats true. But if Rourke didnt pull Zito off of him, he probably would of killed him. But thats just an assumption. But also the witnesses said that Van Damme looked intoxicated.
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Posts: 12108
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PostPosted: Fri, 15th Apr 2005 23:12    Post subject:
Let´s see...
Get up, eat breakfast, go to car, drive to school. Drive home, walk to computer. Sleep. Repeat.

Watercooled 5950X | AORUS Master X570 | Asus RTX 3090 TUF Gaming OC | 64Gb RAM | 1Tb 970 Evo Plus + 2Tb 660p | etc etc
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VIP Master Jedi

Posts: 24468
Location: Toronto, Canada
PostPosted: Sat, 16th Apr 2005 03:02    Post subject:
muay thai is a martial art
very serious as it encompasses religion

And the CQC, nope, i recently watched one on the military, not history, military channel. Its a digital cable channel. Anyway, they followed men and women through boot camp and the like...i believe it was a class of 03/ wasnt in the very recent as they said most if not all the graduating ppl were going to iraq...and not iraq 90-91

as for what sublime said, lol I wasnt even mentioning that at all
i was just adding my 2 cents in, and since u started the topic, i might as well address u Smile

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Posts: 610

PostPosted: Sat, 16th Apr 2005 14:19    Post subject:
Umm, do you have any idea the types of training the military go through? Read this.

Now I know I dont have the time nor can I fit article after article posted by other new sites in that forum about training.

But ill say a bit of it.

The Green Berrets are tough. They do 500 pushups basically in one hour. They are dropped off at an insertion point they dont know the way back to camp. Basically stuck with just your clothes and have to find your way miles and miles apart. Swim in winter water naked (freeze to death). You basically kill yourself. List goes on. As for the fighting part, well you wouldnt want to fuck with a SOF soldier. Sure, their "cqc bare hand" fighting system isnt as extensive where as say a martial art that you go onto 20-40 years to master. But when your doing martial arts, alot of people dont have to practice every day all day, nor do they actually do that, unless some do I dunno. But in the military your doing this every dam day over and over. I dunno about you, but if you have the ability to grasp fighting/techniques and etc are a good enough pace, and learned the lethal cqc in 4 years, your good. Not to mention its more than just CQC.

You cant compare someone in the military to someone who sits in dojos and trains. Their two different ways of life.

And honestly, this is a shout out to everyone on here. You really aint shit if you degrade fighting styles, military, or anything else that you havent done. There is no perfect fighting style is. People use what they find to be the best in their opinion.

Also, about the military. You really dont know alot until your actually in it. Theres stuff I dont even know. Like HALO (High Altitude Low Opening) drops. Havent tried that before Razz Alot of peoples political ideology like to totally misinform people on the military and masquerade it into something its not.

Also, I'll even say this. My training schedule aint shit compared to the military. So if people think this is rough, the military is rougher. Cant see what people are complaining about.

And to end the discussion about the boxing and martial arts field. Each fighter has their own style. To limit the boxer to just being a street brawler is nonsense. You cant say all martial artists can kill boxers or all boxers can kill martial artists. Fighters have their strengths and weaknesses. Take the Hoyce Gracie for example. Hes great with his submission. He can probably take a few beatings, but when you have a boxer in the area where he can hit really hard, Gracie will get hurt bad. You can also say Gracie will manage to pin the boxer down and choke him out. But if you have the upper body strength, the neck well trained, and the ability counter jui jitsu and other forms of grappling, you can fair well against your opponent. I dont really see as one of them being the dominant.
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VIP Master Jedi

Posts: 24468
Location: Toronto, Canada
PostPosted: Sat, 16th Apr 2005 16:27    Post subject:
to be honest i didnt read ur post as the way it starts turns me off

im not saying marine training isnt hard
was specifically talking about fighting
and yes, the gracie brothers would take any boxer
STREGNTH HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH FIGHTING. A 300 pound guy has the same pressure points and joints that anyone else has.

anyway dude, u and i both seem to be stubborn Smile
and since this is something that we either cant agree on, or just dont want to, lets drop it

I dont know how long uve been doing what u do
but like i said, i have spent 23 years in this field, fought many many many ppl, talked to many many ppl of different arts

From outsider point of view, its easy to contest certain things
but until u get hit in the nerve cluster on the right side of the chest that makes ur heart skip, u dont know what i mean

Im not saying im right...all im saying is that the shit they teach u in basic for marines is shit and would get ur ass killed in dont get me wrong, there are plenty of sf ops that are crazy, im just sayin from what ive seen

anyway man, i was just trying to inform u about hapkido, if u werent aware.
My buddy is currently in the military and ive been teaching him...he says it helps him alot, but i dunno
was just tryin to help Smile

NOTE = Im awatching the grudge (us version) and it fuckin sucks...goddamn Pay Per View shit....

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Posts: 610

PostPosted: Sun, 17th Apr 2005 03:33    Post subject:
Well atleast we agree on something.

You should check that fool Fisk out in the PC games thread. He doesnt know shit about guns yet he thinks people who do play CS all day Laughing
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VIP Master Jedi

Posts: 24468
Location: Toronto, Canada
PostPosted: Sun, 17th Apr 2005 04:59    Post subject:
xAiTheHitman wrote:
Well atleast we agree on something.

You should check that fool Fisk out in the PC games thread. He doesnt know shit about guns yet he thinks people who do play CS all day Laughing


Well, everyone can think what they will right?
thats why i try not to get bent if someone flames or disagrees with me
its not like u can actually do something like beat the shit outta the guy - if u could, i'd have a much different take on things Wink
so take it in stride ya know Smile

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Posts: 610

PostPosted: Sun, 17th Apr 2005 08:50    Post subject:
In reality they have no lives.
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VIP Master Jedi

Posts: 24468
Location: Toronto, Canada
PostPosted: Sun, 17th Apr 2005 10:15    Post subject:
xAiTheHitman wrote:
In reality they have no lives.

well, do we? Wink

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Posts: 3

PostPosted: Sun, 17th Apr 2005 16:49    Post subject:
Holy... 8 hours a day Confused ohh man u spend as mach time trainign as i do in school.
But im training for soccer... I was called to the u-19 national team[Estonia Laughing]
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Posts: 610

PostPosted: Mon, 18th Apr 2005 15:25    Post subject:
calitry wrote:
Holy... 8 hours a day Confused ohh man u spend as mach time trainign as i do in school.
But im training for soccer... I was called to the u-19 national team[Estonia Laughing]

Yep, I live for this shit. The only way to beat me in boxing is to kill me. Theres this little thing about heart. You can outbox your opponent in the ring. You can outpoint your opponent in the ring. But you cant outpunch someone with a shitload of heart.

In other words. You can outbox a slugger. You can outpoint him with points on the score card. But a slugger with heart like god you cant outpunch. You'd have to kill them right in the ring.

Thats exactly how it starts. When you muster up enough energy for the training and the thought of losing never enters your mind, you really cant lose.
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Posts: 8615

PostPosted: Mon, 18th Apr 2005 19:02    Post subject:
xAiTheHitman wrote:
calitry wrote:
Holy... 8 hours a day Confused ohh man u spend as mach time trainign as i do in school.
But im training for soccer... I was called to the u-19 national team[Estonia Laughing]

Yep, I live for this shit. The only way to beat me in boxing is to kill me. Theres this little thing about heart. You can outbox your opponent in the ring. You can outpoint your opponent in the ring. But you cant outpunch someone with a shitload of heart.

In other words. You can outbox a slugger. You can outpoint him with points on the score card. But a slugger with heart like god you cant outpunch. You'd have to kill them right in the ring.

Thats exactly how it starts. When you muster up enough energy for the training and the thought of losing never enters your mind, you really cant lose.

don't be stupid, every week you see some1 with "heart" not give up but ends up with black eyes and ends up losing. just because he has heart and wants to carry on doesn't mean he deserves to win nor is it in his best interest. i bet you're a shit boxer really you think like some1 with no experience at all. you might be able last 10 rounds but it doesn't mean anything compared to ones who have been trained properly. like i said 8 hours is too much and you're just putting too much strain on your body. Sounds like you have no decipline at all either. just to shut u up on the heart thing because i know u'll come back to it... watch the contender those people have heart and some want it more than others but they lose. it's the better fighter now always the 1 who wants it the most.

Stealth88 and Lod|_Dod| wrote:
"And the winner is.... Sublime!" That fucking kid is always right. Sublime FTW! <3 you too
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