Heroes of Might and Magic V
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Posts: 115

PostPosted: Tue, 9th May 2006 23:37    Post subject: Heroes of Might and Magic V

  • Official web page: OFFICIAL SITE
  • Publisher: Ubisoft
  • Developer: Nival Interactive
  • Genre: 3D Strategy
  • Release date: 2006-05-10
  • Story/Description:

    Heroes of Might and Magic V is the sequel to the universally acclaimed turn-based strategy series with a touch of RPG. The new opus will benefit from the features and characteristics that established the success of the initial saga while offering a wealth of innovations such as a a highly immersive scenario, a variety of appealing factions, modern 3D graphics, a revolutionary tactical combat system and a story-based campaign mode.

  • Multiplayer: YES
  • Media type and size: DVD, 52x50MB (for ex DVD, 55x45mb)
  • System requirements:

    System Requirements:
    Supported OS: Windows® 2000/XP (only)
    Processor: Pentium® 4 or AMD AthlonTM 1.5 GHz (Pentium® 4 2.4 GHz recommended)
    RAM: 512 MB (1 GB recommended)
    Video Card: DirectX® 9 compliant w/ 64MB RAM (128 MB recommended)
    Sound Card: DirectX® 9 compliant
    DirectX Version: DirectX® 9 or higher (included on disc)
    DVD-ROM: 4X DVD-Rom or better
    Hard Drive Space: 2+ GB
    Multiplay: Broadband internet connection

    *Supported Video Cards at Time of Release
    NVIDIA® GeForce" 3/4/FX/6 families (GeForce 4 MX NOT supported)
    ATI® Radeon® 8500/9000/X families Matrox Parhelia"

    Laptop versions of these cards may work but are NOT supported.

    These chipsets are the only ones that will run this game. Additional chipsets may be supported after release. For an up-to-date list of supported chipsets, video cards, and operating systems, please visit the FAQ for this game on our support website at: h**p://support.ubi.com.

    NOTICE: This game contains technology intended to prevent copying that may conflict with some disc and virtual drives.

  • Release folder name: Heroes.of.Might.and.Magic.V-RELOADED/Heroes.Of.Might.And.Magic.V.EMUDVD-Unleashed
  • NFO file: RELOADED
  • Protection: Securom 7
  • Multilanguage: YES
  • Review: GAMESPY, [b][color=cyan]

Last edited by Pavel888 on Thu, 11th May 2006 17:45; edited 4 times in total
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Dr. Strangelove

Posts: 9240
Location: War Room
PostPosted: Tue, 9th May 2006 23:40    Post subject:
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Posts: 12

PostPosted: Tue, 9th May 2006 23:50    Post subject:
AWesome grabbing it now!
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Posts: 1557
Location: Dutch...
PostPosted: Tue, 9th May 2006 23:52    Post subject:
Heroes of Might and Magic V (C) Ubisoft

Release Date : 05-09-2006 Protection : SecuROM
Release Type : DVD Game Genre : Strategy

Release Notes:

The first game to reintroduce the video game legend to the public will
be Heroes of Might and Magic V, the sequel to the universally acclaimed
turn-based strategy series with a touch of RPG. The new opus will
benefit from the features and characteristics that established the
success of the initial saga while offering a wealth of innovations such
as a a highly immersive scenario, a variety of appealing factions,
modern 3D graphics, a revolutionary tactical combat system and a
story-based campaign mode.

Install Notes:

1. Unpack the release with WinRAR or equivalent
2. Burn in a120, burn with rmps checked, install DT4 with
vdrives disabled, and enable rmps emulation in DT4.
alternative option is mounting the image with Daemon-Tools
with securom loader.
3. Install
4. Play

Other Notes:

You must be wondering what EMUDVD is, well EMUDVD stands for Emulation
DVD, which is basically every dvd release out there that is mislabeled
as "CLONEDVD." To burn a true clone of a game, the drive must have
RAW DAO, regardless of the protection. RAW DAO only exists as a CD
burning method. There is no such thing as DVD RAW DAO, and as a result,
1:1 DVD clones do not exist. The only thing that can be burnt 1:1 and
considered a true Clone, is a CDROM release. This is why CD-ROM Clones
are still being released, despite being banned almost everywhere.

You can still burn our release, but in order to run it you need an
emulation program running in the background such as DT4's RMPS. You can
also mount our release, but its still emulation. The Clone scene
considers any release that requires a helper program that runs in the
background to bypass the protection as emulation, and thus should be
named properly as EMULATION. The *ONLY* possible exception to this rule
is ATIP hiders.

Enjoy HOMMV, brought to you first by Unleashed.

Unleashed salutes all friends of the family, contacts and competition!

" Someone has Unleashed the goats, prepare to be Unleashed "
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Posts: 1941

PostPosted: Tue, 9th May 2006 23:57    Post subject:
Great Smile
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Posts: 46

PostPosted: Wed, 10th May 2006 00:02    Post subject:
Sounds great! Been looking forward to this Smile

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Posts: 175

PostPosted: Wed, 10th May 2006 00:03    Post subject:
Great release! Smile
I'm waiting a little longer for a cracked one...
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Posts: 98
Location: Denmark
PostPosted: Wed, 10th May 2006 00:27    Post subject:
Wuhuu Very Happy

Fast Eddie was the best Smile
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Posts: 55

PostPosted: Wed, 10th May 2006 00:59    Post subject: hey
ok Sad

Last edited by loadstone007 on Wed, 10th May 2006 01:02; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 1281
Location: Barry - Wales - (UK)
PostPosted: Wed, 10th May 2006 01:02    Post subject: Re: hey
loadstone007 wrote:

Edit post quick...No requests..

Forum Rules:


Last edited by arw on Wed, 10th May 2006 01:32; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 1234

PostPosted: Wed, 10th May 2006 01:03    Post subject:
what type of games are these? looks liek an rts and battles are like a battle chess type thing ... looks good

Intel Core2 Quad Q8300
Asus P5N-E SLI
Asus ENGTX 480
4GB 6400
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Posts: 55

PostPosted: Wed, 10th May 2006 01:06    Post subject:
it's a cool game, give it a shot
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Posts: 204
Location: Burkina Faso
PostPosted: Wed, 10th May 2006 01:17    Post subject:
BloodAngel: Where were you living in the last 10 years or so? In the cave? This is the newest incarnation of one of the greatest strategy games of all time... and yes, it's turn based strategy, no crappy RTS clickfest.
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Posts: 12017

PostPosted: Wed, 10th May 2006 01:49    Post subject:

that i only have 2 gig left on my hdd Laughing need to make some room

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Posts: 124
Location: H3LL
PostPosted: Wed, 10th May 2006 02:08    Post subject:
adaml75 wrote:
BloodAngel: Where were you living in the last 10 years or so? In the cave? This is the newest incarnation of one of the greatest strategy games of all time... and yes, it's turn based strategy, no crappy RTS clickfest.

Ahhh a nerdy type game then.. ? looking at the screens, me tinks I'll give it a pass..
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Posts: 12390
Location: England
PostPosted: Wed, 10th May 2006 02:19    Post subject:
triggadeath wrote:
adaml75 wrote:
BloodAngel: Where were you living in the last 10 years or so? In the cave? This is the newest incarnation of one of the greatest strategy games of all time... and yes, it's turn based strategy, no crappy RTS clickfest.

Ahhh a nerdy type game then.. ? looking at the screens, me tinks I'll give it a pass..

Yes, it's a game that requires a minimum level of intelligence. You should avoid it.

"Techniclly speaking, Beta-Manboi didnt inject Burberry_Massi with Benz, he injected him with liquid that had air bubbles in it, which caused benz." - House M.D

"Faith without logic is the same as knowledge without understanding; meaningless"
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Posts: 1

PostPosted: Wed, 10th May 2006 02:43    Post subject:
Have anyone got this game to work, im having big problems to start it.
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Posts: 4

PostPosted: Wed, 10th May 2006 03:34    Post subject:
I'm also having problems. Mounting the game in DT4 with securom loader does not work. Does anyone know how to solve this?
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Posts: 1

PostPosted: Wed, 10th May 2006 04:01    Post subject:
Can't start the game with DT4 and securom loader. Tried two other securom removers "securom cracker loader" and "curerom" newest versions. All give errors.

If someone acctually has been able to play the game can you please tell us how you started it?
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VIP Member

Posts: 8823
Location: South Pacific Ocean
PostPosted: Wed, 10th May 2006 04:06    Post subject: Re: Heroes.Of.Might.And.Magic.V.EMUDVD-Unleashed
Pavel888 wrote:
it's out!

then make a fucking template u tool Razz
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Posts: 289
Location: Canada
PostPosted: Wed, 10th May 2006 04:07    Post subject:
Is the game similar to Final Fantasy Tactics in terms of the combat?

FFT is a great game but I remember playing Silent Storm and becoming disgusted by it after a bit of time playing it.

Maybe SS was too tough or something but if the combat is like FFT then i'll be all over this game.
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Posts: 12390
Location: England
PostPosted: Wed, 10th May 2006 04:20    Post subject:
It doesn't even look like this is a workable version (unsuprisingly). Might as well wait for another release.

"Techniclly speaking, Beta-Manboi didnt inject Burberry_Massi with Benz, he injected him with liquid that had air bubbles in it, which caused benz." - House M.D

"Faith without logic is the same as knowledge without understanding; meaningless"
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Posts: 5

PostPosted: Wed, 10th May 2006 04:40    Post subject:
Yeahh great Release Very Happy

First : SORRY for my English

The Game works fine for me. (The Game is MULTILANGUAGE)

1.Mount the Image with Daemon Tools 4.03.......ONLY RMPS EMULATION must been Marked in the Emulation Options.Then close Daemon Tools but let the emulation ENABLED.

2. Remove the Virtual Drives in Alcohol 120% and ALL the Emulations in Alcohol.

3. Use Securom Loader 1.2

Play the Game

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Posts: 4825
Location: Chile
PostPosted: Wed, 10th May 2006 05:34    Post subject:
don't like emudvd.
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Posts: 2020

PostPosted: Wed, 10th May 2006 06:38    Post subject:
so why reply? jesus i wish people would stay out of threads they have no interest in

works fine for me with a bit off fiddling, same method olli wrote above
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Posts: 40

PostPosted: Wed, 10th May 2006 06:41    Post subject:
Wait a day or 2 RLD or Dev will be all over it and have a nice proper crack for us Smile
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Posts: 541
Location: Cloud City, Bespin
PostPosted: Wed, 10th May 2006 06:41    Post subject:


Don't mistake lack of talent for genius!
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Posts: 85
Location: Russia, Novosibirsk
PostPosted: Wed, 10th May 2006 07:08    Post subject:

Last edited by iMiKE on Wed, 10th May 2006 07:23; edited 2 times in total
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Posts: 99

PostPosted: Wed, 10th May 2006 07:19    Post subject:
Securom = i wait for reloaded boys ;D
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Posts: 7

PostPosted: Wed, 10th May 2006 07:21    Post subject:
Make yourself such a black magic's install, I'm going to buy that game on 19th
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