Microsoft blocking all pirated copies of Windows
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PostPosted: Fri, 2nd Jul 2004 22:17    Post subject: Microsoft blocking all pirated copies of Windows
Looks like MS are blocking all pirated keys even the genned ones (checked myself) on the new Windows update 5. You can still download the patches from either the old Windows update 4 (which will close soon) or separate patches from the Microsoft download site but Windows update is more convenient for me Sad . Here's the link to Windows update v5 Please check if the update service works or if you get this message: "Cannot validate the product key". Here's a link to the article on Neowin The worst part is that three of the latest updates are failing to install at (v4) all but I think that's because of Windows screwing up as always.

Last edited by razor1394 on Fri, 2nd Jul 2004 22:22; edited 3 times in total
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Posts: 481

PostPosted: Fri, 2nd Jul 2004 22:20    Post subject:
I only get this when I try to update 2 service pack 2
Which as allways been the case
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PostPosted: Fri, 2nd Jul 2004 22:23    Post subject:
Lol if I get this when trying to update Service pack 2 final from genned keys I will not use XP. By the way MS just released another patch for IE as always. Microsoft are so damn stupid doing this because they are just making it worse for their customers leaving boxes open for worms and passing it over to their customers boxes who maybe aren't that fast to update.
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PostPosted: Fri, 2nd Jul 2004 22:58    Post subject:
this will be cracked soon.

/me yawns

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PostPosted: Fri, 2nd Jul 2004 23:06    Post subject:
Yes best would be to just get a new keygen out to battle this. But I fear this would only be temporarly because MS have changed their thoughts against pirates now.
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Posts: 18

PostPosted: Sat, 3rd Jul 2004 03:32    Post subject:
uh oh! when i tried the site was unavailable.
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Posts: 618
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PostPosted: Sun, 4th Jul 2004 13:49    Post subject:
i hope one group makes a keygen for new keys, the previous one was just a genius' work

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Posts: 1622
Location: Green Bay, Wisconsin
PostPosted: Wed, 7th Jul 2004 17:23    Post subject:
is Service pack 2 worth it?


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Posts: 36

PostPosted: Thu, 8th Jul 2004 13:20    Post subject:
razor1394 wrote:
Microsoft are so damn stupid doing this because they are just making it worse for their customers leaving boxes open for worms and passing it over to their customers boxes who maybe aren't that fast to update.

Their customers? I don't think MS considers people using pirated copies of their software 'customers' dude. No offense but you bitching about them blocking pirated product keys is rather childish, wtf do you expect them to do?

In the end it doesn't really matter because I'm sure there will be a workaround within a matter of days once it goes public and is out of beta.

Starter wrote:
is Service pack 2 worth it?

Definately, it adds alot of new security features and rolls all previous updates into one.
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PostPosted: Thu, 8th Jul 2004 13:43    Post subject:
Hmm isnt Service Pack 2 in beta stage at the moment?

"Why don't you zip it, Zipfero?" - fraich3
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PostPosted: Fri, 9th Jul 2004 14:54    Post subject:
Yes it is in RC2 stage and is pretty close to final (RTM).
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PostPosted: Fri, 9th Jul 2004 14:56    Post subject:
Acrimony wrote:
razor1394 wrote:
Microsoft are so damn stupid doing this because they are just making it worse for their customers leaving boxes open for worms and passing it over to their customers boxes who maybe aren't that fast to update.

Their customers? I don't think MS considers people using pirated copies of their software 'customers' dude. No offense but you bitching about them blocking pirated product keys is rather childish, wtf do you expect them to do?

In the end it doesn't really matter because I'm sure there will be a workaround within a matter of days once it goes public and is out of beta.

Starter wrote:
is Service pack 2 worth it?

Definately, it adds alot of new security features and rolls all previous updates into one.

Sorry it was a mistype. Was I meant is that we who are running pirated xp copies will become zombie boxes and pass on every destroying crap to customers who payed for the OS.
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Posts: 1038

PostPosted: Fri, 9th Jul 2004 15:10    Post subject:
its already cracked .. sp2 keygen is available ..if u use it make sure u set it to generate a pid 640 key ... then just use the usual keychanger programme to change to ur new pid 640 key
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Posts: 317

PostPosted: Sat, 10th Jul 2004 22:29    Post subject:
um the keygen that works with the new version of windows update existed even before they blocked it. They blocked genned keys from what it seems only from xpkeys.exe from accessing windows update. I got the error got pissed, anyways I finally got a differ keygen that existed for a long time right now, it worked.
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Posts: 709
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PostPosted: Sat, 10th Jul 2004 22:40    Post subject:
whend is SP2 coming out
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Posts: 658
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Sun, 11th Jul 2004 01:00    Post subject:
I use a generated key from xpkey.exe and windows update v5 installes fine here. I used a pid 640 key.
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Posts: 36

PostPosted: Sun, 11th Jul 2004 15:04    Post subject:
Avenger_ wrote:
I use a generated key from xpkey.exe and windows update v5 installes fine here. I used a pid 640 key.

It will install fine, but when you go to search for updates you won't be able to.
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Posts: 1440

PostPosted: Sun, 11th Jul 2004 19:47    Post subject:
same here,used a 640 pid serial,update v5 downloads work fine as i've already used it,but no joy on sp2 but it doesn't say anything about invalid serials it just bombs out on install ,saying something is in use please stop service before contining
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PostPosted: Sun, 11th Jul 2004 22:02    Post subject:
Hitman02 wrote:
whend is SP2 coming out

I think it is set for 23 july. So its aproximately less than two weeks for it to get released.
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Posts: 1038

PostPosted: Sun, 11th Jul 2004 22:39    Post subject:
mcmanic wrote:
same here,used a 640 pid serial,update v5 downloads work fine as i've already used it,but no joy on sp2 but it doesn't say anything about invalid serials it just bombs out on install ,saying something is in use please stop service before contining

i bet the error message was something about "atapi...sys" ... its because of virtual drives like the ones in alcohol and daemon , all you have to do is uninstall (just disabling the virtual drive won't work) alcohol or whatever and reinstall after the sp1/sp2 update
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Posts: 1440

PostPosted: Sun, 11th Jul 2004 22:55    Post subject:
jonels wrote:
mcmanic wrote:
same here,used a 640 pid serial,update v5 downloads work fine as i've already used it,but no joy on sp2 but it doesn't say anything about invalid serials it just bombs out on install ,saying something is in use please stop service before contining

i bet the error message was something about "atapi...sys" ... its because of virtual drives like the ones in alcohol and daemon , all you have to do is uninstall (just disabling the virtual drive won't work) alcohol or whatever and reinstall after the sp1/sp2 update

yep that was it,like you said i tried disabling the setting to create a virtual drive with no joy,didn't know i had to uninstall it though,well now i know,that means i got 3 keys here all workin cos i changed keys 3 times with same result,lol
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Posts: 1440

PostPosted: Sun, 11th Jul 2004 23:58    Post subject:
RC2 installed and workin,update centre workin, all created with xpkey.exe and set to create serials in the 640 pid range
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PostPosted: Mon, 12th Jul 2004 00:15    Post subject:
It gets to a point where I stop caring about updates. Im pretty much at that point now, unless its a heavy vulnerability or a driver update.

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Mad Skillz

Posts: 120

PostPosted: Mon, 12th Jul 2004 02:24    Post subject:
Am I the only one who has a legal copy of Windows?
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Posts: 1622
Location: Green Bay, Wisconsin
PostPosted: Mon, 12th Jul 2004 02:27    Post subject:
mine came with the PC, lol


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PostPosted: Mon, 12th Jul 2004 02:33    Post subject:
I have 5 computers. I got OEM versions with 2 of them. You think Im going to feed M$ more of my money?

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PostPosted: Mon, 12th Jul 2004 08:26    Post subject:
I think there are many guys around here who have gotten Win XP home with their prebuilt pc. I'm getting one with my new laptop but I'm thinking of trying to return the license and get my money back in the store because I don't wan't the home crap. I'll keep the money and install the pirated pro version instead or Linux.
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Posts: 1622
Location: Green Bay, Wisconsin
PostPosted: Tue, 13th Jul 2004 03:46    Post subject:

Microsoft Windows Update Set for Aug., After Delay


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Posts: 999
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PostPosted: Thu, 12th Aug 2004 01:32    Post subject:
Why are you guys bitching? You want to get MS soft for free. You do. Then you say how bad it is, how bad the security is, how evil Gates is and so on. Then you want to update, and when your pirated keys don't work - you bitch even more. Is this the american way or what?

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Posts: 610

PostPosted: Wed, 25th Aug 2004 21:43    Post subject:
ummm.....^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ betcha LOL
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