Fran Bow Point-and-click psychological horror
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Location: Kibbutznik, Israel
PostPosted: Thu, 30th Jul 2015 18:04    Post subject: Fran Bow Point-and-click psychological horror

Fran Bow, the psychological horror point-and-click adventure game by Killmonday Games HB, has finally been given a release date, along with it’s first official trailer. The title releases August 27 and will be available from Steam and Watch the trailer here:

Advertised as “A trip to the deepest and darkest side of the human mind, delivered through blood and tears,” Fran Brow focuses on the game’s namesake, a young girl who is whisked away to an asylum for mad children after her parents are brutally murdered. The Steam store page for the title promises a story-driven psychological horror adventure featuring hand-drawn 2D artwork and animation as well as puzzles, over 50 unique characters and an original soundtrack.

A screenshot of Fran Bow from the game’s official blog,
Fran Bow is the brainchild of a pair of Swedish game developers. It started out as an IndieGoGo campaign way back in August of 2013, meeting and exceeding it’s $20,000USD goal by over $8,000 through over 1,000 contributors and went on to feature in Steam’s Greenlight initiative.

If you’re hankering for a taste of what’s to come, you can download an alpha demo from an early section of the game at[/i][/quote]

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