Hacking GCN via OpenGL
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PostPosted: Sat, 21st Nov 2015 18:56    Post subject: Hacking GCN via OpenGL
Using an Translater here so dont mind the strange english Smile

It occurs not frequently that one finds on the Internet a hacking talk, actually entering uncharted territory. And not just "oh look, once you have ownt a system, you can do these terrible things ". Therefore I am delighted today to present you this slide. If you have a graphics card with OpenGL or programm openGL, then it writes the shader in a programming language called GLSL, and the driver translated then hardware-specific binary code and loads it on the graphics card. Real hackers would of course like to understand this binary code and see whether you can make exciting things on graphic cards in the binary code. Turns out that OpenGL has an API for it to read the compiled byte code and upload. Which is intended for the caching, because compiling from GLSL takes time, and it seeks if possible after an ALT-tab or to save. This type has now played around with this API, and noted that a boxed ELF binary falls out and that there is a disassembler, and then he is seated and hacked an assembler for it.

Hacking GCN via
Tomasz Stachowiak


Want full control over shader code on PC

Ability to feed HW-speciic ISA

Vulkan/DX bytecode not enough

Opens up interesting possibilities

Self-modifying shaders

Shader specialization on GPU

Shader sub-routines


More here:


And the Slides (more info):

if one doesnt like onedrive, i upped it also on Zippyshare:

An interessting read for shure...


..:: Life - A sexually transmitted disease which always ends in death. There is currently no known cure::.. Troll Dad
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