Loot Crate goodies
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Posts: 4567

PostPosted: Thu, 15th Oct 2015 16:18    Post subject: Loot Crate goodies
I'm surprised no-one has mentioned loot crate yet (or rather: search turned up zero) but since last month Belgium has finally been added to the growing list of Loot Crate countries so I decided to give it a go for three months.

Anyone else who subsribes (or has subscribed) to Loot Crate? After watching many unboxings on Youtube (Ashens mostly) I became interested since even the stuff Ashens didn't like, often seemed cool to me.

This month was a rather fun box too:
- miniature replica of the Hoover Board from Back to the Future
- a nice Bill & Teds Excellent Adventure t-shirt - high quality too!
- a very cool Pop! Vinyl figure of Dr Emmett Brown (the professor in Back to the Future played by Christopher Lloyd)
- a Dr Who styled Sonic Spork which is pretty cool too

All together, easily worth 2-3 times what I paid (€22). I bet the Dr Emmett Brown figure will fetch quite a lot on eBay too because it's a Lootcrate ltd edition.
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Posts: 24883
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Thu, 15th Oct 2015 16:39    Post subject:
So... it's random junk you don't need?

Go capitalism! Razz

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Posts: 1293
Location: Hyberdyne
PostPosted: Thu, 15th Oct 2015 16:44    Post subject:
I have seen a bunch of unboxings by Ashens, but i rarely see anything worthwhile.

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Posts: 6967

PostPosted: Thu, 15th Oct 2015 16:47    Post subject:
fissesvin wrote:
I have seen a bunch of unboxings by Ashens, but i rarely see anything worthwhile.

same here. most of the stuff is crap. and if you think about it... lootcrate wants to make money so at then end (even if sometimes something good is in it) you will lose
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Posts: 4567

PostPosted: Thu, 15th Oct 2015 16:57    Post subject:
fissesvin wrote:
I have seen a bunch of unboxings by Ashens, but i rarely see anything worthwhile.

I guess it depends on your definition of "worthwhile". Having an 8 year old nephew who loves a lot of stuff Loot Crate goes for, he pretty much would love anything I wouldn't like (like the Pikachu wooly hat last month).

And for €22 ... well a t-shirt easily costs that much by itself. And a Pop! Vinyl figure costs €15 ... so you do get your money worth.
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Posts: 51051
Location: Portugal, the shithole of Europe.
PostPosted: Thu, 15th Oct 2015 17:27    Post subject:
Morphineus wrote:
So... it's random junk you don't need?

Go capitalism! Razz
...yeah, I think the same. But to each his own, I guess

boundle (thoughts on cracking AITD) wrote:
i guess thouth if without a legit key the installation was rolling back we are all fucking then
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Thu, 15th Oct 2015 17:34    Post subject:
I've seen so many of these Lootcrate-style things and, most of the time, it looks awesome.. some really cool and cute gamer/geek gear that I'd love. Sadly, there are also months where you get cheap crap that just makes you go "huh?" Supposedly they were much better at the start before these companies started cutting corners due to insane demand :\ Ashens used to do unboxing videos for his crates but he stopped doing them as the quality dropped.

I love the idea, but right now I'd definitely have better things to spend €22/mo on if I had it grinhurt
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Posts: 2118
Location: Netherlands
PostPosted: Sun, 6th Dec 2015 11:20    Post subject:
Anyone else ordered the Star Wars loot crate?

Had been on the fence about trying it out for a while, this LE Star Wars loot crate seemed like a good time to try one out.


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Posts: 4567

PostPosted: Sun, 6th Dec 2015 14:48    Post subject:
Badrien wrote:
Anyone else ordered the Star Wars loot crate?

Had been on the fence about trying it out for a while, this LE Star Wars loot crate seemed like a good time to try one out.


I was interested until I saw that it cost $100. That's 4 regular boxes and they say the retail price is $150 which means the goods are only worth $100-110 so it's not a really good deal.
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Posts: 4359

PostPosted: Sun, 6th Dec 2015 19:29    Post subject:
just go get kinder eggs

at least you'll get sweet delicious kinder egg goodness along with random junk

Gustave the Steel
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Posts: 14398
Location: Poland. New York.
PostPosted: Mon, 7th Dec 2015 23:32    Post subject:
I got the CoD crate, plus subbed to regular crate 2 months ago and I also subbed to anime crate. Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Laughing Laughing Laughing

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