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Posted: Thu, 17th Dec 2015 21:02 Post subject: NFOHUMP XMAS GIVEAWAY 2015 - ROUND I |
The results are in for Round I!
Congratulations to all winners and best of luck for all winners in the next round! I'll try to send you your keys/humblebundle links via PM. I will also contact you if you won a steam inventory item so that we can handle that too. Please bear with me if the handing out takes a bit longer, just entering all participants and their wishes took more than 2 hours
Code: | "DARKROHIRRIM" with a chance of 100% won "Aaru's Awakening" for "Steam"
"WHITEBARBARIAN" with a chance of 50% won "Alien Breed Trilogy" for "Steam"
"LUFTBRADA" with a chance of 50% won "Antichamber" for "Steam"
"KONKOL84" with a chance of 100% won "Antichamber" for "Steam Inventory"
"STIGE" with a chance of 55.25% won "ARMA 2" for "Steam Inventory"
"VGADEADCAFE" with a chance of 100% won "ARMA: Cold War Assault" for "Steam Inventory"
"NOS" with a chance of 9.17% won "Assassins Creed 3" for "Steam"
"DIMASL" with a chance of 2.69% won "Battlefront" for "Origin"
"LOLOZAUR" with a chance of 100% won "Bionic Commando: Rearmed" for "Steam Inventory"
"LOLOZAUR" with a chance of 100% won "Bloodbath Kavkaz" for "Steam"
"MORPHINEUS" with a chance of 100% won "Borderlands and Borderlands DLCs (The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned, Mad Moxxi's Underdome Riot, & The Secret Armory of General Knoxx)" for "Steam"
"WUBBAJACK" with a chance of 50% won "Breach & Clear" for "Steam"
"VECHTER" with a chance of 100% won "Broken Sword: Director's Cut" for "Steam"
"BLACKEYEDBOY" with a chance of 25% won "Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons" for "Steam Inventory"
"NFOAC" with a chance of 100% won "Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box" for "Origin"
"MORPHINEUS" with a chance of 14.91% won "Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare" for "Steam Inventory"
"DARKROHIRRIM" with a chance of 100% won "Cargo Commander" for "Steam"
"ESCALIBUR" with a chance of 20.41% won "Chivalry: Medieval Warfare" for "Steam Inventory"
"ROYALGAMER06" with a chance of 100% won "Cities in Motion" for "Steam"
"VRYDER" with a chance of 33.33% won "Citizens of Earth" for "Steam"
"BLACKEYEDBOY" with a chance of 100% won "Civilization V" for "Steam"
"DJAONI" with a chance of 100% won "Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 - Uprising" for "Steam"
"DEELIX" with a chance of 100% won "Contagion" for "Steam"
"ESCALIBUR" with a chance of 33.33% won "Counter Strike: Global Offensive" for "Steam"
"BANISH" with a chance of 33.33% won "Counter Strike: Global Offensive" for "Steam"
"SLAL" with a chance of 36.9% won "Counter Strike: Global Offensive" for "Steam"
"DJVELHO" with a chance of 44.22% won "Counter Strike: Global Offensive" for "Steam"
"0WEN" with a chance of 33.33% won "Counter Strike: Global Offensive" for "Steam"
"BETTYSHIKLE" with a chance of 50% won "Counter Strike: Global Offensive" for "Steam"
"RAINYDAY" with a chance of 100% won "Crimsonland" for "Steam"
"WHITEBARBARIAN" with a chance of 88.1% won "Dead Space 3" for "Origin"
"STREETUNDER" with a chance of 100% won "Dead Space 3" for "Origin"
"FROLSA84" with a chance of 33.33% won "Deadly Premonition: The Director’s Cut" for "Steam"
"STREETUNDER" with a chance of 100% won "Dear Esther" for "Steam"
"DJAONI" with a chance of 100% won "Deponia" for "Steam"
"STIGE" with a chance of 33.33% won "Deus Ex GOTY" for "Steam Inventory"
"GUVNA" with a chance of 33.33% won "Deus Ex GOTY" for "Steam Inventory"
"PICKUPARTIST" with a chance of 12.5% won "Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Director's Cut" for "Steam"
"SABATHIUS___" with a chance of 50% won "DiRT Showdown" for "Steam"
"SPARHAWK" with a chance of 52.63% won "DiRT Showdown" for "Steam"
"PRANDUR" with a chance of 100% won "Disciples III: Resurrection" for "Steam"
"INZ" with a chance of 31.9% won "Don't Starve" for "Steam Inventory"
"LUFTBRADA" with a chance of 50% won "Dragon Age: Origins" for "Steam"
"TIHKAL" with a chance of 33.33% won "Duke Nukem 3D and Shadow Warrior Bundle" for "Steam Inventory"
"JHAWKINS" with a chance of 100% won "Dust An Elysian Tale" for "Steam"
"FAMOU" with a chance of 100% won "E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy" for "Steam Inventory"
"FAMOU" with a chance of 100% won "Earth 2150 - The Moon Project" for "Steam"
"LUFTBRADA" with a chance of 100% won "East India Company Gold" for "Steam"
"DJAONI" with a chance of 100% won "Edna & Harvey: Harvey's New Eye" for "Steam"
"SPARHAWK" with a chance of 100% won "Ethan: Meteor Hunter" for "Steam"
"DEELIX" with a chance of 32.95% won "Euro Truck Simulator 2" for "Steam"
"KONKOL84" with a chance of 100% won "FEZ" for "Steam"
"DODGER2020" with a chance of 100% won "Fortix 2" for "Steam"
"MANNYK" with a chance of 100% won "Frozen Synapse" for "Steam"
"DARKROHIRRIM" with a chance of 100% won "FUEL" for "Steam"
"LOLOZAUR" with a chance of 50% won "Full Mojo Rampage" for "Steam"
"OUPI1" with a chance of 20% won "Game of Thrones" for "Steam Inventory"
"DJAONI" with a chance of 50% won "Giana Sisters Twisted Dreams" for "Steam"
"DIMASL" with a chance of 100% won "Gone Home With Soundtrack" for "Steam"
"DANYUTZ" with a chance of 50% won "GRID" for "Steam"
"CHIV" with a chance of 50% won "GRID" for "Steam"
"DANYUTZ" with a chance of 100% won "GRID 2" for "Steam"
"DIMASL" with a chance of 100% won "GRID™" for "Steam"
"ROYALGAMER06" with a chance of 100% won "Hacker Evolution Untold" for "Steam"
"SUBJECT16" with a chance of 20% won "Half Life 2" for "Steam Inventory"
"MARGUS27" with a chance of 50% won "Hard reset extended edition" for "Steam"
"FROLSA84" with a chance of 100% won "Hard reset extended edition" for "Steam"
"STREAGLE" with a chance of 100% won "Heavy Bullets" for "Steam Inventory"
"MANNYK" with a chance of 50% won "Hitman: Absolution" for "Steam"
"BRONSON" with a chance of 50% won "Hitman: Absolution" for "Steam"
"ROYALGAMER06" with a chance of 100% won "Horizon Shift" for "Steam"
"BETTYSHIKLE" with a chance of 100% won "Hospital Tycoon" for "Steam"
"ROYALGAMER06" with a chance of 100% won "Hospital Tycoon" for "Steam"
"SEXIE" with a chance of 100% won "Hospital Tycoon" for "Steam"
"HEHEHEMANN" with a chance of 100% won "Insurgency" for "Steam"
"GUVNA" with a chance of 33.33% won "Interstellar Marines" for "Steam Inventory"
"GUYVER" with a chance of 34.48% won "Interstellar Marines" for "Steam Inventory"
"NOS" with a chance of 34.48% won "Jazzpunk" for "Steam"
"STREETUNDER" with a chance of 50% won "Jet Set Radio" for "Steam Inventory"
"BETTYSHIKLE" with a chance of 7.75% won "Just Cause 3" for "Steam"
"DIMASL" with a chance of 8.24% won "Just Cause 3" for "Steam"
"VEGITAYO" with a chance of 7.69% won "Just Cause 3" for "Steam"
"MADNESS" with a chance of 8.01% won "Just Cause 3" for "Steam"
"MAS3TER" with a chance of 7.69% won "Just Cause 3" for "Steam"
"RAVEN_G20" with a chance of 7.69% won "Just Cause 3" for "Steam"
"ROYALGAMER06" with a chance of 100% won "Kairo" for "Steam"
"BRONSON" with a chance of 16.67% won "Kane & Lynch Collection" for "Steam"
"PROEKAAN" with a chance of 100% won "Kaptain Brawe: A Brawe New World" for "Steam"
"ARUKARDO" with a chance of 100% won "Left 4 Dead" for "Steam Inventory"
"BLACKDOCHIA" with a chance of 100% won "Left 4 Dead" for "Steam Inventory"
"CHIV" with a chance of 21.68% won "LEGO Batman" for "Steam Inventory"
"STREAGLE" with a chance of 15.35% won "LEGO Batman 2: DC Heroes" for "Steam Inventory"
"CHIV" with a chance of 25% won "Lichdom: Battlemage" for "Steam"
"NOS" with a chance of 100% won "Megabyte Punch" for "Steam"
"VGADEADCAFE" with a chance of 100% won "Men of War: Assault Squad GOTY" for "Steam"
"ZMED" with a chance of 8.98% won "Metal Gear Solid V Ground Zeroes" for "Steam Inventory"
"DODGER2020" with a chance of 9.54% won "Metal Gear Solid V Ground Zeroes" for "Steam Inventory"
"STEFAN7" with a chance of 100% won "Mirror's Edge" for "Origin"
"SUBJECT16" with a chance of 100% won "Mirror's Edge" for "Steam"
"NFOAC" with a chance of 100% won "Mirror's Edge" for "Steam"
"IMMUNITY" with a chance of 20% won "Murdered: Soul Suspect" for "Steam"
"ROYALGAMER06" with a chance of 100% won "Natural Selection 2: Combat" for "Steam Inventory"
"PRUDISLAV" with a chance of 52.63% won "Nuclear Throne" for "Steam Inventory"
"MIGHTYMAN" with a chance of 100% won "Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising" for "Steam"
"MARGUS27" with a chance of 100% won "Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising" for "Steam"
"MARGUS27" with a chance of 100% won "Operation Flashpoint: Red River" for "Steam"
"WUBBAJACK" with a chance of 100% won "Orcs Must Die" for "Steam"
"JHAWKINS" with a chance of 100% won "Overlord II" for "Steam"
"LORDAS" with a chance of 9.17% won "PAYDAY 2 + PAYDAY 2: A Merry Payday Christmas Soundtrack" for "Steam Inventory"
"BENDI" with a chance of 9.34% won "Pillars of Eternity Hero Edition" for "GOG"
"LOPIN18" with a chance of 100% won "PixelJunk Shooter" for "Steam"
"RAINYDAY" with a chance of 100% won "Planetary Annihilation" for "Steam"
"WUBBAJACK" with a chance of 100% won "Portal" for "Steam Inventory"
"GUVNA" with a chance of 33.33% won "Portal 2" for "Steam Inventory"
"KALTERN" with a chance of 33.33% won "Portal 2" for "Steam Inventory"
"XEXTREME" with a chance of 100% won "Postal 2" for "Steam Inventory"
"ROYALGAMER06" with a chance of 100% won "Project Night" for "Steam"
"IXIGIA" with a chance of 100% won "Red Faction" for "Steam Inventory"
"XEXTREME" with a chance of 100% won "Red Faction 2" for "Steam Inventory"
"WHITEBARBARIAN" with a chance of 100% won "Red Faction Armageddon" for "Steam"
"BADRIEN" with a chance of 100% won "Red Orchestra 2" for "Steam"
"COULEUR" with a chance of 100% won "Rise of Argonauts" for "Steam"
"BETTYSHIKLE" with a chance of 50% won "Rise of the Triad 2013" for "Steam Inventory"
"ARUKARDO" with a chance of 100% won "Scania Truck Driving Simulator" for "Steam"
"TIHKAL" with a chance of 100% won "Serious Sam 3" for "Steam"
"ROYALGAMER06" with a chance of 22.02% won "Serious Sam Classic: Second Edition" for "Steam Inventory"
"ROYALGAMER06" with a chance of 100% won "Serious Sam HD First Encounter" for "Steam Inventory"
"BLACKDOCHIA" with a chance of 88.1% won "Serious Sam HD Second Encounter + Legend of the Beast DLC" for "Steam Inventory"
"PRANDUR" with a chance of 100% won "Sid Meier's Civilization III: Complete" for "Steam"
"PRANDUR" with a chance of 100% won "Sid Meier's Civilization IV" for "Steam Inventory"
"DANYUTZ" with a chance of 33.33% won "Sims 3, Sims 3 High End Loft, Sims 3 Late Night, Sims 3 Date Night" for "Origin"
"GUYVER" with a chance of 100% won "Skyborn" for "Steam"
"FABLE2" with a chance of 50% won "Sleeping Dogs - Limited Edition" for "Steam"
"BOB BARNSEN" with a chance of 50% won "Space Base DF9" for "Steam Inventory"
"HARRY_THEONE" with a chance of 10.81% won "Space Engineers" for "Steam Inventory"
"WHITEBARBARIAN" with a chance of 100% won "SpaceChem: 63 Corvi (DLC)" for "Steam Inventory"
"ESCALIBUR" with a chance of 21.23% won "Stalker: Call of Pripyat" for "Steam"
"AREIUS" with a chance of 100% won "Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy" for "Steam"
"LOPIN18" with a chance of 40.35% won "StarForge" for "Steam Inventory"
"BOB BARNSEN" with a chance of 100% won "Startopia" for "Steam"
"MIGHTYMAN" with a chance of 100% won "Stronghold HD" for "Steam"
"JANZ" with a chance of 100% won "Super 3-D Noah's Ark" for "Steam"
"KALTERN" with a chance of 33.33% won "Supreme Commander 2" for "Steam"
"GUYVER" with a chance of 100% won "Symphony" for "Steam"
"KONKOL84" with a chance of 46.84% won "The Lord of the Rings: War in the North" for "Steam"
"IMMUNITY" with a chance of 100% won "The Secret of Monkey Island Special Edition" for "Steam Inventory"
"DJAONI" with a chance of 100% won "Titan Quest + Titan Quest Immortal Throne" for "Steam Inventory"
"SEXIE" with a chance of 100% won "Titan Quest + Titan Quest Immortal Throne" for "Steam Inventory"
"SHIMEC" with a chance of 19.47% won "Tomb Raider Anniversary" for "Steam"
"DROWNING_WITCH" with a chance of 22.84% won "Tron 2.0" for "Steam Inventory"
"RAGE" with a chance of 100% won "Tropico 4 Steam Special Edition" for "Steam"
"ARUKARDO" with a chance of 100% won "Trucks & Trailers" for "Steam"
"PROEKAAN" with a chance of 100% won "Two Worlds II" for "Steam"
"PICKUPARTIST" with a chance of 33.33% won "UFO Extraterrestrials Gold" for "Steam"
"FARNE" with a chance of 25.64% won "Verdun" for "Steam Inventory"
"IMMUNITY" with a chance of 24.18% won "Walking Dead Season 2" for "Steam"
"JX D" with a chance of 100% won "War in a Box: Paper Tanks" for "Steam"
"HELLIFANT" with a chance of 100% won "War of the Roses: Kingmaker" for "Steam"
"LOPIN18" with a chance of 100% won "War of the Roses: Kingmaker" for "Steam"
"HARRY_THEONE" with a chance of 47.37% won "Worms Revolution" for "Steam Inventory" |
Sorted by winner name
Spoiler: | Code: | "0WEN" with a chance of 33.33% won "Counter Strike: Global Offensive" for "Steam"
"AREIUS" with a chance of 100% won "Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy" for "Steam"
"ARUKARDO" with a chance of 100% won "Left 4 Dead" for "Steam Inventory"
"ARUKARDO" with a chance of 100% won "Scania Truck Driving Simulator" for "Steam"
"ARUKARDO" with a chance of 100% won "Trucks & Trailers" for "Steam"
"BADRIEN" with a chance of 100% won "Red Orchestra 2" for "Steam"
"BANISH" with a chance of 33.33% won "Counter Strike: Global Offensive" for "Steam"
"BENDI" with a chance of 9.34% won "Pillars of Eternity Hero Edition" for "GOG"
"BETTYSHIKLE" with a chance of 100% won "Hospital Tycoon" for "Steam"
"BETTYSHIKLE" with a chance of 50% won "Counter Strike: Global Offensive" for "Steam"
"BETTYSHIKLE" with a chance of 50% won "Rise of the Triad 2013" for "Steam Inventory"
"BETTYSHIKLE" with a chance of 7.75% won "Just Cause 3" for "Steam"
"BLACKDOCHIA" with a chance of 100% won "Left 4 Dead" for "Steam Inventory"
"BLACKDOCHIA" with a chance of 88.1% won "Serious Sam HD Second Encounter + Legend of the Beast DLC" for "Steam Inventory"
"BLACKEYEDBOY" with a chance of 100% won "Civilization V" for "Steam"
"BLACKEYEDBOY" with a chance of 25% won "Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons" for "Steam Inventory"
"BOB BARNSEN" with a chance of 100% won "Startopia" for "Steam"
"BOB BARNSEN" with a chance of 50% won "Space Base DF9" for "Steam Inventory"
"BRONSON" with a chance of 16.67% won "Kane & Lynch Collection" for "Steam"
"BRONSON" with a chance of 50% won "Hitman: Absolution" for "Steam"
"CHIV" with a chance of 21.68% won "LEGO Batman" for "Steam Inventory"
"CHIV" with a chance of 25% won "Lichdom: Battlemage" for "Steam"
"CHIV" with a chance of 50% won "GRID" for "Steam"
"COULEUR" with a chance of 100% won "Rise of Argonauts" for "Steam"
"DANYUTZ" with a chance of 100% won "GRID 2" for "Steam"
"DANYUTZ" with a chance of 33.33% won "Sims 3, Sims 3 High End Loft, Sims 3 Late Night, Sims 3 Date Night" for "Origin"
"DANYUTZ" with a chance of 50% won "GRID" for "Steam"
"DARKROHIRRIM" with a chance of 100% won "Aaru's Awakening" for "Steam"
"DARKROHIRRIM" with a chance of 100% won "Cargo Commander" for "Steam"
"DARKROHIRRIM" with a chance of 100% won "FUEL" for "Steam"
"DEELIX" with a chance of 100% won "Contagion" for "Steam"
"DEELIX" with a chance of 32.95% won "Euro Truck Simulator 2" for "Steam"
"DIMASL" with a chance of 100% won "Gone Home With Soundtrack" for "Steam"
"DIMASL" with a chance of 100% won "GRID™" for "Steam"
"DIMASL" with a chance of 2.69% won "Battlefront" for "Origin"
"DIMASL" with a chance of 8.24% won "Just Cause 3" for "Steam"
"DJAONI" with a chance of 100% won "Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 - Uprising" for "Steam"
"DJAONI" with a chance of 100% won "Deponia" for "Steam"
"DJAONI" with a chance of 100% won "Edna & Harvey: Harvey's New Eye" for "Steam"
"DJAONI" with a chance of 100% won "Titan Quest + Titan Quest Immortal Throne" for "Steam Inventory"
"DJAONI" with a chance of 50% won "Giana Sisters Twisted Dreams" for "Steam"
"DJVELHO" with a chance of 44.22% won "Counter Strike: Global Offensive" for "Steam"
"DODGER2020" with a chance of 100% won "Fortix 2" for "Steam"
"DODGER2020" with a chance of 9.54% won "Metal Gear Solid V Ground Zeroes" for "Steam Inventory"
"DROWNING_WITCH" with a chance of 22.84% won "Tron 2.0" for "Steam Inventory"
"ESCALIBUR" with a chance of 20.41% won "Chivalry: Medieval Warfare" for "Steam Inventory"
"ESCALIBUR" with a chance of 21.23% won "Stalker: Call of Pripyat" for "Steam"
"ESCALIBUR" with a chance of 33.33% won "Counter Strike: Global Offensive" for "Steam"
"FABLE2" with a chance of 50% won "Sleeping Dogs - Limited Edition" for "Steam"
"FAMOU" with a chance of 100% won "E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy" for "Steam Inventory"
"FAMOU" with a chance of 100% won "Earth 2150 - The Moon Project" for "Steam"
"FARNE" with a chance of 25.64% won "Verdun" for "Steam Inventory"
"FROLSA84" with a chance of 100% won "Hard reset extended edition" for "Steam"
"FROLSA84" with a chance of 33.33% won "Deadly Premonition: The Director’s Cut" for "Steam"
"GUVNA" with a chance of 33.33% won "Deus Ex GOTY" for "Steam Inventory"
"GUVNA" with a chance of 33.33% won "Interstellar Marines" for "Steam Inventory"
"GUVNA" with a chance of 33.33% won "Portal 2" for "Steam Inventory"
"GUYVER" with a chance of 100% won "Skyborn" for "Steam"
"GUYVER" with a chance of 100% won "Symphony" for "Steam"
"GUYVER" with a chance of 34.48% won "Interstellar Marines" for "Steam Inventory"
"HARRY_THEONE" with a chance of 10.81% won "Space Engineers" for "Steam Inventory"
"HARRY_THEONE" with a chance of 47.37% won "Worms Revolution" for "Steam Inventory"
"HEHEHEMANN" with a chance of 100% won "Insurgency" for "Steam"
"HELLIFANT" with a chance of 100% won "War of the Roses: Kingmaker" for "Steam"
"IMMUNITY" with a chance of 100% won "The Secret of Monkey Island Special Edition" for "Steam Inventory"
"IMMUNITY" with a chance of 20% won "Murdered: Soul Suspect" for "Steam"
"IMMUNITY" with a chance of 24.18% won "Walking Dead Season 2" for "Steam"
"INZ" with a chance of 31.9% won "Don't Starve" for "Steam Inventory"
"IXIGIA" with a chance of 100% won "Red Faction" for "Steam Inventory"
"JANZ" with a chance of 100% won "Super 3-D Noah's Ark" for "Steam"
"JHAWKINS" with a chance of 100% won "Dust An Elysian Tale" for "Steam"
"JHAWKINS" with a chance of 100% won "Overlord II" for "Steam"
"JX D" with a chance of 100% won "War in a Box: Paper Tanks" for "Steam"
"KALTERN" with a chance of 33.33% won "Portal 2" for "Steam Inventory"
"KALTERN" with a chance of 33.33% won "Supreme Commander 2" for "Steam"
"KONKOL84" with a chance of 100% won "Antichamber" for "Steam Inventory"
"KONKOL84" with a chance of 100% won "FEZ" for "Steam"
"KONKOL84" with a chance of 46.84% won "The Lord of the Rings: War in the North" for "Steam"
"LOLOZAUR" with a chance of 100% won "Bionic Commando: Rearmed" for "Steam Inventory"
"LOLOZAUR" with a chance of 100% won "Bloodbath Kavkaz" for "Steam"
"LOLOZAUR" with a chance of 50% won "Full Mojo Rampage" for "Steam"
"LOPIN18" with a chance of 100% won "PixelJunk Shooter" for "Steam"
"LOPIN18" with a chance of 100% won "War of the Roses: Kingmaker" for "Steam"
"LOPIN18" with a chance of 40.35% won "StarForge" for "Steam Inventory"
"LORDAS" with a chance of 9.17% won "PAYDAY 2 + PAYDAY 2: A Merry Payday Christmas Soundtrack" for "Steam Inventory"
"LUFTBRADA" with a chance of 100% won "East India Company Gold" for "Steam"
"LUFTBRADA" with a chance of 50% won "Antichamber" for "Steam"
"LUFTBRADA" with a chance of 50% won "Dragon Age: Origins" for "Steam"
"MADNESS" with a chance of 8.01% won "Just Cause 3" for "Steam"
"MANNYK" with a chance of 100% won "Frozen Synapse" for "Steam"
"MANNYK" with a chance of 50% won "Hitman: Absolution" for "Steam"
"MARGUS27" with a chance of 100% won "Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising" for "Steam"
"MARGUS27" with a chance of 100% won "Operation Flashpoint: Red River" for "Steam"
"MARGUS27" with a chance of 50% won "Hard reset extended edition" for "Steam"
"MAS3TER" with a chance of 7.69% won "Just Cause 3" for "Steam"
"MIGHTYMAN" with a chance of 100% won "Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising" for "Steam"
"MIGHTYMAN" with a chance of 100% won "Stronghold HD" for "Steam"
"MORPHINEUS" with a chance of 100% won "Borderlands and Borderlands DLCs (The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned, Mad Moxxi's Underdome Riot, & The Secret Armory of General Knoxx)" for "Steam"
"MORPHINEUS" with a chance of 14.91% won "Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare" for "Steam Inventory"
"NFOAC" with a chance of 100% won "Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box" for "Origin"
"NFOAC" with a chance of 100% won "Mirror's Edge" for "Steam"
"NOS" with a chance of 100% won "Megabyte Punch" for "Steam"
"NOS" with a chance of 34.48% won "Jazzpunk" for "Steam"
"NOS" with a chance of 9.17% won "Assassins Creed 3" for "Steam"
"OUPI1" with a chance of 20% won "Game of Thrones" for "Steam Inventory"
"PICKUPARTIST" with a chance of 12.5% won "Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Director's Cut" for "Steam"
"PICKUPARTIST" with a chance of 33.33% won "UFO Extraterrestrials Gold" for "Steam"
"PRANDUR" with a chance of 100% won "Disciples III: Resurrection" for "Steam"
"PRANDUR" with a chance of 100% won "Sid Meier's Civilization III: Complete" for "Steam"
"PRANDUR" with a chance of 100% won "Sid Meier's Civilization IV" for "Steam Inventory"
"PROEKAAN" with a chance of 100% won "Kaptain Brawe: A Brawe New World" for "Steam"
"PROEKAAN" with a chance of 100% won "Two Worlds II" for "Steam"
"PRUDISLAV" with a chance of 52.63% won "Nuclear Throne" for "Steam Inventory"
"RAGE" with a chance of 100% won "Tropico 4 Steam Special Edition" for "Steam"
"RAINYDAY" with a chance of 100% won "Crimsonland" for "Steam"
"RAINYDAY" with a chance of 100% won "Planetary Annihilation" for "Steam"
"RAVEN_G20" with a chance of 7.69% won "Just Cause 3" for "Steam"
"ROYALGAMER06" with a chance of 100% won "Cities in Motion" for "Steam"
"ROYALGAMER06" with a chance of 100% won "Hacker Evolution Untold" for "Steam"
"ROYALGAMER06" with a chance of 100% won "Horizon Shift" for "Steam"
"ROYALGAMER06" with a chance of 100% won "Hospital Tycoon" for "Steam"
"ROYALGAMER06" with a chance of 100% won "Kairo" for "Steam"
"ROYALGAMER06" with a chance of 100% won "Natural Selection 2: Combat" for "Steam Inventory"
"ROYALGAMER06" with a chance of 100% won "Project Night" for "Steam"
"ROYALGAMER06" with a chance of 100% won "Serious Sam HD First Encounter" for "Steam Inventory"
"ROYALGAMER06" with a chance of 22.02% won "Serious Sam Classic: Second Edition" for "Steam Inventory"
"SABATHIUS___" with a chance of 50% won "DiRT Showdown" for "Steam"
"SEXIE" with a chance of 100% won "Hospital Tycoon" for "Steam"
"SEXIE" with a chance of 100% won "Titan Quest + Titan Quest Immortal Throne" for "Steam Inventory"
"SHIMEC" with a chance of 19.47% won "Tomb Raider Anniversary" for "Steam"
"SLAL" with a chance of 36.9% won "Counter Strike: Global Offensive" for "Steam"
"SPARHAWK" with a chance of 100% won "Ethan: Meteor Hunter" for "Steam"
"SPARHAWK" with a chance of 52.63% won "DiRT Showdown" for "Steam"
"STEFAN7" with a chance of 100% won "Mirror's Edge" for "Origin"
"STIGE" with a chance of 33.33% won "Deus Ex GOTY" for "Steam Inventory"
"STIGE" with a chance of 55.25% won "ARMA 2" for "Steam Inventory"
"STREAGLE" with a chance of 100% won "Heavy Bullets" for "Steam Inventory"
"STREAGLE" with a chance of 15.35% won "LEGO Batman 2: DC Heroes" for "Steam Inventory"
"STREETUNDER" with a chance of 100% won "Dead Space 3" for "Origin"
"STREETUNDER" with a chance of 100% won "Dear Esther" for "Steam"
"STREETUNDER" with a chance of 50% won "Jet Set Radio" for "Steam Inventory"
"SUBJECT16" with a chance of 100% won "Mirror's Edge" for "Steam"
"SUBJECT16" with a chance of 20% won "Half Life 2" for "Steam Inventory"
"TIHKAL" with a chance of 100% won "Serious Sam 3" for "Steam"
"TIHKAL" with a chance of 33.33% won "Duke Nukem 3D and Shadow Warrior Bundle" for "Steam Inventory"
"VECHTER" with a chance of 100% won "Broken Sword: Director's Cut" for "Steam"
"VEGITAYO" with a chance of 7.69% won "Just Cause 3" for "Steam"
"VGADEADCAFE" with a chance of 100% won "ARMA: Cold War Assault" for "Steam Inventory"
"VGADEADCAFE" with a chance of 100% won "Men of War: Assault Squad GOTY" for "Steam"
"VRYDER" with a chance of 33.33% won "Citizens of Earth" for "Steam"
"WHITEBARBARIAN" with a chance of 100% won "Red Faction Armageddon" for "Steam"
"WHITEBARBARIAN" with a chance of 100% won "SpaceChem: 63 Corvi (DLC)" for "Steam Inventory"
"WHITEBARBARIAN" with a chance of 50% won "Alien Breed Trilogy" for "Steam"
"WHITEBARBARIAN" with a chance of 88.1% won "Dead Space 3" for "Origin"
"WUBBAJACK" with a chance of 100% won "Orcs Must Die" for "Steam"
"WUBBAJACK" with a chance of 100% won "Portal" for "Steam Inventory"
"WUBBAJACK" with a chance of 50% won "Breach & Clear" for "Steam"
"XEXTREME" with a chance of 100% won "Postal 2" for "Steam Inventory"
"XEXTREME" with a chance of 100% won "Red Faction 2" for "Steam Inventory"
"ZMED" with a chance of 8.98% won "Metal Gear Solid V Ground Zeroes" for "Steam Inventory" |
Spoiler: |
Open til 2015/12/19
+ If you have more than 200 posts pick up to 25 games (only one of each, bundles count as one) and write exact one post where you name all games you want
+ Only the games in your first post (which you may edit until end of round I) will be counted
+ If you pick more than 5 games your general win chance is reduced by 10%
(100%, 100%, 100%, 100%, 100%, 90%, 81%, 72.9%, ...)
+ If there are multiple instances of a game available you'll be equally (as possible) distributed on the various instances
+ All leftover games go to round II
+ No discussions here
+ If your key doesn't activate -> sorry, nothing we can do about. We could not check the gifted keys
+ Don't be a moron, I CAN ONLY GIVE YOU THE GAMES OF THE LIST, I did not win the fucking lottery  I will not consider any entries of any contestant if he/she/bob doesn't even care to read the rules.
You will not have any higher chances if you take less than 5 games!
So just go ahead and pick 5 games at least
Max 25 games!
Update 2:
Reduced round I duration so that we can distribute everything before 24th. Please update your posts accordingly.
1953 - KGB Unleashed on Steam
1953 - KGB Unleashed on Steam
1Quest on Steam
A Bird Story on Steam
Aaru's Awakening on Steam
Abyss Odyssey on Steam
Aerena - Clash of Champions on Steam
Alien Breed Trilogy on Steam
Alien Spidy on Steam
Angvik on Steam
Antichamber on Steam
Antichamber on Steam
Antisquad on Steam
ARMA 2 on Steam
ARMA: Cold War Assault on Steam
Assassins Creed 3 on Steam
Aveyond: Lord of Twilight on Steam
Bad rats on Steam
Ballpoint Universe - Infinite on Steam
Battlefield 3 on Origin
Battlefront on Origin
Beatbuddy: Tale of the Guardians on Steam
Beatbuddy: Tale of the Guardians on Steam
BEEP on Steam
Bionic Commando: Rearmed on Steam
Blackbay Asylum on Steam
Bloodbath Kavkaz on Steam
"Borderlands and Borderlands DLCs
(The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned, Mad Moxxi's Underdome Riot, & The Secret Armory of General Knoxx) on Steam"
Breach & Clear on Steam
Brink of Consciousness: Dorian Gray Syndrome CE on Steam
Brink of Consciousness: The Lonely Hearts Murders on Steam
Broken Sword: Director's Cut on Steam
Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons on Steam
Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box on Origin
Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box on Origin
CAFE 0 ~The Drowned Mermaid~ on Steam
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare on Steam
Call of Tomsk-7 on Steam
Captain Morgane and the Golden Turtle on Steam
Cargo Commander on Steam
Chains on Steam
Chains on Steam
Chains on Steam
Chaser on Steam
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare on Steam
Circuits on Steam
Cities in Motion on Steam
Cities in Motion 2 on Steam
Citizens of Earth on Steam
Civilization V on Steam
Clickr on Steam
Coffin Dodgers on Steam
Coldfire Keep on Steam
Colin McRae Rally on Steam
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 - Uprising on Steam
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 - Uprising on Origin
Commander - Conquest Of The Americas on Steam
Commando Jack on Steam
Contagion on Steam
Contagion on Steam
Contagion on Steam
Costume Pack on Steam
Counter Strike: Global Offensive on Steam
Counter Strike: Global Offensive on Steam
Counter Strike: Global Offensive on Steam
Counter Strike: Global Offensive on Steam
Counter Strike: Global Offensive on Steam
Counter Strike: Global Offensive on Steam
Crimsonland on Steam
Critical Mass on Steam
Crosscode on Steam
Crysis 2 on Steam
Crysis 2 on Origin
Crysis 2 Maximum Edition on Origin
Culling Of The Cows on Steam
Dark Shadows - Army of Evil on Steam
Dark Siders on Steam
Darksiders on Steam
Dead Space on Origin
Dead Space on Steam
Dead Space on Origin
Dead Space 3 on Origin
Dead Space 3 on Origin
DeadBits on Steam
Deadly Premonition: The Director’s Cut on Steam
Dear Esther on Steam
Deponia on Steam
Depth Hunter 2 Deep Dive on Steam
Deus Ex GOTY on Steam
Deus Ex GOTY on Steam
Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Director's Cut on Steam
Dino D-Day on Steam
DiRT Showdown on Steam
DiRT Showdown on Steam
Disciples III: Resurrection on Steam
Dollar Dash on Steam
Don't Starve on Steam
Dragon Age: Origins on Steam
Duke Nukem 3D and Shadow Warrior Bundle on Steam
Dungeon Hero on Steam
Dust An Elysian Tale on Steam
E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy on Steam
Earth 2150 - The Moon Project on Steam
East India Company Gold on Steam
Edna & Harvey: Harvey's New Eye on Steam
Enclave on Steam
Ethan: Meteor Hunter on Steam
Euro Truck Simulator 2 on Steam
Face Noir on Steam
Fester Mudd: Curse of the Gold - Episode 1 on Steam
FEZ on Steam
FEZ on Steam
Finding Teddy on Steam
FootLOL: Epic Fail League on Steam
Fortix 2 on Steam
Frozen Heart on Steam
Frozen Synapse on Steam
Frozen Synapse on Steam
Frozen Synapse on Steam
Frozen Synapse Prime on Steam
Frozen Synapse Prime on Steam
Frozen Synapse Prime on Steam
FUEL on Steam
Full Mojo Rampage on Steam
Game of Thrones on Steam
Garrys Mod on Steam
Giana Sisters Twisted Dreams on Steam
Glorkian Warrior: The Trials Of Glork on Steam
Gold rush classic on Steam
Gone Home With Soundtrack on Steam
Gorky 17 on Steam
Grand Theft Auto San Andreas on Steam
Grand Theft Auto San Andreas on Steam
Grand Theft Auto San Andreas on Steam
Grand Theft Auto San Andreas on Steam
Grand Theft Auto San Andreas on Steam
Gravity Badgers on Steam
Great Permutator on Steam
GRID on Steam
GRID on Steam
GRID 2 on Steam
GRID 2 on Steam
GRID 2 on Steam
GRID™ on Steam
Grim Legends: The Forsaken Bride on Steam
Gumboy Tournament on Steam
Gun Metal on Steam
Gun Monkeys on Steam
Gun Monkeys on Steam
Gun Monkeys on Steam
Hack 'n' Slash on Steam
Hacker Evolution on Steam
Hacker Evolution Untold on Steam
Half Life 2 on Steam
Half Minute Hero on Steam
Half Minute Hero on Steam
Hard reset extended edition on Steam
Hard reset extended edition on Steam
Heavy Bullets on Steam
Heckabomb on Steam
Hero of the Kingdom on Steam
Hitman: Absolution on Steam
Hitman: Absolution on Steam
Horizon Shift on Steam
Hospital Tycoon on Steam
Hospital Tycoon on Steam
Hospital Tycoon on Steam
Hospital Tycoon on Steam
House of 1,000 Doors: Family Secrets on Steam
House of 1,000 Doors: The Palm of Zoroaster CE on Steam
Huntsman: The Orphanage on Steam
Huntsman: The Orphanage - Halloween Edition on Steam
Hydrophobia Prophecy on Steam
Ichi on Steam
Iesabel on Steam
Insurgency on Steam
Interstellar Marines on Steam
Interstellar Marines on Steam
Into the Dark: Ultimate Trash Edition on Steam
Ittle Dew on Steam
Jazzpunk on Steam
Jet Set Radio on Steam
Jolly Rover on Steam
Just Cause 3 on Steam
Just Cause 3 on Steam
Just Cause 3 on Steam
Just Cause 3 on Steam
Just Cause 3 on Steam
Just Cause 3 on Steam
Kairo on Steam
Kane & Lynch Collection on Steam
Kaptain Brawe: A Brawe New World on Steam
Kaptain Brawe: A Brawe New World on Steam
Kickbeat Steam Edition on Steam
King's Bounty: The Legend on Steam
Knights and Merchants on Steam
Knights of Pen and Paper + 1 Edition on Steam
Knytt Underground on Steam
Left 4 Dead on Steam
Left 4 Dead on Steam
Left 4 Dead 2 on Steam
Legends of Aethereus on Steam
LEGO Batman on Steam
LEGO Batman 2: DC Heroes on Steam
Lichdom: Battlemage on Steam
Lilly Looking Through on Steam
Lost Moon on Steam
Macabre on Steam
MacVenture Series Collection on Steam
Magicka +2 DLC on Steam
Medal of Honor on Origin
Medal of Honor on Steam
Medal of Honor on Origin
Medal of Honor on Steam
Megabyte Punch on Steam
Megabyte Punch on Steam
Men of War: Assault Squad GOTY on Steam
Men of War: Assault Squad GOTY on Steam
Metal Gear Solid V Ground Zeroes on Steam
Metal Gear Solid V Ground Zeroes on Steam
Metal Slug 3 on Steam
Metro 2033 on Steam
Mirror's Edge on Origin
Mirror's Edge on Steam
Mirror's Edge on Steam
Mirror's Edge on Origin
Murdered: Soul Suspect on Steam
Mutant Mudds Deluxe on Steam
Mystery Masters: Psycho Train Deluxe Edition on Steam
Natural Selection 2 on Steam
Natural Selection 2: Combat on Steam
Naval Warfare on Steam
Nearwood – Collector’s Edition on Steam
Nikopol: Secrets of the Immortals on Steam
Nuclear Dawn on Steam
Nuclear Dawn on Steam
Nuclear Throne on Steam
Obulis on Steam
Offspring Fling on Steam
Oil Rush on Steam
Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising on Steam
Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising on Steam
Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising on Steam
Operation Flashpoint: Red River on Steam
Operation Flashpoint: Red River on Steam
Operation Flashpoint: Red River on Steam
Orcs Must Die on Steam
ORION: Prelude on Steam
Overlord II on Steam
Overlord Raising Hell (Expansion) on Steam
Overlord™ on Steam
Overlord™ on Steam
Paranautical Activity: Deluxe Atonement Edition on Steam
Particula on Steam
Particula on Steam
Particula on Steam
Party Of Sin on Steam
Path to War DLC on Steam
Pavel Quest on Steam
PAYDAY 2 + PAYDAY 2: A Merry Payday Christmas Soundtrack on Steam
Penguins Arena: Sedna's World on Steam
Penguins Arena: Sedna's World on Steam
Penguins Arena: Sedna's World on Steam
Pid on Steam
Pid on Steam
Pillars of Eternity Hero Edition on GOG
Pixel Hunter on Steam
Pixel Puzzles 2 Anime on Steam
Pixel Puzzles 2 Birds on Steam
Pixel Puzzles Japan on Steam
Pixel Puzzles UndeadZ on Steam
PixelJunk Monsters Ultimate on Steam
PixelJunk Shooter on Steam
PixelJunk Shooter on Steam
Plain Sight on Steam
Planetary Annihilation on Steam
Planets Under Attack on Steam
Platypus on Steam
Populous on Origin
Populous on Origin
Portal on Steam
Portal 2 on Steam
Portal 2 on Steam
Postal 1 on Steam
Postal 2 on Steam
Project Night on Steam
Quest of Dungeons on Steam
Ravaged Zombie Apocalypse on Steam
Really Big Sky on Steam
Red Faction on Steam
Red Faction 2 on Steam
Red Faction Armageddon on Steam
Red Faction Guerrilla on Steam
Red Orchestra on Steam
Red Orchestra 2 on Steam
Renegade Ops on Steam
Ride 'em Low on Steam
RIP - Trilogy on Steam
Rise of Argonauts on Steam
Rise of the Argonauts on Steam
Rise of the Triad 2013 on Steam
Rising Storm Beta on Steam
Robowars on Steam
Rochard on Steam
Rush bros on Steam
Ruzh Delta Z on Steam
Saints Row 2 on Steam
Samorost 2 on Steam
Sanctum 2 on Steam
Sanctum Collection on Steam
Scania Truck Driving Simulator on Steam
SECTOR on Steam
Septerra Core: Legacy of the Creator on Steam
Serious Sam 3 on Steam
Serious Sam Classic: Second Edition on Steam
Serious Sam HD First Encounter on Steam
Serious Sam HD First Encounter on Steam
Serious Sam HD Second Encounter + Legend of the Beast DLC on Steam
Shadowgate on Steam
Shadowgrounds on Steam
Shattered Haven on Steam
Shelter on Steam
Shiplord on Steam
SickBrick on Steam
Sid Meier's Civilization III: Complete on Steam
Sid Meier's Civilization IV on Steam
SimCity™ 4 Deluxe Edition on Steam
"Sims 3
Sims 3 High End Loft
Sims 3 Late Night
Sims 3 Date Night on Origin"
Skyborn on Steam
Skyward Collapse on Steam
Sleeping Dogs - Limited Edition on Steam
Sniper Ghost Warrior Gold on Steam
Snuggle Truck on Steam
Space Base DF9 on Steam
Space Engineers on Steam
Space Farmers on Steam
Space Legends: At the Edge of the Universe on Steam
SpaceChem on Steam
SpaceChem on Steam
SpaceChem on Steam
SpaceChem: 63 Corvi (DLC) on Steam
Sparkle 2 Evo on Steam
Speed Kills (Soundtrack Edition) on Steam
Stalker: Call of Pripyat on Steam
Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy on Steam
Star Wars: Dark Forces on Steam
Star Wolves 3: Civil War on Steam
StarForge on Steam
Starion Tactics on Steam
Starseed Pilgrim on Steam
Starseed Pilgrim on Steam
Startopia on Steam
Starvoid on Steam
Starvoid on Steam
Stigmat on Steam
Stronghold HD on Steam
Super 3-D Noah's Ark on Steam
Super Star Path 2 on Steam
Supreme Commander on Steam
Supreme Commander 2 on Steam
Surgeon Simulator 2013 on Steam
Symphony on Steam
Talisman: Prologue on Steam
The 39 Steps on Steam
The 7th Quest on Steam
The Defenders: The Second Wave on Steam
The Lord of the Rings: War in the North on Steam
The Secret of Monkey Island Special Edition on Steam
The Ship - 2 pack (Murder Party, Single Player) on Steam
The Undergarden on Steam
Threadspace: Hyperbol on Steam
Tidalis on Steam
Time Gentlemen Please - Ben There, Dan That on Steam
Time Gentlemen Please - Ben There, Dan That on Steam
Tiny and Big in Granpda's Leftovers on Steam
Tiny and Big in Granpda's Leftovers on Steam
Tiny Bang Story on Steam
Titan Quest on Steam
Titan Quest + Titan Quest Immortal Throne on Steam
Titan Quest + Titan Quest Immortal Throne on Steam
Tomb Raider Anniversary on Steam
Trainz Simulator 12 + Trainz Simulator 12: Coronation Scott DLC on Steam
Trauma on Steam
Treeker: The Lost Glasses on Steam
Tribloos 2 on Steam
Tribloos 2 on Steam
Trine 2: Complete Story on Steam
TRISTOY on Steam
Tron 2.0 on Steam
Tropico 3 Gold on Steam
Tropico 4 Collector's Bundle on Steam
Tropico 4 Collector's Bundle on Steam
Tropico 4 Steam Special Edition on Steam
Trucks & Trailers on Steam
Two Worlds II on Steam
Two Worlds II on Steam
UFO Extraterrestrials Gold on Steam
Vanguard Princess on Steam
Velocibox on Steam
Verdun on Steam
Viscera Cleanup Detail: Santa's Rampage on Steam
VOLT on Steam
Walking Dead Season 2 on Steam
War in a Box: Paper Tanks on Steam
War of the Roses: Kingmaker on Steam
War of the Roses: Kingmaker on Steam
Wasteland Angel on Steam
Worms Reloaded on Steam
Worms Revolution on Steam
Zeno Clash on Steam
Zombie Shooter on Steam
=> NFOrce GIF plugin <= - Ryzen 3800X, 16GB DDR4-3200, Sapphire 5700XT Pulse
Last edited by PumpAction on Sun, 20th Dec 2015 02:39; edited 7 times in total
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Posted: Thu, 17th Dec 2015 21:10 Post subject: |
Battlefront on Origin
Just Cause 3 on Steam
PAYDAY 2 + PAYDAY 2: A Merry Payday Christmas Soundtrack on Steam Inventory
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare on Steam
Sleeping Dogs - Limited Edition on Steam
Last edited by fable2 on Sat, 19th Dec 2015 08:30; edited 2 times in total
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Posted: Thu, 17th Dec 2015 21:13 Post subject: |
1. Counter Strike: Global Offensive on Steam
2. Just Cause 3 on Steam
3. Stalker: Call of Pripyat on Steam
4. Chivalry: Medieval Warfare on Steam Inventory
5. DiRT Showdown on Steam
Ryzen 7 9800X3D PBO ~-26/+200 | Freezer III 360 A-RGB | Strix X670E-F WiFi | Zotac RTX 4090 AMP Extreme AIRO | Fury Beast 64GB (2x 32GB) DDR5 5600MHz C40 @ 6000MHz C28 | 970 EVO Plus 2 TB | 38GN950-B | S.M.S.L RAW-MDA1 & HiFiMAN Arya Organic | Lancool III Snow White + 4x be quiet! Silent Wings Pro 4 140mm | RM1000x (2021) Gold | G Pro X SUPERLIGHT 2 & POWERPLAY | Win 11 Pro | Logitech MX MECHANICAL
Sometimes I publish YouTube videos:
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VIP Member
Posts: 29148
Location: The land of beer and porn
Posted: Thu, 17th Dec 2015 21:14 Post subject: |
Just Cause 3 on Steam, Antichamber on Steam, Nuclear Throne on Steam, Full Mojo Rampage on Steam, PAYDAY 2 + PAYDAY 2: A Merry Payday Christmas Soundtrack on Steam Inventory
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Posted: Thu, 17th Dec 2015 21:25 Post subject: |
Thanks for Organizing this once again and a big thanks to everyone that donated to the pool.
1: Battlefront on Origin
2: Just Cause 3 on Steam
3: Overlord II on Steam
4: Portal 2 on Steam
5: Dust An Elysian Tale on Steam
Ryzen 7 7800X3D, 32GB Kingston Fury Beast @6000MHz, GIGABYTe RTX 4070Ti Eagle OC
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Posted: Thu, 17th Dec 2015 21:25 Post subject: |
Battlefront on Origin, Just Cause 3 on Steam
And thanks for the giveaway
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Posted: Thu, 17th Dec 2015 21:26 Post subject: |
1. Civilization V on Steam
2. Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons on Steam
3. Counter Strike: Global Offensive on Steam
4. LEGO Batman 2: DC Heroes on Steam
5. Portal 2 on Steam

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Posts: 1134
Location: Sweden
Posted: Thu, 17th Dec 2015 21:28 Post subject: |
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Posts: 1405
Location: Brazil
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Posts: 1262
Location: Finland
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Posted: Thu, 17th Dec 2015 21:44 Post subject: |
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Posted: Thu, 17th Dec 2015 21:45 Post subject: |
1. Assassins Creed 3 on Steam
2. Counter Strike: Global Offensive on Steam
3. Just Cause 3 on Steam
4. PAYDAY 2 + PAYDAY 2: A Merry Payday Christmas Soundtrack on Steam
5. Pillars of Eternity Hero Edition on GOG
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Posts: 1213
Location: Serbia
Posted: Thu, 17th Dec 2015 21:45 Post subject: |
Just Cause 3 on Steam
Assassins Creed 3 on Steam
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare on Steam
Tomb Raider Anniversary on Steam
Counter Strike: Global Offensive on Steam
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Posts: 2221
Location: Bunga-Bun... err Italy.
Posted: Thu, 17th Dec 2015 21:46 Post subject: |
- Just Cause 3 on Steam
- Interstellar marines on steam
- Skyborn on steam
- Symphony on steam
- Battlefront on origin

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Posted: Thu, 17th Dec 2015 21:47 Post subject: |
Just Cause 3 on Steam, Battlefront on Origin, PAYDAY 2 + PAYDAY 2: A Merry Payday Christmas Soundtrack on Steam, Citizen Earth on Steam, Space Engineers on Steam
Last edited by Vryder on Fri, 18th Dec 2015 04:57; edited 1 time in total
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Posted: Thu, 17th Dec 2015 21:49 Post subject: |
Just Cause 3 on Steam, The Secret of Monkey Island Special Edition on Steam, Counter Strike: Global Offensive on Steam, Murdered: Soul Suspect on Steam, Walking Dead Season 2 on Steam
I can never be free, because the shackles I wear can't be touched or be seen.
i9-9900k, MSI MPG-Z390 Gaming Pro Carbon, 32GB DDR4 @ 3000, eVGA GTX 1080 DT, Samsung 970 EVO Plus nVME 1TB
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Posts: 3644
Location: Po(o)land
Posted: Thu, 17th Dec 2015 21:52 Post subject: |
Just Cause 3 on Steam
Battlefront on Origin
Antichamber on Steam
FEZ on Steam
The Lord of the Rings: War in the North
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Posts: 11150
Location: The Land of Thread Reports
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Posted: Thu, 17th Dec 2015 22:05 Post subject: |
Deadly Premonition: The Director’s Cut on Steam, Hard reset extended edition on Steam, Hitman: Absolution on Steam, Just Cause 3 on Steam, Metal Gear Solid V Ground Zeroes on Steam
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Posted: Thu, 17th Dec 2015 22:10 Post subject: |
- Alien Breed Trilogy on Steam
- Dead Space 3 on Origin
- Pillars of Eternity Hero Edition on GOG
- Red Faction Armageddon on Steam
- SpaceChem: 63 Corvi (DLC) on Steam
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