PHP - Ok I'm stumped!
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[Moderator] Babysitter

Posts: 7449
Location: USA
PostPosted: Wed, 27th Apr 2005 20:54    Post subject: PHP - Ok I'm stumped!
I have a file in this location:


Inside this file I have this line:


This is the db_connection.php location:


Yet, when I run the file, I get a warning of no such file exists.

Just can't figure it out, any help would be appreciated.

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Posts: 8615

PostPosted: Wed, 27th Apr 2005 21:23    Post subject:
("../db/db_connection.php") you tried changing this to ("acs/db/db_connection.php") ?

meh i dont know PHP prolly donnt look like a tit as usual Smile

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Site Admin

Posts: 2343

PostPosted: Thu, 28th Apr 2005 10:34    Post subject:
Php includes files from the path the file you open in the webbrowser.

So if you have
/index.php which does include('inc/asd.php');
/inc/asd.php which does include('inc/qwe.php');

You can open index.php from webhost and it will include asd.php which will include qwe.php, but you can't open /inc/asd.php from the browser, because that would try to include /inc/inc/qwe.php, which doesn't exist.

Solutions are to either always use fixed paths (but then you'd have problems changing webhosts/selling your scripts) or make sure you know which files will be opened from the webbrowser, and put them in the right directories, or use ini_set function to dynamically add include paths to your script.
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Posts: 31

PostPosted: Sun, 15th May 2005 16:19    Post subject:
Are you including Authorization.php into another file in a different DIR? COs, you need to put the URL/DIR in terms of the file you are running and not in terms of the included file.

HTH and maybe makes sense?
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Posts: 6

PostPosted: Sun, 27th Nov 2005 15:11    Post subject:
put the paths in a file like globals.php like this:


   $root = "<path to your htdocs directory>/";
   $subdir1 = $root."subdir1/";
   $subdir2 = $root."subdir2/";
   $include =  $root."inc/";
   $database =  $root."db/";

Then include that globals.php file in your index.php file (if that's what you use). Now, when you want to include the db files, you could do:



Hope it helps
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