Battle for Wesnoth (oldschool turnbased strategy game)
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Bob Barnsen

Posts: 31974
Location: Germoney
PostPosted: Sat, 23rd Jul 2016 12:34    Post subject: Battle for Wesnoth (oldschool turnbased strategy game)

Release: Early 2017
Genre: turn-based tactical strategy
Enter the realm of Wesnoth! Fight to regain the throne, of which you are the legitimate heir. Battle against the undead hordes of an invading Lich. Delve deep into the depths of the earth on a quest to craft a Sceptre of Fire. Cross the oceans as the first settlers of a new land. Or guide a ragtag group of survivors across the desert wastes as the unrelenting suns scorch the earth. The choice is yours...

The Battle for Wesnoth is a turn-based tactical strategy game with a high fantasy theme, featuring...

- Over two hundred unit types, sixteen races, seven major factions, and hundreds of years of history
- Sixteen exciting, full-length campaigns
- Multiplayer and co-op (LAN or hotseat) support
- Support for creating your own exciting scenarios, maps and campaigns
- A large, dedicated community of fans and modders

Developed as an open source game since 2003 by a group of volunteer developers with support from the community, we're finally hoping to release on Steam! As it has always been, the game will be absolutely free, and any updates to the game will be distributed both via Steam and our other distribution channels. We update the game constantly, delivering new features and bug fixes.

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VIP Member

Posts: 29148
Location: The land of beer and porn
PostPosted: Sat, 23rd Jul 2016 12:43    Post subject:
wow this is really old and iirc even freeware game and really loved it back in the days

Also have masssive amount of user-created content upto this point
Sometimes i just want to see NFOHUMP burn \o/
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Posts: 5086

PostPosted: Sat, 23rd Jul 2016 17:44    Post subject:
prudislav wrote:
wow this is really old and iirc even freeware game and really loved it back in the days

Also have masssive amount of user-created content upto this point

Same spent a lot of time playing this great game.
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Posts: 3537

PostPosted: Sun, 24th Jul 2016 04:03    Post subject:
It's open source, multi platform, and free for the last 13 years. Why add it to steam? I'll just keep getting it from where I usually do. Smile
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VIP Member

Posts: 24883
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Sun, 24th Jul 2016 05:00    Post subject:
To introduce it to other people is my guess.

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Bob Barnsen

Posts: 31974
Location: Germoney
PostPosted: Sun, 24th Jul 2016 12:47    Post subject:
^ Yep.

And don't forget that the Steam release will be completely free too.
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Posts: 2685

PostPosted: Sun, 24th Jul 2016 13:01    Post subject:
Hmm, never heard of this before, sounds like my cup of tea. I'll try it out when time permits.
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Bob Barnsen

Posts: 31974
Location: Germoney
PostPosted: Wed, 2nd May 2018 17:17    Post subject:

Enthoo Evolv ATX TG // Asus Prime x370 // Ryzen 1700 // Gainward GTX 1080 // 16GB DDR4-3200
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