Vivendi May Be Looking To Sell Activision-Blizzard
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PostPosted: Fri, 8th Jun 2012 00:24    Post subject: Vivendi May Be Looking To Sell Activision-Blizzard
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PostPosted: Fri, 8th Jun 2012 00:30    Post subject:
EA should buy it. get bioware to work on a new call of duty, with leveling up, dialogue wheels and gay sex for all.

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PostPosted: Fri, 8th Jun 2012 00:44    Post subject:
well cod mania is slowing down.. might be good to reduce the stake in the company
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PostPosted: Sat, 9th Jun 2012 14:33    Post subject:
chiv wrote:
EA should buy it. get bioware to work on a new call of duty, with leveling up, dialogue wheels and gay sex for all.

its not one publisher buying another one lol. I doubt EA has the assets to even buy Activision-Blizzard lol.

If its sold, then its just some other holding company that will take it over as a money making asset.
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PostPosted: Sat, 30th Jun 2012 05:33    Post subject:

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PostPosted: Sat, 30th Jun 2012 05:34    Post subject:
I just hope ea doesn't buy them

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PostPosted: Sat, 30th Jun 2012 05:46    Post subject:
god i hope ea buys em , that would be like the ultimate revenge on blizz >_<
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PostPosted: Sat, 30th Jun 2012 06:03    Post subject:
MEGAtexture wrote:
god i hope ea buys em , that would be like the ultimate revenge on blizz >_<


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PostPosted: Sat, 30th Jun 2012 08:05    Post subject:
axeleration wrote:
well cod mania is slowing down

Yeeeah right Cool Face I can already see the breaking news. "Black Ops 2 establishes new record of sales, all entertainment media included".
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PostPosted: Tue, 23rd Jul 2013 08:29    Post subject:
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PostPosted: Tue, 23rd Jul 2013 09:55    Post subject:
chiv wrote:
EA should buy it. get bioware to work on a new call of duty, with leveling up, dialogue wheels and gay sex for all.


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Posts: 8028
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PostPosted: Fri, 26th Jul 2013 06:39    Post subject:
Activision Blizzard, the world’s biggest video game publisher, has a reached an $8.2 billion deal to separate from Vivendi and become an independent company.

Activision Blizzard will buy about 429 million of its shares shares and certain tax attributes from Vivendi for roughly $5.83 billion in cash, or $13.60 a share, the company said. In addition, Robert A. Kotick, 50, the chief executive, and Brian Kelly, the co-chairman, are leading a group in buying about 172 million shares of the company from Vivendi for about $2.34 billion.

Vivendi will retain a stake of about 12 percent, or 83 million shares, in Activision Blizzard, the company said. Mr. Kotick will continue to lead the company and Mr. Kelly will become the sole chairman, according to the terms of the deal.

The transactions are a “tremendous opportunity” for Activision Blizzard, the maker of popular game franchises like Call of Duty, World of Warcraft and Diablo, Mr. Kotick said in a statement.

The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. The good things don’t always soften the bad things, but vice versa, the bad things don’t always spoil the good things and make them unimportant.
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PostPosted: Fri, 26th Jul 2013 09:19    Post subject:
what could possibly go wrong..

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Posts: 2860

PostPosted: Fri, 26th Jul 2013 10:14    Post subject:
from my pov, looks a bit staged. i doubt that anyone else had a fair chance to buy.
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Posts: 24322
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PostPosted: Fri, 26th Jul 2013 10:19    Post subject:
fair chance to buy ? What the hell does that even mean lol.
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PostPosted: Fri, 26th Jul 2013 10:22    Post subject:
i mean for example if ea wanted and had the $, they would have been rejected.
the only acceptable deal, was that :

"Activision Blizzard, the world’s biggest video game publisher, has a reached an $8.2 billion deal to separate from Vivendi and become an independent company. "
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Posts: 24322
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PostPosted: Fri, 26th Jul 2013 10:26    Post subject:
And what's wrong about that ?
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Posts: 1804

PostPosted: Fri, 26th Jul 2013 10:27    Post subject:
Vivendi is cashing out. With wow and call of duty activision has made the company an insane amount of money, but it is near to impossible to sustain that (Titan will never equal wow money wise). Shareholders want growth, so they dump the company stripping it from its money. Activion-blizzard probably will struggle for a couple of years and deciline as a company under a burden of high debts after this buyout.
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Posts: 2860

PostPosted: Fri, 26th Jul 2013 10:29    Post subject:
Sin317 wrote:
And what's wrong about that ?

absolutely nothing. was a reply for people who said that ea should buy them. if i added a quote, we could have skipped those reply's Smile.
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Posts: 24322
Location: Geneva
PostPosted: Fri, 26th Jul 2013 10:31    Post subject:
fair enough. By the way i'm not sure if EA could have actually bought Activision Blizzard (doubting they have the spare cash to begin with), mainly because of all those monopoly laws etc.

And @friketje , yeah right ...
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Posts: 23010
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PostPosted: Fri, 26th Jul 2013 10:47    Post subject:
yeah, lets all pretend we know companies finances based on how much we like the company.
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Posts: 3453
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PostPosted: Fri, 26th Jul 2013 10:55    Post subject:

Not had enough coffee yet to sift through this myself, but it looks interesting. Very Happy

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Posts: 2860

PostPosted: Fri, 26th Jul 2013 13:17    Post subject:
Stormwolf wrote:
yeah, lets all pretend we know companies finances based on how much we like the company.

or hate Razz

numbers are pretty much public, Pixieking gave the link. if noone cares to check them until monday, will do it myself.
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Posts: 6102

PostPosted: Fri, 26th Jul 2013 13:58    Post subject:
Just as expected, on some articles (in comments) people confuse Activison Blizzard with Blizzard Entertainment.
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Posts: 14714

PostPosted: Fri, 26th Jul 2013 13:59    Post subject:
Maybe because:

Blizzard Entertainment, Inc.
Type: Subsidiary of Activision Blizzard

PC: Yes. Console: No.
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Posts: 6102

PostPosted: Fri, 26th Jul 2013 14:55    Post subject:
In the context of the subject they have nothing to do with Activision-Blizzard destiny. The latter is just holding company and that's all, BE still independent and self-sufficient and they could care less about AB, really.
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PostPosted: Fri, 26th Jul 2013 15:00    Post subject:
frogster wrote:

"Activision Blizzard, the world’s biggest video game publisher, has a reached an $8.2 billion deal to separate from Vivendi and become an independent company. "

"Now we are indie, motherfuckers!" Reaction
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Posts: 487

PostPosted: Sat, 27th Jul 2013 02:34    Post subject:
There have been a few of these sort of corporate unwindings lately. The motives are usually pretty multi-faceted for example in the US if old oblamblam keeps his promise not to print any more money (aka quantitive easing which was great for richfellas who got unlimted access to cheap money but lousy for the 99% who copped the inflationary result) interest rates will undoubtedly rise - meaning servicing the capital Vivendi borrowed will get expensive particularly if they are on the wrong side of a Euro USD exchange since the USD is already strengthening following the drop off in QE.

Typically this sort of restructuring also involves jettisoning a huge tax liability which will have been deferred until just such an occasion arose. Meaning activision blizzard is never gonna have to pay for the benefits they received from things like 'smart' workers thanks to state subsidised education costs or state funded transport infrastructure & the myriad other costs a mega-corp makes on a the thousands of communities around the world it feeds off.

This may be the same sort of stroke englanders saw pulled with their car manufacturers a few years back -the company has reached that stage in its 'cycle' where costs are gonna exceed income for the foreseeable future. All the corporation is gonna be good for is providing unwanted/un-needed competition for the investors' other concerns. If won't make them money but it could cost them money as it throws good money after bad tryin to regain market share.

The best outcome for investors is to load the entity up with as many liabilities as they can then pay a few wise asses big money to lead bigs mobs of dumbasses off into 'a new dawn'.
The wise-asses who will be well compensated for their actions will pretend to be developing new strategies all the while milking the entity for any value that is left before shooting through in 18 to 24 months.

By then alla the dumbasses (unpaid workers,pension funds contingent liabilities etc, plus governments waiting for taxes due & other unsecured mugs) will collapse in a heap of wailing & teeth gnashing - activison blizzard goes down the gurgler and the original owners come back and grab all the IP they can at a cent on the dollar in a fire sale now that all the IP has been shaken free of any liability thanks to bankruptcy .

Much later if focus groups show that there are growing expressions of residual nostalgia for 'the brand' the whole cycle of loot n pillage may be started up again.

ahh the joys of global capitalism - so it goes.
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Posts: 1994

PostPosted: Sat, 27th Jul 2013 03:19    Post subject:
da fuck, ? activision-blizzard is still global company, it didn't became some 20 people smallish company to avoid some taxes and bs you are going on, vivendi wanted to sell them for at least 2 years, there was noone that could afford them thought
vivendi werent giving them money, vivendi was taking it away, not sure how you guys come to conclusions that company which just spent 8,8 bln to buy its freedom from money shark will go bankrupt "soonish" blizzard and altter activision blizzard were completely independent companies with no vivendi influence over them apart paying dividends and portion of profits to vivendi ,
nothing will change at all, well apart the fact that they wont be giving money away anymore
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Posts: 6102

PostPosted: Sat, 27th Jul 2013 04:48    Post subject:
prudislav wrote:
frogster wrote:

"Activision Blizzard, the world’s biggest video game publisher, has a reached an $8.2 billion deal to separate from Vivendi and become an independent company. "

"Now we are indie, motherfuckers!" :react:

Yeah, indie publisher
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